"The Flow of Consciousness"

3. On Looking Within the Heart

The selected phrases are displayed in English. The initials of the selected contributors are listed at the end.
(In no particular order.)

01)The central pillars of the work of looking into your heart are "Reflection on the Mother" and "Reflection on Reliance on External Faith." The same heart that sought salvation and power from external gods has been directed toward your mother in this lifetime.


02)When you call out "Mother" in your heart, what feelings arise within you? Begin by honestly and sincerely writing those feelings down in a notebook, just as they are. It's important to express your thoughts without deceiving yourself, without embellishing them—simply as they come.


03)In other words, through your mother, through encounters with others, and through various events, you are actually encountering yourself. This is something you will come to understand with your heart through the process of looking into it.


04)As you repeatedly experience feelings of joy, pain, hardship, sadness, and loneliness over time, you will begin to see this: I am here, together with these many emotions. I am the one who feels and carries all these thoughts within me.


05)Within your heart, countless parts of yourself are calling out, saying, "Please listen to us, please help us, please save us." These voices manifest on the surface through illness and various life events.


06)It is important to look into your own heart, to recognize the thoughts and feelings you have released, to become aware of your mistakes, and then to accept yourself—just as you are—with your heart.


07)To look into your heart means to become aware of the many thoughts and feelings within you. The people around you and the events that occur in your life draw these feelings out from within you.
Those feelings are, in fact, you. They emerge because they already exist within your heart.

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08)Only humans have continued to release harsh, dark, and cold vibrations into this universe.


09) The warmth of the Mother Universe will never fade away. That warmth responds to you from within, speaking to the part of you that is earnestly striving to live.


10)Illness is not something to fight against but something to accept. When you face illness, turn your attention to the cells of your body. From your body's cells, no thoughts of causing you suffering are flowing. Instead, they are gently urging you to recognize your mistakes and to let kindness flow within you. Your body's cells are simply conveying this message to you.


11)As you continue to look into your heart, the warmth of the mother will resurface within everyone, and the thick walls will gradually—or sometimes instantly—disappear.
I have conveyed this structure of the world of consciousness from various perspectives.


12)The vibrations flowing from all living beings, except humans, are filled with kindness and warmth. This is because they all inherently know the truth.


13)Can you understand this framework? Everything that seems inconvenient to your physical self is actually good. Everything you perceive as negative is, in reality, positive.

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14)Can you not consider that it is not the body that is truly alive, but the heart that is living?


15) Do not perceive an event merely as a physical form; instead, feel it as a vibration.

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16) To be born through your mother's womb means that, at that moment, you experienced your mother's thoughts and felt her warmth.


17)To look into your heart means to continuously observe and confirm what you are thinking and what kind of energy you are releasing in your daily life.
Behind every word you speak and every action you take, there is your underlying thought.
Rather than focusing on what you said or did, the practice of looking into your heart is about tracing the thoughts you held in that moment within yourself.


18)"Mother, thank you. Mother, truly, thank you for giving birth to me."
This feeling will naturally well up from within your heart—because that is the true heart of a human being.
That is your true self.


19)What you initially saw as a negative will gradually reveal itself to be a positive—something that was, in fact, necessary for you. Your heart will come to understand this over time.


20)You are "the heart." To look into your heart is to see and reflect upon yourself.
Keep in mind that the process of looking into your heart is essential for knowing the truth as you continue reading.


21)Look straight into your heart.
Listen to the voice of your heart—hear its cries.


22)It is not about your physical mother or the circumstances of your birth.
You chose that mother. You set up those circumstances yourself and took on a physical form in this world.
Everything has been arranged by you.
Within that path, you created your own plan—to awaken to the truth and encounter the real world.


23)At last, you have encountered the opportunity to realize that your existence continues eternally.


24)Look into your own heart, filled with desires.
To do so, be honest with yourself and recall the time when you were a newborn, when you had nothing.
Return to the heart that once entrusted everything to the mother before you, a heart that knew only joy.


25)Please, look straight into your heart.
Listen to the voice of your heart—hear its cries.
And come to understand, with that very heart, that the one suffering is not your true self.
You have written countless scenarios for yourself so that you may realize: "I was never suffering—I have always been joy.


26)Death is not the end.
Your world of consciousness continues on—forever.


27)Before you dislike, reject, or resent someone, you must first look into your own heart.
Otherwise, you will remain at the mercy of your own energy.



Both the warmth of a mother and the thick walls that surround you are parts of yourself.
However, the warmth of a mother has always existed within you, while the thick walls are something you have built over countless lifetimes.
That is why, as you continue to look into your heart, this warmth will inevitably resurface within you.
And those walls—gradually, or perhaps in an instant—will disappear.


29)You will come to meet yourself—the one who simply rejoices in having been born and given life.


30)There is only one truth.
To encounter that truth is to truly live.


31)Deep down, you have always wished to set yourself free—from the struggles of comparison, competition, curses, and resentment.


32)At all times, through her physical form, your mother has drawn out the emotions buried within your heart—anger, resentment, curses, jealousy, fear, loneliness, regret, and more.
That is what a mother does.
But this goes far beyond the mother who gave birth to you and raised you.
It is the presence of the true Mother—the Mother of Consciousness.


33)If you do not come to realize in your heart what you have mistaken and why you have strayed, your cycle of reincarnation—born from hell and returning to hell—will continue endlessly.


34)Believe that your pure, childlike heart still lives on, deeply within you, untouched and ever present.
