"The Flow of Consciousness"


The selected phrases are displayed in English. The initials of the selected contributors are listed at the end.
(In no particular order.)

01)Suffering is love.
And it is you, who are suffering, that is mistaken.
Please, awaken to the truth.
I will continue to send these words, this vibration, to you—eternally.


02)To walk the path of true joy and happiness, one must encounter the world of truth—
that is, the vibration of Albert, the world of Albert.
Without this encounter, it is impossible.
Let me emphasize this one final time.
Living with Albert—this is the true path, the flow of consciousness.


03)Messages will continue to reach us—through various events, through the many challenges and issues that arise in society.


04)I have met a true friend of the heart.
Feeling within me the joy of reuniting 250 years from now, I reaffirm our journey together from this moment forward.
My heart is filled with nothing but gratitude—thank you, thank you.


05)Living with Albert—this is the true path, the flow of consciousness.
The scenario you have written for yourself, to encounter the world of Albert, will now unfold before your eyes.
Please, follow that scenario and come to meet me—Albert.
I am waiting for you, within you.

(TS) (ST)(YK)(YN)(NH)(JK)(MK)(MN)(CK)(NH)(SS)(MY)(MY)(KT)(MF)(KY)(NA)

06)May this lifetime be the one where you begin to feel the flow of consciousness within your heart.


07)The world within my heart is joy.
I am simply returning to this world of joy.


08)I wish to part with all of you with a smile.
Let my words and my thoughts remain in your hearts—'Let us meet again 250 years from now.'
With that promise of reunion, I want to say farewell with a smile.

(SK) (EK)(KM)(IG)

09)Please take the time to reflect on yourself with ease.
Why were you born? Why will you one day pass away?
I sincerely hope that you spend your days continually asking your heart these simple yet profound questions.


10)This lifetime, lived in a foolish physical form—
And yet, I have been given the most profoundly joyful and blessed life.


11)The one holding you back is none other than yourself.


12)My heart is filled with nothing but gratitude—thank you, thank you.
I embrace the profound beauty of both the physical and the world of consciousness within my heart.
All of this was an inevitability within the flow of consciousness.


13)In Albert's world, there is no 'one more time' or 'more and more.'
Albert's world is only joy.
There is no need to long for another chance or to desire more—because joy simply is.
Everything exists within a world of joy, and so such thoughts do not arise.


14)In this lifetime, I am a consciousness that has come to convey the vibration of Albert.
And now, I have been able to clearly express this truth in this form.
After countless reincarnations in pursuit of awakening, I have finally reached the realization of truth.
Being able to share this with you now fills my heart with profound joy.
