
Why were you born?
What is the purpose of this present time?
Do you know your true self?
What does your existence mean?
Do you know what state you will be in after you die?

Everyone, let’s gather. Let’s gather within the circle of UTA.
Those who have a physical form and those who don’t; our friends in space. Everyone, let’s return together to love, our true home inside our heart.

( Translated by Akiko Otsuki )



Do you practice meditation to turn your heart to the universe and think of the universe?
I am very happy when I only think of the universe. Thankful feelings resonate in my heart. I am really joyful as I have my thoughts trying to return to mother’s warmth and my joyful self from the darkness continuously wrong and crazed. The joyful invitation stirs up joy. Consequently the physical world will collapse. The voice and thoughts almost screaming, what the true lives are, swirl around in the total breakdown. It is the time from now to find our true natures.
The physical world collapses but it is the beginning. It is the beginning toward the truth. Let us learn to realize our true natures in the final stage of three dimensional world and take off together.
It is joyful departure. Let us go forward into joy and warmth.
It was the study planned to have physical beings for us who have no physical forms and realize our true natures in three dimensional world.
We have received the message through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike as it becomes a little more now. Let us respond to the call and invitation from the flow of consciousness and go through this lifetime and some more transmigrations and definitely meet in the final stage.

It is the country of Amateras, Japan. More Amateras awakens to the true world within, more the country collapses. It is joyful. It has begun from the awakening of Amateras. It is the revolution of universe. The dark universe explodes with joy.
Finally the exit of long dark tunnel comes in the sight. The battling universe will cease soon. The revolution of universe will proceed further with explosive joy as we meet our true thoughts that have awaited it from the hearts. Nobody can stop the flow. Our thoughts will fit into one and move forward in the conscious and vibrational world.
We had the meeting in this lifetime. We appreciate it from our hearts. We were conveyed straight the thoughts that was awaited. It was gentle mother’s warmth asking to come home. It has finally reached into our resistive hearts.

( Translated by Ichitaro Makimura )


*igo, non-lingual sounds
The igo, non-lingual sounds, is neither Japanese nor English, nor is it any other language; it is a cosmic language, so to speak. The igo is the language of vibrations that awaken feelings of nostalgia. I react to these vibrations, the rhythm of the igo. The more I react to the igo the more receptive I become. Try to make a sound with your mouth, just try it. Something like the igo will come out without you knowing it.
There is no exact language to the igo – however you react and receive it is acceptable.

( Kayo Shiokawa / Translated by Hideo Watanabe)


To walk straight and earnestly on the straight path return to love, that is the only joy. Do not focus on the physical matter too much, but live toward the accomplishment of what we have decided and vowed to do.
It is tough, but I feel an indescribable kindness, joy, and comfort. Thank you for clearly telling us the reason for our existence.

Expand the joy and happiness of being together, walking together deep and wide in your heart.

Direct and align the needle of your heart, and think straight. Just think without thinking about anything else. Receive the vibrations that clearly resonate and are felt in your heart.

The path of joy and happiness is already clearly indicated. It is the joy and happiness that you can see and feel in your heart, and calmly walk that path.

Thank you so much, Taike Tomekichi and Albert. Thank you, mother. I will expand space more and more in my heart.

3642)The only true joy is to keep walking the path that leads us straight and wholeheartedly back to love. We must moderate our focus on worldly matters and live towards realizing the promises and resolutions we’ve made. Though the journey may be tough, there is an indescribable warmth, joy, and peace that come with it.

I am deeply grateful for the clarity with which the purpose of our existence has been communicated. Let’s expand the joy and happiness of being together, walking together, and living together in our hearts.

Align your heart, focus it, and just think sincerely. Simply hold those thoughts, and you will receive the certainty of the vibrations that resonate and reach you.

The path of joy and happiness has already been clearly shown. It is a great joy and blessing to see it within our hearts, to feel it, and to walk it with calm determination.

Ah, truly, I am deeply thankful to Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and to my mother. Thank you. I will continue to expand the universe within my heart.

It is only joy to proceed on the straight path returning to love eagerly. Let us do moderately in physical world but live to realize what we determined and promised.
I feel indescribable gentleness, joy and peace though it is severe. I appreciate for conveying to me the reason for existence.
Let us spread in hearts deeply and widely to exist, go and live together.
Please turn and tune your heart’s pointer and think straight. Please just think of it and accept the firm vibration conveyed and resonated in heart.
The path toward joy and happiness has already been indicated. It is joy and happiness to see and feel it in heart and go on the path calmly.
I really thank you, Tomekichi Taike, Albert. I thank you, mother. I will spread the universe in my heart more.
It is our only joy to proceed straight and single-mindedly with the only measures that will revive love as leading part to our consciousness. Let's really deal with the matters concerning the physical body in moderation and live in such a way that we can realize what our consciousness has decided and pledged to do.
We take those measures are strict, but feel an indescribable sense of tenderness, joy and peace in them. We are grateful for that the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi clearly communicated the reason for the existence of our consciousness.
Let us spread into our consciousness the joy and happiness that our consciousness is with his consciousness and continues to exist with his consciousness deeply and widely.
Let's make sure that there is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in our consciousness, and contemplate it straightly. Let's contemplate only his consciousness. Let's accept the vibrations that are surely echoing and transmitted to our consciousness.
The measures that bring joy and happiness are already clearly pointed out to us. It is a joy and happiness for our consciousness to be able to carry out them indifferently, while confirming that our consciousness has the measures.
Oh, I am really grateful for the consciousness of Taike Toemekichi or Albert. We are grateful for our mothers. We will expand more and more the primordial consciousness of the universe in our consciousness.

There might be differences but a decline in physical strength and energy is unavoidable when aging. Although you may not be full of energy, pile up a day feeling and getting to know yourself with happy feelings. Spend the time together with space within you. 

Expand your feelings of joy and thankfulness, and I believe this is a happy life with a physical form.

If you continue to meditate on Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and space of mother, you will begin to see changes in the way you see, think, and feel without knowing it, and you will begin to feel that you have been living and existing in a different direction for a long time.

You will be convinced that you must have been suffering, and you will be able to think that you should live more easily and honestly. You begin to know within you how to live and exist without being swept away by the flow of the physical world. And when you decide to move yourself in this direction, the resistive forces within you will cry out. At the same time, the joy and happiness of having that resistance on your side increases. In such a way, please work on the transformation within you. Let’s rejoice in the present time when we can do so.

3641)I believe there are individual differences, but as we age, the decline in physical and mental energy is inevitable. Even if we can’t always be brimming with vitality, let’s strive to spend each day feeling good and in a pleasant mood, continuously deepening our self-awareness. Let us pass through time together with the universe within ourselves.

Expanding the feeling of joy and gratitude, of saying 'I'm happy, thank you,' I believe that is the essence of a happy life and the time we have in a physical body.

By continuing meditation on Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and the Mother Universe, without realizing it, changes will begin to occur in the way we perceive, think, and feel. Gradually, we’ll start to realize, 'Ah, I’ve been living and existing in a completely different direction.'

We will begin to understand that we must have been suffering, and we’ll feel, 'Let’s live more easily, let’s live more honestly.' We come to know within ourselves how to live and exist in the flow of the world without being swept away by it. And when we feel we want to move ourselves in this direction, the forces of resistance within us cry out. At the same time, the joy and happiness of making those forces our allies grows within us.

So, strive toward transformation within yourself. Let’s rejoice in the present moment, where this is possible.

The weakening of physical and mental strength is inevitable when we get older though there is individual difference. Let us repeat the days to feel and learn of ourselves cheerfully in a good mood even if we are not fresh or lively.
We spread joyful and thankful feelings. I think, it is happy life and time with the physical being.
We begin to feel that we have lived and existed in the different direction as our perspectives and ways of thoughts change unknowingly when we continue to practice meditation thinking of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother universe.
We understand it should be suffering, think to live more comfortably and honestly. We learn within us how to live and exist uninfluenced in the flow of world. The resistance force within us cries when we think of going to such direction. Joy and happiness to make the resistance force as ally increase simultaneously. Please strive to change within you. Let us rejoice the present time to do it.
Although there are individual differences, as people get older, a decline in physical and mental fitness is unavoidable. Let's go through each day in a good mood, if not in a full of energy, and feel and know what state of our current consciousness. Let's go through time with the primordial consciousness of the universe within our consciousness.
I believe that expanding the feeling of "I'm so happy, thank you" into our consciousness leads to a happy life, that is, happy time to dwell in a physical body.
If we continue to meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the consciousness of Mother Universe, it will unknowingly change the way we see, think and think of, and we will begin to feel that "Oh I have continued to live and exist in a wrong direction for so long."
We agree that our consciousness must have suffered, and then we will try to live more easily and honestly. We will see within our consciousness how to live and exist without being swept along with the flow of the world. And if we want to advance our consciousness in "oh this direction," the resistance forces in our consciousness will cry out "No." At the same time, we can make the joy and happiness of having those forces of resistance on our side magnify. Let us, in this way, strive for transformation of our consciousness. Let us rejoice in the present moment when we can do that.

We have jumped out from our true selves and have existed far away from there. The true self that has been telling us to “come back. I am waiting for you” from the beginning.

Our hearts that have been betraying us. If you meditate and direct your thoughts, you will meet such yourself and many yourselves. You will realize that you have existed while cursing yourself. It is truly indescribable. All the more, and that is why it is truly amazing that now we can say thank you to ourselves.

Think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert, and think of space. Direct and align the needle of our hearts. You will truly and sincerely feel and know that you have prepared for an amazing time.

Please look straight at the world of yourself that has been coated in, sunk in, and dirty by the physical form. You can emerge from it, and release the pitch-darkness with joy and gratitude. Please see the world of yourself that is not a physical form, that is vibration and energy, and let it clearly show in your heart

3640)We have strayed far from our true selves. Yet, our true selves have been telling us from the beginning to return, waiting for us. Our hearts have continued to betray ourselves. Through meditation, by directing our thoughts inward, we encounter those many versions of ourselves. We come to realize that we’ve existed while cursing ourselves. It's truly indescribable. Precisely because of this, the fact that now, in this moment, we can say "thank you" to ourselves is truly remarkable.

Let us think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert, and think of the universe. Let’s align and direct the needle of our hearts. We will come to deeply feel and understand from the bottom of our hearts that we have prepared such an incredible time for ourselves.

Look straight at the world of yourself that was immersed in the physical, drowned in the physical, and dirtied by the physical. From there, you can rise, releasing the pitch darkness with joy and gratitude. Envision clearly in your heart the world of yourself that is not physical, the self of vibration and energy.

We have dashed out of our true selves and come far away. It was our true selves who have conveyed from the beginning to come back as we are awaited.
It was hearts that we have betrayed ourselves. We meet such many selves when we turn our thoughts and practice meditation. We learn that we have sent damn out and existed. We can say nothing. Hence the present time is great as we can say thanks to ourselves.
Let us think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and universe. Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers. We will feel and learn in hearts that we have provided the great time.
Please look straight at your world that was covered, stained and sunken in physical world. We can emerge from there and release the darkness joyfully and thankfully. Please reflect in your heart clearly your non-physical world, yourself of vibration and energy.
We have weakened and estranged our true self that is in our consciousness. Our true self has continued to convey to such our consciousness from the beginning that our consciousness should regain the true self and that it is waiting for the regain.
Our consciousness has continued to betray our true self. If we meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and turn our own consciousness towards his consciousness, we will see many such ourselves have done it. We will see that our consciousness has existed while saying "Damn it." Our consciousness can say no excuse whatsoever for our true self. For that reason alone, no, that is why it is truly amazing that our consciousness can now say and tell our true self "thank you."
Let us contemplate the consciousness of Taike Toemkichi or Albert and the primordial consciousness of the universe. Let us turn our consciousness to that consciousness and make our consciousness the same as that consciousness. Then we will feel and realize from the bottom of our consciousness that our consciousness has prepared a wonderful time for itself.
Let's look straight into the world of our own consciousness, which was coated, sunken and polluted by the perception that our essence was the body. Yet, our consciousness can emerge from such a world, and it can release the pitch darkness by the assistance of joy and gratitude. Let's clearly mark in our consciousness the perception that our essence is consciousness, vibrations and energy, not the perception that the body is our essence.

I hope that the number of people who seriously continue to meditate thinking of space straight with joy increases more and more. There is nothing there. You are just happy to think of space, that's all. As you do this, you will get to know that you are foolish and helpless, but you are also happy and grateful to be able to direct your thoughts to it, and you can't tell you how amazing this time is, and how blessed and accepted you are to be able to direct your thoughts to it. There are no words, just happy, thank you, and sorry repeated over and over.

If you could have as much time as possible to have such physical form, it would be a happy life. That is what life should be. A life that improves, to be proud of, and to be satisfied with the physical form was not a life. I truly got to know that I had prepared the physical form for myself in order to encounter what I am with my heart and deepen it. That thought makes me have a physical form for myself one more time. With the last physical form, I have already set the magnificent stage to be able to move forward with space.

3639)I hope that more and more people will earnestly and joyfully continue the meditation of thinking about the universe. There is nothing there—just the joy of thinking about the universe. That's all. As you continue, you come to realize your own foolishness and helplessness, but even that realization brings joy and gratitude. You deeply feel how incredible this moment is, that you are able to direct your thoughts and how blessed and accepted you are. It's indescribable. There are no words, only repeated feelings of joy, gratitude, and apology.

If one could spend as much time as possible in this state while living in a physical body, it would lead to a truly happy life. That’s what it’s all about. A life spent elevating, taking pride in, and indulging the body is not truly a life. I have come to understand from the bottom of my heart that I prepared this body for myself in order to truly encounter and deepen my understanding of who I am. That thought will bring me once again into a physical body. The grand stage has already been set, where I will use my final body to walk forward together with the universe.

I hope that more people continue to seriously practice meditation thinking of universe. There is nothing but joy just to think of universe. That is it. I learn of my stupid hopeless self but it is joyful and thankful. It is indescribable as I feel keenly how much I am favored and accepted and how great it is the present time when I can turn my thoughts. I have no word. My joyful, thankful and apologetic feelings repeat continually.
It will become happy physical life if I have such physical time as much as possible. That was it. It was not life that I improve, show off and satisfy my physical being. I have learned in my heart that I have provided my physical being in order to meet in my heart what I really am and deepen it. Such thoughts will give me the physical being once again. The grand stage has already been completed to utilize my last physical being and go forward together with universe.
I hope that the number of people who continue to meditate seriously, straightforwardly and joyfully on the consciousness that brought about our universe will gradually increase. There is not any intention in that meditation. I am simply happy to think of the consciousness that brought about our universe. When I do that, I come to know that my current consciousness is stupid and helpless, but I feel happy and grateful for that, and I also feel how great the time is now when I can turn my thoughts to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and how blessedly my consciousness is accepted, which I cannot describe. My consciousness will repeat to say, "I'm happy, thank you, sorry," without any word.
If I can spend as much time as possible like that while my consciousness is dwelling in a body, my consciousness will experience a happy life. The truth is such. My consciousness has truly realized that the true life my consciousness should strive for is not increase the prestige, pride and satisfaction of the body in which my consciousness dwells. My consciousness has also realized that it had planned to dwell in one body in order to really find the answer to what my existence is all about in my consciousness and to strengthen that conviction. My consciousness has a plan to dwell once again in one body with such thoughts. Using the last opportunity for my consciousness to dwell in a physical body, a grand stage setting has already been set for my consciousness to be able to continue existing with the primordial consciousness of the universe in my consciousness.

Although it is described as far away, space is not something that we think of as being far away. Space is within us now, and has been with us from the beginning. It is truly a joy and an amazing thing to be able to confirm our existence in our hearts now while having a physical form.

How amazing it is, if you think of space and just think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert, it will resonate in your heart more and more. You will firmly realize in your heart how foolish it is to have expressed yourself in the tiny physical world, how foolish it is to cling to God and Buddha and pray to seek salvation.

Make this life a turning point, a starting point, and overturn the direction of your thought from the foundation. The time limit is approaching. Check yourself and your thoughts. Let’s walk together with our true self.

3638)It is expressed as distant, far away, and in the far reaches of the universe, but the universe is not something to be thought of as far away. The universe exists within us, now, and has been with us from the very beginning. To be able to confirm the existence of such a self, even while having a physical body, is truly a joyous and incredible thing.

As you contemplate how incredible it really is, and as you simply think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert while contemplating the universe, it will resonate more and more deeply within your heart.

You will clearly understand how foolish it was to express yourself within the tiny, material world, how foolish it was to cling to gods and Buddhas, join hands in prayer, seek salvation, and offer prayers. You will realize how much you have been belittling yourself.

Let this lifetime truly be a turning point, a new starting point, and overturn the very foundation of where you direct your thoughts. The deadline for postponement is approaching. Confirm yourself and your own thoughts. Walk together with your true self.

Universe is not far away and thought though I describe it far away. Universe has existed within us. We were together with universe from the beginning. It is joyful and great to confirm our such beings with our physical beings.
How great is it? It will resonate in hearts when we think of universe and just Tomekichi Taike, Albert. It will be learned within us how stupid it is to show off ourselves in small physical world, how much we taunt ourselves to cling to God, Buddha, seek and pray for saving.
Let us make this lifetime the turning, starting point and turn over the direction of thoughts fundamentally. Grace period is approaching. Please confirm your thoughts and go forward together with your true self.
I describe the "universe" as far away, but in fact it is not as far away as we think. The "universe" has been in our consciousness from the beginning until now. It is really nice and amazing that we can now confirm that our consciousness is such a being, while our consciousness is dwelling in a physical body.
If we simply think of the primordial consciousness of the universe and simply think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, how amazing it is will resonate more and more in our consciousness. How foolish it is to have expressed our false self in the tiny world of form, how foolish it is to cling to God and Buddha, to put our hands together for them and pray for salvation, how foolish these actions to taunt our true self are, our consciousness should come to understand those clearly.
Let's make this lifetime a real turning point or starting point and radically change the object to which we turn our consciousness. The grace period is almost over. Let's check what state our current consciousness is in. Let us go on existing while having our true self in our consciousness.

Work hard to establish the central pillar. In this lifetime, when we have been told to walk directly the straight path to return to love, truly cherish the present moment and ourselves. Each of you might have already realized in your heart, but the message from the flow of consciousness will show us in our hearts, which are far away from our true selves, in the right direction, the direction in which we are supposed to live.

The flow of consciousness is the flow that clearly tells us that the way we have lived, the way we have thought, the way we have existed, everything was wrong and crazed.

The world of consciousness is about to move even bigger and bigger, deeper and deeper and wider and wider. The universe will move, and it will move with joy. Let’s accept that we continue to live in the vibrations with thank you and joy firmly in our hearts.
3637)Strive to establish your core. You have been clearly told to walk the single path that leads back to love. Let us cherish the present moment in this life and truly value our own existence. Each of you likely feels it in your hearts, but the messages from the flow of consciousness are accelerating, guiding our hearts, which have strayed far from our true selves, towards the correct direction—the way we are meant to live.

The flow of consciousness is telling us clearly how our ways of living, thinking, and being have all gone astray and become distorted.

We are entering a time when the world of consciousness will move ever more profoundly, expansively, and deeply. The universe is moving forward, and it moves with joy. Let us embrace in our hearts, with gratitude and joy, the fact that we continue to live within this vibration.

Please strive to establish the core. Let us care about the present time that we were conveyed straight to go on the straight path returning to love and exist caring about ourselves. The message from the flow of consciousness becomes faster and indicates the right direction to live in our hearts that have departed far away from our true selves.
It is the flow of consciousness that conveys clearly that our way of life, thoughts and existence were wrong and derailed.
We will meet the time that the conscious world moves more greatly, deeply and widely. The universe will move joyfully. Let us accept in hearts thankfully and joyfully that we continually live in the world of vibration.
Let us strive to establish the most vital recognition that our essence is consciousness. Let us exist while cherishing this time of life when we are told to implement measures straightly to bring love back into our consciousness and cherishing our true self who tells us so.
I think each consciousness feels the messages come from the stream of consciousness, but these messages will point the original and correct way of being of the consciousness, even faster and faster, to our consciousness that has moved further away from our true self.
A stream of consciousness is one that clearly tells us that all the standards that our consciousness sets for living, thinking and being have gone wrong and gone crazy.
The world of consciousness is going to move even bigger, deeper and wider. Our universe-like consciousness will move from now with joy. Let us firmly accept with gratitude and with joy that our consciousness continues to exist in the vibrations.

We were the ones that could feel and understand in our hearts. Let’s revive the world of ourselves that is joyful and warm in our hearts, and become the ones who can tell ourselves straight that we are happy existence.

Accomplish the thought that you have let a physical form, have it prepared, and that you have decided to get to know in your heart what true happiness is.

The cry that crawled up from the depths of suffering was an earnest desire to return to the warmth, to return to your mother. You have accepted it. You have received your cry and have settled your direction firmly and properly. You have realized that you have been in the wrong. You can trust yourself who is kind, warm, and honest. Check each of these things in your heart, and calmly walk on the straight path to return to joy and love.
3636)Let us be the kind of people who feel with our hearts and come to understand with our hearts. Let us become beings who can straightforwardly convey, 'We are our joyful selves, our warm selves, and have revived the world of joy and warmth within us, and we are truly happy.

With the physical form we've been given, let us realize the resolve we made to understand within ourselves what true happiness is.

The cry that clawed its way up from the depths of suffering was a deep yearning to return to warmth, to return to the embrace of our mother. You are accepting it, aren't you? You are sincerely receiving that deep yearning, your own cry, and have firmly set your direction. You’ve reached the conclusion that you’ve been mistaken, haven’t you? Now, you can believe in your kind, warm, and genuine self. Let’s steadily confirm everything within us, and calmly walk the single path that leads back to joy and love.
It was us who can feel and learn in hearts. Let us become the physical beings that reawaken to the world of joyful and warm selves in hearts and convey straight that we are happy selves.
Please realize your determined thoughts to learn within you what the true happiness is as you were given your physical being provided.
The shout crawled up from the depth of suffering was earnest wish to return to warmth and mother. You should have accepted your earnest wish and shout straight and determined your direction firmly. You should have achieved the result that you were wrong. You should be able to believe in your gentle, warm and honest self. Let us confirm one by one within you and go forward calmly on the straight path returning to joy and love.
Our consciousness is an entity that can understand by feeling. Let us revive the world of joy and warmth in our consciousness and be able to express straight away, even in form of body, that we are happy.
Let us make our consciousness utilize the opportunity given by our true self to have a form of physical body to dwell in and realize its determination to know what true happiness is.
The cry that our consciousness uttered when it crawled up from the depths of suffering came from a earnest wish to return to the warmth and the Mother. Your consciousness has already agreed with it,hasn't it? Your consciousness has taken the cry of earnest desire straightly and firmly set it in the right direction to go, hasn't it? Your consciousness has gotten results that it has made the wrong? Can you believe that your consciousness is tender and warm? Let us check each of these things by our consciousness and implement unaffectedly the only measures that can restore joy and love to our consciousness.

Thank you so much for being given birth. It is such a present time that I can feel happy for being born in a true sense. I have prepared such a present life.

Countless reincarnations. Whatever incarnation it was, it was the same. It was everything that I was brought out to this world with a physical form. However, once we have a physical form, such thoughts are blown away. The thought that the physical form was the real stood in the way.

So, now that I have a physical form, I can think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert without thinking of anything else, and I can direct and align my heart toward them. “How amazing!” resonates in my heart. This was everything. This was all I needed. The thoughts that my true self has been longing for are expanding in my heart, and I am having a time of “Yes, yes! This is it, this is it!”.

Taike Tomekichi, Albert. Albert. Mother. Thank you, thank you. I am happy to be able to say thank you. Everything was in my heart.
3635)Thank you so much for the gift of life. I am now in a place where I can truly rejoice in having been born. I have prepared for this very life. Countless reincarnations—no matter what form they took, the fact that we were given physical bodies to enter this world was everything. However, once we take on a physical form, those feelings vanish. The thought that 'the physical body is me' stands in the way.

That is why now, having a physical body and being able to think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert, to direct my heart toward them without any other thoughts, is such an extraordinary time. It resonates deep in my heart. 'Ah, this is how it was meant to be. This alone was enough.' The things my true self had longed for, those feelings, are spreading throughout my heart, and I am given the time to repeatedly say, 'Yes, this is it! This is it!'

Taike Tomekichi, Albert. Albert. Mother. Thank you, thank you. I am happy and blessed to be able to express my gratitude. Everything was within my heart."

Let me know if you'd like to make any changes!

I thank you for giving me birth. It is the present time for me to rejoice my birth. I have provided such lifetime.
I had numerous transmigrations. It was so though whatever transmigration it was. It was all that I was delivered with my physical being in this world. However, such thoughts are blown off when I have my physical being. My thoughts as physical being have confronted.
Hence it is conveyed and resonated in my heart, how wonderful it is the present time when I have my physical being, think, turn and tune my heart to Tomekichi Taike, Albert without any thought. It was good enough. It was only good. I have the time thinking that was it as the earnest wish and thought of my true self spread in my heart.
I thank you Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother. I am happy and joyful to be able to convey my appreciation. Everything was in my heart.
I am so grateful to have received a physical body in which my consciousness dwells in. I can now truly rejoice that I was born. My consciousness planned by itself to obtain such a reincarnation in this life.
My consciousness has had countless incarnations in the past. Whatever those incarnations were, they were originally supposed to be joyful and grateful.
The gratitude and joy are all in the fact that my consciousness have been put out in this world by dwelling in a physical body. But once my consciousness took a chance to dwell in the form of a physical body, my consciousness blew away such gratitude and joy. That is because that the perception that our essence was the body stood in the way of gratitude and joy.
So now, while my consciousness is dwelling in a physical body, it is a fact that my consciousness becomes able to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, without any desire, and direct my consciousness towards that consciousness and match the nature of my consciousness with one of that consciousness. This conveys to my consciousness resonating how it is amazing. Oh it is good for my consciousness to have done this. It is good even only to have done this. The things and thoughts that my true self has craved for has spread more and more into my consciousness, and it is time to realize, "Ah, this was the right thing to do, this is what my consciousness should have done."
Thank you very much, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, my mother's consciousness. I am happy and happy to be able to say thank you for them. It is a fact that everything is in our consciousness from the beginning.

A world of thoughts that never change and never fade away. A world of thoughts filled with joy, happiness, and warmth. You continue to live in such a world. Direct and align your heart's needle toward it firmly.” The call and the invitation continue, no matter what.

You can either direct your heart toward it or reject it. To live with the physical form as the truth is to reject it. Our suffering was that we could not understand or realize this easily.

That is why the physical world is going to demolish the forms from various angles. It is an urge from the inside to try to free ourselves from suffering and our own mistakes. We are trying to demolish the world we have created by ourselves. This is the firm proof that love exists.

Encounter your true self and thoughts more and more. And expand the joy and happiness of knowing yourself in your heart.

3634)A world of unchanging, unfading thoughts. A world filled with joy, happiness, and warmth. I continue to live within such a world. Steady your heart's compass and align it carefully. The invitation and call continue on, no matter the circumstances or the state you are in. You either turn your heart toward it or block it. To live viewing the physical and the form as reality means you are blocking it. The source of our suffering was that we couldn't understand or realize this. That is why the physical, tangible world begins to crumble in various ways. It is an encouragement, emerging from our attempts to free ourselves from suffering and our mistakes. We are trying to dismantle the world we created ourselves. Ah, this is the undeniable proof that love truly exists. Let’s continue to encounter our true selves and thoughts more and more. And let’s expand the joy and happiness of discovering who we are in our hearts.

Let me know if you'd like any adjustments!

“It is unchanged and fadeless world of thoughts. It is the world filled with joy, happiness and warmth. You live in such world. Please turn and tune your heart’s pointer firmly.” The lead and call continue no matter what kind of time and circumstance.
It is whether we turn our hearts or block it. It is blocking it to live in the physical world as true. We had our sufferings as we could not learn or realize it.
Hence, the physical world will ruin its form variously. It is encouragement from within for us to release ourselves from our wrongness. We are going to ruin by ourselves our world created by us. It is the clear proof that love exists.
Let us meet our such aspects and thoughts. Let us spread in hearts joy and happiness to learn of ourselves.
"By thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, our consciousness continues to remain in a world that never changes, never fades. A world caused by that hope is full of joy, happiness and warmth. Our consciousness continues to exist in such a world. Turn your consciousness firmly to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and try to match its nature with his consciousness." No matter state our consciousness is in, these calls and invitations always continue.
Our choice is either to turn our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or to prevent it.
To live with the perception that our physical bodies and forms are our essence is to prevent us from turning our consciousness towards that of Taike Tomekichi. The cause of our suffering is caused by that we cannot easily understand or realize the above reason.
So the world in which we recognize the body and form as our essence will collapse from many places. This is the prompting of our true self to free our consciousness from suffering and to correct our wrong perceptions. We are trying by ourselves to collapse the world that our own consciousness has created by itself. Ah, this is the sure proof that love really exists in our consciousness.
Let us meet more and more of this nature and our thoughts, which belong to our consciousness. And let us spread the feeling of joy and happiness of knowing what state our current consciousness is in into our current consciousness.

The thought of happiness is yours. And the thought of pain is also yours. It’s no one’s but yours. Everything happens in the world of yours. And you were the one who made those things happen. No one wants to fall into the depths of suffering. But as a result, everyone made themselves do so. We didn't know, didn’t understand the reason for a long, long time. Each one of us needs to know and honestly admit that we were like that and still repeating such things is our reality, and then completely change the direction in which we look and think.

This life was for that purpose. Let's truly cherish this life, this time, for ourselves, and that I mean for space, and let’s know and learn about ourselves straightforwardly with thank you.

Reliance or greed does not work at all. It's hard to know that, and it's hard to realize that. If you really believe that you are doing your best, you already have the result. Results, that is the story of the world of consciousness. It is not the result that you can see in the physical world. You may think it's kind of vague and hard to understand, but that's what my heart is telling me.


3633)The feeling of happiness is mine. And the feeling of suffering is also mine. They belong to no one else. All of them are events in my own world. And I was the one who caused these events. No one wishes to descend into the depths of suffering, yet, in the end, everyone has done this to themselves. For a long time, we didn’t understand why, or we refused to try to understand. That was who we were, and even now, we continue to repeat these patterns in our reality. Each of us needs to recognize this within ourselves, honestly accept it, and change the direction of our focus and thoughts fundamentally.

This is what this lifetime is for. Let’s cherish this lifetime, the present moment, and view it as something important for ourselves, which means, in turn, as something important for the universe. Let us move forward with gratitude, learning about ourselves and earnestly engaging in that learning.

Reliance on external forces and desires will not work at all. This is something we struggle to understand and realize. If you truly believe you are doing your best, the results are already there. Those results pertain to the world of consciousness. They are not the outcomes perceived by the physical body or the visible world. It might feel vague and hard to understand, but that’s what my heart tells me.


Happy feeling is mine. Painful feeling is also mine. It is nobody else’s. Those all are the events in my own world. It is also me who occur those events. Nobody wishes to fall into the depth of suffering. However, everybody did it consequently. We did not know it or did not want to know it for a long time. We have to learn and admit that we were and still are such selves who still repeat it in reality and change fundamentally the direction to aim and turn our thoughts.
This lifetime was for it. Let us learn of ourselves straight and thankfully caring about the present time for us and also for universe.
Outer power and greed do not work at all. We cannot learn or realize it. The result should have been available if we really think to do the best. It is the result that is the matter in conscious world. It is not the result in physical world or visible matter. It may be vague and incomprehensible but is conveyed from my heart.
Both the thought that I am happy and the thought that I am suffering are what my consciousness feels. These thoughts belong to my consciousness itself and no one else's. All of them are happening in my own consciousness. And it is my consciousness that makes these events happen. No one's consciousness is willing to fall into the depths of suffering. But everyone's consciousness has done so as a result. Our consciousness has not known why for a long, long time and has not wanted to know. Our consciousness has maintained such a state and continues to do so, and it is our own reality of our consciousness. Our consciousness needs to realize and honestly acknowledge this and radically change the target object to turn our consciousness towards.
Our consciousness has this lifetime to do that. Let our consciousness, that is, our universe-like consciousness cherish this lifetime, and let it go straight to knowing and learning about our own current consciousness with gratitude.
Our dependence on forces other than ourselves and our greed do not help our consciousness to carry it out at all. Our consciousness has not well understood or realized that. If we are really convinced that we have worked hard, we would have already seen good results. The results here are the results in the world of consciousness, not the results in the world where we take the body is our essence or the world where we think or see. You might think it's kind of vague and unintelligible, but my consciousness tells me so.

The time having a physical form goes by so quickly. Keep the rhythm of your life a regular routine as possible. No matter how busy you are, cherish your earnest desire within you, and always look at yourself by returning to the starting point.

Starting point. It is essential to always return to the place where “why you were born and what is the purpose of the present time”, and live your life steadily and sincerely.

It is not easy to reflect the truth to a heart that has been flowing by, coated with, and sunk into the physical world, but if you close your eyes and direct and align your heart needle, you will touch your own thoughts that are waiting for you to choose such a way of life and existence.

Trust and believe in it, and firmly fulfill the turn the direction of your life.

Unite thoughts from your heart that have been longing for, and the thoughts that have always been waiting for you and believing in you, and return to our original world that is filled with joy, happiness, and warmth

3632)It is a time with flesh that passes in the blink of an eye. Let’s try to maintain a steady rhythm in life. No matter how busy we are, it’s important to cherish the deep desires within us and always return to our roots to reflect on ourselves.
The roots. Always go back to the question of why you were born and what you are here to do, and live earnestly and diligently without faltering.
It’s not easy to reflect the truth onto a heart that has been led, tainted, and sunk by the flesh, but if you close your eyes and align your heart’s needle, you will touch that desire within you that longs for a way of life, a way of being, that you have been waiting for.
Believe in this, and with unwavering faith, make a firm change in your direction.
Let’s return to the world of your true self, overflowing with joy, happiness, and warmth, by uniting the heartfelt desire you’ve been longing for with the desire that has always responded to you, waited for you, trusted in you, and patiently awaited you.

(※This translation conveys the reflective and spiritual tone of the original message.)

It is the time with physical being that passes away instantly. Let us have the rhythm in life consistently. Let us look at ourselves caring about our earnest wishes within us no matter how much we are busy.
It is the starting point. It is important to get back to the reason why we were born, what the present time is for and live persistently and sincerely.
We meet our awaiting thoughts to choose such life and existing style when we close the eyes, turn and tune our heart’s pointers though it is difficult to reflect the truth in our hearts that were covered and have sunken in the physical world.
Let us believe in it and perform the turnaround firmly.
Let us unite firmly the awaiting thoughts in heart with the thoughts that have awaited and believed in it and return to our true world filled with joy happiness and warmth.
The time for consciousness to dwell in the physical body passes quickly. Let us lead a life as regular as possible. No matter how busy we are, let us cherish the earnest hope within our consciousness, always go back to the starting point and observe our current consciousness. 
Our consciousness has a common goal at the starting point. It is vital that we always return to the starting point of why our consciousness has dwelled in the body and what we should do now, and live unrelentingly and sincerely.
It is not easy to make our consciousness, which has been depressed because it has been carried away by the perception that our essence is the body and has clung to that perception, realize the true perception that our essence is consciousness. However, if we close our eyes and turn our consciousness towards the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and make the nature of our consciousness the same as his consciousness, we will be in touch with our hope within our own consciousness that is waiting for our consciousness to select the true way of being. 
Let us strongly believe that such a hope comes true and firmly fulfil the alteration of our way of being.
Let's bring back the world of our true self, which is full of happiness and warmth, into our current consciousness, by perfectly matching the hope that our current consciousness has been waiting for with the hope of our true self, who has always responded to that hope, believed in it and waited for it.

The vibrations echoing and expanding in my heart. It is the joy and happiness to think of Albert, to be able to call out Albert.

I have arranged everything for this. I came out to this world in this life with a firm determination to meet the vibrations of Albert. I always check my own thoughts, and then I will leave from my present physical form.

I will continue to invite and call, "Together with Albert" with Albert. It was what I have longed for with all my heart. I have longed with all my heart to return to my homeland, my true self. Finally, at last, the time has come for me to expand this desire in my heart as a reality. Nothing is happier and more joyful than this. I have been torturing myself with the thought that a physical form was real. Everything was what I have done. I can feel it so firmly from my heart that has touched the vibrations of Albert. Thank you, thank you so much!

3631)The vibrations that resonate and spread within my heart. The joy and happiness of thinking about Albert, of being able to call his name.
I have arranged everything. I came into this life with firm resolve in order to meet Albert’s vibration. I constantly affirm this desire within myself, and I will complete this life in the flesh.
Together with Albert, together with Albert—I will continue this invitation and call within myself. It is something I have longed for from the bottom of my heart. I have deeply desired to return to my true home, to return to myself. Finally, at long last, the time has come where I can expand this desire in my heart and make it a reality. There is nothing more joyous and blissful than this.
In the thoughts where I considered myself to be only flesh, I brought suffering upon myself. It was all me, entirely me. This is conveyed so clearly from the heart that has touched Albert’s vibrations. Thank you, truly, thank you.

(※This translation preserves the emotional depth and spiritual reflection present in the original)

It is the vibration resonating and spreading in heart. It is happy and joyful to think and call Albert. Everything was provided. I have determined and was born to mee the vibration of Albert in this lifetime. I will always confirm my thoughts and end the physical life in this lifetime.
I will continue within me to call and lead to be together with Albert. It was what I wished earnestly in my heart. I wished earnestly to return to the homeland within me. I could finally meet the time to spread my thoughts as real. Nothing is happier or more joyful than it. I have made me painful in the thoughts of physical being as myself. Those all were caused by me. It is conveyed to me from the heart that has met the vibration of Albert. Thank you. I really thank you.
There is a vibration that resonates and spreads through my heart. It is a joy and a happiness to be able to recall and evoke those vibrations, Albert's consciousness.
My consciousness has arranged and set everything in place. I came into this life determined to meet Albert's vibrations. At any time, at any moment, I confirm that determination and will end this physical life.
I will continue to call and urge to spread Albert's consciousness into my own consciousness. This has been something my own consciousness has longed for. I have longed for the restoration of my true self, the consciousness of origin, in my consciousness. I have finally reached a time when I can finally expand this determination into my consciousness as a reality. I have never been so happy and joyful. I have tormented my own consciousness with the perception that my essence was the physical body. The responsibility for this lay entirely in my own consciousness. Those things have been firmly transmitted to my consciousness by having touched Albert's vibrations. Thank you so much, Albert's Consciousness.

To think of, to be able to think of, is the joy of directing and aligning my heart. There is only one joy. This joy is the only truth. That is what to think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. I am really glad. I am really grateful. I am really happy to have this life.

There is nothing difficult. Simple is good. The joy of entrusting and being able to entrust everything is Taike Tomekichi and Albert. I have been given countless opportunities to reincarnate. I have been sinking into the depth of pitch-darkness, but I have finally fulfilled my promise to myself. Thank you so much. In the joy and happiness of direction and aligning my heart, I am grateful for my foolishness that let me know through my physical form, and it is my determination to take further steps forward.

I am just glad and happy for that step. I don't need anything. Everything is arranged as planned. Thank you for the flow of consciousness.

3630)To think and to be able to think—this is the joy of aligning our hearts. There is only one joy. This joy alone is the truth. To think of Taikei Tomekichi and Albert is to experience this. I am truly happy. I am truly grateful to have been able to meet this lifetime.

There is no need for anything complicated. Simple is enough. The joy of entrusting everything, of being able to entrust everything—that is Taikei Tomekichi and Albert. I have been given countless opportunities to reincarnate. Although I had sunk into total darkness, I have finally fulfilled my promise to myself. I am truly grateful.

In the joy and happiness of aligning my heart, I gratefully accept the foolishness within me that I come to realize through my physical self, and I am determined to take further steps forward. I feel nothing but joy and happiness in these steps. I need nothing. Everything is arranged just as it was planned. I am thankful for the flow of consciousness.

It is joy to turn and tune the heart that I think and can think. Joy is only one. Such joy is only the truth. It is how to think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert. It is so joyful and good. I am so joyful to meet this lifetime.
I need nothing difficult. It is good enough to be simple. Joy to be able to leave everything is Tomekichi Taike, Albert. I was given numerous opportunities of transmigrations. I could finally fulfill the promise with myself though I have sunken into darkness. I really thank you. It is my determination to accept thankfully my stupidity conveyed through my physical being and step forward in joy and happiness to turn and tune my heart. I feel happy and joyful for such step. I need nothing. Everything is provided as planned. I appreciate for the flow of consciousness.
The fact that we think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and we are in a situation where this is possible means that it is a joy to turn our consciousness towards his consciousness and to make our nature of consciousness the same as his consciousness. True joy is only one. This joy is the only truth. That's what it means to think about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. We are really happy. We are really glad. We are really happy that our consciousness have incarnated in this life.
Our consciousness does not need to do anything difficult. Our consciousness just needs to exist in a simple way. It is a joy to be able to leave everything to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. Our consciousness has had countless opportunities for reincarnation. Our consciousness had sunk into total darkness, but it has finally fulfilled our promise to our true self. We are truly grateful. While feeling the joy and happiness of turning our consciousness towards the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and making the nature of our consciousness the same as his, gratefully accepting that we can realize the folly of our current consciousness through the body in which our consciousness dwells, we have determined to move forward with measures that will make our consciousness more filled with love.
It is just happy and happy for our consciousness to implement that measure. Our consciousness doesn't need anything special. Everything is in place as planned. Our consciousness is grateful for the stream of consciousness.

“Get to know you that is honest and gentle.” I finally came to know mother's thoughts that repeatedly brought me into this world, and believe it through my present physical form. That was right. That was truly right. And, this was told to me even more directly and powerfully through the physical form of Tomekichi Taike in this life. It was such a happy and blessed carnation. I can clearly understand that I would never be able to emerge without this life. It clearly and firmly tells me from within that I have come to this present life with such a firm thought in my heart.

All I should do is to continue to walk on the straight path that I have longed for, the path of returning to love.

Thank you so much, mother and Taike Tomekichi. I am with Albert, and we are the consciousness and energy that walk and live together. I have confirmed this over and over again. I will continue to walk further, holding on to my own thoughts that come from deep in my heart. That is the flow of consciousness.
“Please learn of your honest and gentle self.” I come to learn and believe in mother’s thoughts finally in this lifetime that have repeatedly given me birth. That was right. It was this lifetime that it was conveyed straight firmly through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike. It was such happy and favored transmigration. I know clearly that I cannot emerge if I lose it in this lifetime. It is conveyed clearly from within me that I have met the present time in this lifetime with such hidden thoughts.
I will just go on the path earnestly wished and returning to love.
I really thank you mother and Tomekichi Taike. I am the consciousness and energy to exist, go forward and live with Albert. I have confirmed it many times. I will hold my thoughts conveyed from within my heart and go forward further. It was the flow of consciousness.
"Please realize that your consciousness has honest and tender true self." I can finally realize and believe in the consideration of my mother's consciousness, which had repeatedly brought me into this world with such hope, through my physical body in this life. Yes, it was. The mother's consciousness hoped that my consciousness should do the above. And this was conveyed by Taike Tomekichi's consciousness to my consciousness even more straightforwardly and powerfully in this life through the body in which his consciousness dwelled. I am happy and glad for my consciousness that I can reach this incarnation. It is clear to me that my consciousness really cannot emerge from the darkness if missing the opportunity of this life.
My consciousness tells me clearly and firmly that my consciousness has come to this life with so much determination inside.
What my consciousness just should do is to straightforwardly carry out repeatedly the measures of reviving love into my consciousness, which I have longed.
I am so grateful for the consciousness of my mother and Taike Tomekichi. "My true nature is consciousness and energy that lives and exists with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi." I have confirmed this over and over again. I intend to hold fast to that determination that my consciousness conveys to me, and to repeatedly further implement that measure. That is my measure against the stream of consciousness.

It is the path to return to love, the path we have longed for. It is the straight path. If you feel it in your heart, and if you feel that you are walking that path, then you have a happy life. You should be a witness in your heart.

No matter how much you are satisfied in the physical world, such things are trivial. It's a shadow, but you can't think of it as a shadow. And it is always with emptiness and loneliness forever. Learn yourself from the history of your heart and confirm the thought of “in this life, for sure!”.

Please make sure to expand the joy and happiness of letting your true self revive within you. That is our life in this lifetime. Please check and confirm the promises and resolutions you have made to yourself, and walk the straight path to return to love sincerity and without haste. It is the path of joy and happiness. It was a message that finally reached us in our hearts who have been moving forward on the path of destruction.
It is the path, straight path returning to love and wished by you. It is happy life if you feel and think of it in heart to go on such path. It may be good for you to prove it within you.
It is trivial no matter how much you are satisfied physically. You cannot think of it shadow though it is shadow. It brings along emptiness and loneliness forever. Please learn of yourself from such history in heart and confirm your thoughts aiming this lifetime.
Please spread joy and happiness steadily to reawaken and revive your true self. It is this lifetime for us. Let us confirm the promise and determination of us and go on the straight path returning to love tirelessly and sincerely.
It is the path toward joy and happiness. It was the message finally conveyed into our hearts that have rushed toward the ruin.
We have longed for the measure to bring love back into our consciousness. There is only one way to do it. If we feel that this is the very measure, and if we feel that we are practicing that measure, then we are living a happy life. We just need to prove this in our own consciousness.
No matter how much we may be satisfied with the perception that our essence is the body in which we dwell, such satisfaction is tiny. In that perception, we cannot see that body as a shadow, even though it is really a shadow of our consciousness. And that perception draws our consciousness into emptiness and loneliness forever. Let us learn the reality of our own consciousness from such history of our consciousness and confirm the desire of our consciousness to acquire the right perception in this lifetime.
Let's spread the joy and happiness of with certainty reviving and resurrecting our true self into our consciousness. That is the mission of our consciousness in this life. Let us check our promise and determination with our true self again and again in our consciousness, and practice the only way to regain love into our own consciousness with sincerity, tirelessly and without haste. This measure leads our consciousness to joy and happiness. This message has finally reached our consciousness, which until now has been pushing itself into self-destruction.

Let’s be willing to know ourselves in the environment we are in and make the best use of it. No one has ever lived right, so why don’t you see your own foolish world through your own foolish physical form firmly with each other?

And, think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. Think of space. Our study on the planet Earth will soon come to an end. What will we become after that? What has happened to the energy we had when we landed on Earth? Are you making any progress in the transformation of energy?

Are you fundamentally reevaluating your life and existence?

We are having an amazing time. Let’s look at precisely how to live and our future. We are happy, aren’t we? Let’s direct and align our thoughts.
Let us utilize to learn of ourselves to the utmost joyfully in our present circumstances. Nobody has lived rightly. It may be good for us to look at the world of stupid selves firmly through our stupid physical beings.
Then let us think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and universe. The study on the planet earth will end soon. What shall we do after that. What happened for the energy landed on the earth? Did we proceed the conversion of energy even a little bit.
Do you review within you basically how to live and exist?
We meet the great time now. Let us look at our past and future firmly.
Isn’t it happy and joyful? Let us turn and tune our thoughts.
Let us gladly make the best use of getting to know the state of our current consciousness in the environment in which our consciousness now exists. Since none of our consciousness lived correctly in the past, wouldn't it be better if our consciousness could firmly observe the foolish world of consciousness through our foolish bodies?
And what our consciousness should think of is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. It is the consciousness of the primordial universe. The learning our consciousness does on the planet Earth will soon come to an end. What happens to our consciousness after that? What has our energy happened after our consciousness landed on Earth?  Could our consciousness have advanced the transformation of energy in any way?
Are we fundamentally reviewing in our own consciousness what it means for our consciousness to live and exist?
Our consciousness is now reaching an amazing period. Let us firmly observe the past and the future of our consciousness. It is a joy and happiness for our consciousness to be able to do so. Let us direct our consciousness towards the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and try to make the nature of our consciousness the same as that of his consciousness.

The world of thoughts that each of us has created within ourselves by abandoning our true thoughts. The history of our hearts which has been “I am number one”, has continued to expand and expand without realizing that the world of the self was a world of false thoughts.

The more you direct your heart toward them, the more clearly you will feel that you have piled up such a history of thoughts in your heart.

But on the other hand, you will also clearly understand that it is because of this you are here today. You feel only thank you, don’t you? I can’t find the words. So, I keep saying thank you.

Tell yourself thank you, and look at yourself as much as you can. Make a quick turn of the direction and bring yourself back to the world of your original thoughts. Let go of your ego. You can’t move holding your ego. Expand the joy and happiness of flapping your wings freely and lightly.
It is the world of thoughts that everybody has abandoned the true thoughts and created within each one. I am the best. It is the history in heart that we have expanded without realizing that such own world is world of false thoughts.
Such accumulative history in heart must emerge clearly when you turn your thoughts to it more.
On the other hand, it becomes clear that we have the present time hence.
How about you? We are just thankful. We cannot find the proper word. Hence, we repeat thanks.
Let us convey appreciation to ourselves and look within us to the utmost.
Let us make the turnaround quickly and return ourselves to the world of proper thoughts. We abandon ourselves. We cannot move as long as we hold ourselves. Let us spread joy and happiness to flap freely and lightly.
Our consciousness has abandoned the thoughts of our true self and has created a world of our own thoughts as it pleases. Our consciousness has a history of continually expanding the idea that "I am the best" without any realization that "my world" is a world of the false self.
The more we turn our consciousness towards our true self, the more clearly it will emerge in our own consciousness that it has accumulated such a history of consciousness.
But on the other hand, it also becomes clear that this is why our consciousness now dwells in a physical body. How do you feel about it? We should only be thankful, shouldn't we? We can't find the right words. So we only repeat our gratitude.
Let us express gratitude to the true self and observe our present consciousness as best we can. Let us quickly change the perception to that our essence is not the body but consciousness, and then return the nature of our present consciousness to that of the original consciousness. Let our present consciousness abandon the false self. Our consciousness cannot move with holding the false self within itself. Let us spread into our consciousness the joy and happiness of flapping our wings freely, lightly.

We live in a world where 1+2=3. It is harsh but gentle. This world is the only real world. And it is real gentleness. Its harshness is gentleness. A heart covered with a physical form never understands this. We can’t understand the real. Our heart has created a dreadful world where real is not real.

We were told to direct and align our heart’s needle in the right direction. It was truly an amazing thing. We were really grateful for that. If you don’t know how to do that, you won’t be able to raise yourself out of pitch-black darkness. You can’t.

Suffering continues until you understand with your heart that you are living in a world where 1+2=3. It is because we are love. We tell ourselves that only love exists. We are truly grateful. We are glad. We are happy. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for letting us have a physical form and inviting us to the world of true vibrations. Thank you so much to ourselves.
I live in the world of 1+2=3. It is severe but gentle. This world was only the true world. It was true gentleness. Its severeness was gentleness. It is not understood in the heart covered by physical world. We have created in our hearts the terrible world that normal things become abnormal.
It has conveyed to me to turn and tune my heart’s pointer to the right direction. It was so great and thankful. I cannot emerge from the darkness unless I learn to do it.
The sufferings continue until I learn living in the world of 1+2=3. Because it is love. I convey to myself that only love exists. It is so thankful, joyful and happy. I really appreciate it. I really appreciate for giving me physical being and leading me to the world of true vibration. I thank myself.
Our consciousness exists in a world where "1 + 2 = 3." That world is strict but kind for our consciousness. This world is the only true world. Only this world has true kindness. The strictness leads to kindness. Our consciousness can never clearly understand this thing if our consciousness is attached to the body. Our consciousness cannot understand why this obvious thing is obvious. Our consciousness has created a truly frightening world in which what is taken for granted no longer comes through as normal.
The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi told us about the importance of directing our consciousness towards the right object and of bringing the properties of our consciousness same as the right object. It was a great thing. It was really gratifying. If our consciousness does not know that, we can never emerge our consciousness from total darkness.
The suffering continues until we realize that our consciousness exists in the world of "1 + 2 = 3." This is because our consciousness has love. Our true self tells our consciousness that only love exists in our world of consciousness. We are really grateful for this for our consciousness. We are glad and happy. We are really grateful. Our consciousness is so grateful for getting the opportunity to know the world of true vibrations by dwelling in the physical body. We are grateful. We are grateful for my true self.

I close my eyes and think of quietly. I think of a world where thank you is expanding. I feel grateful for being here.

“I will believe in myself that is honest and gentle. I wanted to return here. I wanted to go back here”. I got to know the joy and appreciation of having a physical form for the first time in this life.

I expand my heart that exists with my true self and think of space. Space. I wanted to call it to my heart. It was space that I have missed so much. I have spent so much time fighting and I have lost my true self, but It was foolish of me to think so.

My true self has been here from the beginning. When I think of space, call for space honestly and straight, the world that expands in my heart has been always here. That is why I am happy. I am happy. I think of space. I think of space in my heart. I feel nostology. It was mother. It was space of mother. I knew me who can truly think of from my heart. Thank you. Thank you for believing in me and waiting for me.
I close my eyes and think calmly. I think of the world that thankful feelings spread. I think of it joyfully to be here.
“Let me believe in my honest and gentle self. I wanted to go back and return here.” I have leaned joy and appreciation for the first time to have had my physical being in this lifetime.
I spread in my heart to be with my true self and think of universe. Universe. I really wanted to call it in my heart. It is longing universe. It was my stupid self who has thought that I have lost my true self in the continual battle.
My true self has always been here. The spreading world in heart has always been here when I call and think of universe straight honestly. Hence, I am happy and joyful. I think of universe in my heart. It was longing mother and mother universe. I have learned myself to think of it from heart. I thank you for believing and waiting for me.
I close my eyes and silently think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. I think of the world of my consciousness, where gratitude spreads. I am glad that my consciousness exists in this way.
"Let's believe that our consciousness is honest and tender to our true self. I wished to restore this nature back into my consciousness." And, for the first time in this life, I knew the joy and gratitude of dwelling in a physical body, which I did not know in my past lives.
I work to make it infiltrate into my own consciousness that my true self is in my consciousness, and think of the primordial consciousness of the universe. There has been originally nothing but one primordial consciousness of the universe. I really wanted to recall it into my current consciousness. The primordial consciousness of the universe is so nostalgic to our consciousness. I used to think that my consciousness has lost sight of its true self because it has fought all time, but it was the foolishness of my consciousness that made it think so.
My true self has been in my consciousness all along. If we honestly and straightforwardly think and call upon the primordial consciousness of the universe, there has been all along that world which expands in our consciousness. So I am glad. I am happy. I think of the primordial consciousness of the universe in my consciousness. I feel it nostalgic same as my mother's consciousness. It is the consciousness of the Mother Universe. I have known that I can think of my true self in my consciousness. I am grateful for the primordial consciousness of the universe. This is because that consciousness believes in my consciousness and waits for my consciousness to regain that consciousness.

“Walk together”,” Together, together”- the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi told the vibrations through his physical form. “Return to me. Come back to me. Believing in me is the only path of joy.” He is telling straight to us.

What it means to believe in me, and what it means to walk together, will be felt from each of our hearts.

We are living here with a physical form now in order to learn such a world of consciousness, vibrations. We have prepared various environments.

We have prepared more than enough to look inside our hearts and get to know us, that is to know the energies we have emitted.

Get to know and understand the true meaning of the thoughts that made us have a physical form, and accept the present moment when having a physical form just with gratitude.

Then, “Walk together”, “Together, together”, and” Return to me. Come back to me. Believe in me the only path of joy”. Receive not words, but vibrations.
The consciousness of Tomekichi Taike has conveyed through the physical being the vibration as “Step forward together” and “Together, together.” “Return to me. It is only the joyful path to believe in me.” It conveys to me straight.
What is believing in me? What is going forward together? It will be conveyed from within each heart.
We all have the physical beings and live here now in order to learn such world of consciousness and vibration. We have provided various circumstances for us.
We have provided enough to learn of us and the energy radiated by us through looking within our hearts.
Let us learn in our hearts the true meaning of having given us the physical beings and accept the present time with our physical beings. Please do it.
“Go forward together.” “Together, together.” “Please return to me. It is only the joyful path to believe in me.” Let us accept the vibration instead of words.
"Let's go forward with me. Let's go all." The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi conveyed this to our consciousness through the physical body in which his consciousness dwelled. "Please restore your consciousness to its original nature. Let it do so. Only to believe in me will enable you to find true joy," his consciousness is still telling our consciousness straight away.
What it means to "believe in me, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi" and what it means to "go forward with me, his consciousness" these answers can be found in each of our consciousness.
In order to learn about such a world of consciousness and vibrations, our consciousness is now living there by dwelling in each body. Our consciousness has prepared various environments for itself.
Our consciousness has set up an environment more than sufficient for itself to observe within our own consciousness and to know the current state of our consciousness, i.e. the nature of the energy emitted by our consciousness.
Let us know and understand the true reason why our consciousness decided to dwell in a physical body, and be grateful that we are now dwelling in a physical body. We should do so.
And, "Let us go forward together, let us do it together. Let us restore our consciousness to its original nature. Our consciousness should do so. The only measure that will bring joy to our consciousness is to believe in the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi." Let our consciousness not understand these only in words, but correctly accept these by the vibrations.

Unbound by anything and just exist within joy, warmth, and comfort. That is our true nature. We have had a physical form many times to try to return to the original world of ourselves. However, the reality was that we became farther away from our original self each time we had a physical form. It is also true that this reality weighs heavily on us and it is difficult to release ourselves from it and emerge, but it is not impossible. Because there was an encounter in this lifetime. It was so much more than that. It was amazing to have come to this lifetime, this moment.

I know some are not aware of this, but once you feel the thought from your heart, it will resonate in everyone’s heart that this was truly so.
If you feel it, all you can say is thank you. You will feel thank you who sunk into the depth of pitch-black darkness. Accept such a world of thoughts firmly and correct your steps and the direction.
It is our nature that is not bound by anything but in joy, warmth and peace. We had our physical beings many times in order to return to our true world. However, it was our fact that we came away from our nature whenever we had our physical beings. It is also fact that such fact weighs heavily and is difficult to release ourselves but is not impossible. It is because we had the meeting in this lifetime. It was so much. It was great for us to meet the present time in this lifetime.
There may people who have less knowledge about it. However, it resonates in heart of everybody that it was true when one feels the thoughts in heart.
There is only thankful feeling when we feel it. Let us accept the world of thought and consciousness firmly that thankful feeling is conveyed to ourselves sunken in darkness and correct the direction of path.
Our consciousness is not bound by anything, but exists with maintaining only joy, warmth and ease within itself. That is our true nature. Our consciousness has many times dwelled in the body in an attempt to regain its original nature into itself. However, the reality is that each time our consciousness dwelled in a body, its nature became much further different from the original nature of our consciousness. It is also a reality that it is difficult to let our consciousness free and emerge from that pressure, because that reality weighs so heavily on our consciousness. But it is by no means impossible. The reason for this is that our consciousness has had the opportunity to meet the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in this lifetime. That encounter played such a big role as to let our consciousness try to change its nature. It was amazing that our consciousness had the opportunity to incarnate in this life and get this situation.
Some people may weakly recognize it, but if they feel that their consciousness desperately wants it, it will resonate in everyone's consciousness that it is really the case.
If our consciousness can sense this, we have nothing but gratitude. Let us clearly realize that the feeling of gratitude can be transmitted to our current consciousness that has sunk into total darkness in our world of thoughts or consciousness, and then let us correct the measures we should take in our consciousness.

Live simply. Try to live simply. In other words, exist gently to yourself endlessly.

To be able to get to know your true self, not your false self, and to be able to believe in that true self, that is to live gently and simply, and that is the only path of joy.

You may have already received it in your heart. Are you receiving it firmly and clearly?

Do not hold on to the shadow of suffering anymore, and release yourself. And, face yourself from now on just with thank you. Thank you will bring you thank you, and you will lead yourself to a world of joy, happiness, and warmth. You don’t need anything. All you need to do is just look inside your heart, feel it firmly, and meet your true self.

Get on our original track honestly and sincerely. Can you see the guidepost that says,” This way!”? Look at it carefully. Move your steps in that direction.
Let us live simply. In other words, let us be gentle to ourselves and live gently.
It is joyful path for us to learn our true selves instead of our false selves, believe in our true selves and live gently and simply.
It should have reached into your heart. Do you receive it firmly and clearly?
Let us do not grab the shadow of sufferings but release ourselves. Let us face ourselves thankfully from now on. Appreciation calls on appreciation and leads to happy, joyful and warm world. We need nothing. It is good enough to look within, feel and meet our true selves.
Let us get on the right track honestly and sincerely. Do you see the guidepost to this way? Please look at it firmly and step forward to that direction.
Let's live simply. Let our consciousness exist in a simple way. To put this in other words, let us exist to be as gentle as possible to our current consciousness.
To be able to know our true self but not our false self, and to believe in that true self, is to live gently and simply, and that is the only way to joy.
I believe our consciousness has already received it. But I doubt our consciousness has received it firmly and clearly.
Let's release the suffering created by our shadows from our current consciousness, without holding it any longer. And let us face our future consciousness with only gratitude. The more our consciousness is grateful, the bigger its gratitude becomes, which in turn allows our consciousness to guide itself into a world of joy, happiness and warmth. For this our consciousness does not need anything special. We just need to examine and feel carefully what state is in our current consciousness, and find our true self in our current consciousness.
Let our consciousness follow the original way of being with honesty and sincerity. Let us confirm whether our consciousness is able to keep seeing the signpost that is instructing us that this direction is right. Let us hold it firmly.
Let our consciousness follow the directions of the signpost to advance its way of being.


What do you think of and can think of? Where does your heart direct to and do you know the direction of your heart to settle? Do you encounter with your true self? Are you living with the thoughts of your true self? Beyond these questions, do you really believe in Taike Tomekichi? Do you believe in with pure belief, not with greed?

Ask yourself from various directions and always confirm the direction of your heart’s needle.

Make this lifetime a turning point, for sure. Make your physical time when you can change the direction of your life quickly and surely. We will have a time of upheaval. Never neglect to prepare your heart, and face yourself with joy and gratitude. Never fail to get together in the final period. Fulfill the promises from the past, and the promises of this life.

What do you and can you think? Where does your heart turn to? Do you know and fix the direction of heart? How about the meeting with your true self? Do you live with your true thoughts? It is whether you really believe in Tomekichi Taike that lies ahead of those questions. Do you believe in purely straight instead of greed in physical world.
It is required to ask yourself variously and always confirm the direction of heart’s pointer.
Let us really make this lifetime the turning point. Please have your time with physical being to make the turnaround surely and immediately. We provide the turbulence time. Let us prepare in our hearts without fail and face ourselves joyfully and thankfully. Please gather at the final stage. Please fulfill the promise from your past and in this lifetime.
What do you try to think of and what can you think of? What do you direct your present consciousness towards? Do you know and decide the right object to which you should direct your present consciousness? Have you been able to meet your true self? Can you live according to the thoughts of your true self? All of these questions include the next: "Do you really believe in the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi? Do you believe in Taike Tomekichi's consciousness straight and purely for your own present consciousness, not for the sake of the body in which you dwell or for the sake of greed?"
Let us repeat these questions over and over again from different directions to our present consciousness and always check the object to which we turn our consciousness.
Let us make this lifetime truly a turning point for our consciousness. During this lifetime, when our consciousness is in the physical body, let us quickly and surely carry out the change of the perception that "our essence is not the body, but consciousness." The stream of consciousness conveys our consciousness that there is a plan to experience a turbulent time. Let us not neglect to let our present consciousness prepare for that time, but face our present consciousness with joy and gratitude. Let us without fail come together in the final period of this dimension. Let us fulfil the promises that our past consciousness made to our true selves and that our present consciousness made in this lifetime.

Because we are love, because our true self exists in our hearts, if we emit thoughts that are different from love, from our true self, we tell ourselves that they are different. We always tell. We couldn’t receive these thoughts as vibrations, and that has been our suffering.

Therefore, if we don’t know the direction of our heart’s needle, suffering will continue. We can move our bodies and heads in some way, and as a result, we may be able to manage the situation from a physical point of view, but the suffering in our hearts will be the same. We didn’t understand that the foundation of the problem was the same. We have continued to live “I have worked so hard and done my best” and kept getting angry, giving up, and deceiving ourselves by doing short-term things.

We decided in our hearts to stop doing such things, and we came into this world in this life to learn. Let’s firmly recall the thoughts from our hearts, the thoughts of our true selves, and fulfill our encounter with our true selves sincerely and faithfully with joy. Let’s get to know the joy of truly believing in ourselves.
 It conveys to us that it is wrong when we radiate the thoughts that are not love or our true thoughts as we are love and have our true selves in hearts. It conveys to us inevitably. It was our sufferings that we could not receive such thoughts as vibration.
Hence the sufferings continue as long as we do not learn the directions of heart’s pointers. The sufferings in hearts do not change though it may change physically when we work physically and mentally to change it. We did not know that it does not change unless the grass roots are changed. We got angry, despaired and cheated ourselves with the things in front repeatedly though we strived so much.
We have determined to quit it, were given births and met the study. Let us remember such thoughts that are our earnest wishes in hearts and fulfill the meeting with our true selves honestly, truthfully and joyfully. Let us learn joy to believe in ourselves.
Our true self is love and is present in our consciousness, so if our consciousness flows thoughts that are different from love and different from those of our true self, our true self will tell our consciousness that those thoughts are different from those of our true self. It will always tell our present consciousness. Our consciousness has not been able to receive the thoughts conveyed by our true selves as vibrations, and this has brought suffering to our consciousness.
So, as long as our consciousness keeps unknown of the right object to which it directs our thoughts, the suffering of our consciousness continues. Our consciousness manages to overcome the suffering by moving the body in which it dwells or moving the head in an attempt to somehow eliminate the suffering, and in some cases these efforts may be rewarded from the point of form, but the suffering of our consciousness has continued without any change. Our consciousness has been unknown that suffering would not change unless it changed its fundamental way of being to right one. Because our consciousness assumed, "I have worked so hard and tried so hard, but it's not working out the way I want it to," it has always repeated in past lives to get angry, give up, and deceive ourselves from the truth by the immediate future.
The truth is that our consciousness decided to stop any more doing such a wrong way of being and came into this world in this life and was exposed to this learning. Let us really and firmly recall the thought of our true self, that is, our earnest desire, and be honest to our true self and meet our true self joyfully. Let us know the joy of truly believing in our true selves.

Thank you for the encounter in this life. I am always with this thought. The encounter was everything. It was a true encounter. It was a joyful encounter. I will do my best to learn about it in this life and prepare for the show. An encounter that is far beyond the one in this life, and from the encounter, the scenario that the final period of the show would open.

I am truly happy that the flow of consciousness is carried out precisely and does its job.

Oh, I am so happy. Although my physical form is foolish and immature, I could make it because of this. The real energy that makes use of the physical form. The only way to the truth was to feel and expand warm, gentle, strict, and straightforward energy.

Love, the homeland in our hearts, let’s joyfully walk on the path to return to space of mother, our homeland in our hearts.
Thanks for the meeting in this lifetime. I am always with such feelings. It was the meeting even if nothing was there. It was the true meeting, joyful meeting. I will study hard, prepare and approach the real part. It is the meeting not compared with it in this lifetime but the script to open the final stage from the meeting.
I am joyful as the flow of consciousness proceeds the work precisely.
I am so joyful. My physical being is stupid and childish, however I can do it as I have this physical being. It is the true energy that keep the physical being alive. It was the path toward the truth to feel and spread the warm, gentle, sever and straight energy.
Let us go forward on the path returning to love, our homeland in heart and mother universe.
I am grateful to have encountered the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in this life. I always, always remember this gratitude. Even if nothing in particular happens, this encounter is the biggest event. This was an encounter with the entrance of the truth. It was a joyful encounter. I will do the learning that I should achieve in this life, that is, I will do the preparatory work, and then I will go into the real mission in the next life. According to a plan in the stream of consciousness, in the next life, our consciousness will have an encounter that will be incomparably more wonderful than in this life, and start from the encounter the last measures against the final period of the third dimension which our consciousness can stay.
It is just happy for our consciousness that without a minute's deviation, the stream of consciousness will carry out this plan and do its job.
Oh, I am so glad. Our consciousness becomes foolish and childish when it adopts the standards of the body in which it dwells, but it is because it dwells in the body that our consciousness can carry out the above. It is true energy that makes the physical body work usefully. The only way to reach the truth is to feel and expand the warm, gentle, strict and straightforward energy in our consciousness.
Let us gladly take measures to restore love, the origin of consciousness, the origin of our consciousness, the consciousness of Mother Universe, to our consciousness.

“Let’s all get along, unite our hearts, and look in the same direction”. When I think of space, I feel like calling out so. We have all suffered as we have been in the wrong. I have learned that straight, and as I agree so and am really happy, I tell it to myself. Inside myself also respond to it and I am happy to create such a joyful flow within me. If you understand the role and the meaning of the physical form in your heart, you will naturally think to pass through the physical time simply and that will happen.

Live simply. Just see one point and live. Oh, I am so happy. Everything is well-organized. I tell myself over and over again how happy, especially my present physical form is. I keep telling you that we are a happy existence as I am glad to be able to do so.
“Let us be friendly, have one heart and go forward aiming same direction.” I want to call so when I think of universe. We all have made mistakes and were suffered. I have learned it straight and convey it to my inner self joyfully as it is right. I am joyful as my inner self respond to it and make the joyful flow. I think naturally to pass through the time with physical being simply when I learn the meaning and roll of physical being, and it becomes so.
I live simply aiming only one point. I feel happy. Everything is provided. I convey it to myself many times how happy I am with the physical being in this lifetime. I will continue to convey that we are happy beings as I am joyful to do it.
When I think of the vast collection of consciousness that seems to be a universe within my own consciousness, I want to call out to it, "Let the collection of consciousness within my consciousness amicably unite as one, and let it direct its attention to a common object."
In past lives, all in our consciousness have suffered from doing mistakes. We have learnt that straight away, and we are really happy about it, so we tell our own consciousness, "Yes, that's right." We are happy that such a happy cycle that our consciousness responds to it has been finally created in our consciousness. Once our consciousness understands why our consciousness dwells in the body and the role the body plays, we naturally want to spend our time in the body in a concise and simple way, and we will really do that.
To live in a simple way, to live with seeing only one point of consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, oh, it is a real happiness. For our consciousness, there is everything necessary in this life. My true self tells my present self over and over again how happy it is to dwell in a body in this life compared to previous incarnations. I am happy and glad that I can do so, so I keep telling you that we are happy beings.

“Let’s think of space and meditate on it”. I have put this message on my homepage since the beginning. Are you meditating on space?

I do not need to ask you such a thing. If you meditate on Taike Tomekichi and Albert, space will naturally speak to you. To feel space in my heart and expand my heart, and to resonate and echo each other. I am truly grateful for being able to feel such things as a reality by letting myself have a physical form.

Space was full of fighting energy. But “Let’s stop it now and remind the world of our true selves” was the thought that resonated in my heart.

Mother’s warmth told us straight to our foolish selves who had spent so much time fighting. We were told these vibrations through physical Taike Tomekichi.

“Come back to love. We are one”.
“Let us think of universe and practice meditation.” I have posted it in my website from the beginning. How about you? Do you practice meditation thinking of universe?
It is not necessary to be asked. Universe will naturally speak to me when I practice meditation thinking of Tomekichi Taike, Albert. I feel and spread universe in my heart and resonate each other. It is so thankful to have given me physical being and feel it as real in my heart.
Universe was filled with battle energies. It was the thoughts conveyed and resonated in my heart that let us stop it and remember our true world.
It was mother’s warmth that was conveyed straight to us who have been foolishly absorbed in battle. It has conveyed such vibration through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike.
“Please return to love. We are one.”
"Let's meditate on our world of thoughts which is as vast as the universe." I have held this up since the website's inception. How about do you do it? Do you meditate on your universe-like world of thoughts?
I don't need to dare to ask you about that. It is because your universe-like world of thoughts will naturally speak to your own consciousness, if you meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. You should feel and expand your universe-like world of thoughts in your consciousness, and let that world resonate within your consciousness. I am so grateful that I can feel such things as a reality in my consciousness by dwelling in a physical body.
Our universe-like world of thoughts was full of fighting energy. But the thought "Let's stop fighting, let's remember our true world of thoughts" echoed through our consciousness.
The Mother's consciousness conveyed warmth straight to our foolish consciousness, which had been fighting all the time. The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi transmitted to us her vibrations through the physical body, which his consciousness dwelled in.
"Revive the love in your consciousness to its original degree. Our true self is one."

Do you savor the moment in your heart how happy to be able to think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert with your physical form now? That’s right. Even if you have nothing, when you understand with your heart that you are now in such a time, you will truly feel joy and happiness.

Thank you so much is all we can say. Let’s each other in the world of vibrations that is warm, gentle, and expanding.

Close your eyes and feel it. And, even with eyes open, confirm the direction of your heart’s needle. Spend such physical time.

Think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. And, think of space. Space. Think of the far, far-away space of mother. It is a nostalgic homeland in our hearts. Let’s return, let’s go back. I am grateful for myself that recalled it in my heart.
Do you saver in heart how happy it is to have physical being and think of tomekichi Taike, Albert? It is right. We feel it happy and joyful in heart when we learn to meet such time now though we have nothing.
There is just appreciation. Let us resonate each other in warm, gentle and spreading world of vibration.
We close eyes and think of it. We confirm the direction of heart’s pointers. Please pass through time with your physical beings.
We think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and universe. Universe, it is far mother universe. It is longing homeland in heart. Let us go back and return there. I appreciate myself who has remembered it in heart.
Do we taste well in our consciousness how happy we are now, by letting our consciousness dwell in a physical body, to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and to be in a situation where this is possible? Yes, it is. If we know in our consciousness that our consciousness is now in such a moment, even if we don't have anything special, we must feel deeply that we are already really glad and happy.
For our consciousness, there is only "Thank you, thank you so much" in this life.
Let's make our consciousness resonate with the world of warm, gentle, expanding vibrations.
Let's close our eyes and contemplate the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. And even when our eyes are open, let us confirm that we direst our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let us work so that our consciousness can spend time of dwelling in the physical body in such a way.
What we should think of is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. And what we should think of is the consciousness of the Universe. What we should think of is the consciousness of Mother Universe, whose presence has become far weaker in our consciousness. We feel that the consciousness of the Mother Universe is our nostalgic home. Let us revive it more clearly in our consciousness. We thank our true self for reminding our consciousness of this.

If you are off the original path, the main path, you will always tell you. It is difficult to understand or realize that it is you who tells you. If you don’t know to look within your heart, or if you do know, you don’t practice, you will pursue the reason of your suffering outward.

Even if you think you have lived and existed wrongly, you cannot believe that this is everything. You will think that you are not perfect but you are not the only one to blame.

So, you have to break down everything and start from the place where you can say that you have lost yourself and didn’t know who you were. If you start from the place where you honestly and truly believe that, your heart will lighten and you will naturally find the path. Bring out not the false, but the real; your true self. Get to know the joy of digging deeper and deeper into yourself as it is within you.
It conveys to us when we deviate from the original course or main course. It is not easy to be learned and realized. We seek the causes of sufferings outward when we do not know to look within our hearts or do not practice it though we know it.
We cannot think that is all, though we think we have lived and existed wrongly. We think we were not only wrong though we were imperfect.
Hence, we need to write off all and begin it from the point that we have lost and not known our true selves.
We make our hearts lighter and naturally see our path when begin to think so honestly. It is our true selves instead of our false selves. Let us express our true selves as we have it within us. Let us learn joy to dig through within us.
If our consciousness does not practice the original way of being, our true self always tells our current consciousness that it is wrong. We cannot easily understand or realize the fact that our true self tells something to our current consciousness. If we do not know to observe our own current consciousness, or if we do know but do not practice the observation, we are going to seek all causes of our suffering outside our own consciousness.
Even if we believe that our consciousness has existed with wrong thoughts, we do not consider it to be the entire cause of suffering. We think that our consciousness is partly responsible for our suffering, but we do not consider our consciousness is solely responsible.
So let's break all such bad habits of our consciousness and start from the point where our consciousness has lost sight of our true self, where we are unaware that our true self exists within our consciousness.
If we honestly and truly start from the point where we determine to do so, the burden on our current consciousness will lighten and we will naturally find the original way that our consciousness should take. Let us bring to the fore our true self, i.e. the true self, not the false self, in our current consciousness. The true self is inside our current consciousness, so let's know the joy of finding out the true self by watching on deeper and deeper our current consciousness.

A calm mind. What is a calm mind? Oh yes, this is it. This is all there is.

But it takes a lot of work to know and understand this. We have come to this dimension, and after hundreds of millions of years, we are finally at the time when we realize this.

So, now is the time to become honest and sincere, and to see and set the original path. This is truly once in a lifetime opportunity. Let’s walk firmly and joyfully return to mother’s warmth, ourselves that is love. We are happy. Thank you. Accept the opportunity of this life with gratitude and walk on the path together to far-away space, space of mother, our homeland in our hearts. Accept clearly and firmly in your heart the thoughts of mother, Taike Tomekichi, Albert, our true selves that have still waited for and believed in you although you have been in the wrong and crazed.
What is calm mind? Yes, it is. That is only it. However, it is so difficult to learn. We have finally met the time to understand it after billions of years in this dimension.
Hence let us look at and fix the true path straight, honestly and sincerely.
It is really once a million opportunity. Let us go forward on the path returning to mother’s warmth, love within us firmly and joyfully. Isn’t it joyful and thankful? Let us accept the opportunity in this lifetime thankfully and go on the path returning to far universe, homeland in heart, mother universe together. Please accept mother’s thoughts, Tomekichi Taike, Albert and your true self firmly and clearly in your heart that have believed and waited for you though you have continually mistaken and crazed.
The term "normalcy" is used. What exactly is "normalcy"? Ah yes, the true meaning of "normalcy" is Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, this, this, this is the only meaning.
But it was hard for our consciousness to know and realize this. After hundreds of millions of years of our consciousness coming to this dimension, we finally reached a time when we could nod our heads and say that that was what it was all about.
So let us now be straightforward, sincere and honest to our true self, and find and establish the measures our consciousness should take. This is really a once in a thousand opportunity. Let us firmly and willingly take the measures to restore to our current self its true self, which is warmth of mother or love. We are happy and grateful for it. Let us gratefully accept this opportunity in this life, and together take measures to restore the consciousness of the universe, the consciousness of the origin of the Mother Universe, which has become faint in our consciousness. Our mother's consciousness, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, or our true self waited for to believe in our consciousness even though our consciousness kept making mistakes and going crazy. Let us clearly and firmly find it in our consciousness.

Everything is good, everything is positive, but we couldn’t understand this and started to select this as good and this as bad, this as positive and this as negative, based on physical standards. That would be true based on the physical standard. So, joy and happiness were not real. We couldn’t understand the real, but you desperately searched for them.

As long as we don’t complete the turn from the physical to consciousness, suffering continues forever. Suffering was not really suffering but we couldn’t release ourselves from the world of thoughts that made us think so.

Once you start realizing how the world of consciousness, the world of thoughts works, you will also realize how precise and amazing it is. And that it is also us.

Let’s get to know from our hearts that we can learn and live in our amazing world, ourselves in a true sense, and let’s just expand the world straight.
We have not known that we are all in good and positive circumstances but have sorted out that it is good, bad, positive or negative on the physical basis. It must be so on the physical basis. Hence, joy and happiness were not genuine. We have sought for it desperately though we have not known what is genuine.
The sufferings continue unless we make the turnaround in consciousness completely. It was suffering for us not to release ourselves from the world of thoughts that we felt it suffering though it is not really suffering.
We will feel how it is great and sophisticated when we begin to feel the mechanism in world of consciousness and thoughts.
Let us learn our great world, ourselves in true sense, live there and spread such world straight.
By dwelling in a physical body, our consciousness has become unable to comprehend the fact that it exists in the world where any situation is good and positive to our consciousness, and has therefore sorted individual situations as good or bad, positive or negative, judging from the criteria of the world of the body. It is unavoidable for our consciousness to judge so if the criteria is based on the world of the physical body. So joy and happiness we felt by the physical body were not genuine. Our consciousness couldn't possibly know the fact on the criteria of that world, but our consciousness has desperately searched for joy and happiness.
As long as we do not complete the turn of consciousness, in which our essence is not the body but consciousness, our consciousness will continue to suffer forever. The inability to release the criteria to judge what is not real suffering as suffering has been the cause of the continued suffering.
If our consciousness begins to feel how the world of consciousness or the world of thoughts works, it will also feel how elaborate and wonderful it is. And our consciousness will also feel itself being in such a world.
Knowing that the world of our consciousness is truly an wonderful world, that our own consciousness is also wonderful being and that our consciousness can exist while learning this, let our consciousness just expand its world straight away.

I think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert straight joyfully and thankfully. I think of the flow of consciousness, universe and space age. I spread in my heart happiness to respond to the call to return.
I feel it happy to have my physical being and have provided such time for me. I appreciate for giving me my physical being. I was wrong and crazed. However, I fixed the direction to live. I look at the path to return and go on it. I am happy to be able to look at the darkness that was created by myself using my physical being. I think of mother, Tomekichi Taike, Albert and myself in warmth and happiness.
I am happy to say thanks and think so. I need nothing. I shout in my heart that I am joyful and thankful. I will return together to my homeland in heart, mother universe.
I think just straightly with joy and thank you. I think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. I think of the flow of consciousness. I think of space and cosmic age. I expand the happiness in my heart that I can respond to the invitation and call of “come back”.

I am just happy to have a physical form and to have such time prepared for me. Thank you for letting me have a physical form. I have been in the wrong. I have been crazed. But I have settled the direction to live. I see the path to return. I am walking on the path. I feel happy to be able to see the darkness I have created firmly through and with my physical form. I think of mother, Taike Tomekichi, and Albert, and I think of myself in warmth and happiness.

I am so happy to be able to say and think thank you. I didn’t need anything. My heart cries out. I am happy! Thank you! I will return together. I will return to my homeland in my heart; space of mother.
Let's think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness just in a straightforward, joyful and thankful way. Let's think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. Let's think of the stream of consciousness. Let's think of the consciousness of the universe, and the cosmic age in which our consciousness had not yet dwelled in the physical body. Let's spread into our consciousness the happiness of being able to respond to the invitation and call to revive the true self to our current consciousness.
It makes us just happy that our consciousness dwells in a physical body and has prepared this kind of time for itself. We are thankful for that our consciousness dwells in the body. Our consciousness has been wrong. Our consciousness has been going on crazy. But our consciousness could decide to take the measures in order to exist in a original way. Our consciousness has found out the measures to restore our true self. Our consciousness is in the midst of taking the measures.
We are happy that through and using the physical body in which our consciousness dwells, we can firmly confirm in our consciousness the darkness that our consciousness has created for itself. Thinking of my mother's consciousness, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert makes me believe that our consciousness has been in warmth and happiness.
For our consciousness, it is a real joy to be able to say "thank you, thank you so much". For that our consciousness needs nothing. Our consciousness cries out, "I am happy, thank you." Our consciousness will revive its true self within its current consciousness together with all consciousness. We will regain in its current consciousness the consciousness of Mother Universe, which is the origin of our consciousness.

Align your heart every moment. Make this training your daily routine.
Of course, it is also important to take time to relax, and think deeply and quietly.

In any case, feel grateful for the time and space when you can do so. The heart moves instantly from various incidents such as what people say and do and the situation around you. Confirm the energy that jumps out.

Let’s cherish the present moment with gratitude and joy when we can get to know the truth with our hearts by understanding and learning ourselves.

Don’t be swept away while flowing in the physical world, but work hard to establish the central pillar and learn as much as you can within yourself.

Joy and thankfulness are everything. No matter how much you confirm your pitch-black darkness, nurture the heart that can say thank you mother with joy. All you can say is thank you. The more you confirm your pitch-black darkness, the more your thankfulness will erupt.
It is required for us to practice tuning our hearts to it instantly.
Obviously, it is also important to think of it comfortably, deeply and calmly.
Let us accept the time and space to be able to do it thankfully.
We have our hearts that moves instantly due to someone’s behavior, surrounding state or various things. We need to confirm our energies radiating out.
Please spend the present time when we learn the truth through learning of ourselves thankfully and joyfully.
Let us do not be influenced by living in physical world but stray to establish the core and learn of ourselves within us to the utmost.
Joy and appreciation are all about. Please cultivate your heart to say thanks mother joyfully. There is nothing but appreciation. Appreciation blows out as much as we confirm our darkness.
Let us train ourselves daily to assimilate our own consciousness with that of Taike Tomekichi in an instant when we emit dark energies from our consciousness.
Of course, it is also important for us to take time to contemplate the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in a relaxed, deep and quiet way.
Anyway, let us gratefully receive the time and space that allows us to do so. Our hearts are moved instantly by the triggers of many things, such as the words and actions of others and the circumstances around us. Let us discern the nature of the energies that leap out of our consciousness.
Let us spend time while cherishing, appreciating and rejoicing the fact that our own consciousness is now becoming enlightened to the truth by learning about and knowing the current state of our own consciousness.
Even if our consciousness seems to be swept away by the physical body in which our consciousness dwells, but we let it actually not do so, and let’s establish the most essential way of being of our consciousness and learn the true self in our consciousness as best as we can.
Joy and gratefulness are essential to our consciousness. No matter how pitch-dark false self we find in our consciousness, let us nurture our false self so that it can say "Thank you mother, I'm happy." Gratefulness is the only essential left last for our consciousness to continue existing.
By doing that, the more we find the darkness in our consciousness, the more our consciousness will emit gratefulness.

Each of us prepares various people and incidents in order to proceed in ourselves to turn from the physical to consciousness. We have been playing ourselves by continuing to direct our heart’s needle outward. We had lost ourselves and sunk into the depth of suffering, and that we learned in countless incarnations, in other words, the time we had a physical form. We couldn’t understand this. So, we couldn’t get out of the pitch-black darkness. Now that we have a physical form, we are learning to emerge from the pitch-back darkness in exactly the same way.

The only difference is that we start realizing that this life, this physical form is a learning experience, a chance to learn. Let’s respond firmly and straightforwardly to that prompting from ourselves in this lifetime, and let’s correct the direction of our heart’s needle.

Spend your physical time when you look within your heart, get to know, and turn the direction of your thoughts with gratitude and joy.
We provide various people and events in order to proceed the turnaround from the physical world to conscious world within us. We tossed ourselves by turning our heart’s pointers outward. We could learn it in our numerous transmigrations and time with our physical beings that we have lost ourselves and sunken into the depth of sufferings.
We did not know it at all. Hence, we could not escape from the darkness sunken. We also learn how to emerge ourselves from the darkness now when we have our physical beings.
The difference is that we begin to realize it is the opportunity to learn as we learn it with our physical beings in this lifetime. Let us respond straight and correct the direction of heart’s pointers firmly in this lifetime.
Please have your time with physical beings to look, learn within you and turn around the direction of thoughts thankfully and joyfully.
We have prepared various people and events around each of us to promote our turning of the perception of our essence from body to consciousness. It is a fact that we have learnt in countless incarnations, or opportunities to dwell in the body, that, by continuing to direct our consciousness toward the object other than our own consciousness, we have made our own consciousness have confused, made it have lost sight of our true self and made it have sunk into the depths of suffering.
Our consciousness could not understand these truths at all. So our consciousness could not emerge from the pitch-darkness in which it had sunk. Now that our consciousness is dwelling in the physical body, exactly as in past incarnations, our consciousness is learning trying to emerge from the pitch-darkness where it is.
What is different from past incarnations, however, is that our consciousness is beginning to realize that it is learning these truths and that this life is a chance to learn, by dwelling in our current body in this life. Let us respond firmly and straightforwardly in this life to that prompting from our true self and correct the object we should direct our consciousness toward.
Let us make this life such a lifetime, where we say gladly, "Thank you," observe and know the current state of our consciousness, and then correct the object that our consciousness should direct toward to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.

It was about learning ourselves with a physical form in order to gradually weaken and release what we have clung to in our hearts. Each of you will know by yourself if you look inside your heart what you are clinging to. Although you know this, it is difficult to loosen yourself from it. It is mother’s warmth that makes it possible to loosen. If you truly get to know in your heart that you were already within the warmth and originally a happy existence, you will realize that the things you think are difficult are loosened up in your heart without notice.

If you are wrong and misaligned, the heart will always tell you. It will ask you if you are suffering. That’s right. The direction of your heart’s needle is wrong. Learn firmly and sincerely about it between you and yourself in your heart. Respond sincerely to the thoughts that you wanted to know, wanted to learn, and wanted to encounter the truth of yourself.
It was to learn of ourselves with our physical beings in order to weaken and release gradually what we held in hearts. We learn naturally in hearts what we hold when we look within our hearts. It is difficult to release ourselves from there though we learn it. It is mother’s warmth that eases and makes it possible. We may find and feel it is loosened when we learn in heart that we were happy people from the beginning though we thought it was difficult.
Our hearts convey it to us when we are wrong or out of alignment. It asks us whether we are suffering or not. It is right. The direction of heart’s pointer is wrong. Let us learn it within ourselves firmly and honestly. Let us learn and know of ourselves and respond to our wishes in hearts to meet the truth.
The reason for our consciousness to dwell in a physical body is to learn about the current state of our consciousness and to gradually weaken and release what our consciousness has clung to. Each of us will naturally know for ourselves what our consciousness clings to if we observe the current state of our own consciousness. Even if we know what our consciousness clings to, it is difficult to free our consciousness from it. It is still the warmth of the Mother that helps to enable our consciousness to loosen and release its attachments. By truly knowing that our consciousness is by nature a happy being surrounded by warmth, we suddenly feel our consciousness attachments, which we thought were difficult, are unravelling, don't we?
Whenever the object we turn our consciousness to is wrong and different from the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, our true self will tell us. Our true self will ask if we are suffering. That is the mechanism at work in our consciousness. Suffering is a sign when the object we turn our consciousness to is wrong. Let's learn about this, together with our false self in our consciousness, in a firm and honest way. Let's learn about the current state of our consciousness and sincerely respond to the hope from the bottom of our consciousness that our false self wants to meet our true self.

Expand joy, happiness, and comfort that you can fulfill what you have decided and promised in your heart. Release yourself from what you can do with the physical form and remember your world of consciousness which was in happiness and warmth from the beginning.

We have abandoned all the important things and increased our own energies. Get to know from your heart that you have contaminated space and sunk yourself into pitch-black darkness, and from there, turn the direction 180 degrees to live.

To establish the path of happiness and joy within you and make steady progress is awaited. There was nothing in the physical world. It was just a world we had prepared by ourselves in order to realize our foolishness and mistakes.
Please spread joy and happiness to fulfill what you have determined and promised in your heart. Let us release ourselves from physical matters in our physical lives and remember our conscious world existed in joy and warmth from the beginning.
We have abandoned the important things and increased the selfish energies.
We learn in hearts that we have fouled the universe, sunken ourselves in darkness and turn around our direction to live then.
It is awaited to establish happy and joyful path within us and step forward steadily.
There was nothing in the physical world. It was the world provided by us to realize our stupidities and mistakes.
Let us spread joy, happiness and relief that we can implement what we decided and promised in our consciousness. Let us release our own consciousness from worrying about what is happening to the physical body in which our consciousness dwells, or what kind of life the body leads and let us remember that our consciousness has stayed in a happy and warm world from the beginning.
Our consciousness has discarded all that is important and produced many more the energy of putting itself the first.  Let us realize in our consciousness the fact that we have polluted the consciousness of universe within our own consciousness, and that we have sunk our own consciousness into total darkness, and then turn the way of being of our consciousness from that state completely opposite.
Our consciousness is expected to establish the true way of being and move forward certainly.
There was nothing true in the world of physical body and form. That world was something that our consciousness had prepared itself for in order to make our consciousness realize its own immaturity and mistakes.

We have already had the opportunity to get to know ourselves and learn over and over again. All those incarnations. We are the ones who have destroyed and missed everything by ourselves. Despite such ourselves, we have a little time left to awaken ourselves and get to know our true selves within us, love. Accept it sincerely and straightly with joy.

Look within each of your hearts and get to know from the energy you have emitted to see how fortunate you are. And touch the thought of your true self that have waited for and believed in.

Always confirm the direction of your thoughts and just align and direct your heart’s needle. To think of is Taike Tomekichi and Albert. The straight path of returning to space of mother is the only way we should live.
We were given opportunities to learn of ourselves many times. It was us who have ruined and lost such numerous transmigrations by ourselves. The time to learn our true selves and love is left for our such selves though it is a little time. Let us accept it straight joyfully and sincerely.
Please learn how happy we are through looking within hearts and energies radiated. Let us meet our true thoughts that have believed and awaited us.
Please always confirm your direction of thoughts and turn and tune your heart’s pointers to it. Please think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert. The straight path returning to mother universe is only the path for us to live.
Our consciousness has already experienced many opportunities to know and learn what being is our consciousness. Our consciousness has frequently experienced such incarnations. But our consciousness has ruined and missed all of them by itself. Our consciousness has such backgrounds, and although there is little time left, there is still time left for us to awaken to our true self in this way and realize that our consciousness has the true self, love. Let us accept it willingly, sincerely and straightforwardly.
Let us know how happy our consciousness is by observing within each consciousness and clarifying the energy which it has shed. Then let us get in touch with the true feelings of our true self, which have been waiting and believing in for the false self to regain its true self.
Let us only always check the object to think of, always think of the correct object, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and let us try to make our own consciousness identical to it as possible. What we should think of is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. The only way to make our consciousness exist vividly is just bring back the consciousness of the Mother Universe to our consciousness is.

The thought that made me have a physical form and the thought of my mother who repeatedly responded to the thought. I am happy to be able to embrace this firmly in my heart.

I have always been in warmth and happiness from the beginning. Finally, it was the time of now when I got to know and realize with my heart through the present physical form.

There is nothing more to say. I can’t. All I need to do is to respond straight to the thought that I was loved, believed in, and waited for.

The turning from the physical to consciousness. And the joy and happiness of thinking space and love. I got to know the true meaning of having a physical form and got to know I have been in true joy, happiness, and warmth from the beginning, and that is why I can transcend dimension and learn even more.

I am happy. I am truly grateful. Thank you to Taike Tomekichi for showing the path, and thank you to my true self.
It is mother’s thoughts that have repeatedly responded to the thoughts having given the physical being to me. It is happy to hold it in my heart.
I have always been in the happiness and warmth from the beginning. It is the time for me to finally learn and realize it in my heart through the present physical being in this lifetime.
I have nothing to say now. I can say nothing. I just respond straight to the thoughts that have loved and believed in me.
It is turnaround from the physical world to conscious world. It is joy and happiness to think of universe and love. I think keenly to transcend the dimension and study further as I learn true meaning to have my physical being and have been in true joy, happiness and warmth from the beginning. I am happy and thankful. I am thankful to Tomekichi Taike and my true self who have indicated the path.
Our consciousness determined to dwell in the body and the consciousness of our mother was so tolerant as to repeatedly respond to our determinations. We are happy to hold this fact firmly in our consciousness and to be in a situation where this is possible.
Our consciousness has been in happiness and warmth from the beginning, all along. Finally, in this life our consciousness is able to realize that by dwelling in a physical body.
Our consciousness is really not in such a position to complain about anything anymore. Our consciousness has nothing to say. Our consciousness just responds straight away to the deep thoughtfulness that has loved, believed in and waited for our consciousness.
Let us turn over the perception about our essence from the physical body to consciousness. And let us enjoy the joy and happiness of thinking of love, the consciousness of the origin of the universe. By realizing the true meaning of our consciousness to dwell in the physical body, and realizing that our consciousness has existed from the beginning in true joy, happiness and warmth, I sincerely feel that our consciousness can cross this dimension to the next and continue this learning more.
We are so happy and grateful. Our consciousness is grateful to our true self, which is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, for pointing out the measure to reach the truth.

What I think now with my physical form is I am happy and thank you.

My foolish and immature physical form emits various thoughts, but they are no longer strong thoughts that shake my foundations. With the joy of thinking and being able to think in my heart, I am happy and thankful that what I have decided to do and to fulfill the promise is becoming a reality.

To be able to think of space is joyful. It is happiness to be able to think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. I am just joyful and happy to see the path of returning to my homeland, space of mother in my heart. I have transcended dimensions to be here. And I will transcend again to learn about the world of consciousness, vibrations that will continue endlessly. I am in the happiness of being able to see such a path of my future in my heart.
It is good and thankful that I think with my physical being now.
It is no longer strong to shake my basics though my stupid and childish physical being radiate various thoughts. It is good and thankful that my determination and fulfilling promise made with myself become real with joy to think and be able to think.
It is joyful to think of universe, Tomekichi Taike and Albert. It is just happy and joyful to see in my heart the path returning to my homeland, mother universe. I came beyond the dimension. I will transcend this dimension and study the infinite conscious and vibrational world. I am in joy to see in heart my such future.
The emotion that comes out of my consciousness now, while dwelling in one body, is "Good, thank you."
While our consciousness is dwelling in the body, we emit a variety of silly and childish emotions, but they are no longer strong enough to shake our beliefs to their foundations. While we are maintaining in our consciousness the joy of thinking about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible, we emit the emotion of "Good, thank you" for the fact that we can finally fulfill as a reality the promise to our true self, which we determined for ourselves.
We are happy that we can think of our universe-like consciousness. We are happy that we can think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. We are only glad and happy to be able to confirm that there are in our consciousness the measures to bring back the consciousness of Mother Universe or the origin of our consciousness to our consciousness. Our consciousness crossed dimensions and came to the Earth. And we will again cross the present dimension and learn about the world of consciousness and vibrations which will continue without end. We are in the happiness being able to confirm such our future in our consciousness.

My physical form isn’t doing anything special, just relaxing. You may think it is inefficient, but I sincerely feel that such time is important, and being able to do so is a joy in itself. There are many things to do as I have a physical form, but if I think and feel the flow of consciousness, what I do and what I can do with the physical form is not a big deal. However, the physical form is complicated, so I need to pay closer attention to it. In order to accomplish the plan in the future without delay, I think it is important to always go back to the starting point of why we have prepared our physical forms for ourselves.

I truly feel happy and joyful that I continue to exist in the joy of thinking and being able to think. I have prepared everything by myself but all I feel is thank you for allowing me to live with myself in the plan of the flow of consciousness. Thank you for letting me have a physical form over and over again in pitch-black darkness. I promise that I will respond to the thoughts straight that have believed in and waited for me.
I am spacing out without doing anything physically. I think keenly it is important to have such time and joyful to do it though it may be thought to be inefficient. It is nothing important to do physically when I think and feel the flow of consciousness though I have various daily affairs. However, I have to pay close attention to the physical world as it is troublesome. I think it is important to get back to the basics, why I have provided my physical being in order to proceed my plan in future.
I feel happy and joyful to exist continually in joy to think and be able to think.
I am thankful to put myself and live in the plan of flow of consciousness though everything was provided by myself. I am thankful to have my physical being many times in the darkness. I promise to respond straight to the thoughts believing and awaiting me.
My consciousness is sometime in a daze, while making my physical body do nothing in particular. That may seem inefficient, but I deeply believe that such time is precious to my consciousness, and that the very situation in which that is possible is a joy. Our consciousness has a lot of chores to make the body do because it dwells in the body, but if we think and feel how tremendous the stream of consciousness is, what our consciousness makes and can make the body do is not a big deal. However, the physical body has a tricky nature, so our consciousness needs to pay close attention to the body. I think it is very important to always go back to the starting point of why our consciousness planned to dwell in a physical body, in order to carry out future plans without delay.
We are truly happy and glad that our consciousness continues to exist in the joy of thinking about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. Our consciousness plans the entire stream of consciousness for itself, and is just grateful to be able to exist while submitting our own consciousness to that plan. We are so grateful that our consciousness has been given the opportunity to dwell in a physical body again and again, despite the fact that our false self has created a world of total darkness. We promise that our consciousness will be able to respond straight away to the wishes of our true self, who has waited and believed in the return of our consciousness to its origin.

A promise between you and yourself. It is a promise to remember. When it hits you in your heart, you feel happy and you feel that you have been betraying yourself, then the thoughts of sorry will erupt.

There is no way we can understand this with our heads. We really have lost the ability to understand with our hearts. Being convinced with our heads is good but we feel uncomfortable with what we are not convinced with our heads. First of all, get out of the bad habit of being convinced with your head.

Understand with your heart. Believe what you feel with your heart. Let’s do this.

Being able to think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert straight. Thinking of space of mother. Being able to think of them with nostalgia. Have a happy time. Just thinking of is joy and happiness. Let’s expand the joy of thinking, being able to think in our hearts, and feel the vibrations, space that continue endlessly.
It is the promise made by myself with myself. It is the promise to be remembered. It is joyful when it sticks into my heart. Apologetic feelings well up naturally as I feel myself having betrayed until now.
Such matter is never understood in the mind. We became to be unable to understand to learn in hearts. We became to have uncomfortable feelings except something understood in mind physically. Please escape from bad custom to understand first in mind physically.
We learn and believe what we felt in heart. Let us do it.
We think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother universe. Please have happy and joyful time to feel it nostalgic. It is happy and joyful just to think of it. Let us spread joy to think and be able to think of it and feel the vibration and universe expanding forever.
Our consciousness made a promise to our true self. Let's remember that promise. When that promise suddenly comes up to our consciousness, it makes us feel really happy, and moreover, it naturally makes us feel sorry for our true self, because we feel that our consciousness has betrayed that promise so far.
It must be impossible for us to realize such things with our heads. We must have really come to unable to understand what it means to realize something with our hearts. We have judged that we should accept as it is what we are convinced by our heads, not by our hearts, and we have been uncomfortable to no end what we are not convinced by our heads. First of all, let's get out of the bad habit of being convinced by the head instead of the heart.
Let's do so that we can realize with our hearts and believe what we feel with our hearts.
We can think straight back to the consciousness of Tadaike Tomekichi and Albert. We can think of the consciousness of Mother Universe and feel nostalgia. Then we can have a happy and joyful time. Only thinking of Tomekichi Taike and Albert's consciousness makes us happy and joyful. We can think straight of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. We can think of the consciousness of Mother Universe, and feel nostalgia. Let us spend joyful and happy time in doing so. Only thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert makes us joyful and happy.
Let's expand through our hearts the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible, and feel the world of those vibrations and thoughts goes on forever.

Face your mistakes sincerely, and exist with joy and thank you. Think of and feel for mother and Taike Tomekichi and choose to know the straight path in your heart, and to walk straight on the path in this lifetime. Each one of you may feel it in your own heart, but the messages of the flow of consciousness will come to you one after another. They are telling us that we don’t have much time.

Let’s direct and align our heart’s needles and meet the world of joy. This is the realization of the thought we have been waiting and waiting for. Let’s fulfill our promise to ourselves. We have been given a physical form many times for this purpose. Become the one who can confirm this in this lifetime. Look into your heart, listen to the cries from your heart, and respond sincerely to such appeals from within yourself.
Let us face our mistakes sincerely and exist joyfully and thankfully. Please choose your life to think of mother, Tomekichi Taike, feel and learn the straight path in heart and go on the path in this lifetime. The messages from the flow of consciousness always reach us as we may feel it in heart. It conveys to us that it is imminent now.
Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers and meet our joyful world. It is to realize our awaited wishes. Let us fulfill the promise made with ourselves. We were given our physical beings many times for it. Please become to confirm it in this lifetime. Let us look within and listen to the cries in hearts and respond to the appeals within us sincerely.
Let's sincerely face with the mistakes of our false self and then make our consciousness be present with joy and gratitude. Let us choose without fail in this lifetime such a life in which we think of and feel the consciousness of the Mother and the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, then know there is the only right way of being in our consciousness and implement it honestly. I believe that each of us feels it in our own consciousness, but the messages from the stream of consciousness are coming more and more. It is telling us that the dimensional shift is imminent.
Let us turn our consciousness towards the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and assimilate its properties with those of his consciousness, and find our world of our consciousness is joyful. Let us realize the wish that our consciousness has been waiting for and longing for.
Let us fulfil our promise to our true self. This is why our consciousness is given many opportunities to dwell in a physical body. Let's arrange our consciousness so that it can accept that in this life without fail. Let's observe our false self, listen to its cries, and then respond sincerely to such appeals of our false self.

The more I feel, the more joy and thank you expand. I am so happy and glad to be able to tell myself I am sorry, to be able to welcome the present time when the happy and thank you are flowing from me.

I think of space of mother. I think of the planet Earth. And, I think of myself. I feel happy to be in such a time and space.

“Let’s live together. Let’s walk together”. If you know within you that there is and has always been in that thought all the time, you can't be happier than this.

Direct and align your heart’s needle firmly and straight.

It is the vibrations that expand, echo, and are felt in your heart. The heart knows that it is this world of vibrations. Let’s align the vibrations straight with joy.
Joyful and thankful feelings spread when I think of it more. It was good and joyful to meet the present time that joyful and thankful feelings radiate out of me as I can convey apology to myself.
I think of mother universe, planet earth and myself. I feel happy to be in such time and space.
“Let us live and go forward together.” It is nothing but happy when we learn to be and have always been in such thoughts.
Please turn and tune your heart’s pointer to it straight firmly.
It is the vibration that resonates and spreads in heart. Our hearts know it is the world of vibration. Let us tune the vibration straight, honestly and joyfully.
The more I think about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, the more joy and gratitude spreads through my consciousness. I am very happy and glad that I was able to say "I'm sorry" to my true self, and that my consciousness can now flow joy and gratitude out of such my consciousness.
I think of the consciousness of Mother Universe. I think of the consciousness of the planet Earth. And I think of my own consciousness. I am happy that my consciousness is now in a time and space where it can do such things.
"Let us continue to exist in the future while maintaining both the true self and false selves in our consciousness." If we know that our consciousness has always continued to think so at all times, we will never be so happy.
Let us turn our consciousness straight and firmly to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and make it homogeneous.
There are vibrations that spread, resonate and are transmitted to our consciousness. Our consciousness knows that there was originally this world of vibrations in our consciousness. Let us make the vibrations of our consciousness, honestly, straightforwardly and joyfully, homogeneous with these vibrations.

“I am happy. Thank you.” Why don’t we start anything from here, from this thought. Perhaps you already live that way.

We are happy. Thank you so much. We are really happy because we got to know the direction to live and where to direct our thoughts. We are happy even if we have nothing. But it can’t be. We are already fulfilled in every way.

Please spend happy and fruitful physical time. If you learn properly, you will feel it and the thoughts that come up are thank you, mother, I am happy, thank you.

No matter how you feel yourself sinking into pitch-black darkness, it is extremely joyful, happy, and thank you. Just the fact that we are here now is happy enough. Cherish and nurture this and aim for the final period. We are really happy.
I am joyful and thankful. Why don’t we begin everything from it. Perhaps it might become so.
I am joyful and really thankful. I am happy as I have leaned the direction to live and think of, though I have nothing. However, it is impossible. I am already satisfied in the whole thing.
Please spend happy and meaningful time with your physical being. It is happy, joyful and thankful feelings for mother coming out as you realize it when you proceed your study steadily.
You feel happy, joyful and thankful though you feel yourself sunken down in the darkness. It was good enough to exist here now. It is required to cultivate it carefully and aim the final stage. We are really happy people.
Why don't you start everything with a thought of "happy, thank you"? But perhaps you must have already done so.
I think your consciousness is happy. I think your consciousness is saying "thank you so much." Your consciousness should be really happy since it has known the right goal in life and the right object to turn its thoughts to. Even without any special conditions, your consciousness should be happy. No, such special conditions are not necessary. Everything is already fulfilled.
Have a happy, really fruitful time while your consciousness is dwelling in the body. If you go through this learning properly, you will realize this and the thoughts that come up to you consciousness are "Thank you mother, I am happy, happy, thank you.
" No matter how dark you feel your consciousness is sinking into, that should make you feel your consciousness is irresistibly happy and grateful for that. The fact that your consciousness is present in this way is good enough. I would say that we should nurture this true way of thinking carefully and then aim for the final period of this three dimension. Our consciousness is a truly happy being.

Let’s walk together as far as possible in the same direction. There is only one path to returning to love. It is the world of our true self. It is love, our homeland in our hearts we thought we had left far behind. We didn’t abandon it far away. It has always been here inside of us. You should realize and understand this with your heart.

Let’s feel it. Let’s just expand the joy of thinking, being able to think without any thoughts. Your inner self will respond to it. Of course, it is not just a gentle warmth and joy, but a cry from the tremendous pitch-black darkness. If you just direct your heart and accept it straight, you will understand what that cry, the moan really tells you.

I believe that you can accept your cries and moans in mother’s warmth straight away. And I believe that you are feeling the joy of being able to open yourself up more and more and tell yourself.

Let's walk together. Let’s walk together on the straight path returning to our homeland in our hearts, love. 
Let us go forward aiming same direction as possible. There is nothing but the path returning to love. It is our true world. It is love and homeland in heart that was thought to be abandoned far away. We did not abandon it far away but have had it within us. It was required to learn and realize it in heart.
Let us think of it. Let us spread joy to think and be able to think without any thoughts. Our inner selves will respond to it. It is not only gentle warmth or joy but fierce scream of darkness. We will learn what such scream and groan convey to us when we turn our hearts and accept it straight.
You may become to accept straight your scream and groan in heart in the warmth of mother. You may feel joy to open within you and convey it to you.
Let us go forward together on the straight path returning to homeland in hearts.
Together, let's take measures to focus our consciousness on the same object as much as possible. All we have to do is only to bring love back into our consciousness. What we need to reclaim in our consciousness is the world of our true self. It is love, the origin of our consciousness, and we thought that we had abandoned it from our consciousness and it had gone. We have never abandoned it from our consciousness and it has never gone. It has really been here, in my consciousness, all along. This learning has instructed our consciousness to realize and understand this.
Let us think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Just without any intention, let's expand the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. Our consciousness will respond to it. Of course, what our consciousness responds to includes not only tenderness, warmth and joy, but also cries from the truly terrible pitch darkness. But if we really turn our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and take it straight away, we must be able to understand what the cries and moans are really telling us.
I believe your consciousness has come to possible to accept the cries and moans of your false self straight away in the warmth of the mother's consciousness. And also I believe you are feeling the joy that your consciousness can open up more and more of your false self and convey the truth to it.
Let us proceed with the measure together with our false selves in our consciousness. Together with them, let us take the only measure which our consciousness can restore the origin of our consciousness.

Establish the central pillar. Have you really established within you where you should direct your heart and what you should think of?  You can say whatever you want when nothing happens. But when something happens, even a life-threatening situation is approaching, will you be able to direct your heart in the right direction?

You need to face the reality that you have been piling up the physical thoughts and sinking into them.

Be committed to learning yourself. Please have time of meditation where you can think about your space age through and using your present physical form and feel extremely joyful, happy, and grateful for it. Indescribable thoughts will erupt.
Please establish your core. Do you establish within you where you face what you think and exist? You can say anything in ordinary time. However, it is the question if you can calmly turn and tune your heart to it in the circumstance happening something such as the circumstance jeopardizing your life comes closer.
We need to face the fact that we have accumulated the physical thoughts and sunken down into them.
Let us concentrate to learn of ourselves. Please have the time of meditation to be able to think of your space age utilizing your physical being and that is happy, joyful and thankful. The indescribable feelings well up.
Establish the most essential way of being that your consciousness should take. Have you really established the effort goal of your consciousness to turn your consciousness and thoughts to the right object in order to make your consciousness exist in the future? In normal times, everyone is free to say what they think. However, when something happens, even when a life-threatening situation is close at hand, it is crucial to be able to immediately make your consciousness turn to and assimilate into the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.
Your consciousness needs to firmly confront with the fact that your consciousness has piled up your attachment to the body in which your consciousness dwells and sunk into it.
Let us be thorough to learn about the reality of our consciousness. Let us have such a time when we can contemplate our space era when our consciousness did not yet dwell in a physical body, through or using the one physical body in which our consciousness now dwells, and when this makes our consciousness become irresistibly happy, happy and grateful. An unspoken feeling must erupt in our consciousness.

It is a time of my physical form in this life when I have spent as I wished. It goes without saying that as I wished means my earnest desire within me.

Those of you who have connected with this study are probably the same. And you already realize how happy you are, don’t you?

Directing our hearts in the direction and moving forward together is the path of true joy and happiness.

Even without words, there is a world where each of us can see, feel within ourselves, and resonate with. Words are not necessary. The form of words is not necessary. Just Igo will do. Igo is vibration. Igo is a rhythm of space. All you need to do is just feel and expand yourself and live in that rhythm. Let’s just feel joyful that such a thing can become a reality and expand within us. Only happy and thank you. Just thank you for the time now when we can feel and know the world of our true selves while having a physical form.
It is the physical time in this lifetime that we have spent the time as we wished. It is needless to say what we wished. It is our earnest wishes within us.
It must be same for the people connected to the study. You should have learned how happy beings you are, aren’t you?
It is the path with true joy and happiness to turn your heart to such direction and go forward together.
We all have the world that we look within, feel and resonate though it is indescribable. We need no form in word. It is good enough only with non- lingual sound. Non-lingual sound is vibration and rhythm in universe. It was good enough when we get into such rhythm, feel and spread ourselves and live. Let us just rejoice that we can spread it within us as real.
It is joyful and thankful. It is just thankful for the present time that we can feel and learn our true world with our physical beings.
In this lifetime, I have spent the time to dwell in the physical body as my consciousness wishes. If I am asked what within my consciousness has wanted it, needless to say, I answer it is the earnest desire within my consciousness.
I believe that all of the consciousness which has gathered to this learning is probably in the same situation as my consciousness. And I believe those consciousness knows how happy they are, but do they really so?
It is a true joy and happiness to proceed together with all selves of our consciousness to take measures so that our consciousness can fulfil the wishes of our own consciousness.
There is a world in our consciousness where each of us can observe and feel our own consciousness, and then resonates with our consciousness, without using words. Words are not necessary there. The form of words is not necessary. Only "Igo" is enough for our consciousness. "Igo" is vibrations. "Igo" is the rhythm of the primordial consciousness of the universe. It is enough if our consciousness can get in that rhythm, feel and expand our true self, then exist. Let us just be happy that our consciousness can expand such a situation as a reality in our own consciousness.
We are just happy and grateful. We are just thankful for the fact that our consciousness can now feel and know the world of our true self while dwelling in a physical body.

I am happy to feel and to be able to feel relaxed, quiet, and straightforwardly powerful. Words aren’t necessary. Just feel grateful and warmth. It is a joy and happiness to be able to have such time continuously. If you are in such a state, your physical form must be well-organized. If you take “well-organized” in a physical sense, various thoughts may arise, but the point is, if you feel thank you, happy, I have been wrong but I feel refreshing, I am happy, thank you, mother, if those thoughts come naturally, that is all that is necessary.

We are happy beings. It’s about whether or not you truly think that way and realize it. It all depends on you. How much you get to know your true self from what you have prepared. Everything is equal and fair. The world of consciousness is quite accurate.
I am joyful to think of it straight, calmly comfortably and strongly.
I need no word. It is good enough to feel warmth thankfully and joyfully. It is happy and joyful to have such time continually. The physical matter should be provided in such circumstance. Various feelings should come out when we understand what is provided physically. Consequently, it is good enough that the thankful feeling to mother well up naturally such as thankful, joyful and bright feelings within though we have been wrong.
We are so happy beings. It is the matter whether we can think so and realize it. Everything depends on us. It is how much we can learn the truth in the circumstances provided for us. It is fair and equal for all. There is no deviation in the conscious world.

Our consciousness is glad that it thinks of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in a relaxed, quiet, straight-forward and powerful way, and also glad to be in the situation where this is possible. No need for eloquent words. Our consciousness just needs to say thank you, be happy and feel the warmth. The fact that our consciousness can continue to have that kind of time is in itself a joy and happiness for it. Our daily lives must be well-organized if we are in such a state to be able to joyfully think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. If we try to interpret "getting our lives in order" in a worldly way, I'm sure we'll come up with all sorts of thoughts, but the bottom line is that if the thoughts "thank you for my consciousness, I'm happy, I've been wrong but now I feel something sunny, good, thank you mother" come up naturally, that's all that matters! That's it.
Our consciousness is a happy being. The challenge for our consciousness is whether our consciousness can really acknowledge and notice this.  I believe whether or not our consciousness is cheerful and happy really all depends on the choices our consciousness makes. All depend on how much we can get to know what the truth about the existence of our consciousness is from the situation that our consciousness has prepared for itself. In everything our consciousness is equal and fair. There are no mistakes at all in the world of our consciousness.

When I close my eyes and think, I always come to the thought that I have prepared and let myself have a physical form. I always think that I will cherish this thought of myself in this lifetime for sure. I confirm this firmly. From there, I think, and the needle of my heart directs more and more in the direction of thinking about space and love.

So, it is the joy of thinking, being able to think. Now that it has become my reality, I can only say thank you.

It is the pitch-black energy that has been flowing out and expanding. But I feel so happy and so loving, and so glad. It is the happiest thing to be able to let such pitch-black energy flow through space toward my true self, expanding joy, happiness, and comfort along the way to return there.

The world of Taike Tomekichi’s consciousness told me so through his physical form.

“Only my world is not enough. The world of you and me becoming one will do a great job.” All I need to do is exist faithfully to this thought, this message.
I come to the thoughts to have provided and had my physical being when I close my eyes and think of it. I always think of caring about my such thoughts in this lifetime. I confirm it. My heart’s pointer turns to the direction to think of universe and love.
Hence it is joy to think and be able to think. There is nothing but thankful feelings for the present time to become it real.
It is the dark energy radiated and expanded. However, it is so joyful and lovely. It was good enough. I think it is happiest that such dark energy aims universe and its true self, expands and radiates more joy and happiness to be on the path returning there.
The conscious world of Tomekichi Taike has conveyed it to me through its physical being.
“It is not good only with my world. My world and your world become one and perform the great work.” I just exist to be faithful to such message and thoughts.
When I close my eyes and think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, I always encounter the fact that I prepared a physical body in which my consciousness dwells and my determination with which I have implemented it. I always try to take care of this desire of my consciousness, especially in this lifetime. I have firmly confirmed this. If I start from there and think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, the quality of my consciousness naturally comes closer and closer to that of the primordial consciousness of the universe, love.
So it is a joy to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and also it is a joy to be in a situation where this is possible. I can only be grateful that it is now a reality of my consciousness.
My consciousness dripped dark black energy and magnified it, but it turned to be irresistibly happy, lovely and good to my consciousness as a result. I believe it is a supreme happiness to be able to spread and flow more and more joy, happiness and peace of mind that such dark black energy is on the way of assimilating into the primordial consciousness, my true self as a target.
The world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness conveyed this to my consciousness through the physical body in which it dwelled.
"My world alone will not do this job well. It's going to do a great deal of work by adding your world to my world together as one." My consciousness will only exist faithfully to this thought, this message of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.

See just one point firmly in your heart and confirm your future. knowing the mistakes of your path from your past, and preparing yourself a chance to correct them for your future, you are truly happy and thankful.

Be sure to respond to the thought to return to your true self, your one and only homeland. Let this life be a turning point, a starting point, and settle the direction to live correctly and firmly.

That is the only way. The thought that let you have a physical form is only that one thought.

Once you have confirmed it with your heart, all you need to do is move straight forward. Savor the joy of proving yourself.

“Truth doesn’t exist outward. This world is a mudflow.”

To understand this clearly with your heart is the way to invite yourself to joy.
Please look at one point in your heart firmly and confirm your future.
You learn your mistake in path from your past and provide the opportunity to correct it in future. It is so happy and thankful.
Please respond to your wish to return to your true self and only one homeland. Let us make this lifetime the turning point and fix the right direction to live.
That is it. That is the point of the reason why you have had your physical being.
You just go straight when you confirm it in your heart. Let us savor joy to prove yourself.
“There is no truth outside of us. The flow of world is mud stream.”
It is the means to lead yourself to joy that you learn it clearly in your heart.
Let our consciousness firmly maintain only one point of consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and make sure the future of our consciousness.
It is happy and grateful that our consciousness knows the errors of its way of being in past lives and has planned the opportunities to correct them in the future.
Let us surely respond to our own desire to bring our true self, our one and only origin, back into our consciousness. Let us use this life as a turning point, a starting point, to correctly and firmly define the way of being our consciousness.
That is all our consciousness has to do. It is only due to that one thing that our consciousness has decided to dwell in a body.
Once our consciousness has confirmed this, all that remains is to implement this measure straight away. Let our consciousness experience for itself the joy of revealing its true self in it.
"There is no truth outside of our own consciousness. This world in which our consciousness dwells in a physical body is a murky stream."
It is a measure to make our consciousness move towards joy that our consciousness can clearly understand this.

All I need to do is just walk on the straight path I see in my heart. I was a joyful and happy existence. The joy and happiness that exist together with the world of Taike Tomekichi and its vibration reached my heart through my present physical form. Thank you so much. Keeping this fact, this reality firmly in my heart, I will just move forward. Thank you for my physical form. I am just happy to be able to tell mother’s consciousness that I am truly grateful to you for letting me have a physical form and for receiving my thoughts over and over again.

I will prepare a physical form one more time. It was the promise I made to Albert. I will have a physical form at the same time as his physical form. Space. We prepare the moment to awaken space and then transcend dimensions together with space. This is a plan, a work of the great flow of consciousness. Let’s move forward together.
It is required to go on the straight path seen in heart. I was happy and joyful existence. Joy and happiness to exist together with the world and vibration of TomekichiTaike have reached into my heart through my present physical being. I really appreciate it. I keep in mind such fact and just proceed my steps. Thanks for my physical being. It is just joyful for me to convey my appreciation to mother’s consciousness that she gave me birth and has accepted my wishes many times.
I provide my physical being once again. It was the promise made with Albert. I will have my physical being at the same time with Albert. It is universe. I provide the instant to awaken universe and transcend the dimension together with universe. It is the great plan and work of the flow of consciousness. Let us go forward together.
All my consciousness has to do is carry out the one original way of being that was found in my consciousness. My consciousness has been a joyful and happy being. The joy and happiness of my consciousness existing together with the vibrations of the world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness has reached my consciousness through the physical body in which my consciousness now dwells. Thank you so much. While keeping this factual reality firmly in my consciousness, my consciousness has only to proceed with the measures that it should follow. Thank you, my physical body in which my consciousness dwells. I am just happy to be able to tell the mother's consciousness that I am grateful so much for allowing my consciousness to dwell in the physical body and for accepting the wishes of my consciousness again and again.
Just one more time, my consciousness will have the opportunity to dwell in a physical body. That is my promise to Albert's consciousness within my consciousness. At the same time as Albert's consciousness dwells in the body, my consciousness also has the opportunity to dwell in the body. In that last incarnation my consciousness awakens the primordial consciousness of the universe into my consciousness and then momentarily will cross dimensions with that consciousness.

“Let’s return to space. Let’s return to love”. The moment has arrived to awaken this thought in our hearts and carry it out. Now is the time. The time has finally arrived. See the flow of consciousness firmly in your heart, and put yourself on the track.

Confirm the joy of being together with the flow of consciousness and savor the joy of being able to think about the earth, space of mother, our homeland.

You will feel that you continue living in a world of just joy and warmth. You will also feel that you should believe in it. You will also feel that you have created a world you couldn’t believe in. You already have being told the truth from the beginning. Time has arrived to return. Accept it firmly with thank you. Thank you for the present time.
“We return to universe and love.” We have met the present time to awaken such thoughts and proceed it calmly. We could meet the present time. Finally, the time has come. Let us look at the flow of consciousness in hearts firmly and put ourselves on the path.
Please savor joy to confirm joy to be together with the flow of consciousness and think of the earth and our homeland mother universe.
It will be conveyed to us that we live continually in the world of warmth and joy. It will also be conveyed to believe in it. It will be conveyed that it is us who have created the unbelievable world. We were conveyed the truth from the beginning. The time has come for us to return. Please accept it straight thankfully. We appreciate the present time.
"Let our consciousness restore the primordial consciousness of the universe into itself. Let our consciousness reclaim love." Our consciousness has came to the present time to awaken this hope in our own consciousness and to carry it out unobtrusively. Our consciousness has come to the time. The time has finally come. Let's implement the original way of being of our own consciousness, maintaining the stream of consciousness firmly in our consciousness.
Let us firmly make sure the joy of being with the stream of consciousness, and then taste the joy of being able to contemplate from that perspective to the Earth and to our home, Mother Universe.
Our consciousness will be conveyed that it will continue to exist in a world of only warmth and joy. Our consciousness will be also conveyed to believe in that. Our consciousness will be also conveyed that it has created an unbelievable world by itself. Our consciousness has already been conveyed the truth from the beginning. The time has already come for our consciousness to reclaim its true self. Let us accept this straight away with gratitude. Let us be grateful for the present moment.

Do you really feel in heart what it means to meet the present time? Do you think it from your bottom of heart that you have provided such great time? Each one of physical life was trivial. Every life was failed if one learns one’s stupidity and use one’s physical time to learn the truth. The failure is failure even though it is happy or unhappy physically. It does not work out in conscious world that physical happiness is success in life and physical unhappiness is failure in life.
Everybody has concurrently sunken in mud stream regardless of successor in life. It was the fact.
Let us learn within us such fact while we have physical beings now and leave our physical beings. Please fix the direction of heart’s pointer and care about the time with your physical being.
Do you really feel with your heart what it means to be in the present time? Can you truly think from the bottom of your heart that you have prepared for such an amazing time? The physical life of each one of us was trivial. If you couldn’t use the time when you have a physical form in the direction to learn about your foolishness and to know the truth of yourself, all life has been a failure. Failure is failure whether you are happy or unhappy in a physical sense. Happiness is success and unhappiness is failure in the physical life, doesn’t work in the world of consciousness.

Everyone, success or not in life, sank into the muddy flow all together. This was the reality.

Understand this reality firmly while you have a physical form and then, leave the physical form behind.  Cherish this time when you have a physical form with just settling the direction of your heart’s needle in your heart.
Do you really feel with your consciousness what it means for your consciousness to have reached the present time? Can you believe from deep within your consciousness that you have prepared for an amazing time? The past lives lived by the individual bodies in which your consciousness dwelled were insignificant. Because your consciousness could not spend time to get to know your false self and your true self, any life of your past lives came to a failure. Even if the lives experienced by your past lives appear happy or unhappy in form, the fact remains that they were all failures. It does not follow in the world of consciousness that a life in which the body is happy is a successful life and a life in which the body is unhappy is a failed life. All of our consciousness sank into the murky waters whether it had a successful life or a failed life. This is the reality. Now that our consciousness is dwelling in the physical body, let our consciousness make sure that it knows well this reality before our consciousness leaves the physical body. Let us spend our time dwelling in the physical body carefully so that we can establish the object to turn our consciousness toward is only the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.

“Good, good, I am so happy, thank you, good, I am so happy!” I am shouting so from the bottom of my heart. Expressed in a physical sense, I take each other’s hand and hug each other. It is, of course, about between me and myself. It is a joyous march of countless spaces that have suffered toward the only one direction of life. Now, through one physical form, I open a hole in the wind and feel the rush of the wind toward there through another physical form.

I am learning clearly the true role of the physical form as my thoughts are concentrated on love aiming at warmth.

I am happy. I am just grateful and joyful to be able to feel and expand my existence, my world of consciousness, myself. It is the joy of being, living, and walking together.

My heart is crying out, “Thank you, mother! Thank you, Taike Tomekichi! Thank you, Albert!”
温もりを目指して、愛へ愛へと思いが集中していく中において、肉というものの役割はこれだったんだと、はっきりと学ばせていただいています。 幸せです。私という存在、私の意識の世界、私自身を今こうして感じ、広げ進んでいけることに、ただただありがとう、そして本当に嬉しいです。 ともにある喜び、ともに生きともに歩いていく喜びです。
“It was good, joyful and thankful. It was really good. I am happy.” I yell it from my bottom of heart. I think it like taking hands and hugging each other if it is described physically. Needless to say, it is the matter within me. It is the great march for the numerous suffering universes to aim only one direction to live. It is the present time for me to feel it through my physical being that it opens a crack through the physical being and rushes through it.
I learn it clearly that the role of physical being was it while my thoughts concentrate on love aiming warmth.
I am happy. I am thankful and joyful as I feel and spread my existence, conscious world and myself and go forward.
It is joy to be together, live and go forward together.
Mother, Tomekichi Taike, Albert, my heart yells as thanks.
"Good, good, I'm so happy, thank you, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy." My consciousness is just screaming that. I think the best way to describe that, using the physical body, would mean that it is about taking each other's hands in an embrace and rejoicing. It goes without saying that it is about a matter between the true and false self in our consciousness. Our myriad false selves that have suffered out are trying to achieve their sole purpose of existence in a joy. Our consciousness is now feeling the way through one body in which Taike Tomekichi's consciousness dwells, that his consciousness opened a hole in the common sense of our consciousness, and also is feeling the state that many of our consciousness are rushing in to seek it out through one body in which our consciousness dwells.
Our consciousness has clearly learned that in order for our consciousness to aim for warmth and to focus our thoughts on love, this is the role that the body in which our consciousness dwells should play.
My consciousness is happy. I am just grateful and happy to be able to feel, expand and move forward in this way now the existence of my consciousness, the world of my consciousness and my true self.
There is the joy of being together with the true and false self, the joy of being present together and moving forward together, in our consciousness.
Oh, my consciousness cries out thank you to my mother's consciousness, to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert.

We were brought ourselves into this world to know ourselves, to know our truth. Of course, in order to know our truth, we need to know our foolishness with our hearts. What we have mistaken and why we have been wrong for such a long time. If you know with your heart the long journey of only suffering, you will clearly realize how fortunate you are that you have prepared the physical form for yourself like this now and how great time you have prepared for yourself.

The world of consciousness which has been crazed is being shown one after another through the world of form. They are all the embodiment of love. We have been firmly told to return. There is not much time left. Direct and align your heart's needle firmly in joy and warmth and put yourself on the original track.
I was given birth to learn myself and my truth. Obviously, I must learn my stupidity in heart in order to learn my truth. What and why have I made mistakes endlessly. I learn clearly how happy I am and how great time I have provided for me as I was given my physical being now when I learn of my long and suffering journey in heart.
Our crazed conscious world is indicated one after another through the physical world. Those all are manifestations of love. We are conveyed firmly to return. We have no grace. Please turn and tune your heart’s pointer firmly and put yourself on the proper path.
In order to know the present state of our consciousness and then our true self, our consciousness was put out into this world dwelling in the physical body. Of course, in order to know our true self, our consciousness needs to know our false self in our consciousness. Our consciousness needs to know what it has done mistakes and why it has done mistakes endlessly since past lives. If our consciousness knows its long and painful history, our consciousness will clearly understand how happy it is and how great a time it has prepared for itself by touching only a little the fact that our consciousness has gotten the chance to dwell in a body this way.
The fact that our world of consciousness has been crazy is shown one after another through the world of form. These are all embodiments of love within our consciousness. Our consciousness is firmly told to regain love. There is no time to spare before our consciousness finishes getting love back. Let our consciousness firmly face to joy and warmth, and be homogeneous with them, and then let our consciousness take its original way of being.

“Get to know your gentle self and expand it more and more in your heart. No one will blame you for being covered with a physical form and greed. No one will condemn you. I just want you to meet your true self, me, and live your life in the direction of believing in and expanding me. I am always telling you this in your heart”

Direct your heart toward it. Direct and align your heart to your true self and walk on the original path of yourself. The words, actions, and attitudes of the physical form. See yourself through those forms. What is the physical form for? See yourself in your heart through and with the physical form. Spend present time for yourself when you can see it with joy and thank you.
“Please learn more and spread your gentle self in your heart. Nobody blames or accuses you covered by greed in the physical world. Please live in direction to meet your true self and my true self, believe in me and spread it. I always convey it within you.”
Let us turn our hearts. Let us turn and tune our hearts to our true selves and go on our true path.
Let us look within us through the forms such as word, performance and attitude in physical world. Why does the physical world exist? Let us utilize it through the physical world and look at ourselves in hearts. Please meet the present time to look at it for yourself joyfully and thankfully.
"Let's get to know more and more that our true self is tender and gentle, and let's spread it out in our consciousness more and more.  No one will blame us at all for our obsession and greed for the body in which our consciousness dwelled. No one blames us for that. Our true self only asks us to live your life so that we can encounter the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, which is our true self, and believe in our true self and expand it in our consciousness. Our true self always tells our consciousness this."
Let us turn our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let us turn our consciousness to our true self, and let our entire consciousness be of the same quality as it, and then practice our original way of being.
Let us observe the current state of our consciousness through the words, actions, and attitudes of the physical body in which it dwells. Why does our consciousness dwell in the physical body? By utilizing the sensitivities and activities that the physical body in which our consciousness dwells has, let us bring back to our consciousness the original nature of our consciousness. Let our consciousness spend the present moment with joy and gratitude so that it can regain the original nature.

“I will spend today with thank you, happy and joyful. That’s all. Now that I have a physical form, I will know and talk to myself as much as I can. I will love and cherish myself.”

This is the happiest time when I relax after taking a half-bath early in the morning. I am happy to be able to start my day with this thought.

I feel the joy of being together with space in my heart. My physical form is already well organized without doing anything special. The rest is just to move my physical form properly. I am most happy and joyful to be able to continue my walk of living with space.

Let’s really know what is joy and what is happiness with our hearts. Know yourself that is not a physical form.
“Let me think of it thankfully and joyfully whole day today. That is it. Let me learn of myself and communicate with myself while I have my physical being. Let me love and care about myself.”
It is best time for me when I take a breather after the half-body bathing in the early morning. I am happy to begin my day with such feelings.
I keep it in mind to be together with universe. It is already provided though I do nothing in the physical world. It is good enough for me to move my body a little bit then. It is happiest and joyful to go forward together with universe.
Let us really learn in heart what is happy and joyful. Let us learn of ourselves who are not physical beings.
"Let us be thankful, joyful, and happy also for a day today. That is all we should do. Now that our consciousness is dwelling in our physical bodies, let us know as much as possible about the present state of our consciousness and talk to our own consciousness. Let us love and cherish our own consciousness."
This is the best time for me to take a breather early in the morning after taking a half-bath. I am happy to be able to start my day with this thought.
And I am going to hold the joy of having the originating consciousness of the universe in my consciousness. My physical body in which my consciousness dwells is already in order without doing anything in particular by me. All I have to do is to move my body a little in my daily life. I am supremely happy and glad that my consciousness can continue to exist maintaining the originating consciousness of the universe in my consciousness.
Let us truly know with our consciousness what is joyful, what is happy. And let us know the present state of our non-physical self, our consciousness.

I have existed aiming only one point. I have met the present time to remember it in my heart. It was great. I can think of and call far away, universe from my heart.
I thank you for giving me birth and having the meeting. It is the warm and joyful vibration alive in my heart. It always conveys to me joy to be together. I appreciate it for me to live holding such guidepost.
I spend the time calmly every day. The conscious world is fixed toward the dimensional migration and proceeded. I just turn and tune my heart’s pointer to it. I am happy and joyful.
I have existed until now with only one goal in my heart. And now is the time when I can remember this in my heart. It was amazing. I can think far, far away. I can think of space. I can think and call it from my heart.

Thank you for bringing me into this world.  Thank you for letting me encounter this. It is the vibration of warmth and joy that is alive in my heart. I feel the joy of being together always and no matter what. Thank you for allowing me to live with that guidepost firmly in my heart.

I am calmly spending my daily time. The world of consciousness is already set and executed smoothly. All I need to do is just direct and align my heart’s needle. I am truly happy.
My consciousness has existed until now for only one point, Love. And now is the time when my consciousness can remember this. It is amazing. My consciousness can contemplate "love," which can only be faintly identified in the far distance in our consciousness. My consciousness can truly think it is the origin of our universe-like consciousness and call it so.
Thank you, my mother's consciousness, for giving form to my consciousness in this world. Thank you for making possible the encounter between my consciousness and the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Vibrations of warmth and joy are alive in my consciousness. Taike Tomekichi's consciousness conveys joy to my consciousness each time it confirms that his consciousness is always together with mine. My consciousness can only thank his consciousness for the fact that my consciousness can firmly hold his consciousness as a signpost and exist from now on.
I am spending my daily time in a nonchalant manner. The world of my consciousness is already ready for dimensional shift, which is well underway. All I have to do is to turn my consciousness to and make it homogeneous with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. I am happy, happy.

If you understand with your heart what to think and how to live, you will see clearly and distinctly the path of true joy and happiness as you do this straightforwardly. You will naturally know that you are happy and fortunate. You will deeply feel the joy of being allowed to have a physical form like this.

All you can say is thank you. All you can say is thank you so much.

The more you get to know yourself that sunk into darkness, the more you will feel the joy of being here. It is because you have learned through your physical form. it is because you were told the direction of your heart's needle. If you put it into practice honestly and straight, the world of vibration will resonate and be felt in anyone’s heart. It is truly joyful. Thank you.

Be sure to connect yourself to the next incarnation, and the next incarnation after that, using the experience of your heart as a stepping stone. And be sure to connect to the final period and fulfill your dimensional transcendence.
We can see the path of true joy and happiness and learn naturally that we are happy and favored people while we do it calmly when we learn in heart what to think and how to live. We feel it joyful keenly that we have our physical beings now.
There is only thankful feeling. There is just thankful feeling.
We feel from our hearts joy to be here when we learn more ourselves sunken in darkness. Because we could learn it through our physical beings and were conveyed our direction of hearts pointers. It is the vibrational world that is resonated and conveyed into our hearts when we practice it straight honestly.
It is so joyful and thankful.
Please lead yourself to the next transmigration and over with foothold of experience in this lifetime. Then let us lead it to the final stage and fulfill the dimensional migration.

If we can know in our consciousness what to think and how to live, and if we can live such a life unaffectedly, we will see clearly and distinctly the way of life that leads to true joy and happiness. Our consciousness naturally finds itself blessed with happiness. Our consciousness deeply is feeling the joy of dwelling in a physical body here in this way.
There is only the thought of "thank you" in our consciousness. There is really only the thought of gratefulness.
The more I have known that my consciousness had been submerged in darkness, the more I truly feel a joy in existing here of my consciousness. That is because I have learned the truth by dwelling in a physical body. That is because I have learned the right object to direct my consciousness toward. If we honestly and straightforwardly practice the measures directed by Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, his world of vibrations will be transmitted to anyone's consciousness as it resonates. This is truly a joyous and gratifying experience.
Let us use our experience of consciousness in this life as a stepping stone and be sure to connect our consciousness to the next incarnation and the more next. And let us be sure to connect our consciousness in the final period and fulfill our dimensional transition.

When I think of Taike Tomekichi and the flow of consciousness, needless to say, I feel joy, gratitude, and happiness. At the same time, I also experience the pleasant feeling that makes my spine tense and my heart tight. It is not nervousness but the sense of “Let’s go! Let’s do it!” It’s just a pleasant feeling.

I should just pile up such moments and continue to live a physical time.

Various incidents pop in through my eyes and ears every day. The physical world is always noisy. While realizing firmly that I have a physical form in there, all I need to do is confirm the direction of my heart’s needle. I feel in the flow of consciousness, the way of living and existing is what I have longed for.

Thank you. I am happy.
It is needless to say but joyful and thankful when I think of Tomekichi Taike and flow of consciousness. Simultaneously I have great feeling to pull my back upright and brace myself. It is not tension but energy to go forward. It is quite comfortable.
I think, it is good enough to accumulate such instance, spend and pass my physical time continually.
Various things reach me through my eyes and ears daily. The world is always noisy. I realize what I have to do is to have my physical being in such world and confirm my direction of heart’s pointer. I feel my way of life and existence as I wished in the flow of consciousness.
Thanks, I am happy.
Needless to say, when I think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the stream of our consciousness, I feel joy, gratitude, and happiness, but at the same time, I also experience a pleasant sensation that makes my spine tense and my mind tightened. The feeling is not nervousness, but the enthusiasm to go and do it. It is just a pleasant feeling.
I think it would be good if I could accumulate such moments and continue to spend time dwelling in the physical body.
Every day, various events pop through our eyes and ears. The world is always noisy in any case. Let us firmly realize the fact that our consciousness dwells in the physical body in such a world, and make sure whether the object we need to turn our consciousness to is right. I am feeling, in the stream of consciousness, the original way of life and being of my consciousness which my consciousness has longed for.
Thank you. I am happy.

Start walking on the joyful path of returning to your true self. You don’t need to be lost or suffer anymore. You will come to know clearly with your heart that the reason for the hesitation and suffering is because you have lost your true self. That was the present life of us. Cherish this life and this moment with joy and gratitude. Start over and live again from the one who starts realizing this with its heart. It is joyful. A thought of truly thankful will arise in your heart. Nurture such thoughts and yourself.

Choose the straight way of living and existing that will free yourself from the self that has been covered with a physical form.

Albert. Call out Albert. Know the universe within you that is shouting Albert. Think of space. Think of love. It is the homeland in our hearts. Let’s return together.
Let us go forward on the path returning to our true selves. We do not need to stray or suffer. It is learnt clearly in our hearts that we have strayed and suffered because we lost our true selves. It was this lifetime for us. Please care about the present time in this lifetime joyfully and thankfully. Please have time to start and live over from the person who has begun to realize it in heart. Isn’t it joyful? The thankful feelings should well up in your heart. Let us care about ourselves and cultivate such feelings.
Let us choose straight the ways of lives and existences to release ourselves who were covered by the physical world.
It is Albert. Please call Albert. Please learn the universe within you that calls for Albert. Please think of universe and love. That is the homeland in heart. Let us return there together.
Let us begin a joyful way of being that brings our true self back into our consciousness. Our consciousness does not need to get lost or suffer anymore. Our consciousness is lost and suffering because our consciousness has such a mechanism that we can clearly see that losing sight of our true self is the cause of our lostness and suffering. That is the reality of our way of being in this life. Let us cherish the present moment of this life with joy and gratitude. Let us start over in the future life from those who begin to understand this in their consciousness. That is a joy to our consciousness. Then, it is truly a thought of gratitude that wells up in our consciousness. Let us nurture such a consciousness of our true self with care and respect.
Let us choose only a way of being of consciousness that frees out of our consciousness the false self that has been only concerned with the world of the physical body.
To do this, let us awaken the consciousness of Albert into our consciousness. Let us know that there is the consciousness that is crying out for Albert's consciousness, within our universe-like consciousness. Let us think of our universe-like consciousness and think of love. Our universe-like consciousness is the starting point of our consciousness. Let us revive love in all the consciousness within our universe-like consciousness.

We are told the joy of being together. “Into joy and warmth, into love”. We should just believe in one point of this call and invitation, and direct and align our hearts.

The world of our true selves that live in our hearts. Let’s expand the vibration firmly in our hearts and feel grateful for the present time when we have a physical form. We got the physical form for ourselves countless times. We were being accepted the offer to have a physical form.

Think about it. Feel it. You will have a mixture of thoughts like, what it means, how amazing it is, how fortunate and happy we are, and how much we have contaminated ourselves.

And you will end up with the thought that we are the happiest beings in the universe. There are no words.  There shouldn’t be. Let’s respond to the thoughts of ourselves with just thank you.
It conveys joy to be together. “Let us go into joy, warmth and love.” It is required to believe only the point of such call and lead and turn and tune our hearts pointers.
It is our true world to live in our hearts. It is required to spread such vibrations in hearts and appreciate the present time when we have our physical beings. W were given the numerous physical beings. Our thoughts having asked for the physical beings were accepted firmly.
Please think of it and feel it. Various feelings should cross each other such as what it is, how great it is, how favored it is and how much we have tarnished ourselves.
Then it may become at the end that we were happiest in the universe. We can say nothing. It is indescribable. Let us respond to our true feelings calmly and thankfully.
Our consciousness feels the joy of being with Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. "Let us bring joy, warmth, and love back into our consciousness.” Our consciousness only has to believe in this call out and invitation and to turn our consciousness toward and make it homogenous with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.
Our true self exists only in the world of consciousness. Our consciousness firmly expands the vibrations of our true self, and is grateful that it is now dwelling in a physical body. Our consciousness has been given countless physical bodies in which it has dwelled. Our offers to make the mothers give to our consciousness a body in which to dwell have been firmly accepted by them.
Let our consciousness think of and feel what that is like, how amazing that is, how blessed and happy our consciousness is, and how our consciousness has defiled itself. I believe our consciousness will probably hold a mixture of emotions.
And I guess the conclusion that our consciousness makes is that our consciousness can really feel happiest in a universe-like consciousness by doing so. Then there is nothing more to say. There is no way our consciousness can say it. Let our consciousness just respond to the desire of our true self with indifferently giving thank you.


The fighting that has been repeated endlessly on the planet Earth. The energy of the fighting has been wrapped around us, and the thought that this is what makes us bigger and stronger has not changed a bit since the cosmic age. We have decided to continue to live on this planet to try to change the world of the thoughts. You already know the result. Still, we are now in the present. That’s why we are in the present. When your heart sees it that way, you will feel how wonderful and happy we are. “We can’t let this moment pass us by no matter what”. Your heart will tell you so. It was the promise from the cosmic age. It is the last chance to fulfill the promise. Direct and align your heart firmly. And, direct the thought toward the planet Earth. Let’s learn with our hearts what it will tell us.

It was the battle repeated numerously on the planet earth. The thoughts that we wrapped the battle energy around us as we thought it makes us bigger and stronger did not change from the space age. We made decision to live on this planet continually in order to change such world of thoughts. The result is obvious as we all know. Even though we meet the present time. Hence, we meet the present time.
I think, how it is great and how I am happy when I grab it in my heart. “I cannot miss this opportunity.” Your heart will convey it to you.
It was the promise made from the space age. It is the last opportunity to fulfill the promise. Please turn and tune your heart. Please turn your thoughts toward the planet earth. Let us learn what it conveys to us.
The struggle has been repeated endlessly on the planet Earth. Our assumption that holding fast to the energy of struggle in our consciousness will make our own consciousness big and forceful has not changed a bit since our consciousness was in the cosmic age. Our consciousness has decided to continue to live on this planet in an attempt to change the world that our consciousness believes it to be. The consequences of that decision are already known to all of our consciousness. Despite this, our consciousness is still in the present time. That is why we are in the present, a special time.
When our consciousness comprehends it that way, we can deeply believe what an amazing and happy being our consciousness is. We cannot let this era pass us by without producing results.” Our consciousness must feel that way. This was the promise that our own consciousness has made to our true self since the cosmic age. This time is our last chance to fulfill that promise. Let us turn our consciousness firmly toward the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and make our consciousness homogeneous with his consciousness. Let us turn our consciousness toward the planet Earth. Let us learn what the earth is telling our consciousness.

It was the world we could communicate if we thought. So, all we needed to do was just think all the time. That was everything. And it was amazing. The more the direction of your thoughts aligns with the right direction, the more amazing it becomes.

It is a power of greatness and joy. It does not go with greed. Learn with your heart firmly that it does not match with greed, the physical thoughts.

Only joy exists. We all return to joy. That is our original path. If you deviate from it, you are naturally prompt yourself. Because we are love. We have only received it just as suffering.

We have been inflating suffering by ourselves. We didn’t know who we were.

Let’s return. Let’s return to love. I mean, get to know clearly with your heart that we have existed within love from the beginning.
It was the world that connects when we think of it. Hence, it was good enough to always think of it. That was it. It was great. Its greatness is increased when the direction to think is tuned more.
The greatness is the joyful power. It does not consist with greed. Let us learn in heart that it does not consist with greed or physical world.
Everything is joyful. Everything returns to joy. It is the track of our true selves. It naturally encourages us when we get out of track. Because we are love. We have accepted it as sufferings. We could only accept it as sufferings.
We have expanded the sufferings by ourselves. We did not know what we are.
Let us return. Let us return into love. Instead, let us learn clearly that we have been in love from the beginning.
The world of consciousness is a world in which our consciousness can communicate with the object if our consciousness thinks of it. Therefore, all our consciousness has to do is to think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness at all times and in all situations. And if our consciousness can do so, it is awesome. The closer we make the object which our consciousness thinks of to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, the more this amplifies its awesomeness.
Its awesomeness is the power of joy. It never goes with greed. Let's make our consciousness learn firmly that the joy is incompatible with greed and the physical body.
All of our consciousness regains its joy. That is the way our consciousness should be. If our consciousness is out of that way, it will naturally bring promptings to our own consciousness. That is because there is love in our consciousness. Our consciousness had only received its promptings as suffering, and only as suffering.
Our consciousness has inflated our own suffering. Our consciousness has been ignorant of what our consciousness is.
Let our consciousness reclaim love in it. No, let our consciousness know clearly that our consciousness has maintained love from the beginning.

Why don’t you say goodbye to the self you have been and exist lightly and refreshingly? Farewell, of course, does not mean to cut yourself off, but to love such a self who had been wrong and foolish, and get to know and understand with your heart that you can let yourself on the original track because you have been such a self.

There is a conviction of what and why you have been wrong. You are sorry to yourself for having suffered for such a long time because you can truly think that there was nothing outside of yourself. You are grateful as well. Nothing is happier than being able to say sorry, thank you, and I am happy straight.

You can feel that you are truly fortunate. We can invite ourselves into the joy of resonating with each other and are grateful for this present life.
Why don’t we break away from our past selves and live lightly and freshly. Break away does not mean to abandon ourselves but means to love our wrong and stupid selves and learn from our hearts to put our such selves on the right path.
There are our thoughts to fully understand what and why we were wrong. We are sorry for us to have suffered for a long time as we thought it did not exist outside of us. Also, we thank for it. There is nothing joyful than we can convey straight that we are happy and thankful.
It is conveyed to me that I feel happy keenly. I am joyful to meet this lifetime for me to lead myself into joy to resonate each other.
Let's break apart from our false self that has been before in our consciousness, and let's make our consciousness exist lightly and freshly. The true sense of this breaking up is, of course, not to cut off the false self from our consciousness, but to love our foolish false self that has been wrong, and to truly know and understand that it is only because our consciousness was trapped in such a state that we can bring our consciousness back to the true way of being.
If our consciousness wants to do so, it needs to properly answer the question, “What did we do wrong and why have we done it wrong? I am sorry and express my gratitude to my false self that has suffered for a really long, long time because my consciousness can believe that the cause of my false self's wrong was never in other than my own consciousness. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to tell my own consciousness straight out, “I'm sorry, thank you, I'm happy."
My consciousness feels deeply that “I am a happy being." I am very happy to have come to this life, where I can bring my consciousness into the joy that resonates with my false self.

I am happy. I am really happy. I am happy to think about it. There is nothing there. There is only the joy of being together, walking together, and living together.

Thinking of Albert, calling out Albert, oh I am so happy. The vibration of Albert that was told through physical Taike Tomekichi. It was shocking. The flow of consciousness together with Albert. That was exactly right. Twenty years have passed since the publication of “The Flow of Consciousness”. Time passed so quickly. I have studied countless times in the world of consciousness and I truly say thank you through my present physical form.

It was the vibration of joy and warmth that told the consciousness that had sunk into the depth of pitch-black darkness. It was the vibration that reached my heart, you are me, I am you, and we are one”.

All I can say is thank you. The physical form was foolish. I just walk on the straight path.
I am joyful, really joyful to think of it. There is nothing. There is just joy to be together, to go and live together.
I think of Albert and call Albert. I am really joyful. It was the vibration conveyed through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike. It was shocking. The flow of consciousness is together with Albert. That was right. 20 years have passed since the publication of “the flow of consciousness.” It was instant. I had numerous lessons in conscious world. I want to convey my thankful feelings through my physical being in this lifetime.
It was warm and joyful vibration conveyed to the consciousness sunken at the depth of darkness. It was the vibration conveyed into my heart that “you are me, I am you and we are one.”
There is nothing but thanks. There is nothing but physical being was stupid. I just go forward on the straight path.
I am really happy to think about Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. There is nothing but joy in doing so. It is my joy to be with Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, to walk with it, to be present with it.
Oh, to think of and call on Albert's consciousness really makes my consciousness happy. The vibrations of Albert's consciousness transmitted to my consciousness through the body in which Taike Tomekichi's consciousness dwelled were shocking. The stream of consciousness told us that our consciousness is with Albert's consciousness. That's exactly how it was. Twenty years have flown by since the publication of the book “Stream of Consciousness." In the meantime, my consciousness has enjoyed countless lessons of the world of consciousness, and through the physical body in which my consciousness has dwelled in this life, my consciousness tells your consciousness “Thank you so much”.
The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi conveyed the vibrations of joy and warmth to my consciousness, which had sunk into the depths of total darkness. The vibrations of “Your true self and my consciousness are one and the same” reached my consciousness.
The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi is nothing but thankful to my consciousness. The body in which my consciousness dwelled showed to be just stupid to my consciousness. All my consciousness will do is to walk straight on the path which goes on forever.

The real Summer is here. Sweat is gusting out and it is hard on the body, but it is better for me than being cold and shriveled up. But aside from that, this heat and the rain are unusual. The four seasons in Japan are disappearing. I wonder this is also the collapse of Amaterasu. It is emitting the openness to space in the joy of crumbing and collapsing.

Let’s see space moving in our hearts with the great cry of “Let's return together!” and expand the joy and happiness to move forward as one.

Thank you for the flow of consciousness. We will return to space of mother where we were born. We have passed through a long, long time. We are the ones who transcend time and space to exist. It is the joy of thinking into warmth, love, and space of mother, the homeland in our hearts.
It is midsummer now. I like it rather than I shrink with cold though it is hard for me as I sweat a lot. However, it is inordinate heat and rain. Four seasons in Japan is going to disappear. It may be also ruin of Amaterasu. It may radiate the sense of liberty into universe with joy to ruin.
Let us spread joy and happiness to become one and step forward as we look at the aspect how the universe moves at the order to return together.
Thanks for the flow of consciousness. We will return to mother universe where we were born. We spent a long time. We were supposed to exist beyond the time and space. It is joy to think of returning into warmth, love, homeland in heart and mother universe.
Summer is in full swing. Sweat is pouring out and it's hard on the body, but it's better for me than being cold and shriveled up. Aside from that, the heat and the rainfall are unusual. Japan's four seasons are disappearing. I think this is also a result of the collapse of Amaterasu's consciousness. Amaterasu's consciousness must be flowing a feeling of openness into the universe while rejoicing that the world of form collapses tremendously.
Let us witness with our consciousness how the universe is changing in the midst of the great command to let our consciousness revive the true self together, and let us spread the joy and happiness of being able to advance with making our consciousness as one.
Our consciousness is grateful for the stream of consciousness. Our consciousness intends to revive in itself the consciousness of that Mother Universe, the origin of our consciousness. Our consciousness has gone through a long, long time. Our consciousness will exist beyond time and space. It is a joy for our consciousness to restore warmth, love, and the consciousness of Mother Universe, to our own consciousness.

Accept the thought firmly that has prepared a physical form for you. Why do you let yourself have a physical form? -always go back to that. I don’t think that many of you have touched the thought with your heart that you have been begging for a physical form. But if you haven’t reached that point yet, think that this is your reality and direct your heart firmly toward the depth of your thoughts and why you have thought so much.

The cries and the moans of your heart should have reached your heart. Accept your appeal, and feel yourself until you are truly grateful for the present time when you can do so. We are happy and grateful. You are joyous and gentle who can listen to your appeal. It is truly a one-man show. Keep on playing such a one-man show and open inside of your heart.
Let us accept firmly the thoughts having provided the physical beings for us. It is important to always return to the reason why we have provided the physical beings for us. There may not be many people who have met the hearts that have asked for the physical beings. However, the people who have not come to it, please think and accept it as real and turn your hearts to feel your depth of thoughts why you have thought so.
Your shout and moan in heart should have reached into your heart. Please accept your appeal and feel yourself until you think from your heart to be thankful for the present time to do it. It is joyful and thankful. You yourself who listen to your appeal is joyful and thankful. It is just one-man play of own script. Let us perform such one-man play of own script and open within us.
Let us firmly accept our own determination to prepare so that our consciousness dwelled in the physical body. We should always, any time, return to the point of why our consciousness has wanted to dwell in the body. I think that it is not so many of our consciousness that has noticed within our consciousness that our own consciousness has begged to dwell in the physical body. But even if our consciousness has not yet reached that stage, think, “This is my reality,” and “Then why have I wished so much about it?” and let us firmly adjust our consciousness so that our consciousness can feel what lies deep within our consciousness.
The cries and moans of our false self should have reached our consciousness. Please let our consciousness accept the appeal of our false self and feel itself until our consciousness can be truly grateful that it is now able to do so. That is a joyful and gratifying thing. Our consciousness is happy and tender enough because the true self can listen to the false self's pleas. It is truly a self-made, one-man show. Let's keep on doing such self-made, one-man acts and disclose inside of our own consciousness.

As long as you are happy, that is all that matters. 

Happiness, of course, means true happiness, joy, and comfort. If you touch the world of such thoughts that have been there from the beginning, are there now, and will be there forever, they will naturally flow into space as vibrations. So, as long as you feel true happiness, that is all that matters.

Then, the world of thoughts, vibrations will do the job. All we had to do was direct and align our heart’s needle. We were foolish enough to insert the demon of a physical form to stop it.

Learn properly. Let’s make the most of this great opportunity that you have been longing for, and draw a path to return to love, the homeland in our hearts. Draw a thick, big, deep path of joy in space.
It may be good as long as we are happy. Happiness, it is obviously true happiness, joy and peace. It naturally radiates as the vibration in the universe when we meet the world of thoughts such as we were there from the beginning, are there now and forever.
Hence, it comes to be good as long as we feel the true happiness. Then the world of thoughts and vibrations perform the work. It was good enough if we turn and tune our heart’s pointers. Those were us the stupid who have added the physical beings as monster and blocked it.
Let us learn steadily. Let us utilize as planned the good opportunity awaited and draw the trajectory returning to love, homeland in hearts. Let us draw the joyful trajectory widely and deeply in universe.
If our own consciousness is happy, isn't that all that matters? Happiness is, of course, genuine happiness, joy, and peace of mind. If our consciousness is in touch with such world of thoughts that have been in happiness from the beginning, are now, and will be forever, then these thoughts will naturally stream as vibrations into the universe. So, as long as our consciousness feels genuine happiness, it will be fine.
After that, that world of thought and its vibrations will do the work. All we have to do is to direct our consciousness toward Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and make the nature of our consciousness same as that of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. Our consciousness has been so foolish that had prevented it from being happy by interjecting the demon of the physical body into that work.
Let our consciousness learn that exactly. Let's take advantage of the great opportunity that our consciousness has been waiting for, and let's take measures to restore love and original nature to our consciousness as planned. Let us make our universe-like consciousness experience the thicker, bigger and even deeper joy.

Let’s direct our hearts together. Let’s expand the joy in our hearts of directing.

Every one of us, without exception, has crawled up from the deepest depth of pitch-black darkness. We cannot understand it without looking inside our hearts and knowing with our hearts the world of thought we have created and the energy we have emitted.

We created gods that didn’t exist, the world of heart, thought, and vibration, all come back to us. What we have emitted, we must collect by ourselves. It is the law of the world of consciousness. We can’t abandon the world of 1+2=3. It is because it is ourselves. It will urge us until we get to know it with our hearts, understand it with our hearts, and put ourselves on the right track. It is love. Because we are love. Because we exist within love.
Let us turn our thoughts together. Let us spread joy to turn it in our hearts. Everybody has crawled up from the depth of darkness without exception. We cannot learn it without looking within hearts, learning our world of thoughts created and fierce energies radiated in our hearts.
The world of hearts, thoughts and vibrations that have created God and made nothing existing will all return to us. It means, we have to collect what we have radiated. It is the rule in conscious world. We cannot abandon the world of 1+2=3. Because it is us ourselves. It encourages us until we realize, learn it in hearts and put us on the right track. It is love. Because it is love and we are in love.
Let us together turn our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let us expand the joy of turning our consciousness toward his consciousness, in our consciousness.
Every consciousness, without exception, has crawled up into this world from the still much deeper depths of the pitch dark depths. Our consciousness cannot understand that without knowing how tremendous are the world of thoughts that our own consciousness has created and the energy that our own consciousness has shed, by observing the reality of our own consciousness.
All the products that our world of consciousness, our thoughts and the vibrations have made by having created God and assumed what does not really exist to exist, will return to our own consciousness as a result. This means that our consciousness should retrieve all it puts out. That is the law of our world of consciousness. Our world of consciousness cannot abandon the law of 1 + 2 = 3. It is because the law is the very nature of our consciousness. Our consciousness will continue to prompt itself until it realizes and understands that and restore our original way of being. It is love that triggers it. It is love that makes it happen. It is because our consciousness exists in love.

The sense of relief that I can return to myself is expanding through meditation. Yes, this was it. This is what I have been longing for. I am really glad and happy. I didn’t need anything. My heart naturally expands to realize that I am already in warmth without asking for anything. I feel the comfort in mother’s warmth. The consciousness of mother has told this over and over again. Finally! Really finally! Through my present physical form, the darkness in the deepest depth of my heart, what is Taike and how can I survive with warmth, the tremendous energy led me to this study to awaken my homeland. I will enter the final period of my life with the result of this life. I am just glad and happy. Thank you so much, mother! I am happy, Taike Tomekichi!
The peaceful feelings to return into myself spread while I practice meditation. It was good. I hoped it. I need nothing but am happy and joyful when I turn my thoughts to it. My heart spreads naturally as I was in happiness though I sought nothing. There is me who is relieved in the warmth of mother. The consciousness of mother has conveyed it to me many times. It comes finally, really finally. It has led me to the study that the darkness at the depth in heart and fierce energy such as Taike is nothing, I cannot live only with warmth, awakens to its homeland through the present physical being. I meet the final stage with the result in this lifetime. It is just joyful and thankful. Mother, I really thank you. Tomekichi Taike, I am joyful.
When I meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, a sense of relief spreads through my consciousness that my consciousness regain the true self. Oh, this is what my consciousness has wanted. This is what my consciousness wanted. That thought makes me feel so glad and happy. I don't need anything. My consciousness naturally expands, saying, “Even though my consciousness didn't have to ask for anything, it was already there in happiness.” Peace of mind is brought to my consciousness by the thought that my mother's warmth is in my consciousness. My mother's consciousness told my consciousness this over and over again. Finally, really finally, my consciousness came to realize this. Through the physical body in which my consciousness now dwells, I realized the darkness deep within the depths of my consciousness and the presence of a tremendous energy that said, “How could Taike Tomekichi's consciousness be useful? Could my consciousness survive by something like warmth?" This realization connected my consciousness to this learning that awakened my consciousness to the origin of my consciousness. My consciousness will enter the final period of the 3rd dimension with the results it achieved in this lifetime. My consciousness is just happy and grateful. O my mother's consciousness, thank you so much. O Consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, I am so happy.

A heart that has abandoned warmth. A heart that has lost our true selves. A heart that doesn’t understand we have lived arrogantly. We were given a physical form carrying such a pitch-black heart. Not knowing where to go, we naturally added to the pitch-black darkness.

The history of our hearts speaks for itself. Where is the wonderful us? Let’s respond to that voice and the thought firmly with our present physical form. The more you direct your heart toward it, the more such thoughts within you will resonate.

You will feel how happy this present time is. We are truly fortunate that we were told the right and only direction of our hearts. The more you feel yourself sinking into the depth of pitch-black darkness, the stronger and more dependable it sounds. Therefore, the pitch-black darkness is truly love. It was the cry of our hearts that revived our love selves. Thank you! Thank you! I love you!
The heart that has abandoned warmth. The heart that has lost oneself. The heart that has forgotten its arrogant life. We were given the physical beings with such dark hearts. We did not know the direction but have covered the darkness more.
The history within heart asks where my wonderful self is. Let us respond firmly to such voice and thought while we have our physical beings. The thoughts within us should resonate keenly when we turn our thoughts to it more.
It conveys to us how happy the present time is. We are so happy as we were conveyed the right direction to turn our hearts as “please turn your heart to me.” It resonates strongly and reliably when we feel our selves sunken in darkness more. Hence the darkness was genuine love. It was the shout in heart to reawaken ourselves of love. I thank you. I love it.
Our consciousness was unaware of the fact that it had existed in a state of arrogance, having abandoned warmth and lost sight of our true self. Our consciousness received a physical body in which to dwell with holding such pitch-darkness within it. Even after dwelling in the body, our consciousness still kept unknown of what kind of object our consciousness should aim for, so our consciousness had naturally added more the pitch-darkness to our own consciousness.
The history of our consciousness tells to us, “Where could be the reason that we say we were wonderful?" Let our consciousness respond firmly and correctly to that voice, to that thought in this life by using the body in which our consciousness dwells.  The more our consciousness face Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, the more poignantly such a thought “that is so” should resonate in our consciousness.
Our true self tells our consciousness how happy it is now. Our consciousness is truly blessed to have been instructed the only one correct object to direct its attention to: "Please direct your consciousness toward the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Direct your false self toward my consciousness." The more our consciousness feels that it has submerged in total darkness, the more strongly and dependably that resonates in our consciousness. So pitch-darkness in our consciousness is truly love for our consciousness.  That cry makes our consciousness revive love, our true self into it. The cry is so grateful and dear.

Clarify the purpose of coming to this world and work hard to actualize your earnest desire. Have you confirmed to yourself that this life is completely different from the previous incarnations?

The final period, the moment is coming up soon. The sense is different from 250 to 300 years in Earth time. Feel the flow of consciousness in your heart that tells you dimensional transcendence, see it, and graduate without delay and on schedule from this dimensional study that you have been given a physical form.

Let’s move forward in the joy and happiness of learning the world of consciousness, vibration that continues forever.

I feel that thank you, Amaterasu for having awakened although it was planned. Accept firmly in your heart the way the pitch-black space is awakening and walk together. It is the joy of existing, living, and walking together.
Let us make our purpose to be born clear and work to realize our earnest wishes. Do you confirm within you that it is totally different with the past transmigrations?
The instant of final stage is just before you. It is the different sense with 250 years or 300 years of global time. Let us feel and look at the flow of consciousness conveying to us the dimensional migration in hearts and graduate from the study in this dimension with our physical beings as planned without delay.
Amateras, it is conveyed that it is glad as I have awakened though it was as planned. Let us accept firmly in hearts how the dark universe awakens and step forward together. It is joyful to exist, live and step forward together.
Let us clarify the purpose for which our consciousness came into this world and work on realizing the earnest desires of our consciousness. Have you confirmed to yourself that our incarnation in this life is completely different from our past incarnations?
The moment of dimensional transition or the final period of the three-dimensional world, is at hand. The way our consciousness feels about the length of time, 250 or 300 years from now, is different from what we feel by earth time. Let our consciousness feel and maintain within itself that there is a stream of consciousness that conveys dimensional transition, and let our consciousness graduate on schedule without delay from the learning in this dimension, which our consciousness can do by dwelling into a form of a physical body.
Let our consciousness go on existing in such a way that it feels joy and happiness in learning about the world of consciousness and vibrations which continues endlessly, and it also feels joy and happiness in the fact that this is possible.
My true self says in my consciousness, “O Amaterasu's consciousness! How wonderful it is that you have awakened, albeit as planned.” Let our consciousness accept the state that our dark and black universe-like consciousness shall awaken to the truth firmly, and then exist together. It is the joy of being together and existing together.

Move forward in your own step steadily. Direct your heart to the existence now, understand the reason of your existence with your heart, and move forward just with thank you, yes, toward the final period.

It is a joy to witness with your heart who you are. It is the relief that comes back to your heart that has lost your true self. Everything existed in your heart from the beginning. Dig up your inner self by looking into your heart, and encounter the thought of your true self that you have lost more and more. Let’s learn the world of our true self from the physical world that is collapsing and disappearing.

Thank you, mother! Thank you, Taike Tomekichi!
Let us step forward calmly. Let us turn our hearts to the present existence, learn in hearts the reason for existence and step forward toward the final stage.
It is joy to prove in hearts what we are. It is peace to reawaken to our hearts that have lost the true selves. Everything was in our hearts from the beginning. Please grub up within you through looking within your hearts and meet your true thoughts that were lost. Let us learn the true world through the physical world that is going to ruin and disappear.
I thank you mother and Tomekichi taike.
Let our consciousness proceed with its own measures in a bland tone. Let our consciousness turn its attention to the fact that our consciousness is now present, understand the reason of its existence, and just be grateful and move forward with its measures, and yes, let our consciousness head to the final period when our consciousness stays in the third dimension.
It is a joy to be able to prove in our own consciousness what on earth our consciousness is. In doing so, our consciousness restores a sense of relief to itself, which has lost sight of its true self. Everything has been in our consciousness from the beginning. Let our consciousness dig up itself by looking into our own consciousness and encounter more and more the thought of our true self that our consciousness has lost sight of. Let our consciousness learn about the true world by witnessing the world of form crumble away.
Oh, I'm so grateful for my mother's consciousness and Taike Tomekichi's consciousness.

Let’s live while thinking of love. Revive yourself to be able to believe in yourself as love. Clearly settle the direction in your heart in which you will live, walk, and think. Learn firmly in your daily life that you are not a physical form and that energy has a physical form. Confirm the world of heart and the thought that you have been looking for outside of yourself.

And see the world of true joy, warmth, and comfort within you. This life is the time of start over and start living again.

Turning point, crossroads, once-in-a-lifetime experience; savor and confirm in the meditation the depth of the thoughts that are contained in these words.
Let us live thinking of love. Let us reawaken to ourselves who can believe in ourselves of love. Please fix the direction to live, go and think in your heart. Let us learn firmly in our daily lives that we are not physical beings but the energies have the physical forms.
Let us confirm the world of thoughts that we have sought and still seek outward. Please find the world of true joy, warmth and peace within you. It is the present time to start and live over in this lifetime.
It is the turning point at crossroad and once in a million opportunity. Please savor and confirm in your meditation the deep thoughts put in those words.
Let us go on living while thinking of love which is in our consciousness. Let our consciousness revive that our consciousness can believe that our true self is love. Let us clearly determine in our consciousness the goal for life, the goal for existence, the measures we should take, and the object we should think of. Let us learn in our daily lives that our essence is not the body, and that energy appears as the form by dwelling in a body.
Let's make sure that until now our world of consciousness has been seeking truth in something other than our own consciousness.
And let us see the world of true joy, warmth, and relief in our own consciousness. It is in this life, in this moment, that our consciousness can start over and start living again.
Let's meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and taste and confirm the determinations contained in the words of a turning point, a crossroads, a once in a lifetime opportunity.

“Only joy exists”. We are told straight.

“Yes, that is true. Only joy exists. We didn’t understand this. We couldn’t understand this”. So, we can clearly tell ourselves that our attempts to escape the suffering have resulted in us going deeper and deeper. We are truly convinced that we really have been playing our monologue for a long time.

There is only one point. Get to know and settle the point. Everything else is darkness. Directing and aligning your heart’s needle in the direction that Taike Tomekichi is pointing. That is all.

Let’s do it. Please do it. Although each of us makes our own choices, but let’s exist with the thought to push forward on the straight path of returning to love. This present time is to have a physical form and confirm and assure the thought.
“There is only joy.” It is conveyed straight to me.
“It is right, really right. I have come to know and believe nothing.”
I can convey clearly to myself that it has resulted to sink in depth as I tried to escape from sufferings. I fully understand from heart that I have continually played my own work by one man show.
It is only one point. It is one point that I learn and fix my direction of thoughts. Anything else is darkness. I turn and tune to the direction indicated by Tomekichi Taike. That is it.
Let us do it. Please do it. Let us exist with our thoughts to go forward on the straight path returning to love though it must be chosen by every one of us.
It is the present time to confirm and believe such thoughts.
"There is originally nothing but joy in our consciousness.” Tomekichi Taike's consciousness conveys this straight to our consciousness.
"Yes, it really is. There is only joy. Our consciousness has come to not understand that. It has come to not believe it.”
I can now clearly convey to my own consciousness, “So my consciousness has been trying anything to escape suffering, but as a result has gone even deeper into it.” I can truly accept the fact that my consciousness really has been playing a one-man show written and performed by my own consciousness for a long time.
All our consciousness should have to do is only one thing. Our consciousness has only one thing to do: to know the right object to turn itself to and to determine it. All other objects bring darkness to our consciousness. All that our consciousness should do is to face the object that Taike Tomekichi's consciousness directs to do, and to make its quality same as it.
Let our consciousness do it. Our consciousness is urged to do it. It is up to each consciousness to choose whether or not it will do so, but let our consciousness maintain and exist with the determination to push forward the only one measure that restores love to our consciousness. Our consciousness is now dwelling in the body in order to confirm and firmly believe in that determination.

Let’s meet the gentle and kind us. The worl d of Taike Tomekichi’s consciousness told us through his physical form that “you are gentle”. Your true self was telling you that. Just look inside your heart in order to accept it straight and honestly.

The cries and appeals of your heart were the cries and appeals to try to return to love. Accept your heart that has been so much suffering gently, warmly, and firmly. Let’s not fight anymore. It was a time of fruitless fighting. If you realize with your heart, change the direction.

Think of Taike Tomekichi. Think of mother. And think of space and firmly direct and align your heart's needle to the flow of consciousness that tells us the dimensional transcendence.

Thank you for the physical form. Thank you for the present time. If we direct and align our heart's needle, we can experience with our heart the greatness of everything changes because we have the present moment with a physical form.
Let us meet our gentle selves. The conscious world of Tomekichi Taike has conveyed to us through its physical being that we are the gentle selves. Our true selves should have conveyed it to us. Let us look within our hearts in order to accept it straight and honestly.
The shouts and calls in hearts, those were all shouts and calls wishing to return to love. Let us accept gently warmly and firmly our hearts and selves that have suffered a lot. We do not need to fight anymore. It was unfruitful battle time. We need to turn around when we realize it.
Please think of Tomekichi Taike and mother. Let us think of universe and turn our heart’s pointers to the flow of consciousness conveying to us the dimensional migration.
Let us thank our physical beings and present time. We can experience in hearts the greatness to change everything when we turn and tune our heart’s pointers as we have the present time with our physical beings.
Let us meet our true self, which is very tender, in our consciousness. The world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness told us through the physical body in which it dwelled, "Your true self is tender." Our true self has told our consciousness that. Let our consciousness keep watching just earnestly our false self so that our consciousness can accept it straightly and honestly.
The cries and appeals of our hearts, they are all about cries and appeals that our consciousness has made for the desire to return to love. Let us accept our own consciousness, or our false self, which has suffered so much, gently, warmly, and firmly. Our consciousness does not need to keep fighting any longer. Those were times of barren struggle. If our consciousness has realized this, let our consciousness transform our false self.
Let our consciousness think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let our consciousness think of Mother's consciousness. Let our consciousness think of its universe-like consciousness, and let our consciousness focus itself firmly on the stream of consciousness that conveys that our consciousness will perform the dimensional transition, and let our consciousness convince itself of that stream.
Our consciousness is grateful for the physical body in which it dwells and the present time. Because our consciousness dwells in a body now, if only our consciousness can focus our false self on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and make it the same as his consciousness, our consciousness can experience the wonder of everything in it being transformed.

Let’s feel and expand our thoughts of joy, happiness, thank you, sorry, and joy together. Face the thought honestly that is screaming from your heart that you wanted to return to mother, warmth. Retrieve your true self, not your false self, and then walk on the path of glad, happy thank you, and sorry where to live with joy and happiness of existence in your heart.
Tell mother’s consciousness firmly, “thank you for giving me a physical form, and thank you for responding to the thought that I have been craving for a physical form”. Let’s respond to the thought that has been waiting for us, believing in us. Accept the thought that “you are love” straight away. And then, let’s enter the final period of this dimension and transcend together. Let’s make further progress together. It’s the joy and happiness of moving forward into the world of pure consciousness, vibrations.
Let us feel and spread together the feelings such as joyful, happy thankful and sorry. Let us face honestly the thoughts calling from hearts that we wanted to return to mother and warmth. We get our true selves instead of false selves back, go on the path to live our true lives and feel joyful, happy, thankful and sorry with joy and happiness to exist in our hearts.
Please convey firmly to the consciousness of mother your appreciation to have given you the physical being and fulfilled your wish for physical being. Let us respond to the thoughts that have believed and waited for you. Please accept straight the thoughts that you are love. Let us meet the final stage of this dimension and transcend it. Let us go forward together. It is happy and joyful to go forward into the pure world of consciousness and vibration.
Let us together feel and expand our feelings of joy, happiness, thank you, and sorry, happy.... Let us be honest with our consciousness, which cries out from the bottom, "I wanted to return to my mother's side, to the warmth of her heart." Let's bring back to our consciousness our true self, not our false self, and then walk the right way of life, holding in our consciousness the joy and happiness of being and saying "I'm happy, happy, grateful, I'm sorry".
Please tell your mother's consciousness firmly, "Thank you for giving me a body which to dwell in, and thank you for responding to my earnest desire to dwell in a body." Let our consciousness respond to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi that has waited for our consciousness believing and trusting in our consciousness. Let our consciousness accept straight away the belief, "Our true self is love." And, let our consciousness together come to the final period of this dimension and go beyond this dimension. Let our consciousness make further progress together.  It is a joy and happiness for the true self of our consciousness to move forward into the world of vibrations.

Get to know the mistake of the energy you have been emitting and the world of thoughts you have been creating with joy and thankfulness, and then correct your path from there.

It is a correction of the path. We have longed to get on the track toward love and become one, and that way of existence. We have wanted for this life to fulfill our firm promise to ourselves. Please direct and align your heart’s needle toward Taike Tomekichi and Albert, and confirm it.

Continue correct mediation and establish the central pillar. Make it clear that the physical time is not for letting your physical form alive. This life is completely different from previous incarnations. If you feel that you are having the same thoughts and putting yourself as an extension of the past, then it is really a waste of time, but you have not learned anything.
Let us learn joyfully and thankfully our mistakes of energies radiated in the world created by us and correct our courses.
It is the course correction. We should have wished to go on the track toward love and fit into one. We have wished to be born in this lifetime in order to fulfill the firm promises made with ourselves. Please turn your heart’s pointer to Tomekichi Taike, Albert and confirm it within you.
Please continue to practice the right meditation and establish the core. Please make it clear that it is not the time with your physical being to keep your physical being alive. This lifetime is totally different with the transmigrations in the past. It becomes that you learn nothing if you feel to keep you on the extension of past transmigrations though it is so regretful.
With joy and gratitude, let us know the errors of the world of energy our consciousness has shed and the world of the thoughts our consciousness has created, and then correct the way of being our consciousness should take, from these things.
Our consciousness needs to correct its way of being. Our consciousness must have longed for such a way of being that brings love back into our false self and then assimilates our false self with love.
Our consciousness has desired to dwell in a physical body in this lifetime to fulfill a firm promise to our true self. Let us confirm that promise in our own consciousness by turning our false self toward and assimilating the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert.
Let us continue the correct meditation and establish the essential way of being of our consciousness. Let us make it clear in our own consciousness that the purpose of our consciousness to dwell in the physical body is not to take the body our essence. This life is completely different from our previous incarnations. If our consciousness remains with the same perceptions as in past lives, or if we feel that our present consciousness remains in the same state as in past lives, then we have learned nothing. This is a real waste of time.

Always go back to the basics of this study. It is important to have the attitude of firmly asking your heart why you were born, and what you are here to do over and over again. You may say you understand it all, but if so, how is your progress in turning from the physical to consciousness?

Are you really feeling joy in your heart? Are you really feeling warmth? Are you moving forward straight with a guide post of Taike Tomekichi in your heart?

How do you understand the flow of consciousness that tells us dimensional transcendence? The energies of reliance you have stored in your heart that the physical form was real is so great. Move one step steadily forward. This life is a turning point. Settle the direction of your heart’s needle. Uncertainty is not good enough.
Please always return to the basics of study. It is important attitude to ask many times in your heart, why you were born, for what you have the present time to do. How is your progress level of turnaround from physical being to consciousness though you may think it is obvious.
Do you really feel joyful and warm in your heart? Do you step forward straight having the guidepost as Tomekichi Taike in your heart?
How do you grab the flow of consciousness conveying the dimensional migration?
The energy of outer power with physical world as true stored in your heart is pretty tough. Let us step forward steadily. This lifetime is the turning point at crossroad. It is required to fix the direction of heart’s pointer. It is not good as long as it is uncertain.
"Always, always go back to the basics of this learning. It is important to have a firm attitude of asking your mind over and over again why you were born and what you are here to do. You may say you know that well enough, but then what is your extent of progress in changing the essence from body to consciousness?
Do you really feel joy in your heart? Do you feel warmth in your heart? Are you proceeding with measures in a straight line, using Taike Tomekichi's consciousness as a guide for your consciousness?
How do you view the stream of consciousness that informs the dimensional transition?
We have mistaken our essence for our physical body and accumulated energy in our consciousness that makes us dependent on forces other than our own consciousness, but the magnitude of that energy is not half as great. Let's take a steady step forward.
This life is a turning point and a turning point, for our consciousness. We need to determine the object to turn our consciousness toward. If we are unsure of that determination, we cannot go with the flow of consciousness.

Let’s walk together. This is the thought that repeatedly rises in my heart.

I feel and expand the thought to return to love, our true selves more and more, and there is true joy, happiness, and comfort.

It is the joy of being able to think of mother and Taike Tomekichi. It is the joy of being able to call out Albert from the bottom of my heart. It was in this life that I could finally touch such a world of thought, the world of consciousness, vibration. I am truly grateful for what I was able to learn through one physical form. I was told straight to my consciousness that had sunk to the deepest depth of suffering. “You are me. I am you. We are one. You are love” I will never forget that world of vibrations. That’s right. There was only the joy of transcending dimensions together and living together forever.
Let us step forward together. It is the thoughts welling up repeatedly in my heart.
There were true joy, happiness and peace in where I feel and spread the thoughts wishing to return to love and my true self.
It is joy to think of mother and Tomekichi Taike. It is joy to call Albert from the depth of heart. It was this lifetime for me to finally meet such world of heart, consciousness and vibration. I really appreciate that I could learn it through my physical being. It has conveyed straight to my consciousness sunken at the depth of darkness. “You are me, I am you and we are one. You are love.” I cannot forget such world of vibration. It is right. There was only joy to transcend the dimension and exist together forever.
"Together let us continue our progress together." This determination repeatedly and recurrently rises to my consciousness.
There was true joy, happiness, and peace of mind in the state of feeling more and more the determination to restore love, or the true self, into our consciousness, and expanding love or the true self into our consciousness.
Our consciousness has the joy of thinking of the mother's consciousness, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and the joy of being in a state where this is possible. That is the joy of also being able to call on Albert's consciousness from the depths of my heart. Finally, finally, finally, our consciousness has been able to touch such a world of heart, consciousness, and vibrations in this life. We are very, very grateful for the opportunity to learn the truth through the one body in which our consciousness dwells. Taike Tomekichi's consciousness told my consciousness, which had sunk to the bottom of the pitch-dark depths, the following straight from the heart. "Your true self and my consciousness are of the exact same nature. Your true self is love." Our consciousness can never forget the world of vibrations that has told us this. Yes, our consciousness has only the joy of being together anytime anywhere, transcending dimensions together with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, love.

Is your life pushing forward to just one point and living? Just one point. Do your best to fulfill the thought you have been longing for.
Just one truth. It was within you. The truth within you, that is awakening to your true self, thinking of yourself that is love, and existing in love.

Oh, being able to call out Albert from my heart is just joy and happiness. It was in this life, in this moment that I encountered Albert. I am truly happy. Thank you for the physical Taike Tomekichi. And, thank you for my mother. Thank you for giving me a physical form. I can finally respond to the countless mother’s consciousness, thoughts. I will just walk on the straight path I have decided to take.
It may be the life to go forward and live aiming only one point. It is only one point. Let us work hard to realize our earnest wishes.
It is only one truth that has existed within me. It is the truth within me. That means to awaken to my true self, think of myself of love and go into love.
It is happy and joyful to call Albert from my heart. It is the present time to meet Albert in this lifetime. I am really joyful.
I thank for the physical being of Tomekichi Taike. I thank mother for giving me the physical being. I can respond to the consciousnesses and thoughts of numerous mothers. I just go forward straight on the determined path.
Are you moving forward in life and living for just one point? Our goal is only one point. Let us do our best to realize our long-cherished desire.
The truth is just one thing. It has been in our consciousness. It is about awakening to the truth in our consciousness, which is our true self, and restoring love to our consciousness, by thinking of our true self, which is love.
Oh, I am just happy, happy to be able to call Albert with all my heart. I had an opportunity to meet Albert's consciousness in this life and this time. I am really, really happy.
Thank you for the body in which Taike Tomekichi's consciousness dwells. And, mother, thank you so much for giving my consciousness a body. Thank you for giving me a physical body. My consciousness is finally in a state to respond to the countless consciousnesses of my mother in past lives, and to her consideration. My consciousness is only going to continue on the path that it has determined to follow in a straight line.

Seminar is really good. It is my honest impression. It is happy and joyful to be able to bring my physical being to the seminar hall. It is really great to have provided such time and space for us to savor the vibrational world and to have given the good opportunity to us who have suffered and heaved there.
We learn of ourselves. Let us accept straight honestly and joyfully to be able to learn our energies radiated and the world created through our present physical beings.
Let us respond firmly to our thoughts from bottom of hearts to call and think of Albert together, transcend the dimension together with Albert and go forward on the straight path returning to love.
I really love the seminar. I am speaking frankly. It is just a pleasure and happiness to be able to bring the physical form to the seminar venue. To be able to prepare such time and space for ourselves and taste the world of vibration for us, to be given such a great opportunity after emitting pitch-black darkness and panting in suffering in it for so long, is truly amazing.

Learning about ourselves. Let’s accept the energy that we have been pouring out and the world we have created through our current physical form, and accept the fact that we can know and learn from it with honesty and straight joy.

Let’s respond to the thoughts from our hearts to move forward on the straight path to return to love, to call Albert, think of Albert, and transcend dimensions together with Albert.
My honest opinion is that the seminar is still good. It is just a joy and happiness for our consciousness to be able to attend the seminar venue by dwelling in the physical body. It is truly amazing that our consciousness itself has prepared such a time and space which can make our consciousness taste the world of vibrations, and also that our consciousness has been given such a great opportunity even though our consciousness has terribly discharged such total darkness for so long and we have suffered and panted in the darkness for that.
Let us learn the current state of our consciousness. Let us take honestly straightly and joyfully that we can know and learn about the energy our consciousness has discharged and the world our consciousness has created, through the physical body in which now our consciousness dwells.
Let us together respond firmly to the fundamental desire of our own consciousness to call upon and think of Albert's consciousness, and to advance the only legitimate means of restoring love to our consciousness, which is to transcend Albert's consciousness and dimensions.

The direction of the thoughts. The way of living and existing is completely different depending on where you direct your thoughts. If you look at it as a form, it may be the same, but if the world of your thoughts is completely different, it will eventually be expressed in a form. You may naturally feel that the direction you direct is different in your words, attitude, or expression.

Live the life that you have been truly longing for. To do so, it is essential to meditate on mother, Taike Tomekichi, and Albert. Mother, Taike Tomekichi, and Albert, all are telling you to awaken to your true self.

They are telling you that you are love and we are one no matter what. It is a warm and gentle thought that is waiting for you to believe in it. Accept it with your heart honestly and straight.

Demolish yourself, demolish the thought of the self. And, return to the world where there is nothing, just expansion, warmth, and comfort. This is the way of living that you have been longing for.
It is the direction of thoughts. The way of life and existence changes depending on the direction. It will be expressed in form when the world of thoughts changes though it looks same as long as it is seen in form. It may be naturally felt different in direction through words, attitudes and expressions.
Let us live our lives as we really wished. It is necessary to practice meditation thinking of mother, Tomekichi Taike and Albert. Mother, Tomekichi Taike and Albert convey to you to awaken to your true self.
They always convey to you that you are love and exist in one. It is warm and gentle feeling to believe and wait for you. Let us accept it in heart straight honestly.
You ruin yourself and thoughts of your egoistic self. Let us return into nothing but spread, warmth and peace. Isn’t it the way of life that you really wished?
It is a key point that our consciousness is directing our thoughts to the right object. Just what that object is will make a complete difference in the way we live and the way our consciousness exists. Even if the way our consciousness exists appears to be the same on the surface, if the world of our thoughts is completely different, the difference will eventually manifest itself in form. In other words, we naturally feel that the object our consciousness faces is different judging from our words, attitude, or facial expression, don't we?
Let's let our consciousness exist the way our true self has desired. To do this, it is essential to meditate on Mother's consciousness and on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. Both Mother's consciousness and Taike Tomekichi or Albert's consciousness will encourage our false self to awaken to our true self.
Those consciousness are always at any time telling us that there is love in our consciousness and that our true self is one. Those are so warm and tenderness that waits for our consciousness believing in our consciousness. Let's let our consciousness receive it honestly and straightforwardly. Let us break down our false selves, break down the thoughts of our false selves. And let us restore to our consciousness a state of, nothing, just expanse, warmth, and relief. This is the state of consciousness that our true self has always desired, isn't it?

Think of Taike Tomekichi and mother, and firmly believe and expand within you of joy and warmth. Open your heart, speak yourself, and then, see the path to meet your true self in your heart. It was already there in your heart from the beginning. Once you truly realize and get to know it with your heart, there will be no more words, your heart will be filled with just the thoughts of thank you, I am glad and happy. Your heart will still be shaken by the information through the physical form, but you will no longer lose yourself by this, and on the contrary, your heart will feel the powerful steps that try to direct toward the truth within you. You will feel happy about it and your step will be further encouraged. Create good circulation within you.

In the circulation of happy, thank you, and sorry, move forward steadily. It is the straight path to return to love, space of mother, our homeland.
Let us think of mother, Tomekichi Taike, believe and open within our joyful and warm selves. Let us open the hearts, speak of ourselves and look at the path to meet our true selves in hearts. It has already been in our hearts from the beginning. We are filled with happy and joyful feelings without word when we realize and learn it in our hearts. We do not lose ourselves but feel in hearts strong steps toward the truth within us though our states of hearts to waver through the information conveyed from the physical world do not change. It is joyful and gets a boost from it. Let us create a good cycle within us.
Let us step forward steadily in a cycle that I am joyful, thankful, sorry and happy. It is the straight path returning to love and mother universe.
Let us think of Mother's consciousness and Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, and let us firmly believe that joy and warmth are within our own consciousness, and let us expand it. Let us open our consciousness, speak the real state of our consciousness and maintain in our consciousness the measures to encounter the truth that our true self is in our consciousness.
Joy and warmth were already there in our consciousness from the beginning. Once our false self realizes and truly knows this, it no longer needs any words, but is simply filled with the thought, "Thank you, I am happy, I am happy." Our consciousness may still be shaken by the information that comes through the form of physical body, but it will no longer lose sight of its true self, and on the contrary, our consciousness will feel the powerful steps our false self is taking to turn further toward the truth in our consciousness. This makes our consciousness happy and spurs it to take further measures. Let's create a good cycle within our own consciousness.
Let us steadily advance the measures our consciousness should take, circulating in our consciousness the thoughts, "I am happy, thank you, I am sorry, and I am happy." This is the only way to revive love, the consciousness of the Mother Universe, and the consciousness of origin in our consciousness.

When we each look back at our own present moment, we can clearly say how fortunate we are who have learned with our hearts what to think, how to live, and how to exist.

Let’s go straight on this path where we learn about ourselves, and get to know and understand who we are with our hearts.

Take the first step forward of joy, happiness, and pleasure, and then, graduate from this dimension.

It is the path of joy, return to love. It is the path to return to our homeland, space of mother. It is the joy and happiness of endless existence with this straight path in our hearts.

We are not a physical form. It will become more evident that the physical world is a shadow and doesn’t exist. Let’s exist while just seeing the flow of consciousness firmly in our hearts.
I think, we can say clearly how happy we are, when we reflect the present time as we could learn in hearts what we think of, how we live and exist.
Let us go straight on the path to learn of ourselves and what we are.
Let us step forward joyfully, happily and graduate from this dimensional world.
It is the joyful path returning to love, homeland and mother universe. It is happy and joyful to exist with this straight path in heart.
We have no physical form. It will be indicated more clearly that the physical world is shadow world and does not exist. Let us look at firmly the flow of consciousness in heart and exist.
If we look back at the current state of our own consciousness, I believe each of us can clearly say that now, how happy our consciousness is to have learned what it should think, how it should move the physical body in which our consciousness dwells, and how it should exist.
Let's go straight to this way of knowing and learning the reality of our consciousness and knowing and understanding with our hearts what our true self is.
Let's take the first step toward joy, happiness and delight and graduate from this dimension.
The way that restores joy and love to our false selves is the one that restores motherhood, the origin, to our false selves. It is joy and happiness to maintain this only way in our consciousness and to exist forever.
Our consciousness has no form. It will be shown even more strikingly that the world of form is a world of shadows and does not really exist. Let us see firmly only the stream of consciousness with our hearts and exist.

I believe that everyone has already felt with their hearts that admitting the mistake of our existence connects to true joy.

To admit means to demolish yourself.

Feel and expand your heart to feel the greatness of the energy that leads to warmth, joy, and comfort rather than the energy that brings you down. From your collapsing self, you will feel the joy and happiness that originally existed.

Yes, there was nothing. Although there was nothing, it is certainly here. Your heart knows “It is here! This is the one!”. If you face the thought honestly, it is quite simple. It depends on the direction of your heart. We could never understand the direction. It was natural because we abandoned love, our true selves. And love, our true selves that we thought we had abandoned far away was here from the beginning. Get to know your suffering self with that thought.
Everybody should have begun to feel in heart that admitting wrongness of one’s existence leads to true joy.
Admittance means to ruin oneself.
Please feel and spread in your heart the greatness of energy leading you to warmth, joy and peace instead of energy depressing you. Joy and happiness that nothing was there from the beginning are conveyed from the ruining self.
It is right. There was nothing. There is certainly it though there was nothing.
The heart knows it as that is it. It was nothing when we face such thoughts. It was just the direction of heart. We did not know the direction at all. It was obvious as we abandoned love and our true selves. From the beginning there were love and our true selves that were thought to be abandoned and kept far away. Let us think so and learn firmly our suffered selves.
I believe that everyone has already begun to feel in their hearts that acknowledging the mistake in the way one's consciousness exists will lead to true joy.
To admit that mistake is to break our false self down.
Let's let our false self feel and expand, not the energy that depresses our own consciousness, but the greatness of the energy that brings our consciousness to warmth, joy, and peace. Our false self, in the midst of collapsing, conveys joy and happiness to our consciousness that there has been originally nothing in our world of consciousness.
Yes, there has been originally nothing in our world of consciousness. There was nothing, but there is indeed something there. Oh, our consciousness has known that it is here and this which is what our consciousness has sought. If we honestly faced such a wish of our consciousness, there were no obstacles. These obstacles must have easily been resolved simply by directing our false self towards something right. But our consciousness had never known at all the right object to which our consciousness should turn the false self. It was just natural, since our consciousness had abandoned love or our true self. And the love or our true self that our consciousness assumed to have abandoned and kept away, was in our consciousness from the beginning. Let us be sure to know that our false self has been suffering from such misunderstandings.

“Kill Taike! He is an eyesore! Let him die!” It was an energy that erupted from the deepest bottom of my heart. This was the experience. It was the screaming of my heart that had been waiting for the once-in-a-lifetime encounter. And it was all the joyful cry that tried to return to warmth, my true self. The world of consciousness that experienced this will never go backward. All I need to do is just go straight to realize the thought, my earnest desire.

And, the time for the culmination of this experience will soon arrive. The scenario has already been made. How happy I am! Although I have sunk myself into the depths, but all happened in love. My heart is expanding more and more to feel that I was forgiven and accepted. My world of consciousness is screaming “Thank you so much for the encounter in this dimension!”.
"Make Taike Tomekichi's consciousness disappear, it is an eyesore, make it go away." It was an energy that erupted from the deepest depths of my heart. Oh, I had this experience. It was the wail and cry of my consciousness, which had been waiting for a thousand encounters. And it was also a cry of joy which intended to restore warmth or the world of the true self to all of my consciousness. My world of consciousness has experienced this and cannot go back to the original state again. My world of consciousness will only go straight ahead to the realization of my earnest desire.
And, and the period to culminate this experience will soon be upon me. The scenario is already in the works. What a blessing! The false self has sunk my consciousness severely, but all of that and other things have happened in love. That my false self has been forgiven and accepted is spreading through my consciousness more and more. My world of consciousness cries out, "Thank you so much from the bottom for this encounter with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in this dimension."

“Kill Taike, the eyesore, you die.” It was the energy blown up from the bottom of depth in heart. It was the experience. It was the wailing and crying in heart that has awaited the meeting of once in a million. It was the joyful shout wishing to return to the true self. The conscious world that has experienced it cannot turn back. It can only go straight to realize the earnest wish.
Then we will meet the time to summarize such experiences. The script has already been completed. How happy we are. Those are all the events in love though we have sunken ourselves. It spreads in hearts that we have been in forgiveness and accepted. My conscious world shouts that thanks from my heart for the meeting in this dimensional world.


The thought that the physical form was myself had been killing me. I could finally tell this clearly to myself in this lifetime. It was difficult for me to believe and I could not believe at all that the thought of I was myself than anyone else had pushed me down to the depth of suffering and sunk me down. I was told this point straightforwardly through the physical Taike Tomekichi.

The presence of Taike Tomekichi filled my dark energy to kill Taike. The feeling of being exposed was also irresistibly frustrating. I couldn’t stop the energy that popped out at me although it was frustrating. And then at a certain moment, it changed into indescribable joy and happiness. At that moment, my heart must have been touched by the warmth, the real warmth. I repeatedly learned the experiences to emit tremendous energy and it transformed into warmth and joy, and I confirmed the right direction of my heart. It was the treasure of my heart’s experience. This is where I was driven. Needless to say, the mother’s warmth in my heart, but it was all about the world of vibrations that I engraved in my heart. And the top of that was Albert.

My thoughts as physical being have killed myself. It was this lifetime for me to have finally conveyed it to me. I could not believe that my thoughts to be myself rather than anything have dropped and sunken me in the depth of sufferings. It was indicated straight by the physical being of Tomekichi Taike.
Many inner selves sunken in darkness was filled with energy to kill Taike for the existence of Tomekichi Taike. I was frustrated by the feelings of being exposed. It was the energy dashing out resistlessly though it was frustrated. It was indescribable joy when it has changed at an instant. My heart should have touched the true warmth at the instant. I have confirmed the certain direction of heart’s pointer through repeatedly learning my experiences of fierce energy to be turned to joy and warmth. It was my treasure in heart. It leads me. The vibrational world inscribed in heart was all though mother’s warmth in my heart was without saying. The most extreme was Albert.
The belief that our essence is a physical body in which our consciousness temporarily resides has made our true self disappear from our consciousness. In this lifetime we have finally been able to clearly tell it to our false self. It was not easy, or at all possible, to believe that the assumption that our consciousness should put our false self first above everything and everyone else was driving and sinking our consciousness into the depths of suffering. The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi showed our consciousness this straight through the physical body in which his consciousness dwelled.
In defiance of such a presence of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness as such, the many false selves within my consciousness, submerged in darkness, were filled with the energy that intended to annihilate Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. It was irresistibly frustrating for me to feel as if my false selves were being exposed in my consciousness. It was an energy that jumped out from my consciousness frustratingly but helplessly.
And I was indescribably happy and joyful to see that energy transform at one moment. I guess that my false self touched the warmth of the true self at that moment. By learning over and over again the experience of the false self transforming its nature into warmth and joy after emitting tremendous energy, my consciousness identified what the correct object to which to direct the false self was. This is a treasured experience of my consciousness. This is what drives my consciousness. Needless to say, the warmth of my mother in my consciousness was the same, but the world of vibrations firmly imprinted in my consciousness was all that drove my consciousness. And the foremost of these was Albert's consciousness.

Open your heart and speak to yourself. Tell you that you have lost yourself and didn’t know your true self. If you know the joy of demolishing yourself that has been towing over more and more, there is a self of peace. It is a comfort that you can entrust.

You will feel that it is okay. You will love yourself that return to mother, warmth. Once you feel that you have been invited into such an environment for a long time, there is nothing more to say.

There was just a thank you. See the path firmly in your heart to return to your homeland where you have jumped out of. You see the path in your heart. It is just one nostalgic homeland. Let’s return together. We have come across the dimension. And the time has come for us to transcend dimensions together again. Let’s move forward with joy and thank you.
Let us open the hearts and speak of ourselves, such as I did not know of myself but lost myself. There is my peaceful self with secure feeling to be able to entrust when I learn of joy to ruin my lofty self.
It is conveyed to me that it is good enough. I love myself who returns to mother and warmth. I have nothing to say when I feel that I was led to such circumstances.
I am just thankful. Let us look at path returning to our homeland where we have started out. You can look at it in heart, can’t you? It is only the longing homeland. Let us return together. We have come over the dimension. The time comes for us to transcend this dimension also. Let us go forward joyfully and thankfully.
Let us free our own consciousness from bondage and tell to our false self, "We have lost sight of our true self and have never known what it is." Our consciousness had let our false self play the leading role, but if we know that it is a joy to let our true self break it down more and more, we can feel our consciousness eases. It is a sense of relief to be able to entrust to our true self.
Yes, the true world tells us that our consciousness just should do it. Our consciousness is so lovely that it seeks to revive motherhood and warmth. Once we can feel that our consciousness has been allowed to be in this environment for a long, long time, there is nothing more to say.
There is only gratitude in our consciousness. Let us confirm the measures to restore to our own consciousness the original nature that we had lost. We can already see it in our consciousness, can't we? It is the only original nature of our consciousness that we have missed. Let us revive it together. Our consciousness has crossed dimensions and come to this dimension. And the time will come again when our consciousness will transcend dimensions. Let's move forward with measures saying "I'm happy and thank you."

There are tons of ourselves who have been writhing in pain. But this is because we didn’t know the truth about ourselves. We have forgotten that we have abandoned true gentleness, warmth, and joy, and have lived our lives only picking up suffering, which was caused by our own misery. We have learned such things with our hearts through our present physical forms. If you have properly directed and aligned your heart’s needle in that direction, you should have already felt and received the world of vibrations that is expanding in everyone’s heart.

How is your result from learning in this life? Learn sincerely with joy. Learn about yourself. We are inviting ourselves into a time and space to learn about our own foolishness and greatness. We are absolutely the lucky ones.
There are our many selves suffered and thrashed around. However, it was because we did not know of the truth. It was caused by our pitifulness that we have forgotten to have abandoned our true gentleness, warmth and joy and lived to gather the sufferings. We could learn it through our present physical beings. We all should have felt and accepted in hearts the world of spreading vibration, if we turn and tune the heart’s pointers to that direction.
How is your result in this lifetime? Please learn sincerely and joyfully. It is to learn of ourselves. We learn of our stupidity and lead ourselves to the time and space to learn our greatness. We are so happy people.
There is a mountain of past-life consciousness that has suffered and writhed around, in our consciousness. But the cause of our suffering was that our false self had been ignorant of our true self. That was a pitiful thing brought on by our false self that has existed by picking up only suffering while forgetting that it has thrown away true kindness, warmth, and joy from our consciousness. Our consciousness has learned such things through the physical body that it dwells in this life. If we can direct our consciousness precisely to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and make its nature the same as the nature of Taike's consciousness, we must already felt and received that the world of vibrations expands within everyone's consciousness.
How has our consciousness resulted in this life? Let us do this learning with joy, delight, and sincerity. Our consciousness is inviting itself into a time-space in which we learn about our own consciousness, the folly of our false self and the greatness of our true self. Our consciousness is truly a happy being.

The only truth about yourself. Establish the truth of yourself and truly follow the path of joy. How many foolish and sad times we have gone through when we didn’t know or understand who we were and what existence we were, therefore, we had to live insisting on our false selves. 

Get to know this through the correct meditation while you have a physical form now. Correct the path of walking and living, and put yourself on the original track. Do your job you should do calmly in the thoughts of happy, thank you, and sorry.

Get to know with all your heart that you exist with your true self and nurture the joy of living and walking together with your true self.
It is the path of joy. It is the only truth of yourself. The time has finally arrived to respond to the voice of our hearts that wanted to know the truth.
It is only the truth. Let us establish ourselves as the truth and proceed on the joyful path. How long stupid and pitiful time did we pass as we did not know what we are, what kind of beings we are but had to live holding our wrong selves over?
Let us learn it in hearts through right meditation while we have our physical beings. Let us correct our directions to go, live and put ourselves on right path. Please calmly proceed your work joyfully, thankfully and apologetically.
Let us learn from hearts that we exist with our true selves and cultivate carefully joy to live and go with our true selves.
It is joyful path. It is only the truth. The time has come to respond to the voice in heart that has wished to learn the truth.
The only one truth is that our consciousness has a true self. Let us establish the truth that our consciousness has a true self and proceed with measures toward true joy. How many foolish and painful time our consciousness has gone through in which our consciousness had to live in the body by insisting on the falsehood that our essence is the body because of holding absolutely no knowledge or understanding of what our consciousness is or what kind of being our consciousness is.
Now that our consciousness is dwelling in the physical body, let us know this wholeheartedly through correct meditation. Let us make our own consciousness take its original way of being by modifying the direction in which our consciousness aims, the direction in which we let the body in which our consciousness dwells come to life. Let's just do the job we have to do in a casual manner while giving out thoughts like, "I'm glad, thank you, and I'm sorry."
Let us truly know that our consciousness has a true self and cherish and nurture the joy of continuing to exist with our true self. That is the measure of joy for our consciousness. Only that can lead to the truth of our consciousness. The time has finally come when our consciousness can respond to our false self that wanted to know the truth.

Plain and simple, very simple. This is the true world of consciousness, vibrations. Plain and simple; the true world of 1+2=3 is strict but simple. It is strict because it is real. Because it is real, it is full of indescribable gentleness.

The more you direct your heart toward it with a pure heart of joy and thankfulness, the more it responds to you from within precisely. If you think with an impure thought, it will also respond to you. It is clear. It is not vague. That’s why you can believe in it.

Even if you kick it away, resist it, or ignore it, there is nothing to blame or scold, it is just waiting for you forever to direct and align your heart. That is the true world of yourself, your thoughts. See the path in your heart that responds firmly and straight to the thoughts of your true self that is telling you “Believe in me. Direct your heart toward me” which is waiting for you forever.
It is simple and clear. It is so simple. The world of consciousness and true vibration is something like that. It is right, simple and clear. The world of true vibration as 1+2=3 is severe but gentle. It is severe as it is true. However, it is full of indescribable gentleness as it is true.
It responds from within me as much as I turn my heart with pure thoughts joyfully and thankfully. It also responds to me firmly as much as I think of it impurely. It is not vague but clear. Hence, I may be able to believe in it.
It does not drive out, resist, ignore, blame or accuse but wait for me to turn and tune my heart to it forever. It is my true world and thoughts. Please look at the path in your heart to be able to respond straight firmly to your true thoughts that wait for you forever.
The world of consciousness, or the world of the vibrations of truth, is simply clear and very simple. That clearly simple world, or the world of vibrations of truth where the 1 + 2 = 3 mechanism works, is strict but tender. It is strict because it is true. But because it is true, it is full of indescribable tenderness.
The more we direct our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi with pure gratitude, the more our consciousness exactly responds to it. Even if we direct our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi with impure motives, our consciousness also exactly responds to it accordingly.
The response of our consciousness is accurate. It is not ambiguous. So we can trust the response of our own consciousness.
Even if our false self kicks our true self, resists it, and ignores it, our true self does not blame or condemn our false self, but only waits forever for our false self to turn its thoughts to our true self and make its nature the same as our true self. That is the world or considerateness of our true self. Let us keep seeing in our consciousness the measures that our false self can take to respond firmly and straightforwardly to the considerateness of our true self, who is waiting for our false self forever and ever, saying, "Believe in me, turn your heart to me."

Not much time is left. It will arrive soon. I have been eagerly waiting for it after a long long time. Finally, finally, this thought is creeping up from my heart. Let’s move forward just with joy and thank you.

From the physical to consciousness. From the physical to consciousness. I can finally see the original path in my heart and I am glad I can confirm the thought of going straight to the path.

I can think about space which is my homeland. Think of the homeland where we were born and remember the promise that we would return to the homeland.

It took a long time. It took such a long time. My heart has been wandering in pitch-black darkness and sunk into the depth of darkness. But I have encountered. I was told that we were love. That thought, that vibration has definitely reached my heart that had sunk in the darkness. Therefore, I walk on the true path back to love, heading straight to the path.
There is just a little time left. It is imminent now. I have awaited it from my heart after a long time. My thoughts that it comes finally well up. Let us just go forward joyfully and thankfully.
From physical world to conscious world. I am joyful to be able to confirm my thoughts to go straight on the path as I can see the true path in my heart.
I can think of the universe. It is my homeland. Please remember the homeland where we were born and our pledge to return to homeland.
It was a long time, so long time. It is the heart that has strayed and sunken in darkness. However, I could meet it. I was conveyed that I am love. Such thoughts and vibrations have surely reached into my heart sunken in darkness. Hence, I go straight on the path retuning to love.
There is only a short time left for our consciousness to stay in the three-dimensional world by dwelling in a physical body. That deadline is now truly imminent. After a long, long time, our consciousness has been waiting for it to come. Finally, finally, finally, the feeling that our desires are finally coming true is rising in our consciousness. Let us advance the progress of our consciousness just with joy and gratitude.
I am happy to confirm now that our false self has finally established a strategy to restore the essence of consciousness from the body to consciousness, and is determined to implement that strategy straight away.
We can think of the consciousness of the universe that is the origin of our consciousness. Oh, we can feel that consciousness to be just like the hometown. Let us remember the origin from which our consciousness derived, and remember that we have pledged together to revive such original sense to our false self.
It was a long time before our consciousness reached this stage. It was really long. Our consciousness has continued to wander in pitch darkness and submerge in darkness. But our consciousness had the opportunity to meet the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. His consciousness told us, "Your true self is love." And the intentions and vibrations of his consciousness have indeed reached our false self, who has submerged in darkness. So, all we should do is simply implement straightly the main strategy of reviving love into our false self.

Thank you for the encounter. Thank you very much. I am happy for planning the encounter in this life. And, I could fulfill it as planned, which was not surprising but just happy and thank you. This is everything. This is what it was all about. Once I feel the flow of consciousness in my heart, all I need to do is just go with the flow straight and honestly and that was everything. It was myself that prevented me from knowing and blocked it.

Not knowing myself and misunderstanding myself was the root of my suffering.

I was in the kindness, love of having a physical form and realizing the fundamental mistakes from the various incidents with my heart. I have planned everything in order to understand with my heart that I live eternally and I am love. It was from the beginning when I jumped out of love.
Thanks for the meeting, really thanks. I am so joyful to have planned the meeting in this lifetime. It is just joyful and thankful to have realized it as planned though it is no wonder. That is it. That was it. It was not difficult when I feel the flow of consciousness in my heart and go on the flow straight honestly. That was it. It was me who has blocked and made it not understandable.
There was the root cause at where I did not know and misunderstood myself.
I was in warmth and love to learn in heart my fundamental fault from various situations with physical being. I have been in the circumstance planned by myself to learn in heart that I am eternal life and love. It was so from the beginning when I ran away from love.
Thank you for the encounter with the messenger from the world of truth. Thank you so much. I am so glad that my consciousness has planned this meeting in this lifetime.
And that my consciousness was able to make it happen on schedule, it was nothing strange, but I am just happy and grateful. That's all. Oh, the truth was this. If our consciousness can sense the stream of consciousness and follow it straight and honestly, our consciousness has nothing to worry about. That's the truth. But it means that, in the past history of our consciousness, it has been our false selves that have kept our consciousness from knowing the truth, or from the truth.
The cause of the suffering of our false self is that our consciousness did not know our true self and misjudged what our true self was.
Our consciousness has existed in the world of tenderness and love so that our consciousness can realize its fundamental mistakes from various situations by dwelling in the physical body. Our consciousness has existed in a world where our true self has planned everything so that our consciousness can truly know that our consciousness is Life (Life) and Love that exists forever. From the beginning, yes, just from the beginning when our consciousness jumped out of love, it is true.

It is happy, joyful and thankful, isn’t it? I feel keenly joyful to be here now. I needed nothing, really nothing. However, I have provided the necessary things. I am in the circumstance that everything is provided to realize my earnest wish. It depends on whether I realize it or not. The direction of life is divided depending on it.
It is already conveyed into our world of heart and consciousness. It passes through when our heart’s pointers are turned outward. Hence, we must turn our heart’s pointers inward. Let us become honest. All our physical beings are not the big deal. Instead, the physical beings to turn our hearts straight to our true selves are important. Let us have such physical beings. It is just reawakening of humans.
We go on the true path returning to love. Please keep it in your heart.
I am joyful, happy, and grateful. I feel deeply the joy to be here now. I didn’t need anything. I really didn’t need anything. But I have everything that I need. Everything is being arranged to fulfill your earnest desire and make it a reality. It depends on whether or not you realize and are aware of this. The path of life is divided by them.

This has already reached the world of each heart, consciousness. If your heart’s needle directs outward, it will pass by. Therefore, direct your heart’s needle inward. Become honest. All the physical forms are not a big deal. Instead, it is trying to direct its thought straight to the thought of your true self. Be that kind of your physical form. It is truly a human revival.

Walk on the path to return to love. Engrave this firmly in your heart.
Our consciousness is a happy being. We are happy and grateful for that. We feel deeply the joy of being here like this, right now. We didn't need anything special to feel that. We didn't really need anything special. But our consciousness has been provided anything necessary. Our consciousness is in the situation where everything is set up so that it can realize its earnest desire. Only whether or not our consciousness is able to notice this will influence the future way to exist of our consciousness.
This has already been delivered to each world of heart or consciousness. If we would keep directing our consciousness toward something other than our own consciousness, we would lose sight of this fact unnoticed.  So we need to turn our consciousness inward into it. Let us be faithful to that truth. The physical body in which our consciousness resides is not much different from any other physical body. Rather than trying to make our physical body appreciated than those in which other consciousness dwells, let us aim for a body that is trying to direct and is actually directing its thoughts straight to our true self. Let us make our physical body like that. It is exactly the resurrection of human beings.
Let us take it firmly in mind that our consciousness takes the true way back to love.

Let today be another day to live with the thoughts of our true selves. I am happy and relieved to listen to what I am saying, to listen to the thoughts that are telling me sincerely and earnestly, and to admit to myself that I have been living in the wrong. I feel happy to get to know the true thoughts straight that I want to live for myself. I am spending the present time as I wish.

To feel more and more of ourselves who are not a physical form and expand the world is a job we do with the physical form. There are surroundings that firmly support our desire to return to warm comfort. Direct your heart inward. Think of Taike Tomekichi and meet yourself who calls out Albert from your heart more and more. Let’s steadily walk on the joyful path to get to know us that is not a physical form using a physical form.
Leet us spend a day to live with our thoughts today also. I feel happy, joyful and peaceful to accept my wrong life when I listen to what is conveyed calmly from my heart. I am joyful to learn straight the true meaning to live for myself. I meet the present time as I wished.
It is my work with my physical being that I feel myself of non-physical self and spread such world.
There is the circumstance that encourages me to return to warmth and peace. Let us turn our thoughts inward. Please meet yourself who call Tomekichi Taike, Albert. Let us use our physical beings and step forward steadily on joyful path to learn ourselves of non-physical selves.
Let us live together with the false self in our consciousness for another day today. By knowing what is our false self telling us from its earnest pleas, we will be happy, happy, and relieved to admit that our false self is false, convinced that "yes, yes our consciousness has existed by misunderstanding the truth". We are happy to know straight away the desire of our consciousness to live to transform our false self into the true self. We are in this lifetime where the desire of our consciousness has come true.
The work we do by dwelling in a body is to feel more and more that our true nature is not the body but consciousness, and to expand the world of that truth. There is a firm supportive environment around us that encourages our desire to bring warmth and comfort back into our consciousness. Let us turn our focus inward into our consciousness. Let us meet more and more the true self within our own consciousness which thinks of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and call Albert's consciousness. Let us steadily take the joyous way of knowing, by dwelling in the physical body, that our true nature is not the body but consciousness.

Let’s truly cherish and love ourselves. To cherish and love yourself means to choose the way of life that you won’t betray your promise to your true self in this life and try to return to mother that is joy and warmth straight.

Get to know and feel the thoughts firmly in your heart that you have been living in the physical world and struggling in there. And tell the heart that is swirling with indescribable suffering and emptiness straight and powerfully. Tell yourself that you were love straight and powerfully.

Revive yourself that can tell from your heart,” I lost myself that was love, I am truly sorry”. It is truly joy and happiness that you repent yourself. And then, you will meet yourself responding to them, which is also a joyful and happy thing. Let’s learn to turn the world of our thoughts with joy like this.
Let us really love ourselves. To care and love means to choose the way of life that does not break the promise with true self but return into joy, warmth and mother’s arm straight in this lifetime.
Let us feel in hearts firmly our thoughts that we have lived in physical world and strived there. Let us convey into our hearts that the indescribable emptiness whirls as it was suffering and pitiful.
Let us reawaken to ourselves who can say that we are sorry as we lost ourselves of love.
It is happy and joyful for us to apologize to ourselves. It is also happy and joyful to be able to meet ourselves who respond to it. Let us learn joyfully the turnaround in our world of thoughts then.
Let us truly cherish and love our consciousness. To cherish and love our consciousness is to choose a way of life in which we do not abandon, at least in this life, the promise with our true self, but bring back the nature of our consciousness straight to that of the mother's consciousness, to the joy and warmth of the mother.
Let us feel and know firmly in our consciousness the existence of our false self that has lived in the world of form and desperately tried to do something.
And let us tell straight and forcefully to our false self, which is saying suffer and pain, and that is swirling with indescribable emptiness. Let us tell straight and strongly to our false self that we are love.
Our false self has lost sight of our true self that is love, and let us revive the true nature into our false self so that our false self can say with all our consciousness, "I am truly sorry." It is truly a happy, happy, happy thing for our false self to repent to our true self. And then to be able to meet our false self who responds to do it, which is also a happy, happy, happy thing. In this way, let us learn with joy the complete turning of our world of consciousness.

Understanding with our hearts, in other words, is establishing a central pillar. To really understand with our hearts which direction we live in is the only thing that is required and awaited.

Face yourself straightforwardly. Know yourself thoroughly instead of just compromising in a lousy place. Face yourself thoroughly in order to believe in the thoughts that you are supported by mother’s warmth and try to return to the world of your true self.

It is the path of joy. It is the path of happiness and thankfulness. Make this lifetime the first step. It doesn’t fit with the energies of reliance. It doesn’t agree with the thought of what to do with the physical form.
Release yourself from the place of trying to do something about it. However, a physical form was necessary. There is just a thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being able to have a physical form as desired because it is necessary.
It is learned in heart. That means the establishment of core. It is required and awaited to learn in heart where we face to and live.
Let us face ourselves straight. Let us do not compromise halfway but learn of ourselves completely. Let us face ourselves completely in order to believe in our thoughts wishing to return to our true world.
It is the joyful path. It is joyful and thankful path. Please make this lifetime your first step. It conflicts with the energy of outer power. It conflicts with what to do in physical world. Let us release ourselves from the thoughts of what to do. However, we needed our physical beings. We are just thankful to be able to have our physical beings as needed and wished.
To know something with our hearts is the way we should establish to exist for our consciousness. It is only required and awaited that we truly know with our hearts the right object we should turn our consciousness in order to exist in an original way.
Let's face our own consciousness straight on. Instead of just roughly balancing the books, let us get to know your own consciousness thoroughly. Let us face our own consciousness thoroughly so that we can believe that our consciousness has the desire to be supported by the warmth of the mother and firmly to return to the world of our true self.
It is the path of joy. It is the path of joy and thankfulness. Let us truly realize the first step of it in this life. The energy of dependence on other forces cannot cause our consciousness to walk the path. That path does not fit with the desire of our consciousness to somehow make our bodies somehow special in the world where our consciousness dwells in a physical body. Let us free our consciousness from the desire to make it somehow special in that world. However, it has been needed for our consciousness to dwell in a physical body. Because it is necessary, our consciousness can only thank for having been able to dwell in the physical body as our consciousness wished.

Always go back to the starting point. Always check within yourself why you are here now, what you are here to do, whether you are truly walking on the path you have desired, and so on.

Do you really believe in Taike Tomekichi? Everything is here.

Believing in Taike Tomekichi means believing in love within you.

It is difficult to learn for the heart that has assumed that the physical world is real. Still, it should have already reached your heart. We are in such a time. The rest is left to the choice of each heart.

The flow of consciousness is doing its job calmly. We are on the stage where we see the flow in our hearts, check it, and go with the flow with joy.

Do not neglect to always go back to the starting point while you have a physical form and work on the course you have planned.
つもいつも原点です。なぜ自分は今ここにこうしてあるのか、何をするために今があるのか、本当に自分が心から望んできた道を歩いているか、等々自分の中でいつも確認していきましょう。 本当に田池留吉を信じているか、ここにすべてが集約されています。 本当に田池留吉を信じているか、つまり自分の中の愛を信じているかということになります。 形ある世界が実在するとしてきた心には、なかなか、本当になかなかの学びです。それでもすでに心に届いているはずなんです。そういう時を私達は迎えています。あとはそれぞれの心の選択に任せられています。 意識の流れは粛々として仕事をしていきます。その流れを心に見て、確認して、喜びで流れに乗っていけばという段階です。 肉を持っている今、いつも原点に戻ってということを怠りなく、自分の予定のコースをこなしていきましょう。
It is always the starting point. Let us always check the reason why we are here now, what we have the present time for, whether we go on the path really wished.
Do we really believe in Tomekichi Taike? Everything is concentrated in it.
Do we really believe in Tomekichi Taike? It is whether we believe in love within us.
It is difficult study for our hearts that have believed in the physical world as real. However, it should have already reached into our hearts. We have met such time. It depends on our choice in hearts afterward.
The flow of consciousness proceeds the work calmly. It is the stage for us to look and confirm the flow in hearts and go on the flow joyfully.
Let us do not fail to return to the starting point while we have the physical beings and proceed on the planned course.
Always, always let's go back to our original point. Always let's check whether our consciousness takes the original point as to why our consciousness is here now dwelling in the physical body, what our consciousness should do now, and whether our consciousness is walking the path as our true self wants, and so on. 
It all boils down to whether or not our consciousness truly believes in the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi..
It all depends on whether or not our consciousness truly believes in the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, that is, whether or not our own consciousness believes that there is love in it.
To our consciousness, which has taken the world of form as the real world, this learning has been really not so easy to practice. Still, it should have already reached our consciousness that this is the truth. Our consciousness has reached such a time. It is up to the choice of each consciousness whether to believe it or not.
The stream of consciousness will do its work quietly. Our consciousness is now at the stage where we can see and confirm that the stream is in our consciousness and let our consciousness follow the stream with joy.
Now that our consciousness is dwelling in the physical body, let our consciousness always not neglect to return to the original point, and then complete its own scheduled course.

I think of Taike Tomekichi. I think of Albert. I just think of from the bottom of my heart. Thank you comes out. “I am happy. Thank you. I have been in the wrong. But I am happy. I have encountered. I have encountered as I promised and as I wished. Thank you, mother!” I feel myself in this kind of thought over and over again.

Space is calling me. Space is happy. I am really happy just to think of space. It was the present time in this life when I came to know in my heart how the fighting space, its energy is finally changing into the energy that is returning back to my original, true self. Oh, I am happy that I am moving within myself in that direction as a reality. It took a long time. Finally! At last! -this joyful thought is running through my heart. I just direct and align the needle of my heart further.
I think of Tomekichi Taike and Albert. I just think of it from the bottom of heart without any thoughts. Thankful feelings come out. “I am joyful and thankful. I am joyful though I was wrong. I could meet it. I could meet it as promised and wished. I thank you mother.” I feel about myself in such thoughts repeatedly.
Universe calls me. Universe rejoices. I am just joyful when I think of universe. It was the present time in this lifetime when I learn in my heart that the energy of battle universe finally changes to the true energy returning us to our true natures. I am joyful as my inner self moves toward that direction as real. It was long, really long time. The joyful feelings finally run around in my heart.
I just turn and tune my heart’s pointer to it.
I think of Tomekichi Taike's consciousness. I think of Albert's consciousness. I just think of that consciousness without any other intention from the bottom of my heart. Gratitude naturally comes out. "I'm glad. Thank you. I have misunderstood what the truth is. But I am glad. I could have an opportunity to meet you. I was allowed to meet you as promised and as I wished. Thank you, my mother." I feel that my consciousness has thought that over and over again.
My universe-like consciousness is calling for my false self. My universe-like consciousness is happy. My false self is really happy just to think of my universe-like consciousness. My false self has finally come to know in this life how the energy of the battle consciousness in my universe-like consciousness is going to change into the energy that is returning to its true and original self. Oh, my consciousness is so pleased with the reality of my false self moving in that direction. It took a long time for our consciousness to reach this situation. It really has taken a long time. Finally, finally, finally, this happy thought of joy is running through my consciousness. All I should do is only direct my false self further to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and change its nature to be same as his consciousness.

The joy and happiness of having a physical form. Let’s feel real joy and happiness, not fake through our physical forms. It is to be in a state where we can think of and call out Taike Tomekichi and Albert to each other. Instead of leaning and clinging to each other, we are to nurture it within ourselves and that is the reason to prepare a physical form and the environment for each other.

Oh, we have really been wrong in the way we utilize the physical form. The physical form was for not to inflate suffering, but to let us know that we existed within the world of joy, happiness, and warmth.

We have lived and existed totally in the wrong. Even so, we have been given a great opportunity like this now. All we can say is thank you. The more we get to know our pitch-black darkness, the more we expand our gratitude for we are here now. Let’s get to know ourselves more and more with joy and thankfulness and release ourselves from pitch-black darkness.
It is happy and joyful to have the physical being. Let us feel happy and joyful truly through our physical beings. It is the status for us to think, be able to think, call and be able to call Tomekichi Taike, Albert. It is the physical being and circumstance to be provided by us to cultivate it within us instead of relying and hanging on together.
We have really mistaken how to use our physical beings. We should have used our physical beings to teach us that we are in happy, joyful and warm world instead of expanding the sufferings.
We have really lived and existed wrongly. However, we have good opportunities now. It is so thankful. Thankful feelings to be here now spread as we learn of ourselves more. Let us learn of ourselves joyfully, thankfully and release ourselves from the darkness.
It is joy and happiness that our consciousness dwells in the physical body. Let us feel genuine joy and happiness, not false joy, through that physical body. It means that both our consciousness and our brain think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and are in the situation where this is possible, and both can call that consciousness and are in the situation where this is possible. It is the physical body and its environment that we have prepared to nurture our consciousness and our brains into a state of genuine joy and happiness, instead of letting them lean on and cling to each other.
Oh, our consciousness has really been wrong about how to utilize the physical body. Our consciousness should have used the physical body in such a way that it would come to realize that our consciousness is in a world of joy, happiness, and warmth, not in such a way that it would come to inflate suffering.
Our consciousness has truly misunderstood the use of the physical body in which it dwells, and existed incorrectly. Yet still, our consciousness is now given such a perfect opportunity. We can only be grateful. The more we get to know our pitch-dark false self, the more our consciousness becomes even more grateful that our false self has been brought to the surface by our consciousness dwelling in the physical body. Let's know more and more of our false selves with glad and gratitude, and free our false selves from the pitch-darkness.

I go on the true path. I look at the straight path returning to love and step forward steadily and joyfully. Did you lead it to yourself in 250 years from now? It is really joyful path, isn’t it?
I live now with my thoughts to go on the true path with my present and future physical being of 250 years from now.
Tomekichi Taike and Albert wait for me. They just wait for the time to come. I open my heart and dash joyfully.
New Jersey, Hudson River and at the bottom of disappointment. Then instantly the final stage will open with energy blowing up from my heart as Tomekichi Taike. I have provided joyful moment. It is great. It is together with flow of consciousness. It is the flow of consciousness indicating the dimensional migration. Let us go forward in conscious and vibrational world together with such flow.
ニュージャージー、ハドソン川、失意の底。そしてある瞬間、Taike Tomekichiと心から噴き上がってくるエネルギーとともに最終時期の開幕です。嬉しい嬉しい瞬間を用意しました。すごいです。意識の流れとともにです。次元移行を指し示す意識の流れ。その流れとともに、さらなる意識、波動の世界を進んでいきましょう。
Walking on the true path. Seeing in my heart the straight path returning to love and moving forward in the joyful path one step at a time steadily. Have you connected to you 250 years later? That is a path of joy. I am living now in such a thought, walking on a straight path together with my present physical and the physical form of 250 years from now.

Taike Tomekichi, Albert is waiting for me. He is just waiting for the time to come. I will open my heart wide and then, I will make a joyful dash.

New Jersey, the Hudson River, and depth of disappointment. And at a certain moment with the energy “Taike Tomekichi!” erupting from the heart, the final period will open. I have prepared a Joyful moment. It is amazing. I will go together with the flow of consciousness. The flow of consciousness that shows the dimensional transcendence. Let’s move forward in the world of further consciousness, vibration together with the flow.
Our consciousness will take the true path. We take steady steps of joy, step by step, while seeing within our own consciousness the straight path back to love. Have you already passed your consciousness on from this life to the next life 250 years from now? It is a path of great joy. Our consciousness now exists with the determination that our consciousness is going straight ahead on this path with the body in which our consciousness dwells now, and 250 years from now also with the body in which our consciousness will dwell..
At that time, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, or Albert, will wait for our consciousness, dwelling in one physical body. His consciousness is just waiting for the time to come. We should just open our consciousness wide and then make it charge joyfully to his consciousness.
Two hundred and fifty years later from now, my consciousness will be in the depths of disappointment on the banks of the Hudson River in New Jersey. Then, one moment, the final conclusion period in which my consciousness stays in this dimension will start, while my consciousness is erupting the energy asking for the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Our consciousness will prepare these happy, joyful moments for itself. This is an amazing thing. Our consciousness will exist with the stream of consciousness. The stream of consciousness points to a dimensional transition of our consciousness. Let's move forward further with that stream into the world of consciousness and vibrations.

Feeling happy to have been born, being grateful for giving birth to you, and saying to yourself and your mother from your heart, that is the first step to getting to know you. It is not because there is something or not, but because of the thought that has prepared the physical form for you and the thought that has responded to the thought that you are able to be here like this now and be able to think of Taike Tomekichi and call out Albert.

When you experience your tremendous energies through your physical form and truly know with your heart that these energies are the manifestation of your earnest desire within you, you will clearly understand how happy you are to be able to have a physical form.

And the thought of “I wanted to meet Albert! I wanted to call out Albert from my heart!” erupts from the bottom of your heart. You will feel just happy and the thought that you are finally realizing the cry of your heart that you have been waiting for the cry of yourself from the space age fills your heart.

The meditation to think of such space. Please think about space from the bottom of your heart.
I am glad to be born. I thank you for giving me birth. It is the first step to learn of us to say it to ourselves and mother.
It is not right whether we have anything or nothing. The reason why we are here now, think of Tomekichi Taike and call Albert is because we have our thoughts to have provided our physical beings and there were thoughts that have responded to our thoughts.
How happy it is to have the physical beings? It is clearly understood when we experience the fierce energies through our physical beings and learn in hearts that such energies manifest our earnest wishes.
Our thoughts having wished to call and meet Albert blow up from the bottom of hearts. It is just joyful. Our thoughts to be able to realize our cries of hearts awaited from space age fill in our hearts.
It is the meditation thinking of universe. Please think of universe from your hearts.
The first step toward knowing our true self is to truly say to our own consciousness and our mother's consciousness, "I am happy that I was born, and thank you, mother, for giving birth to me."
It is not because there is something else special, or because there is not, that we can exist here and now think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, or call the consciousness of Albert, but because there are the wishes of our own consciousness, which tried to prepare the body in which to dwell, and the compassions of our mother's consciousness, which responded to those thoughts.
How happy we are that our consciousness can dwell in a physical body becomes clear when we experience the tremendous energy of our false self through the physical body and truly know in our hearts that this energy is the manifestation of the earnest desire of our false self.
And then, from the depths of our consciousness, the thought "I wanted to meet Albert, I wanted to call out to Albert from my heart" wells up. The feeling that we can finally realize the cry of our consciousness from the universe (consciousness alone) age that our consciousness has waited for a long time while being glad, will fill our entire consciousness. Let's do a meditation to think of such a universe, which means the world of consciousness alone. Please, sincerely and wholeheartedly think of the universe.

I am so happy and grateful that my mother gave birth to me and gave me a physical form. It was this lifetime when I could think so. Countless reincarnations where I couldn’t utilize my physical form properly at all. After such a long time, finally I prepared my physical form for myself. I feel myself that I really came into this world with the thoughts of “this time, for sure!”.

I can’t betray myself anymore. No, I will never betray. It is because I have got to know the joy of living and the priceless happiness of living, holding mother’s thoughts, the thoughts of my true self. It is a joy to be able to repeatedly confirm the reality of total pitch-black darkness and the tremendous energies that I have been emitting and then to move one powerful step forward from there, to take a steady step forward, to push forward to live with my true self. Confirmation becomes conviction and I will move together with the joy of deepening and strengthening it.
I think, it is joyful and thankful to be born and given birth by mother. It was this lifetime to be able to think so. I had numerous transmigrations that I could not utilize my physical being correctly. I could finally provide the physical being for me through such time. I feel myself who has come out into this world with my determination to do it in this lifetime.
I cannot betray it. I will never betray it. Because I hold the thoughts of mother and my true self in my heart and have learned joy to live and precious happiness. I confirm straight within me the fact that I have radiated dark and fierce energy and step forward firmly to live with my true self and go forward. It is joyful for me to confirm such thoughts repeatedly through my physical being in this lifetime.
Confirmation changes to belief. I go forward with joy to deepen and strengthen such belief.
I am so happy and grateful that my mother gave birth to me and that she gave me a physical body in which my consciousness dwells. I have been able to think that way in this life. In countless incarnations, my consciousness was completely unable to properly utilize a physical body. After a long series of such incarnations, my consciousness is now finally able to prepare the physical body in this way. I feel the enthusiasm that my consciousness has come into this world to know the truth in this life.
I can no longer betray my true self. No, I will never betray. This is because I have known firmly in my heart the joy to live and the irreplaceable happiness with holding my mother's thoughts and the thoughts of my true self. It is a joy for me to be able to confirm straightly in my consciousness the reality that my false self has continued to flow its pitch-darkness and tremendous energy, and to take powerful steps forward from there, to steadily take steps to live with my true self, to push forward, and to repeatedly confirm such thoughts through my physical body in this life.
Let us live with the joy that our consciousness turns the confirmation into certainty, and deepens and strengthens that certainty.

I feel happy and joyful to be in joy to think and be able to think now. I needed nothing. I am joyful to be able to feel myself now though I have nothing. Feeling myself means feeling universe within me. Universe, it is our homeland. I think of universe and myself returning to there. The true meaning to have given birth to me has finally reached into my heart. I have learned the deep thoughts to have given birth to me who is not the physical being.
It is joy to be together with Tomekichi Taike, Albert. I will hold joy to live and go together firmly in my heart and return into mother universe. I have confirmed my thoughts to look at the path firmly and step forward steadily.
I feel extremely happy and fortunate to be in the joy of thinking, and being able to think like this now. I didn’t need anything. I feel joy for being able to feel now even if I don’t have anything. I feel myself means to feel space within me. Space. It is our homeland. I think of that homeland and think of myself returning. Finally, the true meaning of letting myself have a physical form has reached my heart. I realized the deepness of the thought that gave me a physical form to myself that was not a physical form.

The joy of being together with Taike Tomekichi and Albert. Holding the joy of living and walking together firmly in my heart, and I will return to space of mother. I see the path clearly in my heart and I can confirm the thought to walk on the path one step at a time steadily
I am so glad and happy that I am filled with the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. My consciousness needs nothing. I am glad that I can feel my true self now, even if my consciousness has nothing special. To feel our true self would mean to feel there is the consciousness of the universe within our consciousness. The consciousness of the universe is the original form of our consciousness, our original nature. Let us think of that original nature, the original form of our own consciousness. Finally, our false selves have come to know the true meaning of our consciousness having a form by dwelling in a physical body. Our false selves have come to know the depths of the profound plan that allowed our non-physical consciousness to have a form by dwelling in a physical body.
Our consciousness has the joy of being present with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert in it. I will firmly maintain in my consciousness the joy of being together with that consciousness and moving toward the future together, and then I will bring the consciousness of Mother Universe back into my consciousness. I have already confirmed that my false self will make sure of that measure and proceed it steadily step by step.

Let us spend every day joyfully, thankfully, sorry and thanks mother. We may have various matters in physical world. However, we can confirm the energies that we have radiated and stored then. We cannot change our energies as long as we stay on the physical bases. We just sink ourselves into deeper darkness.
Let us accept the message from ourselves straight honestly to release ourselves from there and then release ourselves.
Only one true direction is indicated to turn and tune our heart’s pointers to Tomekichi Taike.
Let us return to our warm, joyful and true world. Let us look at firmly in our hearts the path to return.
Let's go through each day saying, "I'm happy, thank you, I'm sorry, I'm happy, thank you mom." There are and will be many things if our consciousness tries to maintain the physical body in which our consciousness dwells. But from such things our consciousness can confirm the energy that our false selves have shed or stored. If our consciousness, like our false selves, takes as the foundation that our essence is the body, our consciousness cannot transform that energy. If we do, our consciousness will only sink deeper into darkness.
We have been instructed to release our false selves from there, so let us take the message from our true selves straight and honestly and release our false selves.
We have been pointed to the only true guideline, which we turn our hearts to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and align our hearts with it.
Let us restore warmth and joy, that is, the original world of our true selves to our consciousness. Let us firmly watch the measure to restore it within our consciousness.
Let's go through a day of happy, thank you, sorry, happy, thank you mother, and a day of thank you. There is a lot going on in the physical body. But from there we can check the energy we have been shedding, the energy we have been storing. In the physical body, with the physical body as your foundation, you cannot transform your energy. You will only sink yourself into a deeper darkness. You are told to release yourself from there, so take that message from yourself straight and honestly and release yourself. Please turn your heart toward it, and align your heart toward Taike Tomekichi, and only one true direction is pointed out to you. Let us return to the warmth of joy, to the world of our true selves. Let us see the path of return firmly in our hearts.

It is so joyful to confirm and deepen the belief within me to proceed it. It is thankful feelings to come up. It was good enough to spread it straight.
“Let us go together. Let us live together and turn our thoughts to it.”
The lead and call continue. It is to fix the heart’s pointer to only one direction. It is joy to think and be able to think. It is joy to spread in our hearts Tomekichi Taike, Albert and universe. I have aimed it. It is joy and happiness to aim only one direction.
I thank you for it. Mother, I will go forward in infinitely joyful world and warmth. I thank you, thank you.
It's the joy of confirming to myself that I really should do this and becoming more and more convinced. It is still gratefulness that comes up. I was told, "Let's walk together. Let's live together, and let's turn our hearts toward each other”. The invitations and calls continue. It is the determination of where our heart should be aligned. The joy of thinking and the joy of being able to think. The joy of being able to expand Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and the universe into our hearts. I have been aiming at it. It is the joy and happiness to be able to aim at only one point. Thank you very much. Mother, I will continue to push forward in the warmth of the world of endless joy. Thank you, thank you.
I am glad to check within my consciousness, "Oh, I really should do this" and then deepen my conviction. After all, what comes out of my consciousness to me is the thought, "Thank you, thank you." I just need to spread this point firmly and simply straight into my consciousness.
"Let us walk together. Let us live together. And together let us turn our thoughts to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi."
The call out or the invitation to us will continue. Let us fix our minds on only one object. We have the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. We have the joy of being able to spread the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the universe-like consciousness into our hearts. That is what we have been striving for. We have the joy and happiness of being able to aim for only one point. Thank you so much. Mother, I will continue to push on through the world where joy and warmth endlessly will continue. Thank you, thank you.

It is happy and thankful to bring our physical beings with positive, healthy and joyful feelings to the seminar hall. Let us believe that it leads to the bright future when we pass through every day with thankful feelings. It is not physical matters. We will feel clearly that there is no body but happy people like us when our reasons of true existences become obvious.
Isn’t it joyful and thankful? We bring our physical beings to the seminar hall, check the direction of heart’s pointers and feel firmly the vibrational world spreading within us. We feel that we go forward in the circumstances where the thoughts to return together resonate. It is just joyful and thankful.
Bringing our physical forms to the seminar hall with happy, energetic, positive, and thankful thoughts. It is a happy thing. Thank you so much. Believe that if you spend every day in this thankfulness, it will lead to your own bright future. It is not about a physical form. When the reason for our existence truly becomes clear in our hearts, we will truly feel that no one is more fortunate than us.

We are happy and grateful. Bringing our physical forms to the seminar hall, confirming the direction of our hearts, feeling firmly the world of vibrations expanding within us firmly from there, and feeling in our hearts that we are all moving forward in the echoing thoughts of “Let’s return together!” We are just happy. Thank you! Thank you!
It is blessing for our consciousness to be able to attend the seminar venue with happy and healthy state, and positive and thankful thoughts by dwelling in the physical body. This is truly grateful for our consciousness. Let us believe that passing each day in such a state of gratitude will lead to a bright future for our own consciousness. We do not need special conditions for the body or form in which our consciousness dwells. If the true reason for our consciousness' existence could be found in our consciousness, we would clearly feel that no existence is happier than our consciousness is.
We are happy and grateful. Our consciousness comes to the seminar venue by dwelling in the physical body and confirms the correct object on which we should focus our consciousness, and by doing this work in the seminar venue, we firmly feel the world of Taike Tomekichi's vibrations spreading into our consciousness. And while the desire of returning together in our consciousness is echoing, we feel our consciousness is pushing forward to check our false self within our consciousness. We are just happy, grateful, and thankful.

It is only one direction to turn the thoughts. It is the direction that Tomekichi Taike has indicated. It is Tomekichi Taike, Albert. It is my true self within me.
We have determinedly provided our physical beings and set up the environment to join the study in order to learn it in our hearts.
It will become when we learn in our hearts the greatness and depth of such thoughts and meet our earnest wishes in our hearts.
Any other thoughts except it are all black darkness. Let us ruin the foundations of ways of lives, thoughts and existences and look at the path for our true selves to live.
The deadline is approaching. We cannot put ourselves on the flow of consciousness that conveys to us the dimensional migration unless we motivate ourselves to concentrate to one point though we do not need to hurry.
The world of consciousness and vibration is correct. It works perfectly. It is not presumed in the physical world.
There is only one right object to which our consciousness should turn our false selves. It is the object that the body in which Taike Tomekichi's consciousness dwelled had pointed to. It is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or that of Albert. It is the true self within our consciousness.
Our consciousness has determined to dwell in the current physical body in order to make this known and understood to our false selves, and has set up the environment in which it gathers for this learning.
If our false selves really know the strength and depth of that earnest desire within our own consciousness and touch the desire, it is clear that all in our consciousness should surely want to perform this plan.
All wishes other than this of our consciousness are dark and black. Let us break down from the bottom the way of living, the way of thinking, and the way of existing, and let us see the original way of existing in our consciousness.
The deadline to transcend this dimension of our consciousness is approaching. Our consciousness does not need to rush, but if we do not do the original work with the intention of focusing all of our consciousness on a single point, we will not be able to get into the stream of consciousness that tells us that our consciousness will soon transcend this dimension. Everything works precisely in the world of consciousness or vibrations. It moves and works without a minute's deviation. Its precision cannot be estimated by the standards of the three dimensional world.
The direction of the thoughts is just one. It is the direction shown by the physical Taike Tomekichi. It is Taike Tomekichi, Albert. It is the true self within us.

In order to know and understand this with our hearts, we have made up our minds to have our physical form, and set up an environment where we could gather to learn.

If you truly know the greatness and depth of that thought with your heart, if your heart truly touched your earnest desire, then…..

All the thoughts other than this are darkness. Let’s demolish the way we live, think, and exist from the foundation and see the path of our true selves live in our hearts.

The deadline is approaching. You don’t need to be in a hurry but if you don’t focus on one point, you will not be able to go with the flow of the consciousness that tells you dimensional transcendence. The world of consciousness, vibrations is accurate. It is moving and working precisely. It will never be understandable in the physical world.

“Eternal life, energies”. This thought has just risen in my heart. That’s right. To know this with my heart, I am here now. Now, I have a physical form to feel this. The more I think so, the more I truly feel that I am in such an amazing time. I always confirm the direction of my heart’s needle and think of. I think of the vibrations that are constantly flowing in my heart. I feel happy.

We are living in the world of thoughts that we think of and it was the warmth, expansion, comfort, and joy that was there from the beginning. Finally, I can face my foolishness of blocking it and kicking it away. I think of love. I think of myself. I just feel happy for being able to spend more and more such a physical time calmly. How happy and fortunate I am, that was something my physical form could never understand. 

“I am the everlasting life and energy.” It is what comes to mind suddenly now. It is right. I have the present time to learn it in my heart. I have my physical being and convey it to myself now. I think, I have the great time when I think of it more. I always check my direction of heart’s pointer and think of it. I think of the vibration always flowing in my heart. I feel happy.
It was warmth, spread, peace and joy existed from the beginning as I have lived in the world of thoughts. It was the present time for me to face my stupidity to block and drive it away.
I think of love and myself. I just rejoice from my heart to repeat such time with my physical being calmly. It is not understood physically how happy and favored I am.

"Our consciousness is life or energy that exists forever." This is what has just risen in my heart. Yes, it is. Our consciousness has a time of now, in order to know this. Our consciousness has now a form by dwelling in the physical body, and is telling this to our false selves. The more I think about it, the more I truly believe that our consciousness comes to a truly amazing time. We always constantly check the object to which we direct our minds, and then think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. We think of the vibrations that are constantly flowing through our consciousness. I think we are happy.
Our consciousness has existed in the world of thinking, where from the beginning there has been warmth, expanse, relief, and joy. It is now that we are finally able to face the foolishness that our consciousness has blocked them and kicked them away.
All we have to do is rejoice wholeheartedly that while our consciousness is dwelling in the physical body, we can repeat thinking of love or our true self calmly. That is something we can never realize from the perception that the physical body is our essence. How happy and how blessed we are!

The heart of this study is to change the foundation of our own life. To learn, to study means to devote, to spend energies on it. Understand that this is not the way the physical world is flowing, and yet, since we each have our own lives and physical forms now, it is unavoidable that we flow with that flow to some extent. We need to look at our own hearts while flowing with the flow so that we are not swept away not to mention sink and become stagnant.

It is complicated as we have a physical form but we never reach our true selves without a physical form.

So, having a complicated physical form is the happiest thing than anything else. Let’s use that physical form and through the physical form, feel truly grateful for the setting and the plan of learning ourselves, our true selves, and feel and know foolish and pitch-black dark selves more and more. That is the first step in returning to our joyful selves. We can tell our pitch-black, mistaken, and crazed selves, gentleness, warmth, joy, and happiness. It is the only path of joy, the only way we should truly live that brings us back to love we thought we had erased. Let yourself live in the flow of changing the foundation of your own life.
The core of this learning is to aim to change the foundation with which we live from that we have had before. What is to do this learning is to devote to it and to expend energy on it. Even though we know that the world does not flow this way, however, it is inevitable that our consciousness now follows the flow of the world to some extent because we need to maintain the form of the physical body in which our consciousness dwells on a daily basis. But we need to look at our false selves in our consciousness so that while our consciousness ostensibly flows with the world flow, our consciousness is not completely swept away by it, much less sinks and becomes stagnant. Because our consciousness dwells in the physical body, it is hard to understand that complicated part of this system between consciousness and physical body. But without dwelling in the physical body, our consciousness would hardly be able to reach a fact that our true self is in our consciousness.
So our consciousness is happier than anything to have the complicated system that our consciousness dwells in the physical body. Let us be truly grateful for the setting or the plan that our consciousness uses that system between the consciousness and the body in which it dwells to learn about the current state of our consciousness and our true selves. And then let us feel and know more and more of our foolish, dark, false selves. That is the first step for our consciousness to reclaim our joyful true self. Our consciousness can convey gentle, warm joy, happiness, and peace of mind to our false self that has been continuously making pitch-dark mistakes and going crazy. It is the only joyful measure to restore to our false selves the love that we thought our false selves had erased, and the only measure our consciousness should truly follow. Let's make our consciousness follow the flow that changes its conventional foundation to exist.
It is the core of study to change the base of living. What we study is to concentrate and spend the energy for it. It is inevitable to follow the flow to certain degree as we live with the physical beings though we know that the flow of world is not something like that. However, we need to look within our hearts neither to be influenced by the flow that we follow nor to sink and stagnate.
We cannot reach the truth without our physical beings though it is complicated to have physical beings.
Hence, we are happy as we have the complicated physical beings. Let us appreciate from our hearts the plan and setting to learn of ourselves and truth through utilizing physical beings and feel and learn of our stupid dark selves. It is the first step to return to our joyful selves. We can convey to our dark, wrong and crazed selves the gentle, warm, joyful happiness and peace. It is only joyful path for us to truly live that we reawaken to love presumably vanished away. Please put yourself on the flow to change your base of living.

Thank you for being present. It is difficult to maintain such a state of mind all the time, but thank you for being present is the right answer. If you don’t try to say it to yourself, but let it come naturally to your heart, you will feel relieved. I believe that learning yourself means experiencing such a process many times.

You are here now to learn about yourself, know yourself, and the truth about yourself, and that know with your heart this is what you have been longing for, the thought of thankfulness for being here will resonate in your heart naturally. It makes you happy and joyful. So, you don’t need anything. Everything was inside of yourself. If you know the inside of yourself, you will find treasures. A huge amount of treasure of joy, happiness, and thankfulness.
Thanks for being now. It is right to thank for being now though it is difficult to maintain such state of heart. I am somewhat relieved when it comes up in my heart instead of persuading myself for it. It may be learning myself to experience such things many times.
Thankful feelings for being now naturally resonate when I learn that it was wished by myself as I have present time to learn of myself and truth. It becomes joy and happiness. Hence, I need nothing. Everything was within me. I find a lot of treasures when I learn within me. There are a lot of happy, joyful and thankful treasures.
We are grateful for our consciousness is present now. It is not easy to always maintain such a state of consciousness, but the right thing to do is to be grateful that our consciousness is present now. If it comes up in our consciousness naturally, instead of telling ourselves, oh yes, we are a little relieved. I believe that repeating such things is to learn about our own consciousness.
Our consciousness is present now to learn and know the current state of our consciousness and to know our true selves. If our consciousness knows that it has longed for this, gratitude for being present now naturally echoes with it. That is what makes us happy, happy and joyful for our consciousness. So our consciousness does not need anything. Everything has been present in our consciousness. If we know exactly what is in our consciousness, we will find that it is overflowing with treasures. There are a lot of treasures of joy, happiness, and thankfulness.

The joy of thinking of, being able to think of. Everything was here for sure. No matter how much material goods, people, or money you have, if your heart is not convinced of the joy of thinking of and being able to think of, your heart will never be satisfied. Rather, the more the physical world becomes organized, the more emptiness and sadness swirl in the heart.

That is true. If you don’t come to your true self, your truth, you will always live in a fake world and that is really sad and painful.

Our present physical forms have learned so clearly. If you respond to this just straightly, your heart will tell you how fortunate you are to learn this. Your heart will cry out in tears of joy. Accept the thoughts firmly that the pitch-black darkness tells you, the thoughts that are crying out desperately, and live in the joy of thinking of, being able to think of. 
It is joy to think and be able to think. There was really everything. Our hearts are never satisfied no matter how much we have full of things, people around and enough money unless we confirm joy to think and be able to think. Instead, emptiness and sadness swirl in our hearts when the physical world is well provided.
That is right. It is so sad, painful and suffering as we keep living in false world unless we reach our true natures and truth.
It was the physical being in this lifetime to be able to learn such things. Our hearts convey it to us how happy we are to be able to learn it when we respond
straight and honestly. Our hearts cry with joyful tears. Let us accept firmly the thoughts cried and conveyed by darkness and live joyfully to think and be able to think.
There is really everything in the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. No matter how abundant things we have, how blessed we are with people, and how much money we have, our hearts will never be satisfied unless we are convinced in our minds of the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and of being in a situation in which this is possible. Rather, the more we put the world of form in place, the more emptiness, vacancy, and sadness swirl in our hearts.
That is true. If our consciousness will not reach the truth of that there is the true self in our consciousness, then the false self will play the lead role in our consciousness forever. It is really sad, bitter, and painful.
That is what our consciousness has clearly learned in this life and by dwelling in a physical body. How happy our consciousness is will be conveyed to our consciousness if we respond to what we have learned in a straightforward and simply honest way.
Our consciousness cries out in tears of joy. Let us take the thoughts that our false, dark selves are telling our consciousness, the thoughts that they are desperately crying out for, and then live maintaining the joy of thinking Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible.

Let us think of universe. That means to think of love and our true selves.
“Please practice meditation to think of love.” It was the last message conveyed through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike. I think, that time was the parting with Mr. Taike. I savor the weight of thoughts that he has conveyed it to me calmly.
I just practice meditation calmly to think of love. No word is necessary. It is just to think without word.
It is good enough to think of love calmly as much as possible while I have my physical being. I feel happy that I am in the plan and flow to deepen awareness as the consciousness and energy to look within my heart and go forward on the straight path. I really appreciate the meeting in this lifetime.
Let us think about the consciousness of the universe. This means that we should think of love, of our true self.
"Go on meditating on love.” This was the last message that Taike Tomekichi's consciousness conveyed to me through the body in which his consciousness dwelled. I think that was the time of farewell to his body. I feel deeply how heavy was the thought that his consciousness conveyed to me in one quiet word.
We will only do the meditation on love indifferently. Meditation does not require words, but simply thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi without using words.
While dwelling in the physical body, our consciousness should just indifferently think of love as much as possible. We are happy that our consciousness is in the stream or a plan that will further deepen our awareness that our essence is consciousness or energy that maintains one way of being and moves forward. Thank you so much for the encounters we have had in this life.

Think of the universe. This means to think of love, to think of who we really are.

Meditate on love. This was the last message that Taike Tomekichi conveyed to me through his physical body. I think that was the time for me to say goodbye to Taike sensei. I feel the weight of what he conveyed to me in one quiet word.

Meditation on love. I just do it without hesitation. No words are needed, just thinking without words.

During the time you have the physical body, as much as possible, just plainly do the thinking of love. I am happy to be in the flow, a plan to further deepen my awareness that it is consciousness and energy to see the one path in my heart and walk it forward. Thank you so much for the encounter  in this lifetime.

”What is the present time for? What were we born for? What are we really? The life to be able to learn and confirm it is prosperous and fruitful life. The truth was within us. We had numerous transmigrations in order to meet it.”
The above text is a part of the text with a lot of knowledges to study. Does it resonate in your heart? Let us practice the right meditation. Please tune straight to Tomekichi Taike in your heart. Please reawaken to yourself who can tune to Tomekichi Taike.
The final stage is imminent. Please fulfill the meeting without fail.
"A truly rich and fruitful life is one in which we can be sure that we truly knows and understands in our hearts the answers to for what purpose does our consciousness exist now, for what purpose does our consciousness dwell in our bodies, and what about is the existence of our consciousness? The truth has been in my consciousness. There have been countless incarnations of our consciousness to meet that truth.”
The above text is part of the knowledge of this learning, of which there is so much that it is a mountain. Do we let it resonate in our hearts?
Let's meditate. Let's do the right meditation. Let us make the nature of our consciousness the same as the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let us revive our true self so that the nature of our consciousness becomes the same as the nature of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness.
The final time to stay in this dimension is at hand. Let's be sure to meet Albert.
 “A truly rich and fruitful life is one in which you can truly know and know in your heart what you are and what you were born for, and be sure that you are what you say you are. The truth, the truth was within me. It took countless incarnations to encounter that.” The above sentences are part of a mountain of knowledge, a mountain of learning. Does it resonate with you? Let us meditate. It is the right meditation. Straight in your heart, align yourself with Taike Tomekichi. It is a revival of yourself that you can align with. The final period is just around the corner. Please be sure to fulfill the encounter.

It is Albert to call in our hearts. It is universe to spread. Let us think of universe, mother universe and rejoice straight honestly that we have learned where to return.
We all were wrong. We have begun everything from there as we thought the physical world as real and the world of thoughts that we have lived based on it was completely dark. We could not learn it in our hearts. We could not learn it for a long time what was wrong in our thoughts wishing to make our lives prosperous and fruitful.
We could finally turn our hearts to how fierce our energies channeling at the bottom of thoughts to differentiate, discriminate and fight was and have ruined ourselves.
Our hearts have grabbed clearly that it is the turning point and crossroad. Let us look within our hearts firmly and learn in our hearts our fierce energies channeled. What we think is Tomekichi Taike, Albert straight.
Our consciousness calls Albert's consciousness into itself. Then, our world of consciousness expands as large as the universe. Let us think of the world of consciousness like the universe, think of the world of consciousness of Mother Universe, and rejoice honestly and straightforwardly that we have found in our consciousness the nature which our consciousness need to bring back.
Our consciousness has been wrong about everything. It has always assumed that the world of form is the real world, started everything from there, and lived on that basis. Such a world of our thoughts is pitch black. Our consciousness could not easily understand that. For a really long, long time, our consciousness did not know what and where was wrong with our desire to be happy and to have a rich and fruitful life.
Our consciousness has finally begun to pay attention to how tremendous its energy of distinction, discrimination, and struggle that underlies this world of thought is and that its energy destroyed and ruined its own self and is doing so.
This lifetime is a turning period and a branch point for our consciousness. Our consciousness has clearly realized so. Please, let's check our own consciousness and truly know the tremendous energy that our consciousness has continued to flow. Let's think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. Let's do so in a straight line.
Albert to your heart. The expanding universe. Let's think of the universe, Mother Universe, and be honestly and straightforwardly happy that we know in our hearts where we need to return to.

We have all been wrong. We have started everything from there, assuming that the world of form is the real world, and the world of our thoughts, which we have lived based on, is pitch black. It was difficult for me to know that in my heart. For a really long, long time, I didn't know what was wrong with my thoughts of being happy and making a rich and fruitful life.

We have finally begun to realize how much the energy of distinction, discrimination, and struggle that lies at the bottom of such thoughts has destroyed and ruined us. A turning point, a turning point. Our hearts have grasped this clearly. Please, let us look at our own hearts and know from the bottom of our hearts the tremendous energy that has continued to flow. I think of Taike Tomekichi, and then Albert. It is a straight line.


We are happy. We are really happy. The more I think of, the more I am happy, thank you, sorry, I am glad, I am happy continues.

We should have spent time of having a physical form like this. Of course, there will be times when you have to deal with trivial matters because physical form is physical form after all and then, there will be times when you experience a state of mind that is greatly shaken.

But it never changes the way of living, seeing, and thinking anymore because the consciousness that has truly realized the place to return is dependable.

Tell your physical form firmly and clearly, and perform the two roles of one person without difficulties. Revive joyful and happy self in your heart more and more and embrace your pitch-black darkness your false self has created with great and deep gentleness and warmth. We were told that we could do that straight away. Trust it, then practice. All you need to do is practice of witnessing to believe in Taike Tomekichi.
We are so joyful, aren’t we? Joyful, thankful, sorry and happy feelings come out continually.
It was good enough to spend the time with our physical beings. We may be hung up with the immediate trivial things or experience the drastically wavering hearts as our physical beings are physical after all.
However, our ways of lives, perspectives and thoughts will not be influenced by them. The consciousness that has learned in heart where to return is reliable.
Let us convey it to our physical beings and play a double role easily. Let us reawaken our happy and joyful selves in hearts and enfold the darkness created by our false selves with large and deep gentleness and warmth. We were conveyed straight that we can do it. Let us believe and practice it. We must just practice and prove what believing in Tomekichi Taike is.
We are happy, really happy. The more we think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, the more “I am glad, thank you, I am sorry, and I am glad, I am happy” continues to our minds.
Our consciousness just should spend its time dwelling in the body in this way.
Of course, if we only have the perception that the body is our essence, we can only understand at best the body, so there will be opportunities where we will take up a great deal of attention to trivial matters in the immediate future, and there will also be opportunities where we experience a state of great emotional turmoil.
But if we can truly find in our consciousness a nature that we need to bring back to our consciousness, such that our way of living, seeing, and thinking no longer depends on that perception, then such a consciousness is trustworthy.
Let us communicate firmly and clearly to our false self, which perceives the body to be our true nature, and effortlessly play the dual roles of the false self and the true self. Let's bring back more and more of our joyful, happy, happy self to our consciousness, and let's surround the pitch-darkness that our false self has created with great, deep, profound tenderness and warmth. We have been told straight from the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi that we can do it. Let us believe and put it into practice. All we have to do is put into practice of proving that we believe in the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.

Just sing a song of Furusato. Just sing without thinking too much and think of mother and our homeland. Let’s respond to the thought that is telling us to walk on the straight path to return always and forever.

We have run away and abandoned mother’s warmth, our homeland. However, my present physical form finally touched the earnest desire within me that was trying to return.

I am happy to confirm the thoughts; thank you, thank you, mother, I will continue on this path.

I didn’t need anything.  Because the direction in which I am going to live has been settled, I can truly believe that I have been in a world where everything has been already arranged. It is a happy thing. I can say and think thank you from the bottom of my heart and my physical form, not to mention my consciousness are joyous and happy.
It is good enough to sing the homeland song. It is good enough not to think of anything but sing and think of mother and homeland. Let us respond to the thoughts of mother that always convey to go straight on the path to return.
It is warmth of mother and homeland that we have abandoned and bounced out. However, it was the physical being in this lifetime that has finally met the earnest wish within me to return.
I am happy to be able to confirm repeatedly my thoughts to appreciate mother and go on the path.
I needed nothing. I can think of it from my heart that I have been in the circumstance already provided as my only direction to live is fixed. It is joyful. I am happy and joyful physically and consciously as I can say and think of it thankful from my heart.
We just should sing the song “Furusato.” We should not think about the mess, but just should sing the song "Furusato" and think of our mother and the hometown of our consciousness. Let us respond to the thought that always and forever recommends our consciousness to walk straight down the straight road back to our hometown.
Our consciousness flew out from the warmth of our mothers and our hometowns. But our consciousness touched the earnest desire of our own consciousness to finally return there by dwelling in the body of this life.
"Just thank you. Thank you, Mother. I will continue on this path.” Our consciousness is in the happiness of being able to confirm this thought over and over again.
Our consciousness needed nothing. We can truly believe, “Our consciousness has determined the only direction in which it exists, but our consciousness has already been from long ago in the situation where all have been arranged." That is what makes us happy. We can say and think gratitude from the bottom of our hearts, and the bodies in which our consciousness dwells and our consciousness are of course happy, happy.

Let’s think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert straight and move forward on the only joyful path in the world of our true selves together. When I think of space, this message resonates in my heart.

Of course, the invitation to be in the circle of UTA strongly resonates in my heart. Love flows from the center of the circle. And love flows to the center of the circle. In this flow, space is beginning to move greatly. The movement becomes bigger, deeper, and stronger.

Feel it in your heart. Think of space. Think with joy.

If you feel the flow that we become one with space and feel such flow in your heart, you will understand with your heart what kind of existence we are.

You will also understand naturally with your heart what the world of the physical world is like.

I am just thankful that we have come to such a time.
Let us think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert straight and go forward together on only the joyful path in our true world. Such message is resonated and conveyed to me when I think of universe.
The lead toward UTA circle resonates firmly in my heart. Love radiates from the core of circle. It proceeds toward the core of circle and love.
The universe begins to move widely in this flow. Such move becomes wider, deeper and stronger.
Please feel it in your heart. Please think of universe joyfully.
You will learn in your heart what kind of existence you are when you feel such flow in your heart as you become one with universe and fit into one.
You will learn in your heart what kind of world the physical world is.
It is just thankful that we meet such time.
Let us think straight about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, and together advance on the only joyful path of letting our consciousness advance into the world of our true self. If we think of the consciousness of the universe, yes, this message resonates and is conveyed to our hearts.
The invitation to gather in the circle of UTA, of course, resonates strongly and strongly in our hearts. Love overflows from the center of that circle. And let us gather to the love at the center of the circle.
In the midst of this flow, our universe is beginning to move in a big way. Furthermore, that movement is becoming bigger, deeper and stronger.
Let us feel it with our hearts. Let us think of the universe with joy.
If we can feel in our hearts such a flow that our consciousness melds into one with the consciousness of the universe, we will understand in our hearts what being is our consciousness.
We will naturally understand in our hearts what kind of world is the world where physical body and form are. We just say thank you for reaching such a time.

Do you have a joyful time confirming the decision to live straight with Taike Tomekichi and Albert? Is the plan of preparing your present physical form and environment and awakening your true self proceeding? How do you accept the thoughts that are appealing from the inside to live in a physical form?

Get to know yourself clearly and firmly. Expand the joy of knowing, being able to know your present. It is a joy. Getting to know yourself is a joy. Of course, that self means the self of pitch-black darkness. Admit the fact that you sunk into the depth of pitch-black darkness by yourself firmly and clearly.

You, that is in the eyes of Taike Tomekichi and mother’s warmth shows its foolishness straight away. We have finally reached such a moment when we can realize that. Accept it just with thank you and learn yourself honestly and straightly.
Do you confirm your determination to live with Tomekichi Taike and Albert straight and spend your joyful time? Does your plan to provide your present physical being, circumstance and awaken to your true self is proceeded as programmed? How do you receive the thoughts to appeal from within you to live in the physical world?
Let us learn of ourselves clearly and firmly. Let us spread joy to learn of our present status. It is joyful to learn of ourselves. Obviously, they are our dark selves. Let us admit the fact that we sank down to the darkness by ourselves.
We ourselves in the eyes of Tomekichi Taike and warmth of mother indicate such stupidities straight. We could meet the present time to realize it. Let us just accept it thankfully and learn of ourselves straight honestly.
Are you having a good time, confirming your determination to live your life by facing straight into the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert that is in your own consciousness? Is your plan to awaken to your true self by preparing yourself with a body in which your consciousness dwells and the environment progressing as planned? How are you taking your false self's appeal to you, which directs you to live with the perception that your essence is the body?
Let us know clearly and firmly the reality of our own consciousness. Let us expand the joy of knowing the present state of our consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. It is joy. It is joy to know the reality of our consciousness. Of course, that self in your consciousness is the false self of total darkness. Let's clearly and firmly admit the fact that we ourselves have sunk our consciousness into total darkness.
When we observe by the standard of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, we can see that our false selves are straightforwardly demonstrating their foolishness in the warmth of our mothers. We are now finally at such a moment when we can realize this.
Let's take that as a “just and simply thank you” and learn from the reality of our own consciousness in an honest and straightforward manner.

I have always called mother. I receive such cry of heart when I turn my heart more to return honestly to the warmth of mother.
How coldly did I treat myself? I think it was good to learn and feel clearly my thoughts with my physical being now when I think that I let myself to have my physical being to learn in my heart that I have just sought warmth and peace.
I was encouraged many times as “You are gentle. Please meet your gentle self.” I was encouraged in the warmth of mother.
My heart has finally met it through my present physical being. Hence, my thoughts are straight. I am happy and joyful from my heart to feel and spread my great thoughts to think of Tomekichi Taike and Albert joyfully.
I am so thankful, joyful and happy. I await from my heart one more reunion with my physical being.
I kept calling out to mother. The more I honestly direct my heart to return to mother’s warmth, the more I receive such a cry from my heart.

How cruel I had treated myself. I was just looking for warmth and comfort, but when I think that I let myself a physical form to know it with my heart, I am so glad that now I have a physical form like this to clearly know and feel such thoughts.

I have been urged over and over again “You are kind” that I should meet my truly kind self. I have received promptings in mother’s thoughts.

My heart has finally touched there through my present physical form. So, my thoughts are straight. I am truly happy that I can feel and expand the greatness of my feelings to think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert as joy.

Thank you so much. I am truly joyous and happy. I am sincerely waiting for one more reunion with my physical form.
We have kept calling out to our mothers. The more we turn our minds to the consciousness of our mother, the more we will accept the cries of our hearts to be honestly enveloped again in their warmth.
How coldly we have treated our true selves. When we think that our consciousness has dwelled in the physical body in order to know in its heart that our consciousness only seeks warmth and comfort, I am so glad that we are now able to clearly know and feel the intentions of our own consciousness while dwelling in the physical body like this.
"Your true self is tender. So please meet your true self." Our consciousness has received over and over again that prompting. We have received that prompting in such situations in which the mother's consciousness has arranged for us to do so.
Our consciousness has finally touched that important point through the physical body in which it dwells in this life. Therefore, we are truly happy and happy that we can think straight about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, and feel and expand the transcendental splendor of their thoughts with joy.
Our consciousness is really grateful for it. Our consciousness is really glad and happy. Our consciousness is truly waiting to meet the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi one more time by dwelling in a physical body.

We can never understand with our heads. Just think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert without any other thoughts with just gratitude and joy. To do so and to be able to do so is happy, grateful, and joyful, and it comes back to us, thank you, we are happy.

This is it. This is everything. To think of something more and something further are the thoughts of physical form. It is a cluster of greediness. Sadly, we all drag the imaginary world we have somehow inflated inside ourselves, thinking that it is wonderful and great to improve ourselves in this way. Confirm the size and depth of it, turn the direction from there, and see your original path in your heart.

Always confirm the direction of walking and living in your heart. We can do this because we have a physical form. Look at the heart which is shaken by the information that comes in through the physical form and cherish the present time when we confirm within ourselves that we are consciousness, love, and energies.
It is not understood in brain. I just think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert joyfully and thankfully without thinking of anything. It responds to me that it is happy, joyful and thankful to do it.
That is good enough. That was only it. It was only physical greed to look for something more. It is devil of greed. Regretfully we all drag in our hearts the imaginary world expanded within us without realizing it as it is great and wonderful to improve ourselves. Let us confirm its size and depth, turn around from there and look at our proper course in our hearts.
Let us check in our hearts the direction to go forward and live. We can do it while we have our physical beings. Let us look at our wavering hearts through the information in physical world and care about the present time to check our thoughts that we are consciousness, love and energy.
We can never understand in our heads why the following is possible. Without any preconceived notions at all, we are just happy and grateful to think of consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. It comes to our own consciousness that we are happy and grateful to do so and to be in a situation where this is possible.
Oh, this is all right. All I had to do is this. The thought, “I have to do something more, something further,” only comes from the realization that our essence is the body. It is greed. Sadly, we have kept leaving in our consciousness the fictitious world that we have inflated into our consciousness before we know it that it is wonderful and admirable to improve ourselves in that way. Let us firmly confirm the size and depth of that fictitious world, change our path from there, and determine the original path our consciousness should take.
Let us continually check the direction in which our consciousness is going, the direction in which we exist. We can do this because our consciousness dwells in the physical body. Let us see our hearts that are shaken by the information that comes in through the physical body, and then cherish what we can now confirm within our consciousness that our true self is consciousness, love, and energy.

I am happy. Knowing, feeling, and trusting the world of Taike Tomekichi’s vibrations, the world of my true self, oh, when I direct my thoughts toward there, I feel so happy and grateful. I am just grateful for my foolishness that I have started and created everything from there that the physical form was the truth.

It was the mechanism of the world of consciousness that if you don’t really feel and understand with your heart, you can’t release yourself from suffering. Everything was up to us.

I am truly grateful for inviting me to return to myself, the world of my true self powerfully with endless gentleness. I have one more time to reconfirm this. So, I am really happy and grateful. Albert! I call, think of, and cry out Albert! I am so happy!
I am joyful. It is joyful and thankful when I turn my thoughts that I could learn, feel and believe in the vibrational world of Tomekichi Taike or my true self. I am thankful now for my stupidity that I have begun and created the physical things in the physical world.
It was the mechanism in conscious world that I could not release myself from sufferings unless I really felt and learned it in my heart. That was all me.
I appreciate from my heart that I have led myself firmly to return into myself and my true world.
I have one more chance to reconfirm it. Hence, I am so happy and joyful. Albert, I am happy and joyful to call, shout and think of Albert.
I am glad that I have known, felt, and believed in the vibrational world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, that is, the world of the vibrations of my true self. And, oh, if I turn my thoughts to it, I am truly happy, thank you for it.  I am just thankful now for my own foolishness of having started and created everything from that perspective that takes our essence as something with a in a world of form.
The way the world of consciousness worked was that unless we truly felt this in our hearts and came to know it in our hearts, we could not free our false selves from suffering. It was all the responsibility of my consciousness.
I am truly grateful to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness for that it forcefully and with boundless tenderness guided my consciousness back to the world of my true self. My consciousness will receive one more opportunity to reaffirm the world of my true self. So I am already really glad and happy. Albert, Albert. I call him, I think of him, I shout him from my heart. I am unbearably happy, so happy.

It is the aftermath. It is the aftermath in the world of thoughts created without knowing and have abandoned us. Let us do it calmly. It is warmth of mother within us what is supporting the thoughts to continue it. Let us proceed with such work in the warmth of mother in our hearts. It is patient work. However, it is only path to live and reawaken to joy.
We have spread darkness all over. It is enough. The result is obvious if we ask ourselves whether we became happy or satisfied.
Our hearts must cry that only emptiness and loneliness have covered the hearts. Let us accept straight such cry and moan. Let us awaken to our gentle selves.
Please accept straight the true vibration that was conveyed to you by the conscious world of Tomekichi Taike or your true world through the physical being to awaken to your true self.
Let's clean up after the world of our false selves in our consciousness. Let's clean up after the world of thoughts our false selves have created by overlooking our true selves, not knowing that our true selves are in our consciousness. Let's do this work gratefully and indifferently. It is the warmth of the mother in our own heart that supports the desire to continue that work. Let's continue that work while feeling mother's warmth in our hearts. This is a steady work. But this work is the only way to revive joy in our consciousness.
Our consciousness has been dripping with pitch black thoughts in the past. Isn't it okay for our consciousness to stop now? If we ask ourselves if doing so has made our consciousness happy or fulfilled us, we can clearly answer what the result has been.
Our hearts will be screaming that only emptiness and loneliness have filled our hearts. Let's accept that cry and moan straight away. Let us revive in our consciousness a truly gentle and kind true self. Let us straightaway accept the vibrations of truth that the world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, our true world, conveyed to us “Awaken to the true self in our consciousness," through the physical body in which his consciousness dwelled.

Cleaning up after yourself. Clean up after the world of thoughts you have created without knowing yourself. Let's be thankful for that and do it steadily. What supports the thought to keep doing it is the warmth of the mother within you. Let's carry on that work in the warmth of the mother in your heart. It is steady work. But it is the only way to live, to be revived to joy. I have been dripping pitch black for a long time. That's enough. If you ask yourself if that made you happy or satisfied, I don't need to tell you the result. Your heart is probably screaming that nothing but emptiness and loneliness filled your heart. Let's accept that cry and moan straight away. Let's revive your truly gentle and kind self.

Please wake up to the real you, and please accept straight away the vibrations of truth that the world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, our true world, has conveyed to us through our own physical body.

It gets momentum if I have such time with physical being as thankful feelings spread thankful feelings and deepen gentleness, warmth and joy.
It is not greed but just thankful feelings.
It is just thankful to be given birth. It is irreplaceable. It was this lifetime for me to have had such real experience in my heart.
It does not fade away from my memory while the time passes but such time revives always in my heart. It fills my heart with joy, warmth and gentleness.
Hence, I just think of it. I feel my stupidity and darkness in joy to think and be able to think of it. However, it is joyful. I will not be depressed anymore. Because I also feel in my heart my warm and gentle self.
If the time of having a physical form becomes where thank you expands thank you and deepens gentleness, warmth, and joy, it will build up momentum.

It is never greed but just thank you.

You are just grateful for having been given a physical form. Nothing could replace this. That was such an experience, a real experience of the heart in this lifetime.

It is not something that becomes distant and fades from your memories as time goes by, but it always revives in your heart. It fills your heart with joy, warmth, and gentleness.

So, you just think of. You can think of. You will feel more and more your own foolishness and darkness in the joy of thinking, being able to think. But you will be happy for this. You will not sink any more. Because you also feel your own gentleness and warmth more and more in your heart.
If our consciousness can spend time of dwelling in the physical body in such a way as to where thoughts make the thoughts of thankfulness expand further thoughts of thankfulness in our consciousness and deepen kindness, warmth and joy, this cycle will gain further momentum.
It is never out of greed, but it is just gratitude.
We are just grateful for that we have gotten the opportunity to dwell in the body. This is irreplaceable for our consciousness. We have had such an experience of heart as a real experience in this life.
It is not something that becomes remote to us and fades from our memory as time goes by, but always and in any time brings back to our minds the thoughts of that time. It fills our hearts with joy, warmth and tenderness.
So, we just think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. We are just able to think of his consciousness. As we feel a joy in thinking of his consciousness and being in a situation where this is possible, we feel more and more the foolishness and darkness which is in our own consciousness. But I'm happy about it. Our consciousness will be no longer depressed. That's because we feel also our gentle, warm true self more and more in our hearts.

Let’s have time when thinking of quietly and relaxingly.

Even if you are busy in your daily life, there must be a time in your day when you think of quietly and relaxingly. It is not a length of time, but a state of mind. A state of mind in which you can think of quietly and relaxingly is, of course, impossible when you are tired. If you can see and feel yourself in such a flow of life, where both body and mind are relaxed physically, it is a happy time to have a physical form.

Then, in your busy daily life, you can move your body vigorously again. Feel happy to be able to do so and think of Taike Tomekichi happily, and you will feel that this is also a happy time of having a physical form.

Utilize your physical form correctly and make it a time when you can check and make sure your destination, a bright and open destination straight. Get out of the dark, cold, closed place.
Let us have time to think calmly and comfortably. Even busy people may have time to think calmly and comfortably sometime in a day. It is not the length of time but the state in heart. The state in heart to think calmly and comfortably may be difficult when one is tired physically. I think, it is happy time with physical being when I look at and feel myself in my life comfortably even physically.
It is good enough, if we move our bodies cheerfully in our busy days. We may feel it happy time with our physical beings to move joyfully and think of Tomekichi Taike cheerfully.
Let us have our time to utilize our physical beings rightly, confirm and believe in our brightly opened direction straight. Let us escape from dark, cold and closed world.
Let's take time of contemplating the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in a quiet and relaxed way. Even those who are busy on a daily basis may find time in a day to think of the consciousness of Taike Toemkichi in a quiet and relaxed way? We should be mindful of what state of our mind is, not how long or short the time is. Of course, it is impossible to maintain a state of mind that we can think of his consciousness in a quiet and relaxed way when the body is tired. If we can see and feel our own hearts while we are living in a relaxed way, both physically and mentally, then I believe that it is happy time when our consciousness dwells in a physical body.
Then we should just cheerfully move our bodies in the busyness of our daily lives again. We will feel joyful for that we are able to move them, and I believe that to vigorously and cheerfully think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness is also a happy time to dwell in the body.
Let's make really good use of the physical body in which our consciousness dwells, and use the time to confirm and believe that our consciousness is able to maintain the bright and open nature of it. Let us let go of the dark, cold and closed nature, our false selves, from our consciousness.

You just should think of all the time. Direct your heart toward even when you are busy. Cherish these moments. Even if you do it consciously at first, it will gradually become a habit, and it will become natural to feel it without noticing. Then, regardless of what you are thinking and seeing, you will be able to feel the inside of yourself that feels happy.

You will realize that you are in the physical form, but not a physical form and you are always in what you feel in your heart right now. That’s how you should spend your physical time.

You should live while making your place as comfortable as possible because you always return to yourself.

When you open your eyes and close your eyes, always check inside of yourself.
It is good enough to always think of it. Let us turn our hearts even when we are busy. Let us care about such moments. It gradually becomes habitual though we do it intentionally at the beginning. It becomes natural to think of it unknowingly. We may feel joyful within us regardless of the visible situation in front of.
We realize that we do not exist in the physical world though we are in the physical world but always exist in the world felt in our hearts.
It may be good for us to spend our time with our physical beings that way.
It may be good for us to live and make our location comfortable as we always return into ourselves.
Let us check within us whenever we open and close our eyes.
We always should just think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. Even when we are busy, let us suddenly turn our thoughts to his consciousness. Let's cherish every moment of it. At first we may do it consciously, but gradually we start to do it habitually. Unknowingly, we start to think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, and it comes to be natural. And, I believe our consciousness is able to feel to be happy no matter what we see or hear in front of us.
"Oh, my consciousness dwells in the body, but my essence is not the body. My consciousness has always existed in a state that I can only feel in my heart." I have realized so.
It would be wonderful if our consciousness could spend in this way the time in which it dwells in the physical body.
Our consciousness always returns to a certain state, even if there are some ups and downs, so it would be good if we could live in a way that makes that state as comfortable as possible.
Let us constantly check whether the state of our consciousness is light or dark, both with our eyes open and closed.

Being sorry is joyful. Being able to say and think thank you is joyful. Feel joy from your heart that you were able to have a physical form, were given birth, and truly make this life your turning point, please do so. No, you must do so. If you think that you are blessed, loved, and accepted honestly and straightforwardly, inside of yourself will surely respond.

Although the foolishness of your physical form will stand out, you will feel the joy of having a physical form many times, dozens of times, or incomparable more.

The joy of thinking and being able to think of Taike Tomekichi. Thinking of mother, our homeland to which we return, our origin.

Let’s move forward straightly to far, far away space, love that is believing in, and waiting for us.
I am joyful to apologize. I also can say, thank you. I am joyful to think. Let us rejoice to be born, have the physical being and make this lifetime the turning point for us. Please do it. We must do it. Our inner selves certainly respond to it when we think of it straight and honestly that we are so favored and loved.
I feel it happy to be given the physical being multi-folded or incomparably though the stupidity of physical being is shown up.
It is joy to think and be able to think of Tomekichi Taike. I think of mother, homeland to return and our grass roots. Let us go forward straight to the far away universe and love that is believing and awaiting us.
We are happy to say sorry. And we are happy to be able to say and think thank you. Let us truly rejoice that our mothers have given birth bodies in which our consciousness dwells, and let this life truly be our turning point. We are requested to do so, and we must do so. Our consciousness is so blessed, loved and accepted, that if we think honestly and straightly of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, our consciousness will surely respond to this.
The foolishness of the perception that our essence is the body in which our consciousness dwells stands out, but many times, dozens of times more than that foolishness, no, it is impossible to compare, I feel happy that I have been allowed to dwell in a body.
I feel a joy in thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi consciousness and being in a situation where I can think of his consciousness. I think of my mother's consciousness and think of our original true nature which our consciousness will restore, the origin of our consciousness.
Let's recover straightly that consciousness of the universe, love, which has become far weak in our consciousness but is waiting for our consciousness to trust that our consciousness will restore it.

This present life is different. Do you answer so clearly from inside of yourself? Do you feel it? The inside of yourself desperately trying to tell yourself that you cannot live the same way as before. With what thoughts have you prepared and received your physical form? If you can do a correct meditation thinking of mother, Taike Tomekichi, this thought will deeply echo in your heart. Because you clearly feel it in your heart, you will furthermore feel the importance of the correct meditation and you will know that you are within joy and happiness of thinking of Taike Tomekichi straightly.

All the rest is darkness. No matter how much you try to reason and insist on yourself, it is darkness. It is in the flow that play yourself in the darkness.

Some people destroy their plans that they had their physical form and connected with this study in this life in order to get to know this with their hearts. It would be foolish to say, but that is what each of us must truly realize with our own hearts. Self-choice and each responsibility. That’s right. I feel the weight and, at the same time, the endless gentleness.
It is different in this lifetime. Does your inner self answer and convey it to you clearly? Your inner self should convey it to you desperately that you should not live same as past. What kind of thoughts have you provided and been given the present physical being with? Such thoughts will resonate keenly when you practice right meditation to think of mother and Tomekichi Taike. As it is conveyed to you clearly from within you, you will feel in your heart the importance of right meditation and learn that you have been in joy and happiness to think of Tomekichi Taike straight.
Anything else is darkness. It is darkness no matter how much you lay out the reasonings and asset yourself. It is the flow of world to toss yourself in darkness.
There are people who say that they ruin their plans to be given birth to learn it in heart and lead themselves to the study in this lifetime.
It must be realized in heart though it is right if it is said to be silly. It is self-choice and self-responsibility. It is right. I feel its weight and infinite gentleness simultaneously.
Does your true self clearly answer and tell your consciousness that this life is different from past lives?  I believe that your true self is desperately telling your consciousness that you should not live the same way as before. With what thoughts did your mother's consciousness prepare for your consciousness so that your consciousness dwells in the present physical body? If you can perform the correct meditation in which the object is your mother's consciousness and Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, the intention of your mother's consciousness really resonates painfully in your consciousness. No, because your own consciousness will clearly tell you that, you will furthermore feel that the correct meditation is important, and you will know that your consciousness has existed in the joy and happiness of thinking of the Taike Tomekichi's consciousness in a straight line.
If you meditate on anything else, only darkness will come out. No matter how much you try to reason and assert yourself, only darkness will come out. Your consciousness will remain in the flow of the darkness that plays with your own consciousness.
Some of you are ruining your own plans in which, in order to know this in your hearts, your consciousness dwells in the present physical body and connects to this learning. If you say it is foolish, that is true, but that is something that each of you must really realize in your own hearts.  What you do is self-choice and self-responsibility. That's right. You feel a weight there and at the same time an infinite tenderness.

There is a path returning to love that we have determined. Please remember what you have pledged and determined in your heart. The energy that we have lived and survived in the physical world as real is not half-done. We cannot realize our mistakes as long as we are in there. Even though we realize it, it is difficult for us to emerge from there.
The energy that we think of ourselves as physical beings is inevitable. However, the path opens naturally when we learn, feel and realize it in our hearts. Then it is required to be honest. It is required to be honest for the feelings recalling in our hearts. The energy that we think of ourselves as physical beings wells out. However, we think of it joyful, lovely and thankful. Then it will change. It will change though we do not try to change. The feelings coming out are that we thank you mother and thank you Tomekichi Taike. The strong shout to call Albert comes out. The happiest feeling to be with Albert blows up.
自分の決めてきた愛へ帰る道があります。心に誓った、決意したことを思い出してください。形ある世界を実在するものとして、その中で生きてきた、生き抜いてきたエネルギーは半端なものではありません。その中にいては、自分の間違いになかなか気付けません。よしんば気付いたとしても、その中から自分を浮上させることは、本当に難しいです。 それほど肉だとするエネルギーは根深いです。けれど、けれどです。心で本当に気付き、心から分かっていけば、本当に分かって感じていけば、すうっと道が自然と開いていきます。あとは素直さです。心に蘇ってくる自分の思いに、ただただ素直になっていくことです。もちろん、肉だとする他力のエネルギーは湧き起こります。けれど、それがたまらなく嬉しい、愛しい、ありがとうと、思えるんです。そうしていけば、変わっていきます。変えようとしなくても、自然に変わってくるんです。出てくるのは、お母さんありがとう、田池留吉ありがとうです。そして、そしてアルバートと心から叫ぶ、呼ぶ力強い雄叫びです。アルバートとともにの思い、最高に幸せな思いが噴き上がってきます。
Each of our consciousness has a personal way to bring back to our consciousness the love, which we have decided for ourselves. Let us remember what our consciousness has pledged and determined to do. Our consciousness has recognized the world of form as real, and the energy we have used to survive in such a world is nothing short of extraordinary. While our consciousness is staying in that world, it is very difficult to realize the mistakes of our own consciousness. Even if our consciousness should realize it, it is really difficult to emerge our own consciousness from that world.
Our energy that believes that our essence is the body in which our consciousness dwells is so deep-rooted like that. But there is a solution. If we really realize, understand and feel with our hearts that this belief is wrong, the solution will spread into our consciousness naturally and smoothly. What we need except this is honesty. We should be simply obedient to our own hopes that come back to our hearts. Of course, the energy of dependence on others than the consciousness that is caused by the perception that our essence is the body in which our consciousness dwells, springs up. But we can feel irresistibly happy, loving and grateful to be able to realize that it is wrong to take such a perception. If we continue it, our false self in our consciousness turns to be the true self. We don't have to force our false self to change to be true, it will change naturally. What comes out in our consciousness is: thank you mother, thank you consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. And then, a powerful yell comes from our hearts, calling out and shouting Albert. Our desire to fulfil the dimensional transition together with Albert, the happiest thoughts, erupts.
There is a way to return to love that you have decided. Remember what you have committed to your heart and decided. The energy that has lived and survived in and through the tangible world as real is tremendous. When you are in it, it is difficult to realize your mistakes. Even if you realize it, it is really difficult to emerge yourself from it.

The energy of being a physical form is so deep-rooted. But if you really realize and understand it with your heart, if you really know and feel it, the path is open up naturally and smoothly. All you need is to be honest. You just have to be honest with your thoughts that come back to your heart. Of course, the energies of reliance that the physical form is real will well up. But it makes you so happy so loving, so grateful. Then, you will change. You don’t have to try to change, but you will change naturally. What comes up is thank you, mother, thank you Taike Tomekichi. And the powerful yell that calls out Albert from your heart. The happiest feelings of being together with Albert will erupt.

I receive the joyful messages from the friends of study as the seminar has resumed. I am joyful. It is the present time that the conscious world of Tomekichi Taike and thoughts of mother have introduced to me. We are in unbound state physically. However, we are one. There is nothing but happy and joyful thing if we aim the same direction, learn our mistakes and draw a trajectory returning to only one homeland.
We have nothing. We cannot have anything. We have had joy, warmth, love and truth within us from the beginning.
We just need to learn and realize it in our hearts. Let us go forward within us. We are thankful for our darkness. Let us illuminate within us thankfully.
The seminar is back on track and I am receiving joyful emails from my friends. I am very happy. It is the time now that the world of Taike Tomekichi’s consciousness has made me meet my mother's thoughts. We are physically apart. But we are one. If we could only draw such a trajectory, we would be so happy and joyful. We are the ones who have nothing and cannot have anything. It was within us from the beginning. We had joy, warmth, love, the real thing. We just have to realize it with our hearts. We just have to know it with our hearts. Let's go on and on within ourselves. Thank you for the darkness, the pitch blackness. Thank you, thank you, and let's light up within ourselves.
The seminar has resumed and I have received joyful emails from my learning friends. I am happy. The world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and my mother's thoughts have made me meet those friends now. The realization that our essence is the body in which our consciousness dwells splits the sense of the unity of our consciousness into pieces. But our true self is one. Nothing would make our consciousness happier or happier, while existing in a situation where our true self is one, and if we could turn our consciousness to the same object, if possible, to truly realize the mistakes of our false self, and then to restore the only original nature to our consciousness.
Our consciousness has nothing and cannot have anything. From the beginning our consciousness has had joy, warmth, love and our true self. We have only to realize and know that in our hearts. Let's investigate our own consciousness more and more. We have only to thank you for the darkness, the pitch blackness in our consciousness. Thank you, thank you and let's shine a light in our own consciousness.

There is only emptiness left no matter what I say before the fact that I have lived insisting my false self as physical being.
I did not know such things. I thought my false self as myself. It has been a dauting long time.
Then it is now. I have met the present time. There are only thankful feelings from my heart for the present physical being and circumstance. I have no word as I learn of myself more. It resonates in my heart keenly how happy and favored I am.
Then such feelings encourage me. My feelings that I have finally met this time encourage me more. Eventually I was tossed around by the trivial matters for a long time. Ignorance was so awful.
As the result of seeing by rotten eyes, hearing by rotten ears and increasing the battle energy, the towering thoughts let me down and sank to the abyss. That was it.
In the face of the fact that we have lived our lives by putting forward a false self as our essence is the body in which our consciousness dwells, no matter what or how we say, only emptiness remains.
We didn't really realize those things. We have been convinced that our false selves are true. We have done so for so long as to faint.
Having gone through such past lives, our consciousness is now in this present life. Our consciousness has reached the present moment. Our consciousness can only express our heartfelt gratitude to the body, in which our consciousness dwells, and its environment, in this life. The more we get to know our true self, the less we can say proper words. It painfully resonates in our consciousness how happy and blessed we are.
And such a feeling stirs our consciousness up to the truth. The realization that the time has finally, finally come to meet the truth stirs our consciousness up even more. In the end, ignorance really was a terrible thing, because we kept our own consciousness at the mercy of trivial things that were far from the truth for a long, long time. The ambitions we allowed to sprout as a result of the energy of struggle that we ourselves raised by seeing with eyes insensitive to the truth and hearing with ears insensitive to the truth had sunk our consciousness into the abyss. This was our reality.
In the face of the fact that I have lived my life by putting forward my false self as a physical body, no matter what I say, only emptiness will remain. I really didn't understand those things. I have been pretending that my fake self is me. For a long, long time, a depressingly long time. And now. The time has now arrived. I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart for the meat and the environment that I have now. The more I get to know myself, the more I have nothing more to say. I feel how happy and blessed I am. And that thought inspires me to keep going. The thought that it is finally, finally, finally time to meet someone stirs me up even more. After all, I've been playing with myself for a long, long time over things that didn't matter, and ignorance really was a terrible thing. Seeing with rotten eyes and hearing with rotten ears, I increased the energy of the struggle, and the towering thoughts made me fall and sink into the abyss, and that was that.

Let us care about ourselves. We cannot live such lives anymore as we have learned our thoughts calling from our hearts through our present physical beings though we have treated ourselves coldly and poorly. It is joy and happiness to look straight at the path to go and live with our true selves.
It is right. It was what I have really wished and awaited. It resonates firmly within me as it was right as long as I learn and feel myself.
It is joy to have had my physical being. I am just thankful for mother’s thoughts and my true thoughts.
Let us look, feel and learn of ourselves firmly while we repeat our thankful feelings. Let us respond straight from our hearts to the thoughts that have believed and awaited.
Let's take care of our own hearts. And although we have treated our own hearts poorly and coldly, now that we know the thoughts that our own hearts have been appealing to us through the body in which our consciousness now dwells, we can no longer live that way. It is a joy and happiness to live with our true selves and to see the path we walk straight ahead.
Yes, it is. This is what my consciousness has really wanted and has been waiting for. The more I get to know and feel my true self, the more strongly it resonates from my heart that oh yes, it was and is.
I am joyful and happy to have been able to dwell in a physical body. I am just thankful to my mother's consciousness and to my true self.
Let's see, feel and know our own consciousness well, while repeating thankfulness. Let's respond straight and sincerely to the thoughts that have been waiting for us to trust and believe that our consciousness will regain the true self.
Take care of yourself. I have treated myself coarsely and coldly, but now that I know through my physical body, the thoughts that appealed to me from my heart, I can no longer live that way. It is joy and happiness to live with my true self and to see straight the path I walk. That’s right. This is what I have really wanted and have been waiting for. The more I get to know and feel myself, the more strongly and strongly it resonates from within me, “Oh, yes, that was it, that was it.

The joy of having a physical body, the happiness of being allowed to have it. I am simply thankful for my mother's thoughts and for my true self. In the repetition of thank you, let us see, feel, and know ourselves well. Let us respond straight and sincerely to the thought that has been waiting for us, believing and trusting.

Shima seminar in May has finished without fail. I thank you. The study has evolved and still evolves as I mentioned at the seminar. It is the instant world. It is good enough to turn and tune the heart’s pointer and feel the vibration conveyed and resonated in the heart.
Suffering shouts are all joy. It is tremendously joyful to lead ourselves to such time and space when we learn in hearts that lovely feelings shouting in hearts that we all want love and to return to warmth were ourselves.
It was the repeated demonstration as one, two, three turning the heart to Amateras. How was it? I think, it was the experience in heart only at the seminar hall. We need physical and mental strength to attend the seminar. We also need the preparation in physical world. However, seminar is good. I feel it keenly.
The May Shima seminar ended also without any trouble. Thank you very much.
As I said in the seminar, this learning has evolved and will continue to evolve. The world of consciousness is a world in which our consciousness reacts instantly. We should just turn our minds to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, match them with his consciousness, and then feel the vibrations which resonates with our hearts and are transmitted.
All cries or roars of suffering are produced because there is joy. If we realize in our hearts that all of our consciousness has a cry of love to return to warmth, we are already irresistibly glad that our own consciousness is bringing itself into such a space-time.
Also in this seminar, we repeated the one-two-three phenomenon which we express our minds in a form, in which we turned our minds to Amaterasu's consciousness. How did you feel after having done that phenomenon? I believe that it is an experience of the mind, which is possible because it is the venue of this seminar. It takes physical strength and energy to gather at the seminar venue. It also requires a certain amount of personal preparation. But seminars are good. I think so deeply about it.

The May Shima seminar was also a success. Thank you very much.
As I said in the seminar, the learning has evolved, it has. It really does evolve quickly. All you have to do is quickly align your heart and then feel the vibrations that resonate in your heart and are transmitted to you.

The cries of suffering, the cries of yells, are all joy. If you know in your heart that it is you, the loving, loving thought that is crying out from your heart for love and to return to the warmth, you will be so happy that you are inviting yourself into this time and space. The process of one-two-three to turn our hearts to Amaterasu. What did you think? I believe that this is an experience of the heart that is possible only at a seminar venue. To go to a seminar hall requires physical strength and energy. It also requires a certain amount of physical preparation. However, I still feel that seminars are good. I feel that deeply.

We were told to realize with our own hearts that we were already happy from the very beginning without trying hard to be happy.

“Look within your heart. The direction of your heart’s needle is this way.” Oh, we are really grateful! It should have reached your heart warmly but strictly.

The rest is up to you to put it into practice. It depends on how you can utilize the vibrations that reached your heart. Let’s get to know it with joy and gratitude, just with thank you.

Then, your heart will naturally tell you. Inside yourself tells you more and more. However, you have to discern the vibration whether it comes from I am number one or comes from mother’s warmth. It is self-choice and self-responsibility.

The more the direction of your heart’s needle aligns with the right direction, it will become easier to understand. Everything is happening within you, you and your world.

Do not underestimate the world of consciousness. Let’s expand the true world of consciousness that is strict but warm.
It was to realize in our hearts that we were already happy from the beginning though we strive to become happy.
“Look within your heart. This is the direction to turn your heart.” It was so thankful. It must have reached into your heart warmly and severely.
Then it must be practiced by us. It is how to utilize the vibration reached into our hearts within us. Let us learn of ourselves just thankfully.
Then our hearts convey it to us naturally. It is conveyed to us from within. However, we must check it out whether it is the vibration come from me-best or mother’s warmth. It is self-choice and self-responsibility.
It is learned easily when the directions of our heart’s pointers are gradually tuned. Everything is the matter within us. It is our world with us.
Please do not underestimate the conscious world. Let us spread in our heart’s the severe but gentle world of true vibration.
The main point of this learning is that we should realize in our own hearts that we don't have to strain ourselves so hard to be happy, that we have already been happy from the very beginning.
”Inspect your heart. Here is the right object to which you should turn your heart." Oh, I really appreciated this instruction. It should have reached our hearts warmly and severely.
What else each of us needs to do is practice. It is how we utilize the vibrations that reach our hearts in our own consciousness. Let's get to know the actual situation of our own consciousness with gladness and just thankfulness.
Then our true self will naturally tell our consciousness. Our true self will tell more and more. However, we have to discern between the vibrations of the false self, which comes from the belief that "my consciousness is first," and the vibrations of the true self, which comes from "the warmth of the Mother." Our consciousness does this work with self-choice and self-responsibility.
When we can gradually match our minds with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, we can easily see the difference. Everything happens in our own consciousness, the world created by our false self and our true self. Let us not belittle the world of consciousness. Let us expand the world of harsh but gentle true vibrations in our consciousness.

A promise to myself. It was a firm promise. It was a happy promise. I am just happy that I have finally reached this life where I can fulfill it.

I was allowed to have a physical form where everything was well organized. I am just thankful that I am here now, holding the earnest desire within me firmly in my heart.

I am happy and grateful when I think of. The thoughts of I am happy and thank you are expanding in my heart as I know that my thoughts from far away have finally begun to move into reality.

I know from my heart that I can cherish and nurture this world of thoughts are continue to walk further. I can feel firmly from my heart that we exist together, walk together, and live together. Oh, I can think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and Mother! That was us. Let’s think of and feel such ourselves straightly and then, move forward together.
It was the firm promise made with me. It was joyful promise. I am joyful to finally meet this lifetime when I can fulfill it.
I could have my physical being in the circumstance that everything is provided. I have my earnest wish in heart and am thankful for the present time.
I am joyful and thankful when I think of it. Joyful and thankful feelings spread in my heart that has learned that my far away feelings become real and begin to move.
I know in my heart to cultivate such world of thoughts carefully and go forward further. It is firmly conveyed into my heart to go and live together.
I can think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother. That was us. Let us think and feel our such selves straight and go forward together.
My consciousness made a promise to my true self. It was a firm, firm promise. It was a happy, happy promise. I am just glad that I have finally reached this life where I can fulfil it.
My consciousness was allowed to dwell in the physical body in a situation where everything necessary is in place. I can only thank you for that my consciousness is present now, holding the earnest desire firmly in it.
I am happy and grateful, when I think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. My consciousness has known that my desire from long, long ago has finally started to move as a reality, so yes, the thought of "I'm happy, thank you" is spreading into my consciousness.
My consciousness knows that it can carefully nurture this world of thoughts and then continue to advance further. My consciousness is with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, walks and lives with his consciousness. This is firmly communicated to my true consciousness. It is our consciousness that is able to think, "Ah, Taike Tomekichi, Albert", or "Mother." Let us think and feel such our consciousness straight away, and then let us all move forward together.

Why were we born? What exactly do we look for and how do we want to live? In the various worries and suffering, there are many people whose hearts are filled with something gloomy. I believe many of you may have had this experience.

Of course, some are satisfied with living in the moment as long as they can enjoy it.

Basically, it is the choice of each of us what to look for and how to live. Each of us can choose to live momentarily or look for the cause of tingles in our hearts outward.

However, no matter which one you choose, you will never arrive at the truth. The only thing that is certain is that not being able to arrive at the truth means you will never become happy or understand what happiness is.

What to choose, how to live, and how to exist is up to each of us. Under such circumstances, it was a time and space of joy and happiness when we were told the direction of our heart’s needle and told to put it straight and honestly into practice. There is nothing more to say but I feel deeply grateful for this.
What was I born for? What do I seek for? How do I want to live? Unclear things whirl in my heart while I have various worries and sufferings. There may be many people who have such experiences.
There may also be people who like to spend a time funnily and momentarily.
It is basically up to the choice of everybody what to seek and how to live. It is for everybody to choose either to live momentarily or seek the reason of pain in heart outward.
However, nobody can reach the truth no matter what one chooses. It is sure for everybody cannot learn and become happy as long as one cannot reach the truth.
It is left for everybody’s choice how to live and exist. It was happy and joyful time and space as I was conveyed the direction of heart’s pointer and to practice it straight honestly in such circumstance. I have nothing to say but feel it thankful.
What was I born for? What do I want and how do I want to live? Amidst all kinds of problems and suffering, something hazy and unconvinced is swirling around in our consciousness. Many people may have this experience.
Of course, there are those who are happy if they can momentarily spend each moment making the moment funny.
What to seek and how to live is basically a choice each of us makes. It is each individual's choice whether to live momentarily or to seek the cause of the tingling in the heart from various factors other than oneself.
But whichever one we choose, we will never get to the truth. The only thing we can be sure of is that not arriving at the truth means that we will never be happy, that we will never know happiness.
What to choose, how to live and exist is left to our individual consciousness. In those circumstances, we had a time and space of joy and happiness when we were told the object to which we should turn our minds, and then told to just put it into practice straight and honestly. There is nothing more to say and we deeply realize "thank you."

Become honest with yourself that is saying and thinking “Thank you, mother. Thank you Taike Tomekichi”. If you don’t put on airs and just become honest, you will naturally open up inside yourself. Although you know and feel yourself sinking into suffering, you will feel sorry and love yourself. The more terrible you are, the more you will feel indescribable feelings for the present moment that you have been allowed to encounter such a self. If we were to express that thought, it would be “Thank you, mother. Thank you, Taike Tomekichi”. That is nature. It is nature, our original us. Let’s remember our original hearts firmly and return to our truly gentle and honest selves.

To do so is joy and peace. You will feel in your heart for sure. Direct that direction and return to yourself that is more gentle and more peaceful. Then, you will clearly see the path to return to love, to return to our homeland in our hearts, the space of mother. Do not block it out, do not inflate it with greed, but see the straight path.
Let us become honest to ourselves who thinks and says that thank you mother, thank you Tomekichi Taike. Our inner selves open naturally when we do not make bluff but become honest. We learn and feel ourselves sunken in the sufferings but feel sorry and lovely to such selves. We may have indescribable feelings for the present time meeting such selves as fierce as we are. Such feelings may be described as thank you mother, thank you Tomekichi Taike. It is natural and our true natures. Let us remember our such hearts and natures and return to our gentle and honest selves.
It is joyful and peaceful to do it. It is conveyed from within us. Let us turn our hearts toward it and return to our gentle and peaceful natures. Then we can see clearly the path retuning to love, homeland in heart and mother universe. Please do not block or expand it greedily but look at it straight.
Let us be honest to our true selves that say and think, "Thank you, the consciousness of Mother, thank you, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi." If we do not put on a bravado and just be honest to the true self, our true selves will naturally appear in our consciousness. We know and feel that our false selves have sunk into suffering, but we feel sorry and loving for having made such false selves do it. The more terrific our false selves are, the more indescribable we feel about the fact that we are now being allowed to meet such false selves, don't we? If we were to express that thought, it would be to express "thank you" to our mother's consciousness, and to Taike Tomekichi consciousness. That is nature. That is the natural and original form of our consciousness. Let us remember the original nature of our consciousness and return our consciousness to what is truly tender and honest to our true selves.
It is a joyful and comforting thing for our consciousness to do so. The true self will tell us the truth without fail. Let's turn our minds towards it and furthermore restore tenderness and comfort to our false self. If we do this, the way to restore, in our consciousness, love, original nature of our consciousness, the consciousness Mother Universe, will become clearly visible in our consciousness. Let us not block it out, let us not inflate it with greed, but keep looking straight at it.

There is nothing better than joy. Just be happy to live a daily life. Just feel warmth. Though foolishness comes to light, it is a proof that we are love, we have lived within love from the beginning. Because love is working and flowing, the pitch-black darkness comes into relief. The truth, our true selves can be clearly seen and felt while repeating “I am happy, thank you, I am sorry”.

Love within us. Let’s accept straight with joy and gratitude the invitation from ourselves: love.

“Come back here. This is where you come back to. You are me, I am you, we are love, we are one”.

It was one and only invitation and call.
There is nothing better than joy. It is good enough to live calmly, joyfully and feel warmth. My stupid self is highlighted but it proves that I am in love not only now but from the beginning. The black darkness is highlighted as love works and flows. I can see and feel clearly the truth and my true self while I repeat that I am joyful, thankful and sorry. Isn’t it right?
Let us accept straight, joyfully and thankfully the call from ourselves of love within us.
“Please return. Here is where you return. You are me. I am you and we are love and one.”
It was only the lead and call.
There is nothing better than joy. We should just be happy to live life indifferently day by day. We should just feel the warmth.
The foolishness of our consciousness will become embossed, but it proves that our consciousness is now, no, has been in love from the beginning.  Because love is working, because love is flowing, the pitch black and pitch dark of our consciousness becomes embossed. I believe that by repeating ‘I'm happy, thank you, I'm sorry’, our consciousness can clearly see and feel truth and our true self.
There is love in our consciousness. Let us accept the promptings and calls of our true self, which is Love itself, straightway, joyfully and thankfully.
"Please come home. Here is where your consciousness should return to. Your true self is the same as my true self. We are love, one." It is an only prompting or a call from our true self.

Once my heart is touched by true gentleness and warmth, I will never go backward. It was a nostalgic vibration that revived within me that has been alive for a long time. These vibrations echoed in my heart through the physical Taike Tomekichi. And the ultimate experience was Albert. This was the impact experience of Albert.

This was the result of my learning in this life that I can clearly tell that we have encountered in this life. This is the plan of the flow of consciousness within me to nurture this result with great care and to finish it off somewhat in the final period of 250 years.

This means that I will complete this study in this dimension somewhat and learn the world of further vibrations, consciousness.

In the heart that feels the joy and happiness of knowing the flow of consciousness with my heart, no matter how foolish and depressed my physical form may be, I can be convinced that the physical form is such a thing. The plan of returning to space, space of love never fails with such things. I tell myself that I have fulfilled such an impactful encounter in this lifetime.
I do not turn back when I meet the true gentleness and warmth in my heart. It was the longing vibration that has awakened and been alive within me. Such vibration has resonated through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike. It was Albert, shocked by Albert in the extreme.
It was the result of study in this lifetime that I can emphasize to have had the meeting while having my physical being in this lifetime. It is my plan in the flow of consciousness within me to cultivate such result and supposedly finish it at the final stage in 250 years from now.
I am supposed to finish my study in this lifetime and study further world of vibration and consciousness.
I can understand that my physical being is something like that in my heart that feels joy and happiness to learn with my physical being the flow of consciousness in my heart no matter how much I am depressed for my stupid physical being. My plan retuning to universe of love is not held up. I convey it to myself that I have fulfilled such shocking encounter in this lifetime.
Once our consciousness is touched by the true tenderness and warmth, it will never return to the previous state. They are very nostalgic vibrations that have lived in our consciousness for a long, long time and have been revived in our consciousness. The vibrations reached echoing our consciousness through the body which the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi dwelled. And the ultimate appearance of the vibrations was Albert. Albert's appearance was an impact.
I can clearly say that this is the result of having met and learned from the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi by dwelling in one body in this lifetime.  My consciousness will carefully nurture this result and finish it off just for the time being after 250 years, the final period when my consciousness stays in the third dimension. This is the stream of consciousness plan that my consciousness does.
My consciousness will at the time, just for the time being, finish its learning in this dimension, and will go on to learn the further world of vibrations and consciousness.
My consciousness dwells in a physical body and feels joy and happiness on knowing that my consciousness has the stream of consciousness, but no matter how depressed my consciousness may be by the shortcomings of the body in which it dwells, I am convinced that the body is originally like that.  For that reason, my plan to restore its original consciousness of the universe, love will be no longer aborted. My true self is telling to my consciousness that it has achieved the encounter with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in this life, which was so shocking as to prompt that.

While flowing with the physical world, let’s not drift and sink, but watch and feel the flow of consciousness within us. Think about yourself within the flow of consciousness and aim for it.

Do you see the flow of consciousness within you? Do you feel and think of it with your heart?

Have you really learned through your present physical form that you have misjudged and lost sight of your true self? Are you convinced within you that no matter how great and wonderful you may look, you are shabby and miserable as long as you misjudge and lose sight of yourself?

Always go back to the starting point and check the direction of living and your thoughts. Are you ok with your first step? If it is wrong, all the rest is wrong as well. This is how the flow of consciousness works. Always check the progress and the direction so that when you look back yourself with deep emotion to see how far you have come, you will not find that nothing has changed.
Let us do not be influenced or sink down as we follow the flow of world but look and feel the flow of consciousness within us. Please think and aim yourself in the flow of consciousness.
Do you look at the flow of consciousness within you? Do you feel and think of it in your heart?
Do you really learn through your physical being in this lifetime that you have misunderstood and lost your true nature. Do you understand that your state misunderstood and lost yourself is so miserable and pitiful no matter how much your physical being is looked great and wonderful.
Please always return to the original point and confirm the direction of life and turning your thoughts. Is your first step good enough? Everything becomes bad if it is wrong. It is the mechanics in conscious world. Please always check the direction of your steps not to become unchanged though you reflect it with deep feelings that you have come a long way.
While following the streams of the world, do not be swept away by them or sink, but firmly look and feel the stream of consciousness that is within your own consciousness. Think of your consciousness that is in the stream of consciousness and set your sights on the stream.
Do you find the stream of consciousness in your consciousness? Do you feel it in your heart and think about it?
Have you really learned through the present body in which your consciousness dwells that you have misjudged and lost sight of your true self? Are you convinced by your own consciousness that no matter how fine and wonderful your physical body may look, the state in which you have misjudged and lost sight of your true nature is really shabby and pathetic?
Always go back to the starting point and check the direction of your way of life and thinking. Is your first step OK? If it is wrong, all later results will be different. That is how the world of consciousness works. You may look back with deep emotion and say, "My consciousness has reached a much more profound area in this life than in past lives," only to discover that nothing has actually changed.  To avoid this, always, always check the extent and direction of your consciousness progress.

The fact that we are here now means to make ourselves alive, admit ourselves, and be loved and accepted by ourselves. We have a physical form now, and this thought was a manifestation of our firm desire to meet and awaken to the truth within us. This must be in this present time when we finally could understand this with our physical form.

Please confirm this with each of your hearts. Direct your heart’s needle inside yourself and confirm your thoughts firmly.

The only thing that is waiting for us is to know clearly within ourselves that we have been wrong in the way of living, seeing, and existing, all wrong, and turn the direction quickly and straight.

We are believed in and waited for. We will be waited for forever. But the path will be harsh and steep. It is harsh and steep only because of love, true love.
It keeps me alive, admitted, loved and accepted to be here now. That was it. The thoughts to have the physical being now is the manifestation of firm thoughts to meet and awaken to the truth within me. It must be the present time in this lifetime that I could confirm it finally with my physical being.
Please confirm it in your heart. Please turn the pointer within you and confirm your thoughts.
It is awaited that you learn within you your totally wrong way of life, perspective and existence and make your course change and make it straight.
There is yourself who believes and waits for you. You are waited forever. However, such path brings severity and hardness. It is severity and hardness because of its true love.
The fact that our consciousness existed in this way here and now means that it advantages of the opportunities given to our consciousness, admits the existence our consciousness, and that our consciousness is loved and accepted by our true self. The intention of our consciousness to dwell in the physical body now is a manifestation of the firm desire of our consciousness to meet and awaken to the truth within our consciousness. Shouldn't it be the time, this present life, when our consciousness has finally come to know this by dwelling in a physical body?
Let us check it in each of our consciousness. Let our consciousness focus on itself, and let us firmly check the wish of our consciousness.
The only thing that waits for our consciousness is to know clearly in our own consciousness that our consciousness has been wrong about the way to make use of the body in which our consciousness dwells, the way to view it, the way to exist, and to make a quick and straight change of those directions. Our true self believes in that and waits for our consciousness to do it. It waits for our consciousness forever and ever. But the countermeasure is hard and difficult. It is hard and difficult because it can bring love, true love to our consciousness.

Finally! Finally! It is this happy thought of finally that comes up along with the thought of thank you.  I have really been waiting for and longing for this. I will become honest and get to know myself straightly and live in the joy and happiness of being able to know. It is a whirlpool of thought that wells up within me only because there was an encounter in this life.

The whirlpool of this thought is expanding in my heart as the joyful whirlpool of thinking of space.

Oh, I really wanted to call out space. It is my homeland, the homeland of my heart where I was born, it is my only homeland, so I am just happy to call it out in my heart, and try to respond to the thought of returning there.

Our homeland, space of mother. Let’s move forward in the communication of let's return, we will return.
It comes finally. It is joyful feelings that it comes finally welling out together with thankful feelings. I have really awaited it. I want to learn of myself straight honestly and live in happy and joyful world to learn it.
It is whirl of feelings welling out within me as I had the meeting in this lifetime.
The whirl of feelings becomes the joyful whirl to think of universe and spread in my heart.
I really wanted to call universe. It is joyful for my inner self to respond the thoughts to call and return to universe as it is only the homeland.
It is the homeland, mother universe. Let us go forward in the communication to return together.
"Finally, finally, I found out the purpose of life.'' What I feel with the gratitude in my heart is this happy feeling of ”Finally, finally.'' I've really been waiting and waiting. I'll become honest, get to know the true self in my consciousness straight away, and live in the joy and happiness of having been able to know it. This is a whirlwind of thoughts that arise within my consciousness because I have had the encounter with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in this life.
This whirlpool of thoughts becomes a whirlpool of the joy of contemplating the consciousness of the universe that spreads through my heart.
Oh, I really wanted to call the consciousness of the universe. Because it is the home of our consciousness, the birthplace of our consciousness, because it is the only root of our consciousness, so I am just glad that my consciousness responds to my true self, which is trying to regain it again and again to our consciousness. Let's push forward, communicating with our true selves that we have determined and will to restore the original consciousness, the consciousness of the Mother Universe, to our consciousness.

My physical form is really childish and often makes me laugh, but when I think of, I am happy after all. “I am happy! Thank you! Finally!”; it rises from my heart. I am happy. I am grateful and happy because I can clearly see the direction of what to think, how to live, and the path I am on, so all I need to do is keep moving forward in that direction.

I can believe in the world of warmth and kindness in my heart and I can confirm in my heart that I have changed after this life, and I can truly think that I will nurture and grow the world of myself that is not a physical form, but consciousness, energies

Thank you, mother. Thank you Taike Tomekichi. And thank you for being able to think that I am together with Albert. The physical form in 250 years is waiting for me.
I feel it joyful when I turn my heart though I smile bitterly as my physical being is so childish. My feelings such as it is joyful, thankful and finally well up in my heart. I am joyful. I am thankful and joyful as I can see the path with direction to think and live and just think and go to such direction.
I think of it from my heart to confirm in my heart that I can believe in warm and gentle world within me and cultivate my non-physical world of consciousness and energy.
I thank you mother. I thank you Tomekichi Taike. I also thank to be able to think of being with Albert. My physical being in 250 years from now awaits me.
The judgement based on the recognition that our essence is the body is really childish and often makes me bitterly smile, but I am still glad when I turn my thoughts back to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. The feeling of 'I'm happy, thank you, I finally made it to this stage' comes from the heart. I am happy. I can clearly see the direction in which I should direct my thoughts, the direction in which I should live and the means I should take, so I just advance my will to go in that direction, so I just say "thank you," then I am happy.
I can believe in the world of warmth and tenderness within my consciousness, my consciousness has changed stating from this life, I can confirm these things firmly in my heart and I can sincerely hope that I will nurture and grow my world, which is not physical body, but consciousness and energy.
Thank you, Mother's Consciousness. Thank you, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. And thank you for allowing me to believe that Albert's consciousness is also in my consciousness, and I can't wait to dwell in one body 250 years later.

As for what to think, in what direction, and how to live, I had the answer to that question in my heart from the beginning. With surprise, I understood that this was it. It was not about the information and knowledge from outside of myself. The point is to get to know myself, believe in myself, and to know who myself was.

Therefore, if you don’t know Taike Tomekichi, or if you know, but don’t believe in, you don’t understand anything.

It is really simple and clear that if you don’t know who you are, in other words, what the truth is, you will never get out of pitch-black darkness, and the suffering will continue without end.

We also learned simply and clearly that all we need to do is shift the direction of our hearts and direct and align our heart’s needle to the direction Taike Tomekichi shows, but that it would be very difficult if we are clinging to the energies of reliance.

Become truly honest and accept mother’s thoughts straight into your heart.

We are loved, forgiven, believed in, and waited for, and we are truly fortunate, joyful, and happy existences.
There was the answer to think, which direction and how to live within me from the beginning. I am surprised but agree it as it was right. It was not the outer information, knowledge or others. I learn and believe in myself. What kind of existence is my such self? That was the point.
I could not learn what I was as long as I did not know or did not believe in Tomekichi Taike even though I know him.
It is so simple and clear that the sufferings continue forever as I cannot escape from the darkness unless I learn the truth what I am.
We could learn simply and clearly that it is not easy as long as we are covered by the energy of outer power though it is for us to change the direction of hearts and turn our heart’s pointers to the direction indicated by Tomekichi Taike.
Let us become honest and accept straight the thoughts of mother in our hearts.
We are so thankful, joyful and happy as we are loved, forgiven, accepted, believed and waited.
The answers to what we should think, in which direction and how we should live our lives, have been within our consciousness from the beginning. Not only can we be surprised at that, but we can also nod our heads and say, "Oh, yes, yes." What we needed was not information or knowledge obtained from outside our own consciousness. The key point was to know the reality of our consciousness, to believe in our consciousness and to know what on earth that consciousness is.
Therefore, we could not realize what being our consciousness is if we do not know, know but do not believe, or cannot believe in the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.
It is really quite simple and clear that if we do not know what being our consciousness is, the truth, our consciousness will never get out of total darkness and our suffering will be endless.
We have also learned, with simple clarity, that when we change the object to which we direct our minds - when we direct our minds to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and approximate our minds to his consciousness as possible - it is impossible to realise the truth if we are bound by the energies of forces other than ourselves.
Let us really be honest and accept our mother's thoughts straight to our hearts.
Our consciousness is a truly grateful, happy and joyful being, loved, forgiven, accepted, believed and waited for.

The time with physical being passes away. It passes away so fast instantly. The encouragement from inner self is indicated clearly in the visible physical world. We do not know what it is though we shout that something is wrong. Our thoughts will concentrate gradually on its direction that something is conveyed to us though we do not know what it is.
The tremendously great flow gives our crazed hearts more encouragements It is the energy that close on us beyond our control. What flowing there is love. It is the energy of love. The conscious world moves for us to release ourselves and learn from our hearts that it is love instead of driving and agonizing ourselves.
Let us move together in the conscious world. Let us leave the physical world and live on joyfully with our true natures in our hearts.
Time when we have a physical form is flowing. It passes so quickly, in the blink of an eye.  Prompting from within each heart will be clearly shown in the visible, tangible world. People will say here and there “something is wrong” but we don’t know what it is. Although we don’t know what it is, our thoughts gradually focus in the direction that it is trying to tell us something.

The huge, unimaginable flow will urge our crazed hearts more and more. The energy will come to the point where we can no longer do anything. What is flowing there is love. It is the energy of love. The world of consciousness will move in such a way that we will truly and sincerely know that this is what love is all about, and that we should free ourselves instead of hunting down and torturing ourselves.

Let’s move together in the world of consciousness. Let’s leave the physical form and live with joy together with our true selves in our hearts.
The time of our consciousness in one body passes. That time passes very quickly and in the blink of an eye. The promptings from each consciousness will be clearly shown in the world which is visible and with form. People will say, "Something's wrong, something's wrong somewhere," and they will have these thoughts here and there, but they will not realize what is wrong and how. People don't realize the cause, but they may guess that the phenomenon is trying to tell them something, and they will gradually focus their thoughts in the direction of that cause.
The tremendously huge stream of consciousness will give further prompts to our seriously deranged consciousness. There is an energy that brings people closer to situations that they no longer have any control over and no way of dealing with. It is love that flows there. It is the energy of love. The world of consciousness is going to move in such a way that we should not hunt down and torment ourselves, but free ourselves, so that we can truly and sincerely come to know that "Oh, this is what love is." Together, let us move in the world of consciousness. Let us leave our attachment to the body in which our consciousness dwells and live with joy, holding our original self in our hearts.

The physical form is all foolish and you don’t understand anything if you only look at the physical form, but if you really continue correct meditation, you will surely see the change in yourself. It will also appear in your physical form. Therefore, without binding your heart with morality or discipline, your physical form will act properly. You will not cause unnecessary trouble. Because you understand that all you need to do is direct your heart rather than worry about the physical matter.

Although your physical form is foolish, you will feel joy and happiness of having a physical form, of using it in the direction to get to know the truth from its foolishness.

I believe that is a physical joy and happiness in a true sense. We got to know the truth only because we have a physical form. I think that is how it will be. The joy of directing our hearts. Happiness that we can think and feel. Thank you for the physical form. Thank you, mother.
Changes come out within us as long as we continue to practice the right meditation though we all with physical beings are stupid and do not know anything when we look at things in physical world. It appears in the physical world. It moves moderately in physical world though we do not bind our hearts by moral or rule. We do not have unnecessary trouble as we learn that we need to turn our hearts to the truth instead of various matters in physical world.
We will feel joy and happiness to have physical beings to use them in direction to learn the truth from such stupidities though we have stupid physical beings.
I think, it is joy and happiness in physical world in true sense.
I think that we could learn the truth as we had the physical beings.
I appreciate my physical being and mother as I feel joy to turn my heart and happiness to think and be able to think of it.
All of our physical bodies are stupid, and if we only look at our physical bodies, we will never know anything about the truth, but if we really continue the right meditation in which we meditate only on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, we will definitely see a change in our own consciousness. This will manifest itself in our physical body. So our body will act in moderation, even without binding our mind with morality or discipline. Such a physical body does not cause unnecessary trouble. This is because we know that we need to really turn our mind to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, rather than worrying about this or that of our physical bodies.
Our consciousness dwells in a foolish body, but out of that foolishness we will feel joy and happiness in using the body in the direction of knowing our truth. Dwelling in the physical body allows us to feel that.
That is the real joy and happiness of dwelling in a physical body.
We have realized the truth in our heart because of the physical body in which our consciousness dwells. I believe that is our reality. It is a joy for us to turn our mind to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. It is a blessing to think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and to be in a situation where I can think of his consciousness. We are grateful for the body in which our consciousness dwells. We are grateful for the consciousness of mother.

A quiet moment in the early morning. It is a time of the joy and happiness of thinking. Thank you is expanding. I was told that I should always look at myself with this thought constantly. I prepare myself for a happy time and space.

I am truly happy. I think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and Space. I think of love. The thought that I wanted to come back rises, and then my heart replies “Let’s return. We can return”.

Space. This is our homeland. The space of warmth. The space of joy. I abandoned it and jumped out from there, but I still couldn’t forget it. I am deeply aware that to call out “Let’s return” is such a joy. I have been looking for various things in the physical world, but I have learned that there was nothing there that I was truly looking for. Now that I can respond to my earnest desire from my heart firmly and straightly, I am just thankful for this.
A time in calm morning, it is joyful time to think of it calmly. My thankful feelings spread. It was good if I always look at myself with such feelings. I have provided such happy and joyful time and space for me.
I feel it so happy. I think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert, universe and love. My feelings withed to return come up and my heart responds that I can return and want to return.
Universe, it is our homeland. Warm and joyful universe, I could not forget it though I have abandoned and bounced out of it. I keenly feel, it is joyful to call to return. I have learned that there was nothing what I wanted from my heart though I have sought various things in the physical world. I am now just thankful to be able to respond straight to my earnest wish within me.
The quiet moments of early morning are a time of joy and gladness when I exhale deeply and think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Thankfulness spreads through my heart. It is nice if I can always look at my consciousness constantly while holding this thought. Our consciousness prepares joyful happy times and spaces for itself.
I think my consciousness is really happy. I think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, and of the consciousness of the universe. I think of love. So the desire to restore the original nature rises more and more from my heart, and my consciousness replies "I can restore the original nature to my consciousness. I intend to regain my original nature." The consciousness of the universe is my original consciousness. The warm and joyful consciousness of the universe is my original consciousness. My consciousness left it alone and kicked it out, but my consciousness still couldn't forget it. I deeply think how happy I am to prompt my false self so that my consciousness restores its true self. My consciousness has been searching for many things and many matters in the world of form, but my consciousness has been able to learn that what my consciousness has truly desired was not in that world. And I am just thankful that I am now able to respond firmly and straightforwardly to the earnest desire in my own consciousness.

It is invisible, has no form, and can only be felt with our hearts. And the world of vibrations that can be felt and echoes is simply joy. It is warmth. It is comfort. There is nothing there. Nothing there but it is certainly there. Yes, it is mother’s warmth, the invitation from mother, the invitation of come back home. The call of “You are love” has been continuously called out for so long.  

This life is when a physical form of Taike Tomekichi told us about it straightforwardly.

Therefore, our physical form in this life has a really amazing time. It is a time when many universes in pitch-black darkness all direct their hearts toward each other through one physical form. It naturally prompts phenomena far beyond our imagination in the physical world. It is the flow of consciousness. Let’s direct and align our hearts toward the flow of consciousness that strictly exists and move forward together.
It certainly becomes the happy time with physical being when I learn in my heart the reason why I was born. Because it becomes so joyful to learn my stupidity more. I feel it keenly appreciated that I was given birth by my mother in this lifetime also. I feel it keenly appreciated that I was believed, awaited and the indescribable feelings spread. I have nothing but appreciation and want to respond to the thoughts believing and awaiting me.
It is myself who sinks down into the sufferings and also let me emerge thankfully, apologetically and joyfully. Everything is the event within me.
Everybody feels differently though one looks at the same scenery. Those are events within the heart how to think and handle them and spread the thought or close the heart though one sees the same thing in front.
The vibrational world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness is invisible to the eye, it has no form, we can only feel it with the heart. And the vibrational world that we feel resonating and is transmitted to us is just joy. It warms us. It brings us comfort. There is nothing in that world. There is nothing there, but it is definitely there. Yes, there is the warmth of the Mother's consciousness and the invitation of the Mother's consciousness to come back. Mother's consciousness has continued to call to my consciousness for a long, long time, saying, "Your consciousness is originally love."
The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi dwelled in one body and told our consciousness straight away about that in the present life.
So the physical body in which our consciousness dwells in this lifetime is going through a truly amazing time. It is a time when many dark, universe-like consciousnesses are all turning their hearts towards the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi through the body that that consciousness dwells.
The process will inevitably prompt phenomena far beyond the imagination in the world of form. This is the stream of consciousness. Let us turn our hearts to the stream of consciousness that is strictly present, let us make our minds agree to the stream, and let us move forward the countermeasure together.

If you truly know with your heart why you were born, you will definitely have a happy physical time. Because you will learn your foolishness more and more and it will become incredible joy. Your mother gave birth to you again in this life. You were provided with a physical form. You will feel an incredible gratitude for this. You will feel indescribable thoughts expanding that you are trusted and waited for. There is nothing but thank you. You have no choice but to respond to the thought of being trusted and waited for.

It is you who suffer and sink, and it is also you who emerge with I am happy, thank you, I am sorry, and I am happy. Everything is happening within you.

Each of us has our way of feeling even when we see the same scenery. Even if there is the same thing in front of you, how you handle it, how you think about it, and how you expand your thought from there or close your heart; everything is all happening within you.
It certainly becomes the happy time with physical being when I learn in my heart the reason why I was born. Because it becomes so joyful to learn my stupidity more. I feel it keenly appreciated that I was given birth by my mother in this lifetime also. I feel it keenly appreciated that I was believed, awaited and the indescribable feelings spread. I have nothing but appreciation and want to respond to the thoughts believing and awaiting me.
It is myself who sinks down into the sufferings and also let me emerge thankfully, apologetically and joyfully. Everything is the event within me.
Everybody feels differently though one looks at the same scenery. Those are events within the heart how to think and handle them and spread the thought or close the heart though one sees the same thing in front.
If we truly come to understand in our own minds why we were born, we will inevitably pass a happy time while our consciousness is in our physical body. This is because we know more and more the folly of my false self, and we become irresistibly happy about it. Also in this life, our mothers gave birth to us again. They have prepared the body in which our consciousness should dwell. We are painfully grateful for that. We can think keenly that "my mother's consciousness really believed and waited that our consciousness regain love," and an indescribable feeling spreads through us. All we have to do is say "thank you". All we have to do is "Let us respond to the thoughts of the Mother's consciousness, which is waiting for me to believe in my consciousness."
It is our own consciousness that makes itself suffer and be depressed, and it is also our own consciousness that pulls itself up saying "I am happy, thank you, sorry, I am happy." Everything happens in our consciousness.
Even when we see the same landscape, each of us feels it differently. Even if there is the same thing in front of us, how we handle it, how we think about it, how we expand our thoughts from there, or whether we close our minds to it, all of these happen in our individual minds.

Let’s think together. Let’s expand the joy and happiness of being together. Let’s revive ourselves to the point where we can truly trust that we are all in warmth and comfort whenever we think.

Aim for the final period and prepare yourself. Let’s each prepare with joy and gratitude.

The path to that point will be difficult and tough. But still, let’s transcend the dimensions together. Align the thoughts to one point and let the joy of thinking, being able to think be enhanced.

We can’t walk together in greed. There is no need to try hard or be fussy. Let’s just move forward honestly and sincerely with the thought of “Thank you, mother!”
Let us think of it together. Let us spread joy and happiness to be together in our hearts. Let us reawaken to ourselves who can believe that we all are in warmth and peace that connect when we think.
Please aim the final stage and provide within you. Let us provide it joyfully and thankfully.
The path toward there must be hard and severe. However, let us transcend the dimension together. Please tune the thoughts to one point and enhance joy to think and be able to think.
You cannot go forward with greed. You do not need to stray. Let us just be honest, sincere, straight and go forward with thankful feelings for mother.
Together, let us contemplate the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let us expand the joy and happiness of being together with his consciousness in our hearts. Let us revive our consciousness so that we can truly believe that we all will be surrounded by warmth and relief that we can share if we contemplate his consciousness.
Let us set up our consciousness aiming for the final period of our stay in this dimension. Let each one of us prepare with joy and gratitude.
The process to get there will be tough and steep. And yet, nevertheless, our consciousness must overcome it. Together, together, let us transcend dimensions. Let us make our consciousness same as the single point, and let us enhance the joy of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible. We cannot go through that process together if we do it greedily. We don't have to work hard or push ourselves. Let us just go through that process with honesty, sincerity, straightforwardness and a strong sense of gratitude to the mother's consciousness.

We look and feel ourselves thankfully, joyfully and gently. It may be good when we have such time with our physical beings. Whatever self was good enough. There are us who can convey the direction to our such selves though we are dark and depressed. We can confirm that we have had such gentle and warm feelings within us.
Isn’t it happy? We need nothing. We just know that we can lead ourselves to brightly open, gentle and peaceful world. Then we can confirm that we are in the repeating state that is joyful without anything as the thoughts that we were thankful, sorry and wrong return to us. We need nothing to feel joy and happiness. Everything is provided within us. We have such hearts. That was us. Let us reawaken ourselves. Please reawaken your true selves.
Look at and feel yourself with joyful and gentle thoughts of “Thank you! Thank you!” It would be good to have such physical time. Any kind of yourself was good. Even when you are dark and depressed, you can now tell such a self the direction like this. It makes you confirm that you have such kind and warm thoughts within you.

It is a happy thing, isn’t it? You don’t need anything. You know that you are able to lead yourself to a bright, open, gentle, kind, and peaceful place. Then, the thought of joy, happiness, thank you, I am sorry, I was wrong surely return and you can confirm that you are within the repetition of feeling happy even though you have nothing. Nothing is necessary to really feel happiness, joy, and pleasure. Inside of yourself arranges everything. We have such a heart. It was us. Let’s revive ourselves. Awaken your true self.
Let us see and feel our false self with happy and tender thought, "Thank you, thank you." Wouldn't it be nice if our consciousness could spend its time to dwell in the physical body that way? It could be any false self. Even if our false self is dark and depressed, there is a true self in our consciousness that can now tell such a false self that this is the right way. The presence of the true self confirms the presence of such tender and warm thoughts in our consciousness.
Isn't this a happy thing? We don't need anything to be happy. We know that the true self can lead our false selves just into a bright, open, gentle and tender peace of mind. This way, the thoughts "I'm happy, thank you, I'm sorry, I've made a mistake" always come back to our hearts and make us happy even if we have nothing to be happy about, and we can confirm that our consciousness exists in that kind of cycle. It is true that we don't need anything to make us happy and joyful. Everything we need is procured by our true self in our consciousness. Our consciousness has such a true self. That has been a nature of our consciousness. Let us revive the true self. Let us make our false self awaken to the true self.

“Existing, walking, and living together with your true self is true joy and happiness”.

Always confirm this within you.

If you don’t know where your true self is, or even if you are told that it is within you, but you can’t believe in its existence, then you will never understand true joy and happiness.

If you wonder if this is really true, then live with the thought and confirm it within you.

Anything is meaningless unless you are convinced within you. You have repeatedly experienced with your heart what it was like to live and what kind of state it was without Taike Tomekichi and Albert. But once you have a physical form, it will blow away.

Do not put Taike Tomekichi and Albert in between while living as a physical form, but always put Taike Tomekichi and Albert in the center and then, draw your own path from there. Please do so in this life for sure.
“It is true joy and happiness to exist, go and live together with your true self.”
Please always confirm it within you.
You never know the true joy and happiness unless you believe it though you do not know where your true self is or learn it existing within you.
You need to live with such thoughts and confirm it within you, if you doubt it true.
It is meaningless anyway unless you are convinced that it is true. Once you have your physical being, it is blown off though you have repeatedly experienced what state it is to live without Tomekichi Taike, Albert.
You place Tomekichi Taike, Albert at the core and go on your path, instead of living in the physical world and think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert between whiles. Please do it in this lifetime.
"We can feel true joy and happiness when we realize that our consciousness exists the true self, then our consciousness determines to exist with the true self."
Let us constantly check this within our consciousness.
If we don't know where our true self exists, or even if we are told that it exists in our consciousness, but that we cannot believe in its existence, then we will never realize true joy and happiness.
If we wonder whether this is really the case, we can check the answer in our own consciousness, with that question in it.
Nothing is meaningful unless our consciousness is convinced that it really is.  Our consciousness should have already known through repeated experiences what it is like to exist without the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, what the state of our consciousness is like, but once our consciousness dwells in the body and takes form, this recognition is blown away.
Instead of living with the physical body in which our consciousness dwells as the first priority, then thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert in between, let us, in this very life, place the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert at the center of our consciousness and draw our own life plan keeping that state.

Thank you, mother. Thank you, Taike Tomekichi. This is really everything. Thinking back, it was always the same. That was it. It was the most important and the simplest thing. All I needed to do was to revive such a heart, the world of thoughts within myself.

I am wondering what I have been doing. I had only been torturing myself. I truly think so. I was completely foolish. It is too miserable to laugh because such a self has ordered to bow down to me and follow me.

But let’s look forward and look at ourselves with joy and thank you. Let’s respond straight to the thoughts that are waiting for us, believing that we will awaken to our true selves. To respond, to be able to respond is joy and happiness.

If you respond with thank you, thank you will return. Walk on the straight path together with such self. Space. Oh, the thoughts of space are echoing in my heart. Returning to space. Returning to love. It is a straight path. We have longed for with all our hearts.
Thank you mother. Thank you Tomekichi Taike. That is only it. That was it always when I think. That was it. It was most important and simple. It was just good to reawaken to such heart and world of thoughts within me.
I just think what I have done. I have just brought me suffering by myself. I really think so. It is so stupid and not worth talking about. It is pitiful and not even laughable since my such self has ordered to kneel down and obey me.
However, let us face forward and look within us joyfully and thankfully. Let us respond straight to the thoughts that believe and wait for us to awaken to our true selves. It is happy and joyful to be able to respond to it.
Thankful feelings return to us when we respond to it thankfully.
Let us go on the straight path together with our such selves.
Universe, the thoughts of universe resonate in my heart. I return to universe and love. It is the straight path.
I have longed for it from my heart.
"I am grateful for the mother's consciousness, and for the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi." This is really all our false self has to do. It was always that way for us, at all times, when I recall. That's what it was all about. It was the most essential thing and the simplest thing. We only had to revive that kind of world of mind and thought in our own consciousness.
I really think what a stupid thing the false self within our consciousness has done. I really feel deeply that the false self has only been tormenting itself. Our false self within our consciousness was too stupid to talk about. It is so sad that we cannot even laugh it off, because such a foolish false self has done "bow down to me, obey me".
But let us ascertain our false self in a positive way, with joy and gratitude. Let us respond straight to the thoughts that is waiting and believing that our false selves will awaken to our true self. To be able to respond to those thoughts and continue to do so is joy and happiness.
If we respond to the thoughts with thank you, thank you, then we get thank you, thank you in reply. All our consciousness has to do is to make our false self implement that one countermeasure.
Oh, the intention of the consciousness of our universe echoes through our consciousness. "Bring back the original consciousness of our universe to our consciousness. Bring back love." This resonates in our consciousness.
All our consciousness has to do is make our false self implement one measure. Our consciousness has sincerely and wholeheartedly desired it.

We get to know the direction of our thoughts, and try to put them into practice within us. Just to think of without thinking anything else. To be able to do so and to do so, is the only joy.

If you pass through a physical time like this, it will naturally resonate in your heart. You will feel it. Your heart will tell; “I am happy, thank you, I am sorry”. You tell yourself that you have taken your own consequences by hating to be one and assuming that it was wonderful to be outstanding although we were all in one.

That’s right. Being one is joy. There are no boundaries above or below, just warmth is expanding. Let’s remember firmly that we were there from the beginning.

I learn the direction of thoughts and practice it within me. I think of it without thinking of anything. It is just joyful to do it and be able to do it.
It is conveyed and resonated in my heart naturally when I pass through my physical time. I feel it keenly. My heart conveys that I am joyful, thankful and sorry. I teach it to myself that I shoulder the result as I hated to be one though we all were in one but thought it great to surpass others.
It is right. It was joyful to be one. Warmth spreads there without top, bottom or boundary. Let us remember firmly that we were in such circumstances from the beginning.

We will know the right object to direct our thoughts towards and try to put it into practice in our own consciousness. To be able to think of the right object, i.e. Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, without any preconceptions, and to try to do so, that is our only joy. If we spend our lives practicing such things, the following will naturally resonate and be transmitted to our hearts and minds. We feel it deeply. "I'm so happy, thank you and I'm sorry," our false self tells to the true self. The true self teaches the false self that all consciousness originally had the same one true self, but that the false self had to shoulder the consequences of disliking being one and the same and assuming for selfish reason that it was wonderful to stand out.
That's right. It was a joy to know that our true selves are one. There is no discrimination of up and down among our consciousness, and just pervasive warmth. Let us firmly recall that our consciousness has been in such a situation from the very beginning.

Do your best to establish a central pillar. There are various incidents as long as you have a physical form. However, everything is not that important in the end. It is more about establishing a central pillar in yourself. It means to settle the direction of your heart’s needle.

Make sure that this is the time to have a life, the time of having a physical form when you raise yourself out of suffering, and walk on the path of your true self.

We don’t have, can’t have anything. All that exists is you and your world. That time of having a physical form is the opportunity to know and understand with your heart what kind of world you are in.

We have been waiting for only this: to turn within ourselves, in other words, to settle the central pillar. Live your life sincerely and straightly without betraying yourself.
It is important to establish the core. Everybody should have various matters in the physical world as far as one has the physical being. However, those are trivial matters after all. It is important to establish the core and fix the direction of heart’s pointer.
Please confirm whether you have your lifetime to let yourself emerge and put on the proper path.
You do not need to have anything but have your world with yourself. It is the lifetime with physical being to have opportunity to learn in heart what your lifetime with yourself is.
We have awaited the point to turn around within us, that is to establish the core. Let us live straight and sincerely not to betray ourselves again.
Let us make every effort to establish a true way of life. All our consciousness have this and that related to the body as long as they dwell in the body. But such things are not important in the end. Let us establish the true way of life in our consciousness rather than being preoccupied with such unimportant things. Let us establish the correct object to which we direct our minds.
Let's confirm if we are spending time in living our lives in such a way that our false selves get out from suffering and our consciousness regain its original way of being.
Our consciousness has nothing and can have nothing. Our consciousness is a world in which the false self and the true self exist. The time our consciousness is in the body is an opportunity to know with the mind and realize with the heart what such a world of consciousness is like. Our consciousness has been waiting for this one thing only, really, to return to original state of being, that is, to establish the original way of being. Let us live sincerely and straight so that we will never betray our true self again.

It is joyful to look at the eyes of Tomekichi Taike straight and speak of my thoughts. The peaceful feelings spread to wait, accept and enfold everything gently.
It was always so in the arms of mother. I left everything in the peaceful feelings. It was only joy and happiness.
Let us close our eyes and think. Let us learn in our hearts the thoughts that gave us the physical beings and face our stupidities firmly through the physical beings.
It is joyful and thankful. We are happy people. Let us have this lifetime to learn in our hearts that joy and happiness in physical world is not our true joy and happiness.
Then please lead within you, what you have learned with your present physical being.
It is joyous to look straight into the eyes of Taike Tomekichi and speak ourselves as much as possible. We have been waited for and have been accepted all our thoughts no matter what they are, and then the comfort expands through us like being embraced.

Oh, inside of mother was always like that. We just entrusted everything there in peace. That was the only happiness and joy.

Close your eyes and just feel it. Get to know the thought from your heart that let you have a physical form and face your own foolishness firmly through that physical form. We are happy. We are grateful. We are fortunate. Realize from your heart in this present life that the joy and happiness in the physical world are not our true joy and happiness. Connect within yourself what you have learned through your current physical form.
It is a great joy for us to say everything that is in our hearts, imagining looking straight into the eyes of Taike Tomekichi. Our true self waits for our consciousness to awaken to the truth and accepts any thoughts of our consciousness. Then a sense of security spreads, as if we are enveloped.
Oh, we have always been in such a state when we feel enveloped by the thoughts of the Mother. We just felt relieved and entrusted everything to that thought. That was the only true happiness and joy for us.
Let us close our eyes and simply think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let us truly and sincerely know the thoughts that made our consciousness dwell the physical body, and let us firmly face the foolishness of our false self through that body.
It is a joy. It is a gratitude. Our consciousness is happy being. Let us know from the bottom of our hearts and minds in this life that the joy and happiness associated with the body in which our consciousness dwells is not the true joy and happiness of our consciousness. Then, let us connect what we have learned through the body which our consciousness is now dwelling to the next step in our consciousness.

Let us go and live together with Tomekichi Taike, Albert and our true selves. It is only joy and true world. Anything else is darkness.
It is our true selves who live easily in brightly, warmly, breezily spreading world. Let us return there. It is our forgotten homeland and our hearts. Let us respond straight firmly to the thoughts leading us to the longing warmth of mother.
Please realize in heart that you went on the wrong path and determine to correct your course honestly. Please simply do it when you determine. It is joyful shout welling out of your heart. Please cry and shout. Please make the joyful shout and make the first step forward strongly.
Please do not miss the opportunity to start and live over.
Let’s walk and live together with Taike Tomekichi, Albert, our true selves. It is only one joy. It is the only true world.

The rest is pitch-black darkness.

Let’s live with our original selves, living in a bright, warm, and refreshing expansion. Let’s return. Let’s return home. It is our home, our heart which we have forgotten and abandoned. Let’s respond firmly and straightly to the thought that keeps on inviting us to the nostalgic mother’s warmth.

Realize with your heart that you have taken the wrong path and make a decision to correct the path honestly. Once you decide, just do it.

It is a shout of joy that overflows in your heart. Just cry. Just shout it out. Let your cry of joy be firm and move the first step forward powerfully. Do not miss the opportunity to start over.
Let's make our consciousness exist while holding fast to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, i.e. the true self. That is the only joy. That is the only world of the truth.
Anything else is darkness, dark blackness.
Our consciousness can by nature widen in a bright, warm and vivid state, and exist without any restriction. Let us restore its original state, which we have forgotten, to our consciousness. Let us respond firmly and straightforwardly to the thoughts that continue to lead us to the warmth of our mother's consciousness, which is so nostalgic.
Let us realize in our hearts that we have taken the wrong path, and make our own decision to honestly try to correct our way of existence. Once we make a decision, let us do it. The shouts of joy should overflow into our hearts. Let us cry and shout. Let us raise our shouts of joy firmly, and then take our first steps with gusto.
Do not miss the opportunity to start over and live again.


It has been four years since the February 2020 Shima seminar, and the seminar ended successfully. I felt deeply that a seminar we all gathered together in one place was joyous after all. We don’t need words. Nothing is needed. I am happy that I can honestly repeat “I am happy”, “Thank you”, and “I am sorry” in the joy of just thinking of, being able to think of.

And, I think of space. I think of our homeland. I think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert.

“Let’s return together”-the happiness of singing Furusato with Igo. Thank you for letting me have such time.

I think of space of mother with universes with joy and thank you, then, Igo pops out in the melody of Furusato naturally.

We all are one. I was really happy to confirm each other that we were all in one.
The seminar in 4 years from Shima seminar held in February 2020 has finished peacefully. I keenly felt the seminar to gather in a hall is so joyful. I need no words or nothing. I am honestly joyful to repeat thanks and sorry in joy to think and be able to think.
Then I think of universe, homeland, Tomekichi Taike and Albert.
Let us return together. It is joyful to sing the homeland song in non-lingual language. I was so thankful to have had such time of demonstration.
The non-lingual language has come out naturally in the melody of homeland song, while I think of mother universe together with universes joyfully and thankfully. It was so joyful as we could confirm each other that we all are in one.
The first seminar in four years, since the Shima seminar in February 2020, ended successfully. I felt deeply that a seminar with all the participants in one place is still, after all, a pleasure. We don't need words to communicate. Nothing is needed. I am just happy that I can honestly repeat "I am happy, thank you, I am sorry" in the joy of thinking and feeling Taike Tomekichi's consciousness.
And I think of the consciousness of the universe. I think of the origin of our consciousness. I think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert.
It is a blessing for us to be able to sing the Furusato of 'Together let us go home together...," in "IGO". Thank you so much for allowing us to have the time for such a phenomenon of expressing our thoughts in a form.
While I am thinking of the consciousness of the Mother Universe as 'I'm so happy, thank you,' together with the Universes in my consciousness, then the IGO naturally pops out in midst of singing the melody of 'Furusato'. It was a real joy to be able to confirm to each other that our all consciousness has originally been one consciousness and existed in one world.

Let’s direct our hearts toward the direction that a physical Taike Tomekichi has shown, look within our hearts, know our reality first, and know the truth from there. Let’s receive our plan with joy and gratitude firmly and straightly.

We can do that only because we have a physical form here. But it is also difficult to do so because of the physical form. Direct your heart’s needle inward and figure out the path and the direction you should walk.

If you take the wrong path, wrong direction, you will always feel suffering from inside. The world of consciousness is straightforward. It is honest. No matter how much you try to deceive, cheat, and pretend, your heart will tell you sincerely and honestly that it is wrong. Then, what you should do? You just have to choose and decide for yourself. It is the world of you and yourself. Learn this with your heart. Thank you for being ourselves who can learn. Thank you for being able to learn now.
Let us accept straight, firmly, thankfully and joyfully the own plan to turn our hearts to the direction indicated by Tomekichi Taike, look within our hearts, learn our facts and meet our truth.
We accept it straight firmly. We can do it as we have our physical beings. However, it is also difficult as we have our physical beings. Please turn your heart’s pointer inward and find out the direction to go forward.
The sufferings will be conveyed from within you, if the direction and path are wrong. The conscious world is honest. Your heart will convey honestly that it is wrong no matter how much you cheat and cover it up. Then what would you do? You choose and decide it. It is the world of you and yourself. Let us learn it in our hearts. It is thankful that we can learn it. It is thankful for the present time to be able to learn it.
Our consciousness has made a plan to turn its mind in the direction pointed by the physical body in which the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi dwelled, to observe within our own consciousness, to know first the reality of our own consciousness, and from there, furthermore, to get in touch with our true self in our consciousness. Let us truly accept the plan firmly and straight away, saying, "I'm sincerely happy, thank you."
Our consciousness can firmly and honestly accept the plan because it dwells here in one body. But it is precisely because our consciousness dwells in a body that, conversely, it is difficult for our consciousness to do so. Let us be aware of all these difficulties, turn our minds to our own consciousness, and find the way forward and the direction of our consciousness in our own consciousness.
If the measures and directions are not correct, suffering will always come to our consciousness. The response in the world of consciousness is straightforward and honest. No matter how much the false self misrepresents, deceives and mends the truth, our true self will honestly and truthfully tell us that it is not true. Now, then, what should our consciousness do? We can let our true self choose and decide. The world of our consciousness is the world of our false self and our true self. Let us learn that in our consciousness. Let's learn about that in our consciousness. Let us be grateful that our consciousness is able to learn the truth and now in a situation where this is possible.

Simple is the best. Originally, the world of our consciousness was simple. But when we had a physical form, saw ourselves and the surroundings as a form, believed that the physical form was real, and tried to make it better in there, we became complicated monsters.

If there are people talking about difficult things and argue them, leave them alone. If I were there, I would leave quietly.

Let’s always live in a world where we can communicate with thank you, even though we don’t say many words. We can get to know with each of our hearts that we can communicate in the joy of thinking of, being able to think of. To communicate with Igo(cosmic words). The joy of feeling the energy and savor the energy through Igo. Let’s get to know the real thing. There is no truth in the physical world no matter how much you look for. You may get temporary joy, happiness, and comfort, but temporary is temporary. Recognize and confirm it, and manage and settle the direction of your heart’s needle.
It is good enough to be simple. Our conscious world is simple from the beginning. We made ourselves complicated and mysterious monsters when we have had the physical forms, looked at ourselves and around as physical forms are the real world and strived there.
I do not need the people who mention the difficulties and logics. I would leave there calmly, if I were there.
Why don’t we live in the circumstances where we can communicate with little words but thankfully? It may be good, if we learn in hearts, it is our facts that we communicate in joy to think and be able to think.
We speak in non-lingual language. It is joy to feel and savor the energy through non-lingual language. Let us learn the true things. There is no true thing in the physical world though we look for it around. We may have temporary joy, happiness and peace, but temporary thing is only temporary. Let us recognize and confirm it, control and fix the direction of heart’s pointers.
It is good even if our consciousness is simple. Our world of consciousness is originally simple. By taking chances to dwell in a physical body, our consciousness has come to recognize that our consciousness and the consciousness around us are all material. Therefore, our consciousness understood that the world of form is the real world, and we created a complicated and mysterious monster of our false self in our consciousness, "I will try to get by in such a world, and we can't lose by any means necessary." I believe that.
I am fed up with people who talk a difficult thing or chop logic. If I were there, I would quietly leave the place.
Let's live forever in the world where we can understand each other by thank you even if we don't have many words. I believe it is good that each of us come to know in our hearts that this is our reality to communicate in the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible.
Let's speak "IGO." It is a joy to feel and savor the energy that the true self emits by speaking ”IGO." Let us know the genuine thing. In the world of body and form, wherever we look, we cannot find the genuine thing. We may get temporary joy, happiness and peace of mind, but temporary is temporary. Let us recognize and confirm this, and manage and determine the object to which we turn our hearts.

Let’s think of Taike Tomekichi and mother just with thoughts of joy, thank you, and sorry. It is the joy of directing and aligning the needle of our hearts. There is nothing there. The present moment when we can do so is joy and it is complete. Let’s cherish and nurture the desire to return there, return to ourselves.

The thoughts of thinking of Taike Tomekichi and directing the thoughts toward there will do a work. Let’s face the same direction together and share the joy of being together. Whether having a physical form or not, it is our true way of living. Let’s awaken our original selves in our hearts and return to the homeland we have jumped out of. Let’s return to the warmth and joy that have been waiting for us no matter what.
Let us think of Tomekichi Taike and mother with joyful, thankful and apologetic feelings. It is joyful to turn and tune the heart’s pointer. There is nothing. The present time to be able to do it is joyful. It is completed then. Let us cultivate carefully our thoughts to always return there and return ourselves to there.
The thoughts to turn and think of Tomekichi Taike perform work. Let us share joy to turn to the same direction and live together. It is the true way of our lives. Let us awaken to our true selves in hearts and return to our homeland where we have dashed out of. Let us return into warmth and joy that have always waited for us.
Let's contemplate the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and the consciousness of the mother with the feeling of just joy, gratefulness and apology. It is a joy to turn our hearts to that consciousness and to set our hearts up with that consciousness. We need no complex intention in those actions. It is a joy that we can do so now and also will be able to do so, and our actions are complete with joy. Always, always, always let's go back to that starting point and carefully nurture the desire to restore the true self to our false self.
The desire that tries to make our consciousness think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and directs our consciousness towards his consciousness will work somehow beneficially for our consciousness. Let our consciousness turn in the same direction together and share the joy of existing together.
Our consciousness has originally continued to exist whether or not it dwelled in a physical body. Let us awaken our original self into our consciousness and then restore our original self, which we have forgotten, into our consciousness. Let's bring back to our consciousness that warmth and joy, "love," that was and is waiting for us to notice at all times and at any time.

It is the shorter way toward the happiness to become honest, learn in our hearts and admit our mistakes.
It is right but we have to learn from the bottom of hearts what and why we made mistakes and lost ourselves for a long time. We cannot turn our basics around when the danger passed, if we admit our mistakes superficially with our greed.
We should confirm our thick walls built by us and should not forget to look within our hearts sincerely.
Let us examine severely whether it is led to the true world no matter how and what we feel in our hearts. Let us go forward joyfully, peacefully and squarely instead of going cautiously. It is joyful to examine it severely. We will learn it when we practice within us.
The shortcut to happiness is to become honest, to know and admit your mistakes with your heart.

Of course, you need to know from the bottom of your heart what you have done wrong, why you have done wrong, and that you have lost yourself for a long time. If you say “I have been wrong” superficial and from greed, you will never be able to turn the foundation of yourself.

You must be aware of the fact firmly that the walls you have built and created are quite thick and you should not forget to look within your heart straightforwardly.

No matter what you feel with your heart, examine it precisely whether it really leads to the true world. Instead of doing with fear and hesitation, go on within yourself with joy and relief. It is a joy to examine it precisely. You will understand this if you practice it within you.
The shortcut to happiness for our consciousness is to be honest with our true self, and to know and admit the mistake of our false selves in our consciousness.
The conclusion is as above, but of course we have to really know from the bottom of our hearts what our consciousness has misunderstood as the truth and why it has done it, and furthermore, that it has lost the true self for a really long, long time. Even if we recognize just superficially and based only on the thought of desire, that "Oh, I have misunderstood the truth," we cannot overturn fundamentally the wrong perception of our false selves. It is because, as the saying goes, "Even hot thing makes us forget its heat when it passes the throat", as time goes on we tend to give up on a thing along the way.
Let's firmly recognize that the walls that our false selves have built and created are so thick to that extent, then be really serious, and remember to check up in what state our false selves are in our consciousness.
Whatever and however we feel in our hearts, let us strictly examine it in detail if it can really communicate with the world of truth. Instead of fearfully and anxiously examining our own consciousness, let us do it gladly, happily, majestically and with security. It is a pleasure for us to strictly examine our consciousness in detail. I believe that we will know that when we practice it in our own consciousness.

The world of heart, consciousness, where we believed that a physical form was ourselves and have been trying to somehow in the physical world is pitch-black darkness. Aware of the reality that everyone, without exception has sunk into the depth of suffering.

It is equally difficult to emerge from pitch-black darkness. Always go back to the starting point. This means that you should just accept the thought that has brought you a physical form from the depth of suffering honestly and firmly and face your foolishness with joy and thank you. That is where you should always start. The world of your heart, consciousness is not only that. If you practice doing so, it will naturally resonate within you. Gentle thoughts and warm thoughts will expand.

Once you can get to know how the world of consciousness, flow works, you also feel how you should do will come back to you. Everything happens within you. Direct your heart’s needle inward.
The mental and conscious world that we have strived with our physical selves as ourselves is completely dark. Let us confirm the fact that everybody has sunken in the darkness without exception.
The hardness and severity for us to emerge from the darkness is also same. Let us always get back to the basics. That means to honestly accept our thoughts that have had the physical beings from the depth of sufferings and face our stupidity joyfully and thankfully. Let us always begin it from there. However, our mental and conscious world is not only it. It resonates naturally when we do so.
Gentle and warm feelings spread calmly.
What we should do is responded in our hearts when we learn the mechanism and flow of consciousness.
Everything is the event within us. Let us turn our heart’s pointers inward.
The world of the mind and thoughts of our false selves, which have misrecognized the body in which our consciousness dwells as the true form of consciousness and has tried to anyhow make that form conspicuous in the world of form, is pitch black. Let us firmly recognize the reality that everyone's false self, without exception, has been depressed in total darkness.
Let us recognize also the harshness and steepness of remedying the situation that our false selves are depressed in pitch-darkness. Let us always, always go back to the starting point. This means that our consciousness should genuinely, honestly and firmly accept the desire of our false self, which is depressed in the depths of suffering to carry out salvation by dwelling a physical body, and face the folly of our false self with gratitude and joy. Always, always, let us start there. But what there is in our world of mind or consciousness is not always just that. In doing so, there is something that resonates naturally with us.
Gentle and tender thoughts, really warm thoughts spread through our consciousness abruptly.
If we find in our own consciousness the mechanism or flow of the world of consciousness that operates in such a way, the answer to how to do it will also appear in our consciousness.
Everything is happening inside our consciousness. Let us turn our minds to our own consciousness.

Let’s truly savor a life of joy with thank you.

The reason why we can truly and sincerely savor a life of thank you is because we know with our hearts the direction of living and the directing of our hearts, and we have a reality that confirms the settlement of our hearts. It’s the joy that wells up in our hearts. It’s the joy that cannot be replaced by anything else. It’s the only joy. It’s warmth. The more we know our foolishness and helplessness, the more it resonates in our hearts and we can feel how amazing it is that we could learn the truth of such vibrations through our physical forms. We are truly at an important point of passage. It’s not just a point of passage but it is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is once in a lifetime opportunity to have a physical form, and encounter with physical Taike Tomekichi, in other words, connect this study. Inspect yourself properly to see whether or not you could, can utilize it properly in your own world of consciousness.

We have a happy time now when we can just think of mother and Taike Tomekichi. That heart calls out space naturally. Make it a life of thank you and joy where you can call out and think of space, our homeland.
Let us saver in hearts our joyful and thankful lives.
The reason why we can keenly feel it thankful is that we have the fact to learn the direction of lives, turning our thoughts and determination in hearts, isn’t it? It is irreplaceable joy to well up bubbly. It is only joy and warmth.
How great it is to be able to learn the truth of vibration through the physical being. It resonates in our hearts when we learn of ourselves more.
We meet the important pass point. It was the pass point but also once in a million opportunity.
The meeting with physical being of Tomekichi Taike while we have provided the physical beings for us is once in a million opportunity to be led to the study. Please make the self-verification whether you can utilize it properly for your conscious world.
It is joyful to be able to think of mother and Tomekichi Taike now. Our hearts call the universe naturally. We can call and think of our homeland, universe in our hearts. Please make it your joyful and thankful life.
Let's truly savor a life of gratitude and joy.
We can be truly and deeply grateful for our life because of the reality that we know in our heart the true purpose of life, the true object to which we turn our thoughts, and confirm our heartfelt commitment, can't we? That makes a joy wells up in our hearts. It is a joy that cannot be replaced by anything else. It is the only joy, the only warmth.
The more we get to know our foolish helpless false selves, the more the fact of how amazing it is that we have learned such vibrations of truth by dwelling in our physical bodies resonates and is transmitted to our consciousness.
Our consciousness is approaching one of the really important passing points. It is a mere passing point, but it is also a once-in-a-thousand opportunities.
Now, our consciousness has prepared a body to dwell in, and we have already had a once-in-a-thousand chances to meet the body in which the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi dwells, in other words, to be connected to this learning. Let us carry out an exact self-examination to see whether we could correctly utilize that encounter in our own world of consciousness and whether we are able to so.
It is now the joy of our consciousness that we can just think of the consciousness of the Mother and the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. In doing so, our consciousness naturally invokes the consciousness of the universe in itself. Let us live a life filled with such gratitude and joy that we can think of and invoke in our conciousness the consciousness of the universe, which is the root of our consciousness.

We have been living for a long time without really understanding and knowing what is important, what we should think of, and how we should live. I feel so from the bottom of my heart. Countless reincarnations. And the time before then. I repeatedly feel in my heart how little I know myself and lost the truth. That is a joyful cry. The thought never brings me down. It is because I can finally see the path of returning to my true self and feel my dear self who was foolish through the joy and relief of pushing forward on the path.

There was nothing in the physical world. Not to mention the world of the truth. Just realizing with our hearts that everything exists within us who has no form was awaited. That was everything. Only the path of returning to ourselves has shown.
I have spent a long time without knowing anything about what the important thing is, what to think and how to live. I think so from my heart. I think repeatedly in my heart that I have not known of myself but lost the truth in my numerous transmigrations and the time before. It is joyful shout. It is not the thoughts to let me down. Because I sense my lovely self who was so stupid as I am joyful and peaceful to be able to finally see the path returning to my true self and go forward on the path.
There was nothing in the physical world. It is needless to say about the true world. It is waited for me to realize in my heart that there was everything within me who had no physical form. That was it. It was only indicated for me to return into myself.
Our consciousness has spent a long, long time without knowing anything essential, without knowing what is important, what to think and how to live. I wholeheartedly agree. Our consciousness has undergone countless incarnations. And there was a time before our consciousness did so. It has come up to our minds repeatedly how much our consciousness has lost sight the true self and the truth. That thought is a joyful yell, and never depresses our own consciousness. The reasons are follows. Because we can finally find a measure to bring the true self back into our consciousness and we feel happy and secure in going ahead with that measure, we feel that our false selves are really silly but lovely.
There is nothing essential in the world of forms. Of course, it can never be said that the world of truth can also be there.  Our consciousness was expected to realize the fact that everything was in our consciousness, which had no form. That was all. All our consciousness is directed to do is restore the true self to our consciousness.

I am happy, mother. Thank you. Thank you so much. I am happy now. It’s because I got to know it in my heart. Although my physical form is still trivial and immature, I could learn with my heart because I have a physical form. I could deliver the joy and happiness of thinking of Taike Tomekichi in my heart. It is a joy to move forward one step at a time. Thank you. Of course, the pitch-black space I have created is huge. However, my true self was gentle. Now that I touched a gentle and warm heart, I should trust it and let it grow sincerely and honestly. As I received the thoughts of Taike Tomekichi: my true self, through physical Taike Tomekichi, I could think from the bottom of my heart that I would respond to these thoughts honestly, firmly, and straight.

That was the first step I learned through my current physical form. It is a big and irreplaceable first step. This is a solid step that I can use as a stepping stone here. If the first step is right, I can leave the rest. Everything is as planned and as scheduled. Thank you, mother!
Mother, I am joyful and thankful. I thank you. I am happy now as I learned it in my heart. I could learn it in my heart as I have had this physical being, though my physical being is still silly and childish. I could convey to my heart joy and happiness to think of Tomekichi Taike. I am joyful and thankful to be able to step forward. Obviously, my universe created is fierce. However, my true self was gentle. I could learn that it is good enough to believe and cultivate it honestly and sincerely as I could meet my warm and gentle heart. I could think in my heart to respond straight, firmly and honestly to such thoughts as I have received the thoughts of Tomekichi Taike and my true self through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike.
It was the first step that I could learn through my physical being in this lifetime. It was great and precious first step. It is the firm step to make it the steppingstone. It is the first step. We can leave it at that as long as it is right. Everything is as planned. Mother, I thank you.
I'm so happy, Mom. Thank you, thank you so much. I am happy now. It's because I could make my false self know the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.  My physical body is still as trivial and childish as ever, but it is because my consciousness dwelled in this physical body that I was able to make my false self learn the truth. I could deliver the joy, happiness and happiness of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness to my false self. I feel the joy of making my false self move forward step by step in the right direction. Thank you. Of course, the dark universe that my false self has created is very awful. However, my true self is tender. Because I have touched the tenderness and warmth of the true self, I have known that I should believe in that and sincerely and honestly expand the true self in my consciousness. It was only because I received the thoughts of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and my true self through the body in which Taike Tomekichi's consciousness dwelled, that I could sincerely think that my false self would respond to these thoughts honestly, firmly and straightforwardly.
That was the first step that I learned through the physical body that my consciousness has dwelled in this life. That was a big and irreplaceable first step. That step was the very first step to make this point a springboard for the expansion of the true self in my consciousness. It was the very first step, and if its direction is right, then I will let the stream of consciousness do the rest. Everything is going according to plan and on schedule. Thank you, mother.

If you think of mother and think of  Taike Tomekichi, and do so with gratitude, it will resonate within you. Warmth will expand. All you have to do is feel happy with thank you sincerely and straightforwardly. Just trust it and keep doing it. You just be frustrated because you put your physical thoughts within them, use your head, and expand your greediness. Even though repeating such mistakes, face your earnest desire within you through your current physical form as much as possible. And, make this present life your turning point.

It is each of your hearts that choose to do this. Nothing, no one is forcing you. But if you really direct and align your heart, and if it matches with the direction Taike Tomekichi is pointing, there are no more words, just a world of joy, thank you, I am sorry. Repeat these experiences in your heart and keep going. We are happy to be able to do that now. We don’t need money, of course, or anything else. It was all about just understanding that the heart that thinks and can think is ourselves.
It will resonate within us when we think of mother and Tomekichi Taike thankfully. Warmth spreads. We just need to rejoice it straight, honestly and thankfully. It is good enough if we believe and proceed it. We are held up when we turn to the physical world, use our brain and expand our greed. Please face your earnest wish within you to the utmost through your present physical being while you repeat such mistakes. Please make this lifetime your turning point.
It is each heart that choose it. Nobody enforces anything. It is indescribable but joyful, thankful and apologetic world when we turn and tune our hearts to the direction indicated by Tomekichi Taike. It is required to repeat and continue it. It is happy for us to be able to do it now. We need no money or nothing. It is all for us to learn that our hearts to think and be able to think are ourselves.
If we think with gratitude of the Mother's consciousness or of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, their consciousness reaches our false selves with resonating, and then warmth spreads into our false selves. We just need to rejoice it honestly, straightly and gratefully. We just need to believe in it and do it. It means precisely because we make the physical body, in which the consciousness resides, intervene in that countermeasure, working the brain and inflating the greed, that the measure must end up unfinished. Even if our consciousness repeats such mistakes, let our consciousness face the earnest desire of it as possible and to the best, by utilizing the physical body that it now dwells in. And let our consciousness make this life a turning point.
It is each false self that chooses which measures to take. Nothing or no one forces anything into our consciousness. However, if we make our false selves turn their minds toward Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and set their minds up with his consciousness, and if, as a result, our false selves become really identical with the object which Taike Tomekichi's consciousness points us, the true self, then a world where we no longer need words, but we have only happiness, gratitude and apology will develop in our consciousness. We just repeat and continue this thing as an experience of our consciousness. It brings happiness to our consciousness that our consciousness can do that now. Of course, we don't need anything, including money. It is everything for our consciousness to do is to realize that only our true self just thinks of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and also can do it.

All we need to do is deeply feel happiness of joy, all is good, and thank you. We have learned that doing so, being able to do so through the current physical form will connect to the true path. We were happy and within the warmth from the beginning. And yet, we didn’t understand that. We covered it up with greed. It was us who did that.

Meet yourself who is kind and gentle. Get to know yourself like that. Tremendous and crazed energies will meet such a self, for sure. If you know the cry from your heart and accept it firmly, all will return. All will return to the place it used to exist. And then, it will tell you, “I am happy, thank you, I am sorry”. Thank you, mother! thank you! -there is nothing in the thought that tells you so. There is just happiness and gentleness. Let’s meet ourselves like that endlessly.

It’s the path of joy. it’s the path of thank you.
It is good enough when I feel happiness joyfully and thankfully. I could learn that it leads to the true path to do it and be able to do it through the present physical being. I did not know it though I was happy in warmth from the beginning. However, I did not know it. It was myself who did it as I was covered by greed.
It is important to meet my gentle self and learn of my such self. The fierce cruel energy will certainly meet such self. We all will return to our original world when we learn and accept firmly our calls from hearts. It will be conveyed to us that I am joyful, thankful and sorry. There is nothing in the feelings to convey that I thank you mother. We are just joyful and gentle. Let us meet with our such selves.
It is the joyful and thankful path.
We just need to feel deeply that we are happy, lucky and grateful. We have learned that doing so through the physical body in which our consciousness now resides, and being able to do so, is the countermeasure by which our consciousness regains the true self. Our consciousness was originally in happiness and warmth. Nevertheless, our consciousness did not realize that. It means that our consciousness covered that up with greed and erased that fact from it. It was our false self that did it.
What our false self should do is to meet our gentle, tender and true self and get to know such a true self. The tremendous raging energy of our false self will inevitably meet such a true self. If our false self knows and accepts the cries of its own self, all of our false self should restore its original self. Our false self will restore its original self. They will restore its original nature. And they will tell our consciousness, "I'm happy, thank you, I'm sorry." When our false self tells, 'Oh, thank you, thank you, mother', there is no scheme in their thoughts. There is only joy and tenderness. Let's make our false self meet such true self as much as possible. This is the measure to bring joy and gratefulness back to our consciousness.

The more I think, the more the thought of thank you, thank you very much for the encounter erupts. I truly feel happiness from my heart when I think that my mother gave me a physical form and that I was eager to have a physical form and waited for this moment with all my heart, and that all of these things came together were arranged by the flow of consciousness.

The needle of our hearts will direct outward once we have a physical form. The habit that we have built up in ourselves quickly fills us up, and our earnest desire to have a physical form and know the truth is pushed into the depth of our hearts easily.

We repeatedly had such reincarnations. Now, finally!  

Let’s cherish it. Cherish and love yourself, and feel the joy and happiness of living and walking one step at a time together with the thoughts of your true self.
My thankful feeling for the meeting blows up as much as I think of it. I feel it happy when I think that everything became one and the plan in conscious world was proceeded as my mother gave me the physical being, I wished my physical being and waited for the present time from my heart.
The heart’s pointer turns outward when I have the physical being. My habits of mind accumulated within me fill me up instantly. My wish to have my physical being and learn the truth is pushed down easily to the depth of heart.
I had such numerous transmigrations. I met it finally now.
Let us care about it. Let us love and care about ourselves and step forward with joy and happiness in hearts to live and proceed with our true thoughts.
The more I think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, the more I feel an outpouring of gratitude for having encountered his consciousness, saying "Thank you very much." I feel truly happy when I think, "Oh, because my mother's consciousness gave me a body in which my consciousness dwells, and because I have longed to dwell in the body and sincerely have waited for the time to come, the plan of the world of consciousness has been fulfilled, letting all thoughts of those consciousness work as one chain of events."
Once our consciousness dwells in a physical body, our false selves tend to turn their minds outside of themselves. Our consciousness is apt to quickly fill our consciousness with the mental habits our false selves have accumulated in it, and push the earnest desire of "my consciousness wishes to dwell in a physical body because my consciousness wants to know the truth" deep into our consciousness with great ease.
Our consciousness has experienced many such incarnations. After such past lives, our consciousness has now finally, finally come to this point.
Let's make our false selves take good care of our own consciousness. Let's make our false selves cherish and love our own consciousness, and advance the measure step by step so that our false selves can hold the joy and happiness of existing with the thoughts of the true self.

Let’s feel ourselves with joy and gratitude. Let’s look within our hearts. Let’s feel ourselves who have sunk into the depth of suffering, and become the ones who can tell warmth and true gentleness to such a self.

Mother’s thoughts that is still alive in our hearts. The thoughts of our true selves. To know and trust firmly and clearly and to expand the thoughts in our hearts. That is what we have been looking for and what we have promised to our hearts.

Sing a song of Furusato with joy. Everything is condensed in the dubbed song of Furusato.

Let’s return together. Let’s return to a faraway homeland. Embrace the encounter in this life in your heart firmly, and move firmly forward on the straight path of returning to love, our homeland, the space of mother.
Let us sense ourselves joyfully and thankfully. Let us look within our hearts. Let us become ourselves who can sense ourselves sunken in real darkness and convey real warmth and gentleness to us.
It was what we have sought and promised in our hearts that we learn, believe and spread mother’s feelings alive in our hearts.
Please sing the homeland song joyfully. Everything is condensed in the filk of homeland song.
Let us return together toward far away homeland. Let us hold firmly the meeting in this lifetime and go forward steadily on the straight path returning to love, our homeland and mother universe.
Let us feel our false selves with full joy and gratitude, and check what state they are in. Let us feel that our false selves have sunk into total darkness, and make our true self be able to convey warmth and real tenderness to such false selves.
The thought of the mother is alive in our consciousness. It is also the thought of the true self. Let us know and believe that firmly and clearly and spread that thought into our hearts. That is what our false selves have searched for and have promised to our true self.
Please sing a song parody of "Furusato" with joy and delight. Everything necessary for our consciousness is condensed in the song parody of "Furusato."
It means that our consciousness will try to make also our false selves together restore their original self. It means that our original self has become far more meagre in our consciousness. Let us firmly hold the encounter with Taike Tomekichi's consciousness in this life in our false selves, and together let us firmly advance one right measure to restore to our consciousness love, the original state of our consciousness, or the consciousness of the Mother Universe.

Let’s make our time where we live and walk together with ourselves inside with joy and gratitude. We have a physical form now. We are given time to learn to know ourselves through a physical form. The inside of you is always saying something. In other words, we are emitting vibrations, energy. We can confirm the vibrations, energy because we have a physical form. We can also direct and align our heart’s needle.

Cherish this current time. To direct your heart’s needle inside and think of Taike Tomekichi is everything. I have repeatedly said the joy of thinking and the joy of being able to think, and that is everything. To think of Taike Tomekichi is everything. To be able to think of Taike Tomekichi is everything. I believe that everyone’s heart is feeling that way.

You just accept it honestly and straightly and be happy about it. If you truly feel joy and grateful, all is good. There is nothing else. It won’t be necessary to think what I will do or how I will do it.
Let us have time to live and go forward with our inner selves joyfully and thankfully. We have our physical beings now. We were given time to learn of ourselves through our physical beings. Our inner selves speak something always. That means, we radiate our vibrations and energies. We can confirm our vibrations and energies as we have our physical beings now. We can also try to turn and tune our heart’s pointers to it.
Please care about the present time. We turn our heart’s pointers inward and think of Tomekichi Taike. That is it. I mention repeatedly that it is joyful to think and be able to think. That is right. That is only it. That is all to think and be able to think. It should be conveyed into the heart of everybody.
It is good enough to accept it straight honestly and rejoice it. Everything is good, if we are joyful and thankful. There is nothing else. It is unnecessary what to do or to do it.
Let's spend such time so that our false selves exist together with the true self in our consciousness while rejoicing and gratifying. Our consciousness now dwells in a physical body. Our consciousness is given learning time to know what state inside of our consciousness is through our physical bodies. The inside of our consciousness is always emitting something. In other words, our consciousness is emitting vibrations and energy. It is because our consciousness dwells in our physical body that we can check the vibrations and energy that our consciousness emits. And our consciousness can also try to direct our minds towards Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and set our minds up with his consciousness.
Let us cherish such a present moment. All we have to do is to think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness while turning our hearts inside our own consciousness, that's all. I am repeating to say the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible, but it's really true and it's just that. To think Taike Tomekichi's consciousness is everything we should do. To be able to think of his consciousness is everything we should do. That must have been conveyed in everyone's mind.
We have only to accept it straight away and rejoice. If we can truly rejoice and be grateful, everything is good. There is nothing else we should do. It is superfluous to be preoccupied with what else we should do, that we will do this way, or that we intend to do this way.


What kind of a way of life is it to live to cherish yourself with love and sincerely to yourself? Have you realized with your heart that you have lived a life a completely different way of life?

The more you know yourself that was in pitch-black darkness without knowing anything, the more you love your foolishness. Confirm your heart which has been crying and screaming all alone. That is true gentleness. Choose the way of life where you feel warmth expanding in your heart and live with the warmth firmly.

There is nothing there. But there is an incredible comfort that comes from knowing that you can walk on the path to return to warmth and joy. Your heart knows that is happiness. Let’s revive. Let’s share the joy and happiness of being able to walk on the path to our original selves one step at a time.

We are one. Let’s expand our thought that we are one and live a life to cherish ourselves with love and sincerely to ourselves.

What kind of life is it to live carefully, lovely and sincerely to yourself? Did you learn in your heart that you have lived differently with such life?
You feel lovely for your stupidity as much as you learn of yourself who knew nothing but were in darkness. Please confirm your heart that has cried and yelled alone. It is true gentleness. Please feel warmth spreading in your heart and choose your life to live steadily with such warmth.
There is nothing. However, there is indescribable peace as we can go forward into warmth and joy. Our hearts know that we are happy. Let us reawaken to it. Let us share joy and happiness to step forward on the path returning to our original selves.
Let us spread in our hearts that we are in one and live carefully, lovely and sincerely to ourselves.
What kind of life is it to cherish and love your true self, and to be honest with it? Did you realize in your heart that your false self has lived a completely different way of life from that?
The more we know that our false selves had no idea of the truth and were in total darkness, the more we love the stupidity of our false selves. Let's make sure that our false selves have been crying and screaming all alone. Doing so is true tenderness. Let us feel the warmth spreading through our consciousness fully, and then choose to live firmly with it.
There is nothing special about that way of life. But there is an indescribable relief in that way of life, where your consciousness potentiates warmth and joy, and is in the situation where this is possible. Our consciousness knows that it exists such a way as to feel 'Oh, how happy I am.' Let us make our consciousness revive such a way of existence. Let us share with all of our false selves in our consciousness the joy and happiness of being able to move forward step by step in the process of restoring the original self to our false selves. Our true self is one. Let us spread into our false selves that our consciousness has the same one true self, cherish and love the true self, and live sincerely with the true self.

Live truly for yourself and utilize the time for yourself when you have your limited physical form. Get to know with your heart that to live for yourself and utilize it for yourself is true gentleness. To awaken to love within you and revive in your heart that you were love is the only path to joy and happiness.

You were eager to have a physical form over and over again because you knew you could do so.

Fulfill that promise to yourself in this life as a turning point. You have created pitch-black darkness by yourself. Countless spaces have been looking for true space, their homeland. Tell to yourself within you what you have learned in your heart through your current physical form firmly. Tell them that this is the place you should return powerfully and gently.
Please live and utilize your limited time with your physical being for yourself. Let us learn in our hearts that it is true gentleness to live and utilize it for ourselves. It is only the path toward joy and happiness to awaken to love within us that we were love in our hearts.
We wished many times to have our physical beings to do it as we thought to be able to do it.
Please fulfill your promise with yourself at the turning point in this lifetime. It is the dark universe created by yourself. Numerous universes have sought the path returning to the true universe, the homeland. Please convey firmly to your inner self what you have learned through your present physical being.
Please convey it firmly and gently where you have to return is here.
Let us utilize the finite time when we can dwell in our physical bodies and truly live for our consciousness. Let us know in our hearts that to live for our consciousness and utilize our time of life is true tenderness. Only the process of awakening to love in our consciousness and reviving it in our consciousness, as in 'my true self is love itself', can bring joy and happiness to our consciousness.
In order to do so, because our consciousness thinks it can do so, it has longed, time and again, to dwell in a physical body.
Let our false selves fulfil that promise to the true self in this lifetime as a turning point. Our false selves created the pitch dark universe in our consciousness. Countless cosmic-like consciousness has been searching for measures to restore in our consciousness the essential consciousness of the universe or the original of our all consciousness. Please tell your false self firmly what you have learnt in your heart through the physical body your consciousness now dwells. Tell your false self that the goal it should restore is this, powerfully and gently and tenderly.

A heart that is wavering, buzzing, and pitch-black dark. Let’s face it firmly. The more you feel warmth and brightness in your heart, the more you will seek warmth and brightness. Instead of blocking and deceiving them, feel them firmly and admit to yourself that has been suffering. Proceed sincerly with thank you and joy. Practice it in your heart. The more you move forward in the original direction, the more you will expand.

We are grateful for mother’s consciousness that fulfilled and accepted our desire to let us have a physical form. You will understand from the bottom of your heart that the turn from the physical to consciousness is everything.

Encountering the self that is not a physical form. That self never suffers. It is kind, gentle, and warm. It is the thought that you are a physical form that is suffering, troubled, and lost. You may say that you already understand this, but you, that is not a physical form is telling you that you still can’t let go of the physical form is still there and hidden from here and there.
Let us face firmly our wavering, noisy and dark hearts. It requires warmth and lightness as we feel warmth and lightness more in our hearts. Let us do not block or cheat it but firmly feel and admit our suffering selves. Please proceed calmly with thankful and joyful feelings. It is the work within us. We will spread within when we step forward toward the proper direction.
We are thankful for mother’s thoughts that have fulfilled and accepted our wishes to have physical beings. We will learn in our hearts that the turnaround from the physical being to consciousness is all.
It is the meeting with our non-physical selves. Our such selves are not suffering but gentle and warm. It is the thoughts of ourselves as physical beings that are suffering, worrying and straying. Our non-physical selves convey it to us that we who cannot release our physical beings appear and disappear here and there though we may think that we know it.
Our false selves have shaky and confused mind, so are in darkness. Let's face those false selves firmly. The more the false self feels warmth and brightness in its heart, the more it will seek out that warmth and brightness. Instead of blocking out and cheating that fact, let's firmly feel and admit that our false selves have experienced the suffering. Let's proceed unperturbedly, gratefully and joyfully with its countermeasure. This countermeasure is a work to do in our consciousness. The more our false selves regain original nature, the more the true self extends into our consciousness.
From the bottom of my heart I am sincerely grateful to my mother's consciousness for accepting and fulfilling my desire to dwell in a physical body. And our consciousness will truly and sincerely know that the changing of the perception about our essence from the physical body to the consciousness is the starting point of everything.
Let's meet our true self, which is not our physical body. That true self never suffers and is tender, gentle and warm. It is because our false selves think that the body is our own essence that they suffer, worry and hesitate. I think our consciousness has decided that this is a matter of course that it has already known about, but our true self, which is not our body, is telling us that our false self, which is unable to let go of the perception that its body is its essence, is still here and there in our consciousness, hidden in plain sight.

“Let’s all think together. Let’s think straight. Let’s return together.” In this call and invitation, it would be our joy to think about walking in the same direction together. Stop suffering and being depressed. Stop trying to make yourself smaller or bigger. You might have already realized in your heart that the fighting energy was only returning to you.

Yes, that was right. What was left in your heart after fighting and fighting and fighting? We have been repeating such foolish things.

Let’s keep on walking on the path of returning to our original selves one step at a time, starting with those who have realized with their hearts. Savor the joy of witnessing yourself in your heart.

The path of returning to love. See the single path firmly in your heart.
“Let us think of it straight and return together.” Isn’t it our joy to think of turning and going to the same direction together in such call and lead? Let us quit suffering or depressing. Let us quit making our selves small or showing big. You should have realized in your heart that the battle energy returns to yourself.
It is right. What is left for us after the repeating battles? We have repeated the stupid things.
Let us step forward on the path returning to our true selves from the person who has realized in the heart. Please savor joy to prove yourself in your heart.
It is the path returning to love. Please look at the straight path in your heart.
'Let all of our false selves think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. Let them just think straight of his consciousness. And together, let our false selves revive the true self." While receiving such calls and promptings, it is a joy for us to think of moving forward together in the same direction, isn't it?
Let our false selves stop suffering and being depressed. Let our false selves stop making themselves smaller or showing themselves bigger. I believe we have already realized in our hearts that even if we spend the energy of the struggle to beat the enemy, the energy just torments ourselves on the contrary.
Yes, that was right. Our false selves fought and fought and fought and then what was left of the history of our false selves? Our false selves have repeated really stupid things.
From those whose false selves have realized this, step by step, let our false selves go on implementing a countermeasure to restore the original self to their false selves. Let our consciousness taste the joy of proving the true self exists in our own consciousness.
There is a countermeasure to restore the true self, or love, to our false selves. Let our false selves firmly implement the only countermeasure in our consciousness.

I can’t stop thinking that I have really mistreated myself by forgetting the most important thing, and I have always lived my life in such a way. I have lived my life without knowing anything. I never thought I was being kept alive and accepted.

And yet, I can feel that I live in such a blessed and happy place now. There is nothing but thank you. I was told to my heart that had dropped myself. It was vibration that told me that I had abandoned myself and yet I had not. Thank you, thank you, that’s right, I couldn’t abandon myself. I was truly happy. The joy of trusting and waiting for me, and just being invited to the warmth. It was an incredible joy to be told straightly that joy is you, so you should get to know yourself firmly. I always return there and know my foolishness through my physical form.
I have to think about my life that I have forgotten the important thing and treated myself roughly. I did not think that I have known nothing but lived, kept alive and accepted.
However, I can feel myself in favored and happy circumstance now. It is nothing but thankful circumstance. It was conveyed into my heart that has let myself down. It was the vibration that has conveyed to me as it is not right though I have abandoned myself. I appreciate it very much. I was so joyful as it was right that I could not abandon myself. It is joy for me to be led into warmth as it has believed, awaited and still awaits me. It was indescribable joy that I was conveyed straight to learn of myself firmly. It is my stupidity to be returned and learned through my physical being.

Being able to think that I communicate with the world of thoughts that are joyful, grateful, and sorry makes me feel joy and relief.

I really didn’t need anything. I didn’t need to seek or search for happiness and warmth. I had it all from the beginning. All I needed to do was to realize that. Mother’s consciousness was repeatedly telling me that. I could finally understand and realize such things with my heart. All I needed to do was to be honest.

I am truly happy and grateful and can’t believe for made this happen and feel just thank you.

Let’s direct and align our hearts. The history of thoughts that have made a physical form and world as real is heavy in our hearts, but our hearts have a power of joy that will disappear with a puff.

I just have to wait for the final period, from the encounter of the physical form and the form to the encounter of consciousness and consciousness in order to experience that at the perfect timing.
I am happy and relieved to think of connecting with the world of thoughts that I feel joyful, thankful and sorry.
I really need nothing. I did not need to seek happiness and warmth. I had everything within me from the beginning. I just needed to realize it. Mother’s consciousness conveyed it to me repeatedly. I can learn and realize it finally. I just needed to become honest.
It is so joyful and thankful. I am just thankful to meet such things.
Let us turn and tune our hearts to it. Our hearts have potential joyful power to vanish it away by one blow though we have heavily in our hearts the history of thoughts that we thought the physical world as real and our physical selves as true selves.
I just await the meeting of consciousness with consciousness that follows the meeting of physical being with physical being in order to experience it at the best timing.
I am happy and relieved to be able to feel my consciousness communicates together with a world of 'I'm so happy, thank you, I'm sorry' thoughts.
My consciousness didn't really need anything for that. It didn't need to seek or search for happiness, warmth. They were all there as the true self in my consciousness from the beginning. All I had to do was to become aware of them. My mother's consciousness has told my false self about that over and over again. My false self has been finally, finally, able to know and realize such a true thing in my consciousness. My false self just should be honest.
I am already so happy and grateful. I have nothing but gratefulness for that my consciousness has experienced such a wonderful thing like this.
Let our false selves turn their minds to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and set their minds up with his consciousness. Our consciousness held heavily a history of its false self of perceiving the world of form as genuine and recognized its physical body with form as itself, but it also has the power of joy to make the history vanish momentarily with one puff. In order that our consciousness can experience that at the very precise timing, our consciousness just has only to wait for a thing that, at the final period of our stay in the third dimension, our consciousness encounters each other first by the body where our consciousness dwells and then with itself.

I am happy and joyful to be able to meet this lifetime as I wished. I did not know until the certain time in this lifetime that it was as I wished but have lived irrelevant life as good life.
It is my thoughts that I have provided and given the physical being to me. It has fulfilled my wish to have the physical being. Such joy spread certainly in my heart when I close my eyes and turn my thoughts to it. I feel keenly how favored and happy I am.
I think of universe in such circumstances. It is indescribable. I just call out. I just call out mother to thank. It is the call that I wanted to return. It is joyful call to respond as I can return. It is so joyful. I can hardly wait for the final stage. It is joyful grand opening of curtain to begin from the meeting of physical being with physical being. I provide the final stage to spread the aspect of grand march aiming the point in my heart.

I am so glad and happy to have had this life the way I wanted it to be. I had no idea that I was living the way I wanted until a certain point in my life, and I have always been willing to live in a way that was completely off the mark.

I have given myself the form of a physical body, the thought that I have prepared for myself. The thought that I had prepared for myself, that I let myself have. If you close your eyes and turn your thoughts to it, this joy will surely spread through your heart. I deeply think about how blessed and happy I am.

In such a situation, I think of the universe. There are no more words. I just scream. Just a cry from the bottom of my heart, Thank you, mother. A cry of wanting to go home, wanting to go home. A cry of joy that I can respond to, that I can go home, that I can go home. I am really happy. I can't wait for the final period. A grand opening of joy that begins with the meeting of the physical body with the physical body. We are preparing for the final period when we can expand our hearts to see the grand march toward a point.

I am so happy and happy to have had this life as my consciousness wanted to have it. I had no idea what life my consciousness wanted until one moment in this life, so I took it good to live even completely off the mark.
My consciousness had a desire that made it dwell in a physical body of form and also that prepared a body for itself. My mother's consciousness fulfilled the desire of my consciousness to dwell in the physical body. If I close my eyes and turn my thoughts towards that thought, this joy will always spread through my heart. Oh, how blessed and happy my consciousness is, I deeply think.
While doing that, I think of the consciousness of the universe. Then I cannot express my feeling with words, and I just shout. I just shout from the bottom of my heart, thank you, mother. I cry out, 'I want the true self back in my false self, I have always wanted the true self back'. I shout out the joy of being able to respond, 'I want the true self back in my false self, I should be able to get it back'. I am really happy.
I cannot wait for the final period of my consciousness's stay in the third dimension to arrive. In that period, a grand joyous drama will open up, beginning with the encounter among the physical bodies in which our consciousness dwells. Our consciousness is preparing the final period when it can develop a fact that our consciousness does a great march towards a point.

It was true gentleness, joy, warmth and peace. We were conveyed the true world. We were conveyed straight that we are in such circumstances. It was conveyed into our hearts firmly. Such thoughts and vibrations are alive in our hearts. Our hearts convey that it is nostalgic. We remember it. It did not disappear though we have abandoned it. It was there from the beginning. Hence, we have to return there. Nobody blames us to return there.
It is so simple. We might forget it as it was so simple and clear. We might fall down into the thoughts that many choices bring prosperous and fruitful lives.
It is not necessary to repeat but really prosperous and fruitful lives are to learn our true selves in our hearts. These are the lives to learn our non-physical beings that are really gentle and prosperous selves in our hearts.
Taike Tomekichi's consciousness conveyed true tenderness, joy, warmth, happiness, comfort ... the true world to our false selves. His consciousness told our false selves straight out, "You are in such a world." His consciousness conveyed this firmly to our false selves. The thoughts and vibrations that our false selves have received are alive on in our consciousness. Our consciousness tells our false self, "Those thoughts and vibrations are very nostalgic." Our consciousness remembers them. It is not something that would disappear and vanish from our consciousness because our false selves had discarded that world. That world has existed in our consciousness from the beginning. So all we have to do is let our consciousness bring it back, restore it. No one or nothing will blame our consciousness to revive it, to restore it.
This is really very simple. This has been too simple and clear that, on the contrary, no consciousness may have been able to understand this. Didn't we unwittingly have made it a habit to think that the more choices we have in the way we live, the richer and more fruitful our lives will be? It goes without saying once again, a truly rich and fruitful life is one that makes you recognize the existence of the true self in your consciousness. It is true life that makes us recognize that our essence is not the body, but consciousness, and that our true self in our consciousness is truly kind and rich.
The real world of true kindness, joy, warmth, happiness, comfort were told. And straight away that you are in such a situation firmly in my heart. That thought, that received vibration, lives in my heart. My heart tells me that I have missed you. I remembered it. It did not disappear because you threw it away. It was there from the beginning. So you can go back there, you can return. No one will blame you for going back or returning. It is really simple. Is it so simple and clear that we have lost sight of the opposite? I think we have become, unknowingly, addicted to the thought that the more choices we have, the richer and more fruitful our lives will be. Needless to say, a truly abundant and meaningful life is one in which we know our true selves with our hearts. It is a life in which we know in our hearts that we are not physical bodies, and that we are truly kind and abundant.

“Let’s think of. Let’s think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and mother. Let’s direct our hearts. Let’s revive ourselves to be able to do so.”

The invitation and the call always continue repeatedly. That is how it was from the beginning. Originally, that was all. After we jumped out of love and left warmth behind, we ignored it for a long time. it didn’t get thorough at all. So, it was no surprise that we have been suffering.

It is quite simple and clear. Once we realized how foolish we were, it was that simple. We have been playing our own roles, one-man show for a long time without learning. It was a very sad play, fighting with the shadows, laughing with the shadows, and grieving with the shadows.

But it is different at the final period after 250 years. My heart that is waiting for the opening of a one-man show feels so. I created a scenario that firmly carried out the flow of consciousness to transcend dimensions. How about you?
“Let us think of it. Let us think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother. Let us turn our thoughts to it. Let us reawaken to ourselves who can turn our thoughts to it.”
The lead and call continue always. It was done from the beginning. That was it originally. It passed through for a long time since we bounced out of love and cast warmth away. It did not connect at all. Hence, it was natural for us to suffer continually.
It is so simple and clear. It was nothing particularly when we realize our stupidity. We have continued the one-man play of own work without change. It was sad play to fight with shadow, laugh with shadow and sorrow with shadow.
However, it is different at the final stage in 250 years from now. It is conveyed into my heart that awaits the start of own work play. I have provided my script to proceed the flow of consciousness toward the dimensional migration. How about you?
'Let us turn our thoughts to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the consciousness of our mothers. Let us turn our thoughts to that consciousness. Let us revive our false selves so that they can turn their thoughts to that consciousness.'
Repeatedly, repeatedly, always and at all times, this kind of prompting and calling to our consciousness continues. These have been that way from the beginning. All our consciousness should originally do is that. Our consciousness has ignored this for a long, long time, ever since it threw off love and abandoned warmth from itself. Our consciousness did not understand the significance of this at all. So it was no surprise that our consciousness has continued to suffer.
This is really quite simple and straightforward. If our consciousness had realized its own stupidity, it could have easily understood this. Our consciousness has played a work which it itself created and a one-man drama, for a long time really without hesitation. Our consciousness has fought with the shadows, laughed with the shadows, grieved with the shadows and performed a so painful play.
But after 250 years, the final period when our consciousness can stay in this third dimension as it does now is special and different from the past. I can feel that in my consciousness, which is waiting for the opening of its performance of a work that it itself created. My consciousness has drawn up a scenario in which my consciousness will firmly carry out one of the processes in the stream of consciousness that will encourage our consciousness to go beyond this dimension. How about your consciousness?

To live a life that takes care of yourself means to know the thoughts that let you have a physical form with your heart and to try to respond to these thoughts honestly, faithfully, and sincerely. The thoughts that let you have and crave a physical form, how lovely is that? You have been crazed. You must have sincerely desired to release yourself from your thoughts that have been wrong and crawling around in the depth of pitch-black darkness. If you look into your heart, you will understand that inside yourself is earnestly appealing to you. Become the truly gentle and kind self that can respond to your thoughts straightly.

You should know yourself that is not a physical form firmly and clearly. This is gentleness, true gentleness. That becomes vibrations that flow through to the pitch-black space. Think of space in its gentle warmth.

“Let’s return together to our homeland.” Let’s call out so from the bottom of our hearts.
It is required to learn our thoughts to give us the physical beings and respond to such thoughts honestly and sincerely that we live caring about ourselves.
How lovely our thoughts to give us the physical beings and our wishes for the physical beings are. We have crazed. We should have wished to release ourselves from our thoughts crawled in darkness wrongly. We can learn that our inner selves keenly appeal it when we look within our hearts Let us become our gentle selves who can respond straight to our such thoughts.
It is required to learn our non-physical selves clearly. It is true gentleness. It becomes the vibration and radiates into the dark universe. Please think of universe in gentle warmth.
“Let us return to our homeland together.” Let us call it out from our hearts.
To live in a way to cherish your own consciousness means to know in consciousness the thoughts that your false self has wanted to have a form of a physical body in which your consciousness dwells in, and to respond to those thoughts honestly, faithfully and sincerely. How lovely are the thoughts of your false self that has longed for a physical body in which your consciousness dwells. Your false self has gone mad. Your false self should have sincerely wanted to release from your false self the thoughts which had made it mistakenly crawl around in the pitch dark. If you watch your false self's thoughts, you will see that it is earnestly appealing to your true self. Let your false self be really gentle and tender self so that your false self can respond straight away to your true self's thoughts.
You need to know firmly and clearly that your essence is consciousness, not the body. That is tenderness, true tenderness. That becomes vibrations and flows into the pitch dark universe in your consciousness. Let your false self think of your universe in your consciousness while setting your false self among tenderness and warmth.
"Let's go home together, to our homeland.” Please let your true self call out to your false self to do so from the bottom of your heart and soul.

I am so happy to know that no matter where I am, what I am doing, or what state I am in, I am in the joy of thinking. It is a great relief. It has always been there from the beginning, in the thoughts of being gentle and warm. I have been interrupting it. I have been fooling around. I could never have imagined or accepted that such a way of living has brought me to the depth of suffering. I have been living and thinking in a way that justifies myself by looking for the cause of suffering outward.

Now, I am having a relaxing and quiet time. The time and space to see myself foolishly dancing in the shadow, to talk with myself and feel that the shadows were also joyful things, is something I cherish.

When looking back, I realize that everything is going the way I longed for and that they were all planned by myself. My plan; of course, it is the plan to steadily walk on the path of returning to love. Because I can feel it with my heart, I can spread gratitude to myself and the flow of consciousness.
I am joyful as I have learned that I am in joy to think and be able to think whatever I do at anywhere, anytime and any circumstance. I am relieved. I have been in the state that I feel it gentle and warm from the beginning. I have blocked and fooled it. I could not think and admit that my such way of life has me sunken at the depth of suffering. I have thought and lived to justify myself by seeking the cause of suffering outward.
I was given the calm and relaxed time to communicate within me.
It is important time and space to communicate and feel within me when I looked at myself who has danced with the shadow that was also joyful though.
I can realize that it moves as I wished and planned when I reflect it. My plan is obviously to go on the path returning to love steadily. My thankful feeling for me and the flow of consciousness spreads as I can realize it in my heart.
My consciousness is so happy to know that wherever my false self is, whatever it is doing, whatever time and whatever state it is in, my false self is in the joy of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and also in the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. It makes me relieved. My consciousness has always been among the thoughts of the universe's consciousness that I can think of as 'kind, warm' all along from the very beginning. My consciousness has blocked the thoughts. My consciousness has made fun of the thoughts. My false self could never believe or accept that such a way of life had sunk it into the depths of suffering. My false self has always lived and thought in such a way that it has justified itself by seeking causes of suffering outside of itself.
Now, my consciousness is allowed to have the relaxed and quiet time in which my false self and my true self talk to each other in it.
The time and space where my true self talks and feels that even though my false self has witnessed how it has been made to dance by the shadows, my false self must be also glad for such shadows, is important for my consciousness.
When I look back, I can see that things are going the way my consciousness has wanted them to, and that they have all been planned by my own consciousness. My consciousness's plan is, of course, a plan to steadily progress the process of restoring love to my false self. Because I can feel it in my heart, the thought of thankfulness to my true self and to the stream of consciousness spreads to my consciousness.

It is joyful to think and call Tomekichi Taike, Albert. That is it. It is so simple. It is good enough to rejoice, feel warmth and lead it the dark feelings into warmth when I feel myself who is not joyful. It is good enough to learn that we can do it. Joy spread more as how it is happy and great when I think that we meet the present time to be able to do it.
Let us feel ourselves in the bright and comfortable circulation.
It is no problem though our dark, small and cold selves appear. Let us rejoice and accept firmly that our such selves could appear in bright warmth. Let us make ourselves lighter and softer. Let us perform work to return to our true selves. Let us step forward joyfully and strongly. Our walk continues forever.
We are happy to think of and call out Taike Tomekichi and Albert. This was everything. It is really simple. We should be happy. Just feel the warmth. If you feel yourself not to be, you should let those dark thoughts lead into joy and warmth. We just need to know that we were able to do that. When we think that we are in the present moment when we can do that, we feel even happier and more joyful thinking what a happy and wonderful time it really is.

Let’s feel ourselves firmly in the bright and comfortable circulation.

It is okay If you feel dark, pitch-black, small, cold, and stiff self comes to the surface. Feel happy that such a self has finally come out into the bright and open warmth, and accept it. Make yourself lighter and softer. Let’s work to return even more to our original selves. Let’s take a joyful and powerful step forward. The path continues endlessly. 
It is a joy for us to think of or call on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. It is just the fact. It's really simple. It is nice for us only to rejoice and also to feel warmth. If we feel that our false selves are in otherwise state, it is nice that we invite the pitch dark thoughts which our false selves have into joy, into warmth. We just need to know that we can originally do such things. If we think that we are now living in an age when we can do so, joy will spread further into our consciousness, thinking "What a happy and amazing age we are really living in."
Let us create a bright and comfortable cycle in your daily life and feel firmly which of your true or false self is manifesting itself in your consciousness.
It is okay if the state of our false selves is highlighted as hardened in a dark, black, small and cold state. Let us be glad that we have made our false selves of such a state, finally come out into the bright and open warmth of the world, and accept it with a bang. Let's make our false selves lighter and softer. Let's do the work of bringing the state of our false selves further back to the original state of the true self. Let us make our false selves in our consciousness take one happy and powerful step. Our consciousness will keep moving forward wherever it goes.

What we should think of and how we should live. You have been suffering, worrying, and wondering within yourself. Now that you met this study, I believe that you can obtain the tentative answer within yourself.

All you need to do is practice in your heart. Let’s learn about your past and future with joy and thankfulness.

You can’t deceive yourself. It is because your true self exists within you. If you face yourself honestly and sincerely, the path will open naturally. It will all come from within you. The ultimate is: “You are love. I am love. We are one.” It is quite simple.

If you think of space, your heart feels the flow of consciousness flows powerfully toward the final period, flowing thickly, widely, and deeply. It is obvious that the thoughts of space, the world of vibrations is firmly involved in this. So, the meditation thinking of space is just joy. Taike Tomekichi, Albert, love, space, space of mother are connected straightly. Let’s just think of this one point.
We may have worried and strayed within us what to think and how to live. Then we have met the study and should have the certain answer within us now.
Then we should practice it in our hearts. Let us learn of our future from our past joyfully and thankfully.
We cannot cheat ourselves because we have our true selves within. There will be a path when we face our true selves honestly and sincerely. Everything will be conveyed from within us. It is, “you are love, I am love and we are one.” Ultimately. It is so simple.
The flow of consciousness runs steadily toward the final stage when we think of love. I feel in my heart that it runs widely and deeply. It is also apparent that the thoughts of universe and vibrational world will be steadily involved there. Hence, the meditation thinking of universe is just joyful. Tomekichi Taike, Albert, love, universe and mother universe are connected straight. Let us just think of that point.
I think that your false self had suffered and wondered about what kind of object it should think of and what way it should live. I think your false self was exposed to this learning after that, and now it has tentatively gotten an answer. What we should do in the future is to practice the answer. Let's learn what state our consciousness had and will have in future, with gladness and gratitude.
Your false self cannot trick your consciousness. That is because your true self is in your consciousness. If you make your false self be face to face with your true self honestly and sincerely, you will naturally find your way. Your true self will teach your false self everything. The ultimate teaching is, 'Your false self is originally love. Your true self is also love. Both are one." It is very simple.
If we go on thinking of love, we should feel in our hearts that the stream of consciousness will flow powerfully, thicker, bigger and deeper, towards the final period of staying this dimension. And it is also clear that the consciousness of the universe, the world of vibrations, is firmly involved in this stream of consciousness. So meditation on the consciousness of the universe brings us just joy. Oh, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, love, and the consciousness of Mother Universe are all connected in a straight line. Let us just go on thinking of that one point.

I am in joy and happiness to get along calmly. I am so joyful. Why couldn’t I learn such simple matter for a long time? It is good just to think of it. Joy, warmth, gentleness and peace spread there when I just think of it. I have blocked them all by myself.
Let us think of it. Let us think of it straight from the bottom of our hearts.
Please call it. Please open your heart and call it honestly.
It has become difficult. We have used our brains that become oversized. Then our hearts became colder than ice, smaller, harder and sank down heavily. Our after selves will convey it to us.
Let us make even a small air hole in our such world while we have our physical beings. Even a little light is good enough. The dark consciousness will gather to seek the light when it streams. Please convey warmth to them. Please open your heart and accept them. Let us do it calmly.
We are within joy and happiness to be able to do it straightforwardly. How happy we are!

Why didn’t we realize how easy and simple it was for such a long time?
Just think. Just by thinking, there is just joy, warmth, gentleness, and comfort spreading there already. We had dammed it all by ourselves.

Let’s think. Let’s just think straight from the bottom of our hearts.
Call out to it. Open your heart and call out to it.

These things have become difficult for us. Our heads have become turned, kneaded and we have become headstrong.

Our hearts became cold, colder than ice, small, and hardened. We sunk into the depth heavily. Your after-death self will tell you so.

Now that you have a physical form, open a hole in your world even a little bit. Even a dim light is fine. If you let it in, the dark consciousnesses will gather for the light. Tell them warmth. Open your heart and accept them. Let’s do it straightforwardly.
I am in the joy and happiness of being able to live a life in an unfastidious way. Oh I am really happy.
Oh, why hasn't my consciousness be able to realize there was such an easy and simple way of life, for a long, long time? All I have to do is think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Just thinking of his consciousness already makes just joy, warmth, kindness and peacefulness spread in to my heart. This means that my false self dammed up all of them by itself. Let us make our false selves think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Let us make our false selves think of his consciousness straight from the bottom of our hearts, just straight.
Please call the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Honestly open your heart and call his consciousness.
These things have become difficult to you. You have used your head, kneaded ideas and become top-heavy. And your heart has become cold, colder than ice, small and solid. I think that your own consciousness after having left the body would convey to you, "Thereafter, my heart goes cold, colder than ice, become small and hard, and sink heavy and heavy."
Now that your consciousness is dwelling in your physical body, please give even the slightest windfall to such a world of your own consciousness. Even a faint light is fine. If you let the light in, the dark, dark consciousness will gather for that light. Please, pass on the warmth to them. Open your false self's mind and accept them. Please do it in an unfastidious way.

“I came into this world with a strong will to know the truth” Each of us should accept this thought firmly.

We are not a physical form. We don’t have a form. But we do have a form now. We let ourselves have it. We longed to have it. We should know that with our hearts.

It’s not something you should think so, but you should trust it because it comes from your heart.

If you meditate thinking of Taike Tomekichi, sincerely and honestly, it will be told to anyone’s heart. Love within you will tell you so. It’s not words. It’s vibrations. It is a gentle, kind, yet very powerful prompting and invitation. There is nothing there. It is just the thought of believing and waiting for you. 

It’s the world of ultimate gentle and warm thoughts that says, “Come back here! You should come back! We are waiting for you!”
It is a total entrustment. It’s the joy, happiness, and comfort that return to warmth and joy that embraces everything. Thank you expands.
“I have determined to be born in order to learn the truth.” Let us become ourselves who can accept firmly such thoughts.
We are not the physical beings and do not have the forms. However, we have the forms of physical beings now. We gave it to ourselves. We have wished to have it. It was supposed to learn it in our hearts.
Please become to be able to believe it because it is conveyed from your heart instead of believing it as it was conveyed to you.
It is conveyed to your heart when you practice meditation honestly and sincerely. It is not the words but the vibration. It is gentle but strong lead and encouragement. There is nothing but the thoughts believing and awaiting us.
It is the world of gentle and warm thoughts asking us to return as waiting for us.
It is the entire entrustment. It is joy, happiness and peace to return to the warmth and joy that enfold everything. The thankful feelings spread.
'I came into this world with a determination to know the truth.' Let us each be able to accept this thought to heart.
Our essence is not a physical body. Our consciousness has no form. But now our consciousness dwells in a body and has a form. Our consciousness let itself have a form. Our consciousness longed to have a form. The truth is that our consciousness is prompted to know that desire to have a form with our hearts.
Don't believe it so because you have been told so, but become able and willing to believe it because the true self in your consciousness tells you so.
If you sincerely and honestly meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, that will be conveyed to anyone's heart. The love within your true self will tell you. It is not words. It is vibrations. The vibrations are gentle and kind, yet very, very powerful promptings and invitations. There is nothing there. Just the thought of believing and waiting for you is there.
It is a world of endlessly kind and warm thoughts that say, "Bring the original true self back into your consciousness, it is waiting for you." All our consciousness has to do is to fully entrust itself to the vibrations. It is joy, happiness and relief to bring back into our consciousness the warmth and joy that embraces everything. Gratefulness spreads into our consciousness.

“I am happy, Taike Tomekichi and Albert! Thank you, mother!” This is where it always starts. Everything starts from this. How happy and grateful! The suffering self, as well as the wrong and crazed self that didn’t know ourselves; everything was good. We were within gentleness and warmth, where we could unravel our hearts that had denied and rejected ourselves. Responding honestly to the thoughts of the comeback was everything.

We were told that this was the power of immeasurable joy.
Our physical form is so happy. And the world of consciousness is extremely happy. We don’t need anything. We don’t need anything because we are within the joy and happiness that is already organized.

We were told the joy of just thinking, the joy of just being able to think. “It is the world of yours and is also the world of mine. We are one”. We were told straightly in our hearts. Therefore, we will respond to it straightforwardly. “I am happy, Taike Tomekichi and Albert! Thank you, mother!” We are so happy to be able to respond to it.
“Tomekichi Taike, Albert, I am joyful. Thank you, mother.” I always begin from there. Everything begins from there. It is so joyful and thankful. Everything was good including my suffering self, my wrong and crazed self who did not know myself at all. I was in gentleness and warmth that can release my heart that has denied and refused it. It was just needed to respond honestly to the thoughts calling to come home. That was it.
I was conveyed that it is immense joyful power.
It is my joyful physical being. It is happiest conscious world. I need nothing. I need nothing because I am in joy and happiness that are provided.
I was conveyed joy to think and be able to think. “It is your world and my world. We are one.” It was conveyed to me straight. Hence, I reply to it straight. It is joy to respond, “Tomekichi Taike, Albert, I am joyful. Thank you, mother.”
'I'm happy because I have the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. To my mother's consciousness, thank you." Let us start everything always, always from here. Everything starts from here. Oh, I'm really happy, thank you. Everything was good, including also my false self, which was completely unaware of the fact that it suffered and continued to make mistakes and go crazy. My consciousness was in the tenderness and warmth that could unravel the false self that had denied and rejected such things. All my false self had to do was to respond honestly to its desire of trying to revive the original true self to my false self.
Oh, for my consciousness, the current situation where it dwells in this physical body is really happy. And my consciousness is in a super happy world of consciousness. My consciousness doesn't need anything there. My consciousness doesn't need anything because my consciousness is in the joy and happiness where everything necessary is set up.
Taike Tomekichi's consciousness just conveyed the joy of thinking of his consciousness and the joy of being able to be in the situation where this was possible. "Such a world of joy is the original world of your consciousness. And it is also my world. They are one and the same." His consciousness conveyed it to my heart in a straight line. So my consciousness will respond straight away. 'I'm happy because I have the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. To my mother's consciousness, thank you." And the joy of responding so and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible are here.

The world of vibration reached me straight to my heart, where I have been suffering, worrying, and wondering without knowing anything. The inside of my heart tells me how happy this life is. It is the joy of accepting these thoughts firmly and moving forward on the path of my revive. It continues-true joy, true happiness, true warmth, true peacefulness and on and on.

It is the world that expands when I close my eyes and think. I feel deeply this is where my truth is and that it has been waiting for me to return from the beginning. Let’s become honest. If you become honest, and open your heart, your inner self responds.

“I am happy, thank you, I am sorry, I am happy”-these were our true thoughts. Let’s return to mother. Let’s return to our homeland, space of mother”.

I really love myself for telling me so with the voice and thought of suffering within joy.
It was the vibrational world that has reached straight into my heart that knew or learned nothing but suffered and strayed. My inner self conveys to me how happy it is the present time in this lifetime. It is joyful to accept such thoughts firmly and go forward on the path to reawaken to myself. It continues as true joy, happiness warmth and peace.
It is the world to spread when I close my eyes and think of it. I feel keenly that I was awaited from the beginning to return here where the truth has existed. Let us become honest. My inner self responds to me when I become honest and open my heart.
“I am joyful, thankful, sorry and joyful. It was my true feelings. Let us return into mother, our homeland, mother universe.”
Myself who conveys it to me together with suffering voices and thoughts in joy is so beloved.
The world of vibrations reached straight to my false self, which was suffering, worrying and wandering without knowing or recognizing anything about the truth. My true self tells to my false self how happy this life is for my consciousness. It is a joy to firmly accept that thought and work on actively the measures to revive the true self. True joy, true happiness, true warmth, true peace of mind, etc. will continue after the revival of my true self.
That world of vibrations is the world that expands if I close my eyes and think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. I feel deeply that this is where my truth lies, and that my true self is waiting for my false self to regain the true vibrations from the beginning. Let us make our false selves be honest to the true self. If they will be honest and open themselves, the true self will respond.
"'I'm happy, thank you, sorry, I'm happy.' Those are our real thoughts. Let's restore the mother's consciousness into our consciousness. Let's restore the original state of our consciousness, that is, the consciousness of the Mother Universe, into our consciousness."
I really love my false self, who tells me so with the voices and emotions of suffering while rejoicing.

It is only the confirmation and control for the direction of heart’s pointer.
Let us always respond at any circumstances to joy, warmth and our true feelings straight.
It was our hopes and wishes. We have tried to realize it many times as this time.
It is the present time with physical being in this lifetime. The plan of conscious world has hit the mark and reached the present time. The true vibrational world has come with the physical being.
You all should know now in your hearts what it is and what it means.
Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers to the plan of conscious world straight, joyfully and sincerely. Please just rejoice to be able to do it.
All you have to do is check and manage where your heart is pointed. Be meticulous, and always, at all times and in all conditions, respond straight to the joy within you, the warmth, and the desire of your true self. That is what we wanted. It is what we have longed for. We have tried time and time again to realize our desire this time and this time again. And now we have arrived at the physical body of this life. The plan of the world of consciousness came true, and here we are today. The world of the vibrations of truth has brought us the form of the physical body. I think each of you already know clearly in your hearts what it is and what it means. Let us gladly and straight and sincerely align our mind with the plan of the world of consciousness. Be simply glad that you can do so.
All we have to do is make sure whether the object to which we turn our hearts is right and manage it. At all times and in all circumstances, let us pay close attention to respond straight to the joy and warmth, and the thoughts of the true self within our consciousness.
That was the desire of our consciousness. That is what our consciousness has longed for. Our consciousness has tried time and time again to realize the desire, saying, "This time, this time."
After such past lives, our consciousness dwelled in a physical body in this life. The plan of the world of consciousness brilliantly succeeded and come to the present. The world of the vibrations of the truth appeared in the form of one physical body.
I think each of us already knows clearly in our own minds what that is and what that means.
In a joyful and straightly sincere way, let us turn our hearts to the plan of the world of consciousness and set our hearts with that plan. Let us simply rejoice that we can do so.

It may be good to repeat everyday freshly and joyfully to begin the day today. The fixed heart is strong friend. The path is naturally seen when I follow the basics of study. It is the path that I am joyful thankful and sorry.
It is so joyful to confirm and control the direction of thoughts. It is good enough to move my physical being, check my thoughts welling up in my heart accordingly when my direction of life is fixed. Love within me performs work. I can confirm the darkness created within me and return it to where it was as I have my physical being.
Let us proceed such work in joy to think and be able to think.
Everything is event within me. Everything is provided for me to do such work. It is our conscious world. It was the physical being and consciousness of Tomekichi Taike who has come to convey it to us.
We should be able to go about our days with a clear and happy mind as we begin another day. A settled mind is a strong and powerful ally. If we follow the basics of learning firmly, we will find our own way. It is the path of happy, thank you, sorry, and glad.

I am truly happy to confirm and manage where my thoughts are directed. Once you have established the direction in which you are going to live, all you have to do is to move your physical body along it, check the thoughts that come up in your heart each time, and direct and align the needle of your heart. The love within you will do the work. The physical body allows me to check the darkness I have created in myself and return it to where it was. Let us proceed with such work with the joy we can think of. Everything is happening within you. Everything is in place so that we can do that work. That is the world of our consciousness. It was the physical body and consciousness of Taike Tomekichi that conveyed this to us.
Isn't it enough for us to spend our days with a fresh, happy feeling at the beginning of a day? Setting our minds to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi is a strong, strong ally. If we follow firmly the basics of this learning, we will naturally find our own way of life. It is the way of life as "I'm glad, grateful, sorry and happy."
We are really happy to check and manage the object to which our false selves turn their thoughts. Once we have established the goal of this life, all our false selves have to do is to operate their physical bodies following the object to turn their thoughts to, check the thoughts that come up in their minds each time, direct their minds to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and make our false selves same nature with his consciousness. The love in our own consciousness, the true self, will do the work. We can confirm that there is the darkness that our false selves have created because there is the physical body in which our consciousness has dwelled, and we can bring our false selves back to our original true self.
Let's carry on with that kind of procedure while feeling the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible. Everything is happening in our consciousness. Everything is set up so that our consciousness can do the procedure of restoring love. That is the world of our consciousness. What conveyed it to us was the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and the body in which his consciousness dwelled.

We got to know the direction of our hearts, which is really great and happy. We can say that we are happy even when we knew it just with our brain. So, if we know, understand, and can carry out, with our consciousness, there is no thought there. There are no accurate words to describe it. It is just the repetition of I am happy, thank you, I am sorry, thank you. How fortunate to have prepared ourselves for such learning opportunities.

Let’s get to feel and know ourselves with positivity and joy, and then, walk on the scheduled course we have decided for ourselves. How happy we are! Let’s think of space and feel in our hearts that the consciousness is flowing to walk on the path of returning to love, our homeland. “Thank you, mother! You have given a physical form countless times. I am so grateful from the bottom of my heart for the physical form you have given me in this life!” It is a joy to be able to communicate in that way.
It is great, joyful and happy to have learned the direction of thoughts. I can say, it is joyful and happy though it is learned only in the brain of physical being. There is no thought when I learn and practice it in consciousness. There is no proper word to describe it. It becomes to mention thanks, sorry and thanks repeatedly. How happy we are since we have provided such opportunities for ourselves.
Let us sense and learn of ourselves joyfully, positively and go forward on the course planned by ourselves.
We are so happy. Let us think of universe and sense in our hearts that the consciousness flows to go on the path returning to love and homeland.
“Mother, thank you. I was given birth numerously. I really appreciate from my heart that I was given the physical being in this lifetime.” It is joyful to convey it.
My consciousness has been able to know the right object to which to turn its thoughts. It is really great, and so I am just happy, happy. I believe I can say that I am happy and happy because my consciousness can know it even at the stage where my physical body, my brain can know it. If my consciousness advances to the stage where it can know, understand and implement that, I should really no feelings about it. I have no words to accurately describe that. We will result in repeating to say, "Just, I'm glad, thank you, sorry, thank you." When we think that our consciousness has prepared by itself for such learning opportunities, Oh, how lucky we really are!
Let us feel and know the true self in a joyful and positive way, and then follow the scheduled course we have decided for ourselves.
Oh, our consciousness is truly a happy one. Let us feel in our hearts that there is a stream of consciousness that makes our consciousness implement the process to regain its original state.
"Thank you, Mother Consciousness. I have received from it an innumerable number of physical bodies for my consciousness to dwell in. And especially for having given me in this life a body to dwell in, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul." It is a joy to be able to tell the mother's consciousness in this way.

I got to know through my current physical form how joyful, gentle, and happy to be able to say and shout within myself “Thank you, mother!” It was unconditional. There was nothing. I am loved and accepted, and I feel peacefulness within warmth. There was really nothing there. Just comfort, warmth, and joy expanding.

We have jumped out of that place. And yet, mother was there all the time. The thoughts of mother were always there from the beginning.

The consciousness that kept urging us to recall them, to try to remember them, and to become honest and think. That was Taike Tomekichi’s consciousness, vibrations. We have been continuously told that we are one no matter what.

Thank you so much for the encounter. The encounter between consciousness and consciousness. The joy, gentleness, and expansion reviving in my heart. It was the vibration that told us we are one straightforwardly.
I have learned through my present physical being that it is so joyful, gentle and happy to say and shout thanks mother from my heart within me. It was unconditional. There was nothing. I was just loved, accepted and peaceful in warmth. There was nothing at all. Just peace, warmth and joy spread there.
We have dashed out of there. However, mother stayed always there. Mother’s thoughts were always there from the beginning.
It was the consciousness that has led us to remember it honestly. It was the consciousness and vibration of Tomekichi Taike. It has always conveyed to us as ever at any circumstance that we are one.
I really thank you for the meeting. It was the meeting of consciousness with consciousness. I remember joy, gentleness and spread. It was the vibration that has conveyed to me straight that we are one.
Through the physical body in which my consciousness now is dwelling, my consciousness has learned that it is such a joyful, kind and happy thing that my false self is able to say and shout, "Thank you, thank you, mother." My consciousness needs no necessary condition to be able to say so. It needs nothing particular. My consciousness is just loved and accepted and at ease in the warmth. There is really nothing necessary there. Just peace, warmth and joy are spreading into my consciousness. Our consciousness popped out of that situation. Yet the mother's consciousness was there, in the true self, all the time. The mother's thoughts have always been there from the beginning.
There was a consciousness that kept prompting my consciousness, "Remember it, recall it, now be honest to it and think of it." That was the consciousness and vibrations of Taike Tomekichi. "Your original consciousness and my consciousness are one and the same," Taike Tomekichi's consciousness kept telling my consciousness, unchanged, no matter what time of day or what state I was in.
"Thank you, Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, so much for having made my consciousness have this encounter." This encounter was that between both consciousness. This encounter let joy, kindness and expansiveness revive in my false self. The vibrations told my false self straightly that my true self is one with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, love.

I am so happy. Thank you, Taike Tomekichi. Thank you, Albert. I am thinking. Taike Tomekichi and Albert in my heart, it is myself.

I have made a promise to myself to focus on the present moment of this life, thinking, trusting, becoming one, and living. Now that I have fulfilled that promise, I am further on course to set my sight to the final period.

Thank you for the encounter in this life!

“I am with you. it’s the joy of living and walking together”; This message flows in my heart at all times.

I have met the one and only truth. The world of my consciousness told me so. The darkness that has continued to swell, without knowing of the shadow of the physical form as a shadow. I have been suffering. I have been crazed. But it is because of that suffering, worrying, and madness that I realized how great this present time is.

Thinking of Taike Tomekichi is an amazing thing. This life has touched my heart with a part of that greatness.
I am joyful. Tomekichi Taike thank you. Albert thank you. I think of it. Tomerkichi Taike, Albert in my heart, they are myself.
I made promise with myself to aim the present time in this lifetime and live to think of, believe in it and become one. Then I am on the course to aim the final stage as I could fulfill my promise.
I really appreciate the meeting in this lifetime.
“I am together. It is joyful to live and go forward together.” It always flows in my heart.
My conscious world conveys to me that I have met only the truth. It was my darkness that I did not know, could not think of it the shadow of physical being but continually expanded it. I have suffered and crazed. However, I realize how great the present time is since I have had such suffering, worry and craze. It is great to think of Tomekichi Taike. It was this lifetime that a part of greatness touched my heart.
"Oh, I'm so happy. Thank you, Taike Tomekichi. Thank you, Albert." The consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert in my consciousness is the true self.
I have made a promise to myself to aim for the present moment in this life, to think of and believe in the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and to exist uniting the inside of my consciousness as one. And now that I have fulfilled that promise, I am on a course to further aim the final period of staying this dimension.
”Oh, thank you so much for my encounter with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in this life."
"My consciousness is together with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. It is a joy that my consciousness exists and proceeds with his consciousness." This thought flows in my heart at all times and at any time.
My consciousness has encountered only one truth. My world of consciousness tells me so. My consciousness has continued to expand the darkness, not knowing a shadow called the physical body my consciousness has dwelled as a shadow, nor recognizing it as a shadow. My consciousness has suffered. It has been mad. But it is precisely because of such suffering, distress and madness that I have realized what a wonderful time I am in. It is great to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. My heart has touched a part of its greatness in this life.

The most important thing is that we can truly feel that we were originally within happiness and warmth. We really didn’t need anything. All we need to do is just think of. It is just a matter of thinking. How fortunate we are!

We have been suffering, worrying, and getting lost for a long time. it is an enormous amount of time. When I think about it, I am filled with the feeling that I was wrong, I am sorry. And then, the thoughts of happiness and relief expand through me; I am happy, thank you, thank you, finally, it was here, this was it.

I can’t wait for the final period. The path of joy begins with the encounter with the physical form and the physical form. Along with the energy that erupts from the depths of my heart, I am further on the path of returning to space, love. Go firmly with the flow of consciousness and the joy and happiness of living with the flow.

Let’s direct our hearts. Let’s meditate thinking of space. The joy of existing with our companion, the countless space. The plan is to become one and move forward to the further world of consciousness, vibration.

“Thank you for this current time!” Let’s feel and know ourselves with joy.
It is better than anything to be able to sense that we have been in the happiness and warmth from the beginning. We needed nothing but were good when we just thought of it. That was it. How happy we are.
It was tremendous time for us to have suffered, worried and strayed continually. My feelings that I was wrong and sorry well out when I think of it. My happy and peaceful feelings spread as I am joyful, thankful since I could come here finally and that was it.
I can hardly wait for the final stage. It is the path that begins from the meeting of physical being with physical being. I will go straight on the path returning to universe and love together with the energy blowing up from my bottom of heart.
It is joy and happiness to go on the flow of consciousness and live together with the flow.
Let us turn our thoughts to it. Let us practice meditation thinking of universe. It is joy to be together with our colleagues, the numerous universes. It is the plan to become one and go forward into further world of consciousness and vibration.
“Thanks for the present time.” Let us feel and learn of ourselves joyfully.
I can really feel from my heart that our consciousness has been originally in happiness and warmth. And nothing better can be than that. Our consciousness needs really nothing to feel happy. We just need to think of Taike Tomekichi. To just think of it is all that we have to do. Oh, how happy our consciousness is!
For an enormous amount of time, our consciousness has continued to suffer, worry and wander all the time. When I think that way, I am filled with thoughts of "Oh I have misunderstood the truth, I am sorry.” And then the feelings of happiness and relief as "I'm so happy, thank you, thank you, finally, finally, yes it was here, this was it,” are spreading through my false self.
I cannot wait for the final period to come when our consciousness can stay in this dimension.
The joyful process that our consciousness transcends the dimension will begin with the encounter between the physical body that the consciousness of Albert dwells and that our consciousness dwells. Along with the energy that erupts from the very depths of our false selves, our consciousness will further push forward the process of reviving in itself the consciousness of Mother Universe, which is Love. It is a joy and a happiness for us to let our false selves firmly follow the stream of consciousness and then to live according to that stream.
Let's turn our thoughts to the consciousness of the universe. Let us meditate on the consciousness of the universe. It is a joy to be with our fellow consciousness, myriad consciousness that has originated from the consciousness of the universe. Our consciousness is provided a plan to unite our consciousness and then proceed further in the world of consciousness and vibrations."It is gratifying that we can do that now." Let us feel and know the true self with rejoicing it much.

Always confirm what you are thinking. Do you really think of Taike Tomekichi?

Do you really direct your heart straight in the direction Taike Tomekichi shows? Do you have any purpose? Can you think simply with thank you and joy?

Do you understand with your heart what it means to think is everything and it is completed?

Thinking, being able to think, the joy of thinking, the joy of being able to think. Let’s savor it with your heart. Now is the time when you can focus your thoughts on that.

Thank you for the present time. I repeatedly feel so. I can say this is everything. We have lost ourselves and we didn’t know ourselves. That’s right. However, we were told we could revive. We have been trusted and waited for. I received them with my heart through vibrations. It was an amazing encounter in this life. Therefore, all I can say is thank you. Even if I try to find the words, I can’t describe the experience of my heart. I don’t need to say much. I am just happy to receive the message “We are always together. We are one”. I can believe in myself like this. Let’s become honest and revive ourselves.
Always check what you are thinking of. Are you really be able to think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness? Are you really directing your thoughts straight to the object that the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi directed? Aren't you doing it with some purpose in mind? Are you thinking of it only with gratitude and joy?
Do you know in your heart that thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness is everything and nothing needed more than it?
We have the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and being in the situation where this is possible. Let us taste those things in our hearts. This is the time when we can focus our thoughts on those things now.
"Thank you for the present moment." This comes up over and over again in my mind. It is no exaggeration to say that it is all I want to say. It is a fact that my consciousness has lost sight of the true self, that it has never known the true self. But Taiike Tomekichi's consciousness told me that my consciousness could revive the true self into itself. That consciousness believed in and waited for my consciousness to revive. My consciousness received that thought by vibrations. It was a shocking encounter in this life. So I have nothing to say but thank you. If I search for words, I can never fully describe such an experience of my heart. I do not need to say much. I only need to be glad to receive the message that my false self is always, in my consciousness, together and always one with the true self. I only need to believe in such my consciousness. Let our false selves be honest with the true self and revive it.

We must always check what we think. Do you really think of Tomekichi Taike? Do you really go straight to the direction indicated by Tomekichi Taike? Don’t you have any other purpose? Do you think of it just thankfully and joyfully?
Do you understand in your heart the meaning that thinking is all and that is complete?
Let us saver in our hearts joy to think and be able to think. It is the present time to concentrate on it.
The thankful feeling for the present time comes out repeatedly. I can say, there is nothing else. It is right that I have lost myself and did not know of myself. However, I was conveyed that I can reawaken to myself. I was believed and awaited. I have received such thoughts through the vibration. It was shocking meeting in this lifetime. Hence, I have only the thankful feeling. I cannot speak of my experience in heart though I look for the describable word. I do not need to speak of much. I just need to rejoice to receive the message that we are always together and one. I need to believe in my such self.
Let us become honest and reawaken to ourselves.

“Let’s go home now. Let’s return to the place we used to exist. Our one and only homeland is space of mother. Let’s return to space of mother where we were born”.

Nothing is happier and more joyful than to be able to walk together in such a call and invitation. Let’s direct and align our hearts with each other. If we direct and align our thoughts, the world of vibration will resonate in everyone’s heart.

It is a world of joy, kindness, and peacefulness where we tell each other “I am happy. Thank you, mother”.

All I feel is thank you. The more we get to know the pitch-black darkness that crazed us, there are no more words to say to be able to have current time. Let’s move forward in the direction that was shown us straight ahead.

“Space. Far-away space”; It is a pleasant sound. I am just happy to be able to truly think of space that I have waited for.

“Let us return where we were. Our homeland, only the homeland is mother universe. Let us return into mother universe where we were born.”
There is nothing but joy and happiness to go forward in such call and lead. Let us turn and tune our hearts to it. It is the world of vibration conveyed and resonated in all our hearts when we turn our thoughts to it.
It is the joyful, gentle and peaceful world to communicate as we are joyful and thankful to mother.
There is only thankful feeling. We have no more words for us to meet the present time when we learn our crazed darkness. We just go forward straight on the path indicated.
“Universe. Far away universe.” It is comfortable ring. I am just joyful to be able to think of the universe that I have awaited.

“Let's regain the original disposition into our consciousness. Our only original disposition is the consciousness of Mother Universe. Let us  revive in our consciousness the consciousness of the Mother Universe, the consciousness which is the origin of that of everything in the universe.”
Nothing would make us happier and more joyful than to be able to proceed along the stream of consciousness together in the midst of such a call and invitation. Let us turn our hearts to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and make our minds homogenous with that consciousness. If we turn our hearts to that consciousness and make our minds homogenous with that consciousness, our consciousness means to be in the world of vibrations which resonates with every consciousness and is transmitted to it.
That world is a world of joy, kindness, and peacefulness where our consciousnesses tell each other, "I am happy, thank you mother.”
Oh, we are truly only thankful. The more we learn about the pitch blackness which was caused by that our consciousness had gone much crazy, the more we are grateful to have this moment, so that we have no more words to express our gratitude. All our consciousness have to do is proceed straight ahead, in the direction pointed to by the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi.
"The consciousness of the universe. The consciousness of the universe that we can't feel only as weak and faint." Oh, that sounds pleasant. We are just glad that  we can truly contemplate the consciousness of the universe, which our consciousness has been waiting and waiting and waiting for.
Let's go home now, let's return, to somewhere even more significant. Our home, our only true home, is the mother universe. Let's return to where we were born, into the embrace of the mother universe. There is no greater joy, no greater happiness, than walking together in response to such a call, such an invitation. Let's align our hearts and thoughts. By aligning our thoughts, we enter into the world of vibrations that resonate within everyone's hearts. It's a world of joy, kindness, and serenity where we express gratitude to our mother. Oh, just a simple thank you. As we come to know the pitch-black darkness that has gone astray, there are no words left to express the gratitude for reaching this moment. We simply continue to walk straight ahead in the direction indicated. The universe. The vast universe. It's a pleasant resonance. It fills me with joy just to sincerely think of the universe I've longed for, waited for, and anticipated.

I am joyful. I may think of it eventually though I have nothing particularly. I am joyful and careful about such instant. I think, it is same as you if you have learned correctly. You must understand the reason why you are joyful when you learn the direction of heart and proceed it within you.
It is joy to believe in the world felt and spread within you, deepen and spread it more. Nothing is required to do it. It is provided around you. You have your physical being and circumstance to learn of yourself. You have inexhaustible joyful power. You need to cultivate it correctly and thankfully. Warmth, joy and peace spread when you practice it more. You feel indescribable happiness as you have been in it from the beginning.
It was the dark world that your non-physical self has spread as your physical being. It was the own work play and one-man play. Let us paly it joyfully as long as it is own work play and one-man play. Let us go straight on the path to awaken to our true selves.
I'm glad. I don't have anything special, but it is probably because I suddenly think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi Taike or Albert. I am happy and cherish every moment like that. I am sure that those who have done this learning properly would feel the same way. If our false selves know the right object to which they should turn their minds, and put it into action, each of our consciousness should agree to the reasons why it is happy.
It is a joy for our consciousness to just genuinely believe in the world that our false selves, in such a right way, feel and expand, and then to deepen and expand that world further. Our consciousness does not need anything else to do it. Our consciousness already has the environment around it to do that. Our consciousness has a physical body in which to dwell. Our consciousness has an environment in which we can learn what state our false self is in. And the true self in our consciousness has the power of joy that never ends. All we have to do is to exert the power of joy by converting our false selves to the true self rightly and with gratitude. The more we do this convert, the more warmth, joy, and peacefulness spread through our consciousness. We feel an indescribable happiness to realize that there originally was only the true self in our consciousness..
Our consciousness has continued to inflate the world of darkness by perceiving the body in which it dwells as our true essence. Our consciousness has performed self-made, one-man shows. If our consciousness will inevitably do the those shows in either way, let us do it with joy and pleasure. Let us live in a pure way of awakening to the true self.
I am happy. There's nothing particular happening, but I suddenly feel this way. Those moments, each and every one, I cherish and find joy in them. I believe those who have learned properly feel the same. Understanding where our hearts are directed, and progressing with that internally, makes us happy for various reasons, each in our own hearts. It's the joy of believing in and expanding the world of feelings within ourselves, deepening and widening it further. Nothing is needed to pursue this. It's already arranged around us. There is a physical body, an environment for self-learning, and an inexhaustible power of joy within ourselves. Simply by properly acknowledging and digging it up with gratitude, warmth, joy, and peace spread the more we do it. I feel an indescribable happiness that was originally within me. It was a world of darkness where the non-physical body self continued to expand the physical body as itself. Self-deception, a solo performance. If it's the same self-deception, solo performance, let's do it happily in the midst of joy. Straight ahead on the path to awakening to our true selves.

 “I was given birth to learn of myself. I have had my physical being and provided the present time to reawaken to the truth within me as I am love.”
Please look within your heart and spend your time daily in order to reply within you.
The time with your physical being passes away instantly. We have repeated the transmigrations to close the lives while we go back and forth. You must have already learned through your physical being that it was wrong though you might have the transmigration to have lived satisfactory as the person.
That is right. We have lived irrelevantly. Let us learn firmly our fundamental wrongness and turn our destination and direction of thoughts around in this lifetime.
Little time is left. The flow toward the dimensional migration is proceeded on time. Please accept in your heart the message to go forward together.
"I came into this world with a form to know what state of my consciousness is. To revive in my consciousness the truth that my consciousness has love, I resided now in one body and prepared the opportunity to do it." Please spend some time each day in observing the state of your false self so that your false self can answer that way clearly.
In the blink of an eye, the time that our consciousness can dwell in a physical body passes. Our consciousness has accumulated a series of incarnations in which our consciousness had closed their lives while wondering whether truth is this or that. There might have been incarnations in which we lived our lives to the fullest or to our satisfaction as a single human being, but I believe that our consciousness has already learned through the body in which our consciousness has dwelled in this life that those were not the true way to live.
That's a fact. Our consciousness has continued to exist while totally misunderstanding the truth. Let our false selves firmly realize in this life that they had existed fundamentally mistaking the true way of life, and let our false selves entirely change the future destination of our consciousness and the object they turn their thoughts to.
There is not much time left before the deadline to finally see if our false selves have completed these changes. The dimensional transition of consciousness is proceeding without a hitch. Please accept the message, "Let us proceed together with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi," wholeheartedly and sincerely.

“I came into the world to learn about myself. I have come to have a physical body and prepare the present time to revive in my heart the truth within me, that I am love."

Please spend your daily time looking at your heart so that you can clearly answer yourself.

The time to have a physical body will pass in no time. We have accumulated many incarnations that close our lives as we wander around. You have already learned through the physical body of this life that there may have been incarnations in which you lived to the fullest or to your satisfaction as a single human being, but that was not the case.

It is true. I have lived in a totally misguided way. Let's firmly understand in this life that we have been fundamentally wrong and turn around where we are going and where our thoughts are directed.

There is not much time left. The flow of dimensional transition is progressing without delay. Please accept my message of walking together from the bottom of your heart.

It is to think, to turn my thoughts to it. That is all. That is complete. It is just joyful and thankful to be in the thoughts felt and spread in my heart. It is the present time for me to learn repeatedly that only the direction of my heart’s pointer is important. It is because I have my physical being. Let us learn of ourselves joyfully and thankfully.
Please think of Tomekichi Taike. Please think straight from the bottom of your heart. Albert pops out from your heart. Your thoughts well out one after another as you wanted to call and meet Albert. It must be already conveyed and resonated in all your hearts how the final stage is joyful. How happy it is. Our thoughts of universes to return to universe of love will cause such flow. I feel firmly in my heart that we meet such time finally. It is just thankful.
To think, to direct our hearts, that’s all and complete. It’s just joyful and grateful that we exist in the thoughts that we feel and spread in our hearts in this way. It is at this current time that we can learn over and over again that the direction of our heart’s needle is everything. We can do it because we have a physical form. Let’s learn and know ourselves with joy and thankfulness.

Please think of Taike Tomekichi. Just do so from the bottom of your heart straightly, just straightly. “Albert” will jump out from your heart. The thoughts of “I wanted to call out Albert! I wanted to cry out Albert! I wanted to meet Albert!” will erupt one after another. How joyful the final period is might be already echoing through each of your heart. How happy we are! The thoughts of space, returning to space: love is causing the flow. Finally, we are at that moment! I strongly feel it in my heart. All I feel is just thank you.
Thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and turning our thoughts to it is all we should do, and there is nothing more we should do. I am just happy and grateful to be in the thoughts that I feel and spread in my heart when doing it. Our consciousness is now learning over and over again that whether the false self or the true self is predominant in our consciousness depends only on the object to which we are directing our minds. We can do this because we have a physical body in which our consciousness can dwell. Let us learn and know with joy and gratitude what object our false selves direct their minds to.
Please think of Taike Tomekichi’s consciousness. Think of his consciousness straight from the bottom of your heart, just straight up. If you do so, the voice that calls out "Albert" will come out from your heart. Thoughts that you want to call Albert, shout, or meet him will erupt one after another. I think it has already resonated in each of our hearts how much joy the last period of our consciousness' stay in this dimension will bring. Oh, how happy our consciousness is! The desire of the consciousness of all of us to revive the original universe's consciousness of love in our consciousness causes this stream. "Finally, finally, finally, our consciousness is at that time," I feel it strongly and strongly in my heart. I just say thank you, thank you.

It is truly an amazing thing, an indescribable joy and happiness,  when all the consciousness, companions in space scattered throughout the space are trying to aim in the same direction and at the same point, and when the flow is echoed and felt within me. Of course, I also feel the presence of space that is still submerged in the darkness, and don’t know that they are within warmth, joy, and comfort.

We have all suffered. When thinking of space, I can feel indescribable loneliness and sadness. The time has finally arrived when we can tell them, “Let’s return to mother. Let’s return to space of mother”.  I feel that we have continued to live in the thoughts of a gentle mother and we are happy to share and to be able to share the world of these thoughts.

Space. Far-away space. It’s the power of joy that reminds us in our hearts and awakens us. Let’s make our hearts one and direct our thoughts together. Let’s think about space of mother. Thank you, Taike Tomekichi and Albert. Thank you. Thank you for the encounter. I am seeing the straight path to return.
It is great and indescribable joy when the thoughts and flow of consciousnesses and colleagues scattered in universe aiming the same direction are conveyed and resonated within me. Obviously, I sense, there are universes that still sink down in darkness and do not know they are in warmth, joy and peace.
They all have suffered. The sad and lonely feelings are conveyed to me when I think of universe. We have met the time finally to be able to convey that let us return into mother and mother universe. We have lived in the gentle feelings of mother. I want to share such feelings and feel joyful to share it.
Universe. Far away universe. It is joyful power to awaken ourselves. Let us unite our hearts and turn our thoughts together to it. Let us think of mother universe and love. Tomekichi Taike, Albert, thank you very much. I thank you for our meeting. I look straight at the path to return.
If all my friends of consciousness scattered throughout the universe are aiming for a point on the same direction, and this stream of consciousness is echoed and transmitted to my heart, I feel that this is truly amazing and also an indescribable joy and happiness in it. Of course, I also feel the presence of the universe-like consciousnesses, which are still submerged in darkness and don't know that they are in warmth, joy, and peacefulness.
All of our consciousnesses have suffered. When I think of the consciousnesses scattered throughout the universe, I can feel their sad, indescribably lonely and sorrowful feelings. We have finally reached a time when we can convey, "Let us our revive within our false selves maternal love and the consciousness of mother universe which our consciousness originated." I feel happy for the desire with all consciousnesses to share the world of the thought where our consciousness  has continued to exist in the kindness of my mother and also happy to be in a situation where this is possible.
The sense of existence of the mother universe's consciousness has become extremely weak in our consciousness. Making the sense of its existence apparent within our consciousness will lead to the exercise of the power of joy that awakens our true self. Let us unite ourselves in our consciousness and together turn our thoughts to the consciousness of the mother universe, love. Thank you, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. Thank you very much. Thank you for making our consciousness to encounter the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. I am always checking whether I am living in a way to let the consciousness of the universe revive within my consciousness.

Direct the needle of your heart, which tends to direct outward, inward. Feel yourself, talk with yourself, and spend as much time as possible doing so. Always confirm what you are focusing on while living in the physical world.

Do not make your heart small, don’t drop it, but know your reality firmly and learn yourself with gratitude.

I am happy, thank you, and I am sorry is the basics after all. The more you direct your heart toward them, the more you will love yourself for being able to think in this way. Don’t you feel indescribable comfort and relief with joy? It’s a joy to feel warmth, expansion, and comfort beyond your thoughts. It’s a comfort of being wrapped up and you are happy for this. You will never be able to get this feeling no matter how much money you pay. Get to know with your heart that you have been within there from the beginning.

The darkness that we have created and piles up in our hearts. But the joy and comfort of knowing where to return, knowing we can return embraces the darkness lovingly. Learn how the heart, the world of consciousness works, with joy.
Let us turn our heart’s pointers tending outward inward. Please have your time to feel and communicate with yourself as much as possible. Please check always what you focus on though you live in the physical world.
Let us do not make it smaller or drop it down but understand the current situation and learn of ourselves thankfully.
The basic must be joyful, thankful and sorry. We feel our such selves beloved as long as we turn and tune our hearts to it. Don’t you feel relieved as you feel joyful and indescribably peaceful. It is joyful to feel warmth and broadening on ahead of thoughts. It is the feeling of security to be covered. It is not obtained no matter how much you accumulate the money. Let us learn that we were there from the beginning. It is the darkness that we have created and accumulated in our hearts. However, we have learned where we can return. Such joy and peace enfold the darkness gently. Let us learn the mechanism of heart and conscious world joyfully.
We tend to focus our hearts on what is outside of our own consciousness, but let us focus our hearts on what is within our own consciousness. Let us spend as much time as possible in feeling what state the inside of our consciousness is and talking with what is in our own consciousness. Always let us constantly check what we take as a main way of life while dwelling in our physical bodies.
Let us not make our minds narrow or depressed, but let us firmly grasp the current state of our false selves and learn our true self with gratefulness.
The basis of life is still "I'm happy, thank you, and I'm sorry." The more we let my false self's mind turn toward the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, and the more we let our minds become homogeneous with their consciousness, the more we love our false selves who can think of consciousness in that way. We may feel an indescribable sense of peace, saying, "I'm so happy," and aren't we relieved? We are happy for that we can feel warmth, expansion of our consciousness, and peace of mind after thinking of that consciousness. It is the security of being surrounded by love. This is something we will never get no matter how much money we pile up. Let's know in our hearts that our consciousness was originally within it.
Our consciousness has created and accumulated darkness within the hearts of our false selves. But, since our false selves have finally known what they should restore to their minds is and known that they can restore it, they lovingly hug that darkness by its joy and peace of mind. Let us joyfully learn how both our hearts and the world of consciousness are working.

There is no need to be disciplined, nervous, or forceful. Just feel with our hearts that we are in happiness and joy that will never change no matter what. Let’s relax but think straightly. Have you settled on the direction of your thoughts? Let’s move forward to the confirmation, management, finalization, to certainly.

Let’s move forward in the direction Taike Tomekichi shows. It is invisible. It has no form. It is a world that we feel with our hearts. Therefore, it is important to look within our hearts and know the state of our hearts. If your own self is not broken down, it is incompatible with the world of vibrations.

We were told that we are within warmth, joy, and the joy of being one. Always look within your heart no matter what. Do not fail to confirm the direction of your needle and feel yourself with joy. Get to know yourself. “Thank you! Thank you!” will naturally overflow from your heart. That is our thought. Look at yourself straight within there. More joy and happiness will expand. If not, the direction of the needle is wrong. It is very simple. The complication and monstrous self are no more. We should know that holding such a thing will not help us.
We do not need to discipline, push or strain ourselves. It is good enough to feel calmly in our hearts that we are in changeless joy and happiness. Let us relax and think of it straight. How about your determination of direction of thoughts. Let us proceed from confirmation, control, determination to belief.
Let us go forward to the direction indicated by Tomekichi Taike. It is invisible without shape. It is the world to be felt in heart. Hence it is important to look within our hearts and learn the state of hearts. It does not fit in the world of true vibration unless we ruin the selfhood.
It has conveyed to us that we are in joy to be one in warmth and joy. Let us look within our hearts always. Please do not fail to check the direction of heart’s pointers but feel and learn of yourselves joyfully. It will naturally well out as thanks. It is our feelings. Let us look at ourselves straight within it. Joy and happiness spread more. Otherwise, the direction of heart’s pointer is wrong. It is very simple. We do not need the complex selfhood anymore. We have to learn that it does not make sense to hold it up.
You do not need to discipline, strain or exert yourself. You need only to feel in your heart that your consciousness exists in a state of unaffected, never-changing happiness and joy, no matter what. Relax yourself but focus your thoughts straight on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. Have you already determined the object to which you direct your mind? Please proceed with your learning so that you can check, manage, and determine the object to which you turn your mind, and thus be convinced what you determine is true.
Please let your consciousness move forward in the direction that the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi points you. The world in which your consciousness moves forward is invisible to the eye, has no form, and is a world that you feel with your heart. Therefore, it is vital to look at our false self and know the state of its heart. In the unbroken state of your false self, your consciousness is incompatible with the world of true vibrations.
Taike Tomekichi's consciousness told us that our consciousness is in warmth and joy, and that our consciousness is in joy only for our consciousness is one and the same. Let us always keep a close watch on the state of our false selves at all times and in all situations. Let us not neglect to check the object to which we turn our minds and feel the state of our false selves with joy and gladness.
Let us know our thoughts that naturally overflow from our hearts, "Thank you, thank you." Those thoughts come from our true self. Let us watch straight on our false selves while holding those thoughts. If iwe do it, more joy and happiness will spread into our consciousness. If this does not happen, it becomes clear that the object to which we turn our hearts is not true. This is very simple and clear. We no longer need to weight to our false selves which are complicated and bizarre. We should know that we cannot open the future of our consciousness in any way even by weighting our false selves.

We are happy! Thank you! Although it brings out myself that have suffered and mistaken, I can truly be happy about it. At last, I can feel that way. Because I know the reason with my heart. I brought myself down as I had been directing my thoughts in the wrong direction. All I needed to do was to feel that I was within happiness and warmth. That’s what it was all about.

It was all about myself. It was the result of losing my true self and looking outside. To really know and feel with my heart that I had been betraying myself for so long leads me to joy. Everything was in my heart, in myself.

It is joyful and happy to go through the physical time with, “I’m happy, thank you, I’m sorry” in this way. I can talk to myself in my heart and feel myself, and we can walk together. I can truly think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert from my heart. I can think with straight just joy and gratitude. That is everything. That is the completion. I just have to align to the final period. I will wait for the time.
Isn’t it joyful and thankful? I think it is joyful though my wrong and suffering self is highlighted. I can think of it finally. I could learn the reason why it is. It was that I let myself down due to wrong direction of my thoughts. It was that it is good enough to feel in my heart that I was in happiness and warmth.
Everything was caused by me. It was the result that I have lost my true self and sought it outward. It leads me to joy that I learn and feel in my heart that I have continually betrayed myself. It was to turn my thoughts into my heart and within me.
I am joyful, thankful and sorry. It is happy and joyful to pass the physical time then. I can communicate in my heart, feel myself and go forward together. I can think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert from my heart straight, joyfully and thankfully. That is all. That is complete. I just need to fit in the final stage. I wait for the time.
I am happy and grateful. Although it brings to light the fact that my false self has suffered from misunderstanding the truth, I can be really happy about that. Finally at long last I can see it that way. Because I have been able to know in my heart why it is so. Because the object to which my false self turn its thoughts was untrue, my false self made itself depressed. My consciousness has stayed on in happiness and warmth, and all my false self has to do was feel that in its heart. That's what the truth was.
The cause of my false self's suffering and depression was entirely my false self. It was the result of my false self losing sight of my true self and seeking happiness outside of my true self. To truly know and feel in my heart that my false self has continued to betray my true self will lead my false self to joy. Oh, it was truth to seek happiness in my true self, in my own consciousness.
I am glad and happy to spend my lifetime saying "I'm happy, grateful, I'm sorry," and to be in a situation where this is possible. By talking with my false self in my heart and feeling my true self, I can move my consciousness forward together with them. To be able to wholeheartedly think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, and moreover to do it in a straight, just happy and grateful way, is all that my consciousness should do. That will finish all my consciousness needs to do. My consciousness is just going to focus on the final period of its stay in the this dimension. My consciousness will wait for the time to come.

There are the colleagues and consciousnesses in the universe looking and going forward on the path in the hearts returning to mother universe indicated as planned. The flow of consciousness runs thickly and steadily.
I am so joyful. Please practice the meditation thinking of universe straight and joyfully. Let us accept firmly the feelings as “let us return, we will return” welling up in the hearts and spread the feelings of “all together.”
It is joy to feel and spread the vibration of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and fit into one. “I am you, you are me and we are one.” Please turn and tune your heart firmly. The thoughts awaited by us move as real finally. We have awaited it from our hearts. The thoughts forgotten and abandoned far away reawaken in the hearts. Please awaken to yourself. We meet the joyful time to be able to respond straight, honestly and firmly the call and lead to awaken to love within us. It is the world of thoughts to reawaken along with the total ruin of physical world.
The path returning to space of mother is shown as planned, and the companions of space and consciousness that see the path in their hearts and push forward; The flow of consciousness flows thickly and firmly.

I am truly happy. Please meditate thinking of space straightforwardly just with joy. Let’s firmly accept the thoughts of “Let's return! We will return!” that arise in our hearts and expand the thoughts of “Together! Together!”.

It is the joy of feeling and expanding the vibration of Taike Tomekichi and Albert and becoming one. “I am you. You are me. We are one”-Please direct and align your heart firmly.

The thoughts we have been longing for will finally become a reality. We have been waiting for this with all our hearts. The thoughts that we have abandoned and forgotten far away will be revived in our hearts. We are entering a time of joy in which we can respond honestly, straightforwardly, and firmly to the call and invitation to awaken to ourselves, awaken to love within us. It is the world of true thoughts that will revive along with the total collapse of the physical world.
As scheduled, as planned, the method of returning the nature of our consciousness to the nature of Mother Cosmic Consciousness is shown to us, and the consciousness of the friends that derived from the same Cosmic Consciousness confirm that method in their hearts and push forward. The stream of consciousness develops greatly and strongly.
Oh, I am so glad. Let us honestly and solely rejoice to meditate on the consciousness of the universe. Let's firmly take, "Let's return the nature of our consciousness to what it was before it was derived," and let's take the desire of "Together, let's go forward together" and expand it in our consciousness.
It is a joy to feel and expand the vibrations of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and let them merge homogeneously with our consciousness. My true self and your true self are one and the same." Let us turn our minds firmly to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, and let our consciousness become same with it.
The wish we have been waiting for is finally happening as a reality. We have been waiting for it with all our hearts. The wish that we have forgotten and left in the depths of our consciousness will return to our consciousness. Our consciousness has entered a time of joy when we can respond honestly, straightforwardly, and firmly to the call, "Awaken to your true self, awaken to the love within your consciousness." As the world of form totally collapses, the world of true thoughts is revived.

Each of us may have learned in a different period of time of longer or shorter, but we have had the opportunity to learn in the direction that the consciousness of physical Taike Tomekichi has shown that said, “Look within your heart. Let’s look within our hearts”. The result of this process has been clear.

Some are expanding the world of, “I’m happy, thank you, I’m sorry, and I was wrong but I’m happy”, and there are those who are still complaining while doing the old way and insisting on their justification.

After all, it is important to be honest. Unless you understand with your heart what honesty means and what you should be honest about, you will never be able to release yourself from the darkness you have created, the world of your thoughts. No matter what you insist, you need to understand that the suffering continues forever, that is all caused by you, not by anyone or anything else, and that we all are within the law of the flow of consciousness.

Take care of yourself. Become the one who can face your earnest desire firmly with gratitude.
We could have the opportunity to learn toward the direction indicated by the physical being and consciousness of Tomekichi Taike to look within our hearts though we have the difference of time when we met the study. The outcome appears clearly.
There are the people who spread the world of thoughts such as we were joyful, thankful, sorry and wrong and who complain same as before and insist their rightfulness.
Being honest may be important after all. We cannot release ourselves from the darkness and world of thoughts created by us unless we learn in our hearts what being honest is and what we must be honest for. We need to learn in our hearts that we are in the rule of conscious world such as the sufferings continue no matter how and what we call for and all causes exist within us no matter who or what it is.
Let us care about ourselves. Let us become ourselves to face our earnest wishes within us firmly and thankfully.
The period of exposure to this learning may be long or short for each of us, but we have had the opportunity to learn in the direction that Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the body in which his consciousness resided pointed to our own consciousness as "Look at your mind, look at your mind." The results whether we have done it faithfully in the direction or not have clearly appeared.
Some are happy, thankful and sorry to have made a mistake, but will expand a world of happy feelings, while others remain unchanged from before and are still justifying themselves with saying messes.
I still think it is important to be honest. Unless we truly understand what honesty means and what we should be honest to in our hearts, our false selves will never be free from the world of darkness and emotions they have created for themselves. We need to know in our hearts that no matter what our false selves say or appeal, suffering will continue forever, and that it is all caused by our false selves, not by anyone else, and that our false selves in consciousness are under the law of such a world of consciousness. Let's take care of ourselves in our consciousness. Let's allow our false selves to face the emotions in our consciousness with firmness and gratitude.

I don’t need anything. I am fulfilled. I got to know what I wanted to know. So, I am happy. I answer myself so when directing my heart. It was all about the encounter with one physical form of Taike Tomekichi. I had an amazing encounter with Albert through that physical form. I had an encounter in this life that rescued my thoughts and cries from the depths of my heart.

It is just amazing even though it was planned. The plan of the flow of consciousness is amazing. I realize that it was just because I have a physical form although it’s just a garnish.

Meet your thoughts that let you have a physical form with your heart. Your inner self will answer how much you have been longing for this present physical form and this present time. Respond to that thought faithfully, sincerely, and straightforwardly. That is the path of joy. Move the first step forward. If the first step is right, the rest is all taken care of and carried out smoothly. Love, the energy of love will do its job smoothly. The physical form is the garnish.
I need nothing. I am satisfied. I could learn what I wanted to learn. Hence, I am happy. I answer it when I turn my heart. The meeting with the physical being of Tomekichi Taike was all. I had the shocking meeting with Albert through that physical being. I could have the meeting in this lifetime to save my thoughts and shouts from my bottom of bottom in heart.
I think, it is great though it was as planned. The plan in conscious world is great. I realize, it is because of the physical being though it is appendage.
Please meet in your heart your thoughts to give you the physical being. Your inner self will respond how eagerly you wished your present physical being and present time. Let us respond to the thoughts straight, honestly and sincerely. It is the joyful path. Let us take the first step forward. You can leave the rest as it is accomplished steadily when you have the right first step. The energy of love performs work properly. The physical being is appendage.
My consciousness doesn't need anything. Because it is satisfied. My false self learned what it wanted to know. So my consciousness is happy. If I turn my heart to my false self and ask those questions, the false self will answer me. My false self's encounter with the body in which the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi dwelled was a catalyst of my false self's happiness. Through that physical body, my false self also had a shocking encounter with the consciousness of Albert. My false self was allowed to have an encounter in this life with the consciousness that saved the wishes and cries that my false self emitted from the bottom of its heart.
I think this is really amazing, even though it is on schedule and planned. The plan of the world of consciousness is amazing. The physical body acts as a helper, but I feel that it is only with this physical body that my consciousness can practice the stream of consciousness.
Let us see in our hearts the desire that made our consciousness dwell in one body. Our false self will answer how much we have longed for our present body and environment. Let us respond to that wish faithfully, sincerely, and straightforwardly. That is the path of joy. Let's take that first step at first. If the first step is right, the rest will be carried out smoothly, even if we leave everything to the stream. Love, the energy of love, will do the work without delay. The physical body merely acts as a helper.

We all have a fair and equal opportunity to learn. Let’s rejoice in this current time when we have a physical form. We learned with our hearts that we have been living wrongly and not knowing the direction of our heart’s needle.

Let’s make the most of it. Have you finally come to know with your heart that you have invited yourself to a time and space when you can firmly confirm that you are not a physical form in this lifetime?

We are truly fortunate. Thank you. No matter how much we kept betraying ourselves, we have been just trusted and waited for. We kept being told to look within our hearts, open our hearts, and meet our true selves. We will continuously be being told the same. Respond to it from your heart. Direct and align your heart. There is nothing there. Just a world of “I’m happy, thank you, I’m sorry, and I’m happy” expands. We are all fair and equal. Whether or not we can get to know that we are all in one is a turning point. Let’s learn straight and sincerely.
We were given the opportunity to learn fairly and impartially. Let us rejoice the present time with our physical beings. We could learn in our hearts that we did not know our directions of thoughts and have lived wrongly.
Let us utilize it firmly. Do you learn in your heart finally that you have led yourself to the time and space to confirm your non-physical self?
We are really happy and thankful. We were believed and awaited no matter how often we have betrayed. We were conveyed continually to look within and open our hearts and meet our true selves. We will be also conveyed as ever from now on. Let us respond to it from our hearts. Let us turn and tune our hearts to it. There is nothing but spreads the world of thoughts such as I am joyful, thankful, sorry and happy.
We all are fairy and impartially. It is the turning point in our hearts whether we can learn that we all are in one. Let us learn straight and sincerely.
Our consciousness has all a fair and equal opportunity to learn the truth. Let our consciousness rejoice that it is now in our physical bodies. Our consciousness has been alive in a wrong way, not knowing the true object to which it directs our thoughts.
Let us make the most of such opportunities. Have we finally been able in this life to know in our hearts that our consciousness itself has continued to induced our own consciousness to a time and space where it firmly confirms that our essence is not a physical body in which our consciousness resides?
Oh, our consciousness is truly blessing. We should be grateful. No matter how much our false selves kept betraying the true self, the true self just believed and waited for our false selves to realize the truth one day. Taike Tomekichi's consciousness kept telling us to look inside our false selves, disclose them up, and meet the true self. Taike Tomekichi's consciousness will continue to convey this to us. Let us really sincerely respond to it with our hearts. Let us turn our hearts to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and make our consciousness homogenous with his consciousness. There is nothing in Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. A world of such feelings of "I'm just happy, thank you, I'm sorry, I'm happy" will expand in our consciousness. Our consciousness is all fair and equal. The turning point of our consciousness is whether or not we can know that our consciousness exists within a world of "the true self of all consciousness is same." Let us learn straight and sincerely.

The joy and comfort that are together with my gentle, warm, and joyful self. My present physical form realized from the bottom of my heart that I have suffered because I have lost such self and expanded the world of thoughts that I was not myself, the false self that I thought I was. It is a repetition of, I am happy, thank you, I am sorry. I have also learned with my heart that if I don’t know and mistake the direction of my thoughts, I will continue to suffer for a long time and will never be able to release myself from there.

I also met the thoughts that let myself have a physical form and the cries of my heart came out with tremendous force. The warmth of the deepest depth of my heart pushed me out.  It was an experience of my heart. The experience I will never forget.

Along with the thought of screaming from my heart “Mother!”, I am convinced my plan for the flow of consciousness is that my consciousness will align with the final period. I will manage and confirm the direction of my heart’s needle and wait for the right time. I am carefully preparing the time to meet Taike Tomekichi, Albert with joy. I am happy. I am grateful. “Thank you, Mother!” is all I can say.
It is joy and peace to be with myself of gentleness, warmth and joy. It is my physical self in this lifetime that I have learned in my heart that I have suffered as I expanded my world of thoughts to lose my such self and think of my false self as myself. I repeat that I am joyful, thankful and sorry. I have also learned that I cannot release myself from the continuous sufferings as long as I am wrong and do not learn the direction of thoughts.
I met my thoughts that gave me birth and could experience through my physical being that my shout in heart bounces out with tremendous energy. It is my experience in heart that was pushed out by the warmth existed at the bottom of bottom. I cannot forget it.
I believe in my plan to tune my consciousness to the final stage together with my shout for mother from my heart in the flow of consciousness. I confirm and control my direction of heat’s pointer and wait for the time. I pay my careful attention and provide the time to face Tomekichi Taike, Albert. I am joyful and thankful. There is nothing but thanks to mother.
It is joy and peace of mind to be with the kindness, warmth, and joy that my true self has. In this lifetime, my consciousness has realized from the bottom of its heart that my false self suffered because it has lost sight of the true self and has expanded its own wrong world where my false self recognized myself that is not my true self, that is, my false self as myself. I repeat only, "I'm happy, thank you, and sorry.” My consciousness has also learned by heart that if my false self does not know the true object to which it directs its thoughts, or if it continues to make the wrong choice of that object, it will continue to suffer for a long time, and my consciousness will never be able to free my false self from that suffering.
By residing in a physical body, my consciousness met the consideration that arranged for it to reside in one body, and it also experienced the cries of its heart popping out with tremendous force. The warmth at the very bottom of its heart pushed the cries out. It is an experience of my consciousness. It will never forget it.
I am convinced that there is a plan for my false self, in the stream of consciousness, to focus its mind on the final period of its stay in the third dimension, while keeping a heartfelt desire to cry out for the consciousness of mother. My false self waits for that time to come, while checking and managing the object to which it direct its mind. My false self is preparing time to face the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert with minute attention and joy. I am glad. I am grateful. All I have to do is say thank you, mother.

Thank you for this current to get to know, feel, and learn about ourselves. We are happy. The more we get to know with our hearts that our lives full of physical and greed have been the source of a great deal of suffering, the more we really love ourselves for having repeatedly played a one-man show. We have suffered and rejoiced in the world of a solo play. We have fought against the shadows. But not anymore. It’s because we see the joyful path in ourselves that is with us, that lives and walks together with us in the world of ourselves alone. We feel that we are invited to know the gentleness and warmth of knowing and learning about ourselves. We are fortunate ones, which we can’t describe with words.

When seeing the physical form, its foolishness stands out and causes all kinds of mental patterns. However, once we truly know and understand with our hearts that these things are fleeting shadows that will fade away, we will naturally know that all that existed from the beginning was only joy and warmth. We are a happy existence that was loved, kept alive, and accepted.
It is thankful for the present time to learn and feel myself. It is joyful. I love myself who has repeatedly performed my own play as I learn more in my heart that it was the cause of sufferings to have lived greedily.
Haven’t I repeated it painfully and joyfully in one-man play? Haven’t I fought hard with the shadow? However, it is no longer there. Because I have found the joyful path in my heart to exist, live and go with myself in my own world.
I feel in my heart that I am led into the warmth and gentleness to learn of myself. I feel that we are indescribably happy people.
We naturally learn that there were joy and warmth existed from the beginning when we learn in our hearts those things are shadows disappearing fleetingly though our stupidities are shown up and cause various status of hearts when we look at our physical beings. We were loved, accepted and kept alive. That was it.
I am grateful and glad for the present situation where I can know, feel and learn about the current state of my false self. The more I know in my heart that the biggest cause of my suffering has been a fact that I have lived my life with doing my best to deal with the world of the physical body and to fulfill my own desires, the more I love my false self for having repeatedly played my own work.
My false self has experienced suffering and joy in the midst of playing a monodrama. My false self has fought hard against the enemy of shadow. But now, my false self no longer does so. This is because my false self is seeing in its heart the path of joy of living and walking together with the true self in the world where only my consciousness exists.
I feel in my heart that my false self is induced to the tenderness and warmth of knowing and learning about the current state of my consciousness. I feel that our consciousness is so lucky that I really don't know what to say.
If I observe the acts that my false self does by using my physical body, many kinds of mental patterns are evoked to my false self by its foolishness because it stands out. However, if I truly know and understand in my heart that such foolishness is really a fleeting shadow that will fade away some day, I will naturally know that what has been there from the beginning in the world of our consciousness is only joy and warmth. The truth is that my consciousness is such a happy being to have been loved, kept alive, and accepted in such a world of consciousness.

It is joyful to think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert. It is joyful to turn our thoughts itself. You must know why it is joyful. Because it is our homeland. Turning our hearts to Tomekichi Taike Albert is to think of our nostalgic birthplace. There is nothing but such joyful thing. It is so thankful for the present time to think of our birthplace in our hearts. Let us go on the path returning to love straight. It may be hard and severe. But it is because we have lost ourselves. We feel such severity leads to real gentleness when we learn it in our hearts. There is no compromise as the physical world since it is truly gentle and warm. The rule of 1+2=3 is gentle and warm. Let us step forward to our world of joy and warmth.
To think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert is a joy. Directing your thoughts itself is a joy. You may already know the reason with your heart. It’s because that is our homeland. Therefore, directing your heart toward Taike Tomekichi and Albert means thinking about our nostalgic birthplace. Nothing is more joyful than this. We are so grateful for the current time when we can recall our homeland, the place we were born in our hearts. Let’s walk on the straight path to return to love. It may be tough and difficult, but it was all because we have lost sight of ourselves. If you can truly realize that from your heart, you will feel that the harshness is connected to true kindness. As it is a true kindness, it is not like a compromise in the physical world. 1+2=3 is gentle and warm. Move one step forward to the world of yourself that is true gentleness, joy, and warmth.
To think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert is joy. It is a joy itself to direct our thoughts to that consciousness. We should have known in our heart why. Because that is the original point from which our consciousness aims to return. So, to direct our thoughts to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert is to think back to our consciousness at the time of its emersion, when it was nostalgic and nostalgic. There is nothing more joyful than this. We are really grateful for that we recall to our hearts the hometown, that is, our state of the origin from which our consciousness has emerged and that we are in the circumstance where this is possible. Let's straightly implement the method to bring love back to our consciousness. It may have been harsh and difficult for our consciousness to implement that method, but the cause of all this was that our consciousness has lost sight of the true self. If we can truly realize this, we feel the harshness will lead to true kindness. There is no compromise in the world of consciousness, which is usual in the world of body and form, because of the true kindness and warmth. There is gentleness and warmth in the law of 1 + 2 = 3 in the world of consciousness. Let us build our own world step by step, where true kindness, joy, and warmth flood our consciousness.

We all have one place to return to. Where should we return to? When will we get to know the path with our hearts and walk on the path in that direction? It is up to each one of us. The only thing that was shown was that there was only one place to return to.

We will enter a time when the flow of consciousness will become more manifest. Let’s direct and align our heart’s needle to one point and go with the flow with joy and gratitude. The consciousness is flowing in the direction of awakening to ourselves and clearly confirming love within us. That was what we have wanted and planned.

“Stop suffering any longer. Let’s meet the truth within us more and more. Accept the call and invitation to return to love and warmth straightforwardly”. Believing that we are always in these vibrations no matter what, each of us is awaited to move forward.
We all have one place to return. Where should we return? When do we learn in our hearts the path to return and go forward to that direction? It depends on each one of us. It is indicated that there is only one place to return.
We meet the time for the flow of consciousness to become obvious from now. Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers to one point and get on the flow joyfully and thankfully.
The consciousness flows toward the direction to awaken to ourselves and confirm love within us. It was our wish and what we planned.
“Let us quit suffering. Let us meet the truth within us. Let us accept straight the call and invitation to return into joy and warmth.” We are awaited to always believe that we are in such vibration and go forward.
All consciousness is due to regain the only one state some day. It is left to each consciousness to know wholeheartedly what state it is, and to decide when to know it and to begin the way of regaining it. We were pointed the truth that there is only one state in which our consciousness will regain.
The stream of consciousness shall manifest further in the future. Let's focus our false self's mind on the one point of love, make the mind identical with the point, and follow the stream with joy and thankfulness.
Our consciousness is going on in the direction of awakening to the true self and clearly confirming the love within our consciousness. That is what we have wanted and planned to do.
”Let us stop suffering. Let us encounter the truth within our consciousness more and more. Let us straightly accept the call and invitation that guide our consciousness to come back to joy, to warmth.” It is expected that each consciousness will walk forward, believing that it is always, at all times, in these vibrations.

We have wished and planned in our hearts to learn of our non-physical selves with our physical beings in the physical world and ourselves holding the world of thoughts.
It is surely difficult to learn it in our hearts.
However, let us face our hearts honestly and sincerely.
Let us really savor joy in this lifetime to pour our energies there and come close to our true natures.
We are favored and happy people. Because we have met the guidepost of Tomekichi Taike and learned the true direction to live. There is nothing better than it. Then it is up to the choice of each one. Everything is left for the choice of each one.
The path is indicated. It was conveyed to us straight clearly that we are love.
It is left for us to accept it and go forward straight.
Please get on the flow of consciousness, the rhythm of universe and fulfill the promise made with yourself.
Our consciousness has sincerely desired and planned to know the true nature of our consciousness which is not form, by having form in a world of form, and to know that our consciousness exists in a world of feelings.

It is indeed difficult for us to know with our hearts and to understand with our minds. But let us face ourselves and our consciousness honestly and sincerely.

Let us put our energy into this operation and truly experience the joy of further understanding the nature of our consciousness in this lifetime.

Our consciousness is very blessed. Our consciousness is a happy one. Because our consciousness has met the guide post of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, and it has learned the true goal  for which it resides in the physical body. There is no opportunity more useful than this so that our consciousness recovers the true self. Whether or not our consciousness reaches the truth all depends on what each of our consciousness chooses to do. All choices are left to each of our consciousness.

The way to regain the true self has been pointed to our consciousness. Our consciousness has been given the clear and straight forward message that it is love.

The only thing left for us to do in the future is to take that method straight and implement it straight.

Let us follow the stream of consciousness and get into the rhythm of the universe, and let us be sure to fulfill our promise to ourselves.
We have hoped and planned to have a physical form in the physical world, to get to know ourselves that is not a physical form, to know that we hold the world of thoughts, and that is us.

It is surely difficult to know and understand with our hearts.

But let’s face ourselves and our hearts honestly and sincerely.

Let’s put our energy into it and savor the joy of approaching the essence that is not a physical form in this lifetime for sure.

We are very fortunate. We are the fortunate ones. Because we have met the guide post of Taike Tomekichi and learned the true direction to live. There is no greater thing than this. The rest is the choice of each of us. Everything is up to each of us.

The path has been shown to us. We have been delivered that we were love clearly and straightforwardly.

All that is left is to accept it straight and walk on the straight path.

Be sure to follow the flow of consciousness, the rhythm of space and fulfill the promise with you.


Please rejoice that you have planned to meet the study in this lifetime. Please learn your such thoughts and become honest with your physical being. You were supposed to await it from your heart. Please communicate with your inner self. Please feel in your heart and look at the eyes of Tomekichi Taike straight and speak of yourself.
You must have your thoughts welling out of your heart. Please accept firmly your thoughts welling out and convey joy and happiness to be together, live and go forward together.
I am joyful, thankful and sorry. I am joyful, thankful and sorry.
Please think of it further in joy that your clear thoughts to return are radiated here and there within you.
Please savor well your thoughts to provide your physical being. It is the present time in this lifetime. It is joyful to learn and admit that you were wrong. The thankful feelings spread.

Please truly rejoice that your consciousness has planned to touch this learning in this lifetime. Know your those thoughts and let the physical body in which your consciousness resides be honest with your true self. Your consciousness must have been sincerely waiting for this to happen. Please talk what is inside of your own consciousness. Please feel Taike Tomekichi's eyes in your mind, look straight into his eyes, and talk what is inside of your own consciousness.
There are so many false selves overflowing into your consciousness. Accept firmly the thoughts and feelings that your false self spew out more and more, and let us convey the joy and happiness that your false and true self has existed together and will continue to exist together from now on.
I only repeat I am happy, thank you, sorry.
Then,  let us feel the joy that our consciousness is filled with the clear determination that restores the true self to to our consciousness, and maintain that determination even more.
Please enjoy to the fullest your wish that your consciousness has prepared so that it resides in one body. It is in this life, in this moment, that you can do this. It is a joy to truly know and admit, "it is a fact that my consciousness had have the false self." Gratitude for this will spread through your heart.
Feel truly happy that you have planned to be in touch with this study in this lifetime. Know your thoughts of yourself, and let your physical form be truly honest with you. You must have been waiting for it with all your heart. Please talk to yourself within you. Feel the eyes of Taike Tomekichi in your heart, look straight into his eyes, and speak about yourself.

There will be thoughts overflowing from your heart. Accept the thoughts that keep erupting, and tell joy and happiness of existing, living, and walking together.

I’m happy, thank you, and sorry. I’m happy, thank you, and sorry.

Think more and more in such joy that the clear thought of we will return, flying from here and there within you.

Savor the thoughts that let you have a physical form for yourself. That is this life, current time. It is a joy to know and admit from the bottom of your heart that you have been wrong. The thought of thank you will expand.

It is joyful to learn of myself. It is joyful to listen and turn my heart to what I ask for and what kind of thoughts I shout with. I learn how cold to myself I have lived and that I never learn joy and happiness then.
When I turn my heart to the universe, I sense myself who came from far away and resonated in my heart and there spread my thoughts and voice that I have come finally.
It is indescribable feelings. I really feel the flow. I feel in my heart that I have been in the flow of consciousness from the beginning and feel sorry, joyful and thankful for the meeting planned.
I thank for the present time. I just thank for it. I earnestly wished it. I thank for the present time when my wish becomes real.
I am joyful to think and call Tomekichi Taike, Albert. It was good enough for me to think and call from my heart. Everything was as planned.
It is a joy to know what kind of state your consciousness really is in. It is a joy to be able to listen to what your consciousness is seeking, what thoughts it has, and what it is crying out for, and to turn your heart toward it. You will realize how cold you have been to your true self, how you could never know joy and happiness with your consciousness in such a state.
And if you turn your mind to the origin of our consciousness, the consciousness of the universe, the strong feeling of "Our consciousness has really gone far, far away from its original state!" come to your heart, and the strong feeling and voice of "At last, at last, at last, at last, I have finally realized the reason" will spread through your consciousness.
These are strong feelings you cannot describe in any way. You truly feel a stream of consciousness. You will feel in your heart that our consciousness has been in the stream of consciousness all along, from the beginning, and you will realize, "I am just happy, grateful, sorry to have encountered the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi as an inevitable consequence”
Your consciousness is grateful for this life in which it has encountered the consciousness of Taike Tamekichi. Yes, it is. It has only gratefulness. Your consciousness has desired this encounter. It has longed for this. It has only gratefulness for this life in which the desire of your consciousness is becoming a reality.
It is only joyful that your consciousness is able to think of and call upon the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. It is only good if your consciousness sincerely thinks of that consciousness, is in the situation where this is possible, and sincerely calls upon that consciousness, and is in the situation where this is possible. All of those things were as planned.
It is a joy to know yourself. It is a joy to be able to listen to what you are asking for, what you are feeling, and what you are crying out for, and direct your thoughts toward it. It is a joy to get to know how cold you have been to yourself, and how you could never understand joy and happiness.

And, when you direct your heart toward space, you will feel yourself from far, far away and your heart resonates with the feeling that you have come from far, far away and the thought and the voice of finally, finally, at last, will expand.

These thoughts are something you can’t describe. You will truly feel the flow. You will feel that you have been always in the flow of consciousness from the beginning and you are just “happy, thank you, and sorry” that you met as you were meant to be.

Thank you for the current time. That’s right. Thank you is everything. We have been hoping. We have longed for. Thank you is everything for the current time when the thoughts are becoming reality.

Taike Tomekichi and Albert. It is a joy to think and call for. To think, can think, to call for, can call for. To be able to do so from our hearts is everything. Everything was as planned.

I think of my fixed heart and feel joyful. It is good enough to be joyful that I can see in my heart the flow of consciousness returning to my true nature since the superficial waver in heart caused by what I see and hear is absorbed in joy and warmth.
Let us get on it along with the flow of consciousness. Do you turn to the direction indicated by the guidepost of Tomekichi Taike? Please confirm it always. Please do not fail to confirm and control the direction of your heart’s pointer but utilize your being and time in physical world joyfully. It may be good if you can realize that your understanding and perspective are changing within you.
It is the physical being and circumstance provided for you. You have provided them for you to awaken to love. You had numerous opportunities to live over in order to awaken to your true self. Then you met this lifetime. It is the matter how well you learn it within you.
You made up your mind and met this lifetime. Did you meet your fierce thought and earnest wish? How about you think of your fixed heart calmly?
I am happy to calmly confirm that I have decided to focus my mind on Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. I need only rejoice that the superficial mental perturbation induced by what I see and hear are absorbed by warmth and joy, and that this makes me possible to firmly confirm in my heart the stream of consciousness that will restore my consciousness to its true nature.Please follow the stream of consciousness and perform it. Are you turning your mind in the direction indicated by the signpost of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness? What you should do is to confirm this at all times. Don't fail to confirm and to manage the object to which you turn your mind and be willing to make use of the physical body in which your consciousness resides and the time in which your body is alive. Wouldn't it be good if you could realize that you could have changed the way to recognize about your physical body and life in your consciousness?
You have prepared your physical body and your environment for yourself. You have prepared them for yourself in order for your consciousness to awaken to your true self, love. In past lives, you have had countless opportunities to live again with the determination, "I will revive my true self.” And now you have reached this life. To what extent have you been able to confirm this in our consciousness? Your consciousness came into this life with determination. Have you come upon the tremendous desire or longing to recover your true self into your consciousness? And have you calmly confirmed if you have been able to decide to focus your mind on Taike Tomekichi's consciousness?
I am happy to quietly think about the settling of my heart. All we should do is just feel the joy that the surface of our hearts swing that occurs when we see and hear are absorbed into warmth and joy and that we can see the flow of consciousness firmly in our hearts that is returning to its original place.

Let’s follow and go with the flow of consciousness. Is your heart facing the direction that the guide post of Taike Tomekichi points to? Always, always confirm. Be sure to confirm and manage the direction of your heart’s needle and utilize your physical form and time with joy. It would be good if you could feel that the way you perceive and see starts changing within you.

The physical form and the environment we have prepared for ourselves. We have prepared them for ourselves in order to awaken to our true self and love. We have had countless opportunities to live again to revive our original selves. And now, we have come to this life. To what content have you confirmed this?  We have come to this life with a strong will. Have you met your tremendous thoughts and your earnest desire within you? Are you quietly thinking that your heart settled?

Thanks for the present time. That is it. It is the start. It is already joyful that we exist now. Let us release our hearts that were covered and shrunk in the physical world. Let us ease our hearts that have made a bluff to live and go into warmth and peace.
Please feel firmly the thoughts to have given physical being to you, the bottom of thoughts and have your joyful time in life to appreciate your physical being and learn from your heart that it was achieved as you had the physical being.
You may step forward in the conscious world when you have time in the physical world to be able to appreciate from your heart as your conscious self exists together with your physical being.
Anyway, it is thankful at the present time. We can convey our thankful feelings to the past and future as we have the present time.
Let us feel often, spread and deepen in our hearts joy and happiness resonating in the thankful feelings. It does not run out no matter how often we feel it. We learn from our hearts that we have continually been wrong and crazed. It is just thankful for this flow that such consciousness is put on the proper track.
I am grateful that I can realize my consciousness is present now. This is it. This is where our learning begins. It has already come to a joy that our consciousness exists now. Let us loosen the heart that has shrunk because it has been smeared with the perception that our essence is the body. Let's loosen up our hearts, which have been living in a bluff, and make them feel peace and warmth.
Please firmly feel ultimate desire that is in the depths of your consciousness to reside in a physical body, and experience a joyful time in this life to be able to know in your hearts, "Thank you, I can get the truth because of residing in this body." If we can take time in this life to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the fact that our consciousness reside in these bodies, can't our consciousness take a step forward in the world of consciousness?
The first thing that we should do, no matter what, is still to be grateful for the fact that our consciousness reside in our physical bodies. Because our consciousness exists now, we can say thank you to our past lives and to the next life.
Thank you. Let us feel, expand and deepen the joy and happiness that resonates in our hearts again and again in the midst of saying gratitude. Even if we feel them over and over again, it does not mean that we have already felt them too enough. We will know with all our hearts that our consciousness continued to misunderstand the truth to such a extent and go mad to such a extent. We can only be grateful for this stream of consciousness that our consciousness finally intends to follow as the original way of being.
Thank you, current time! This is the point. This is the starting point. Existing now is already joyful. Let’s loosen our hearts that have been coated with a physical form and shriveled up. Let’s loosen our hearts that have been living in pretense, and bring them into comfort and warmth.

Make your physical time a joyful lifetime when you can firmly feel the depths of the thoughts that let you have a physical form, and know from the bottom of your heart that you are grateful for your physical form and that it was only because you have a physical form. If this is the time of the physical form where you can expand your heartfelt gratitude that “I, my consciousness is with my physical form”, then the world of consciousness and your step will move one step forward.

First of all, and after all, we are grateful for this current time. Because of this current time, we can say thank you to our past as well as our future.

Thank you. Let’s feel the joy and happiness that resonate within thank you over and over again in our hearts, and let’s expand and deepen it. No matter how many times you feel it, it will never run out. You will get to know with your heart that you have been so wrong and so crazy. Thank you for the flow that such consciousness is finally getting back on track as it should be.

To talk to yourself within you means to talk to Taike Tomekichi within you. This process tells you the ultimate joy and happiness.

To talk to yourself is to expand your thoughts. The more you expand them, the more joyful you are. It’s because Taike Tomekichi is the warmth. The joy and happiness of talking with Taike Tomekichi are to open your heart, entrust your heart, and feel and know more and more energy you have emitted within the warmth.

We were accepted. We had already been known. Therefore, we can speak our hearts with ease. You will also understand with your heart that whom you are speaking to is not just one physical form but many universes, consciousnesses that are held by the form. They are all crying out from the bottom of suffering that they have been crawling in pitch-black darkness. So, if you call out to them to direct their hearts and return to warmth, they all direct their thoughts in that direction at the same time. This is what happens in the consciousness that they move toward the warmth of Taike Tomekichi. The universes will begin the great march to return to joy and their homeland. It’s a great march of joy. A great whirlpool of energy that aims to one point starts rising up.

Start the work of talking to yourself within you. Please go ahead.
Communicating with myself within me means to communicate with Tomekichi Taike within me. That work conveys to me tremendous joy and happiness.
Communicating with myself means to spread my thoughts. It is joyful to spread it more, because Tomekichi Taike is warmth. It is joy and happiness to communicate with Tomekichi Taike that I open and entrust my heart in warmth, sense and learn the energy radiated in my heart.
I can speak of my heart as I was accepted and understood. I know that someone speaking is not one physical being but many universes and consciousnesses held by the physical being. They all shout from the depth of sufferings that they have crawled in the darkness. They all turn their thoughts to the direction when I transmit to turn their hearts and return to warmth. It occurs in consciousness that they go forward straight aiming warmth of Tomekichi Taike.
The grand march of universes returning to joy and homeland begins. It is joyful march. The tremendous whirlpool of energy aiming one-point wells out.
Please begin and proceed the work to communicate with yourself within you.
To dialogue with ourselves in our consciousness means to dialogue with Taike Tomekichi's consciousness that exists in our consciousness. This process conveys unlimited joy and happiness to our consciousness.
To dialogue with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi means to expand his consciousness in our consciousness. The more one expands Taike Tomekichi's consciousness into our own, the greater my joy. This is because Taike Tomekichi's consciousness has warmth. While feeling that warmth, opening the heart of our false selves, entrusting that heart to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, feeling more and more the energy that our false selves have given out, knowing it with our hearts, is the joy and happiness of dialoguing with Taike Tomekichi's consciousness.
Our false selves have continued to be accepted into Taike Tomekich's consciousness. His consciousness already has known that our false selves were in our consciousness. So we can make our false selves talk without worry. We can also understand in our hearts that those false selves of the object to dialogue with include not only the false self of this life, but also extremely many false selves including other's consciousness. These false selves are all crying out in the depths of their suffering, "My consciousness has crawled around with dark heart.” Because of this situation, if we call out, "Let's turn our hearts to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and regain warmth," they will all turn their thoughts to his consciousness at once. It happens in our consciousness that our false selves advance all at once toward the warmth of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. The many universe-like consciousnesses within our consciousness will begin a great march of reclaiming joy and their original nature. It is a great march of joy.
A great vortex of energy is boiling up as it aims for a single point. Begin and proceed with the work of dialoguing with your false selves and the true self in your consciousness.

The more I think of and the more I direct my heart, the more I feel that I am truly happy, loved, and accepted. We had forgotten how to be joyful. We have repeatedly experienced the results of looking for joy, happiness, and warmth outward. Each time we did, the darkness swelled. Let’s steer ourselves in the direction to really stop it in this life.

Feel it. Let’s feel it. Direct and align your heart’s needle in the direction of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. Just feel straight without thinking of anything else. Thinking is joy. Being able to think is joy. We are happy for the present time when we can do so. That’s right. That is everything. You can realize how pitch-black you are and how wrong and cruel you have been living because you have a physical form. Make good use of your physical form and environment, and return to your original self you should be. Get to know the true meaning of having a physical form and see the true joy and happiness in your heart.
I sense that I am happy, loved and accepted when I think of and turn my heart to it more. We have forgotten joy. We have experienced many times the result from seeking joy, happiness and warmth outward. There was the darkness expanded each time. Let us take the helm toward quitting it in this lifetime.
Please think of it. Let us think of it. Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers to the direction of Tomekichi Taike, Albert. We just think of it. We think of it straight without anything. It is joyful now to think and be able to think of it. It is right. That is only it. We can learn our black darkness, how we were wrong and how cold we have lived. Let us utilize our physical beings, circumstances and return to our true natures. Let us learn the true meaning of our physical beings and find joy and happiness in our hearts.
The more I think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, and the more I turn my mind to it, the more I feel that I have been truly happy and loved and accepted. We are the ones who have forgotten joy. Over and over again, our consciousness has experienced the harsh consequences of seeking joy, happiness, and warmth outside of our true self. Each time our consciousness did, our consciousness has inflated the darkness. Let us change our own life goals in a direction that will truly put a stop to it in this lifetime.
Please think of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. Let us think of it. Let us turn our minds to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and make the nature of our consciousness identical with that of it. It is joy to just think of it, to think straight of it without anything. It is joy to be in a situation where we can do that. It is now joy to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and joy to be in a situation where this is possible. That's it. That's all. Because our consciousness is in our physical body, we can know that we have a pitch-black false self in our consciousness, and we can know how wrong our consciousness has been living, how cold we have been living. As such, let us make good use of our bodies and our circumstances and get our consciousness back to what it should originally be. Let us know the true meaning of our physical bodies and find true joy and happiness in our consciousness.

We were told straightly that the place we should return to, the way we should be, is love. Our homeland is only one. To return to love, that is what we have longed for. We urged ourselves to remember the thought. The energy of love within us kept telling us to return to love. Of course, the urge continues now and always will. It’s because we are love. It’s because there is only love.

If you continue the correct meditation, you will feel this; “I just thank you. It was right. It was right. We were love.”

Become honest, let go of your ego, and move forward in the direction that your true self within you shows.

There is nothing more gentle and joyful than to be able to say to yourself, “Thank you. I’m happy. I’m joyful. I’m sorry. Thank you” and let these thoughts spread through your heart.

Your true self will tell you that you can trust the world of these thoughts and nurture them in your heart. Enjoy such conversation within yourself.

Apologize to yourself from your heart for having dragged and expanded the world of pitch-black darkness. Become honest with your true self.
We were conveyed straight that it is love where we have to return and what our true natures are. Our homeland is only one. We return to love. It was what we have wished. We have encouraged ourselves to remember and realize such thoughts. The energy of love within us has always conveyed to us to return to love. Obviously, the encouragement continues now and forever. Because it is love. There is only love.
It is conveyed and resonated in our hearts as long as we continue the right meditation. “I just thank you. It was right. I was love.”
Let us become honest, abandon our selfhood and go forward to the direction indicated by our true selves. There is nothing but gentle and joyful things such as our thoughts conveying to us that happy, joyful, sorry and thankful feelings spread in our hearts.
Our true selves convey to us that it is good enough for us to believe in and cultivate such world of thoughts. Let us enjoy such communication within us.
Please apologize from your heart that you have shlepped and expanded the dark and black world. Let us become honest to our true selves.
We were told straightly that the nature that our consciousness should recover, the nature of our consciousness as it should be, is love. Our consciousness has only one origin, love. To regain that love, that is what our consciousness has longed for. Our consciousness has urged itself to remind itself of that wish. The energy of love in our own consciousness kept telling us to restore love to our consciousness. Of course, that prompting continues now and always will. It is because our consciousness is love. It is because there is only love in the universe.
If we continue to meditate correctly, thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, the following will echo through our hearts and minds. ”Just thank you. It was, it was. The nature of my consciousnessI was love.”
Let us be honest, let us let go of the ego which our false selves have, and then let us go in the direction that our true self in our consciousness is pointing us. If we can say to the true self, "Thank you, I am happy, I am glad, I am sorry, thank you," and can let those thoughts spread through our consciousness, we have nothing more kind and happy than that.
Our true selves tell us, "It is good if we can trust, believe, and nurture the world of those thoughts in our consciousness." Let's enjoy such a dialogue within our own consciousness. Let us sincerely apologize for the fact that our false selves have maintained and further inflated the pitch-dark, pitch-black world. Let us be honest with the true self.

Start the day with joy and thank you. Live with and speak with such within yourself. Always talk to yourself. Direct your heart’s needle inward and get to know you. Direct your heart’s needle from outward to inward, change and adjust the rhythm of the way of living and existing, and expand the joy and happiness that will put you on the original track. Expand the true joy and happiness in your heart.

It was not because of something or someone. It was only about what we could think of, and where we could direct our hearts. The smaller the angle of your heart’s needle is directed and aligned in the right direction, the more joy and happiness will expand. Make good use of your present physical form and the environment firmly in order to get to know with your heart that we exist within warmth and joy.

Everything is about returning to love. The call and the invitation become stronger and deeper. Go with the flow of consciousness.
Let us begin our days joyfully and thankfully. Let us live together with our such selves and communicate with our inner selves. Please always communicate with them. Let us turn our heart’s pointers inward, communicate with and learn of ourselves. Let us turn our heart’s pointers from outward to inward, change and fix the rhythms and ways of lives and spread in our hearts true joy and happiness to get ourselves on the proper track.
It was not right whether there is something, somebody or not.
It was just what we can think of or where we can turn our hearts to. Smaller the angle turning our heart’s pointers to the right direction becomes, more joy and happiness spread. Please utilize your present physical beings and circumstances to learn that we were in warmth and joy.
They all exist to return to love. The call and lead to return to love become deeper and stronger. Please get on the flow of consciousness.
Let us begin our day with joy and gratitude. And let's dialogue between our true self and our false selves. Let's always be in dialogue. Let us focus our minds on what is in our consciousness and dialogue with it, then know what really is in our consciousness. Let us change the object to which we should direct our minds from what is outside our consciousness to what is inside, let us change and adjust the conventional rhythm of our way of life and way of being, and let us spread joy and happiness that will restore the original way of being to our own consciousness. Let us spread true joy and happiness into our consciousness.
Our joy was not originally determined by the presence or absence of something or someone. It was only determined by what we thought of, what we could think of, and which object we could direct our hearts. The more we can make the nature of our false selvas identical to that of the true self as possible, the more joy and happiness will spread to our consciousness. Let us firmly utilize our present lives and environments which makes us maintain the physical bodies in which our consciousness resides so that we can know in our hearts that our consciousness originally has existed in warmth and joy.
Everything is for our consciousness to recover love. We will have calls and promptings to recover love even more, and experience the calls and promptings in a stronger and deeper state as real phenomena. Let our consciousness go along with the stream of consciousness.

We were told carefully to take care of ourselves and what it means to take care of ourselves. We are truly fortunate. We are fortunate enough to be able to learn so well. All we need to do is whether or not we can properly nurture it within ourselves.

It was the world of vibration that has been telling us and urging us from the beginning. Sadly, we couldn’t understand it. And then, this life came. Finally! finally! the thought of finally still rising up. The joy of having waited so long for this life erupts in my heart. Finally! Finally! I’m happy, thank you, thank you, mother! -these thoughts continue.

I am so happy. I am happy. My physical form thinks a lot of things. But they are just nothing important. We have piled up reincarnations that have put so much emphasis on that and kicked away the thoughts of our true selves.

Such consciousness has allowed me to encounter. I have prepared this present time in order to encounter and awaken. I will hold this thought firmly in my heart and just think about love.
We were conveyed carefully to care about ourselves and what it is to care about ourselves. We are so happy people. We could learn firmly in such favored circumstances. It is up to us whether we can cultivate it within us.
It was the vibrational world that has conveyed and led us from the beginning.
However, we could not learn it to our regret. Then we met this lifetime.
My thoughts that it has come finally well up in my heart. The joy that I have awaited this lifetime blows out. The joyful feelings that it has come finally and thank you mother continue.
I am so happy and joyful. My physical self thinks variously. However, it is nothing important. There were piles of transmigrations that I have attached importance on it but treated my true thoughts poorly.
Such consciousness could meet it. I have provided this lifetime to meet and awaken to it. I just have such thoughts in my heart and think of love.
We were told to cherish our own consciousness by a man in whom the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi is, and also told cordially and politely what it means to cherish our own consciousness. We are truly the happy ones. It is because we have been able to learn well the truth in such a blessed situation. The only thing that remains is whether or not we can properly nurture it within our own consciousness.
The world of vibrations continued telling us about it from the beginning, and continued urging us to do so all along. But sadly, our false selves did not understand that. It was through such a process that our consciousness came to this lifetime. The thought that we have finally, finally arrived here still rises in our hearts.
The joy erupts from our hearts that we have been waiting for an opportunity like this life to come along. The joy goes on and on as "Finally, finally, finally, I am happy, thank you, mother, thank you."
I'm really happy. I am happy. My head is thinking about many things. But they were all completely unimportant. My consciousness has experienced a mountain of incarnations in which my consciousness took such things so important, and kicked off the thoughts of the true self to the curb..
My consciousness, in spite of having such a state, had the opportunity to encounter the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. My consciousness set this life of having a physical body in order to meet Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and awaken to the truth. I can only hold this thought firmly in my heart and think of love even more.

I feel happy to have the joyful time and space of thinking, being able to think straightly without thinking anything else. We didn’t need anything. We were told the joy, happiness, warmth, expanse, and comfort of the world of thoughts that is felt when think of. We were told the direction of the thoughts. All we needed to do was to just accept the invitation with just joy honestly and thankfully.

It is a joy to remember these times and the moments when we learned together, and nurture them carefully within us.

To think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert is everything. Other than that, all are darkness. The world of darkness that has swelled without knowing our true selves. The darkness has swelled darkness and we danced madly in the world that didn’t exist.

Let’s direct our hearts. Let’s think of. Let’s think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, space of mother, and love. Feel firmly that the invitation to return to love, to return to joy and warmth, to come back to love, that is waiting for us continues no matter what. It’s a joy. Thank you.
I feel it happy to have joyful time and space to think and be able to think straight without thinking of anything. I needed nothing. It has conveyed to me joy, happiness, warmth, spread and relief in the world of heart connected when I think. It has conveyed to me the direction to think of. It was good enough to accept it honestly, joyfully and thankfully.
It is joy to be cultivated carefully within me while I keep in mind the time and instant that I could learn together.
It is Tomekichi Taike, Albert for me to really think of. Anything else is dark. It is dark world expanded without knowing my true self. I was crazed and have moved in the unreal world while the darkness expanded the darkness.
Let us turn and think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert, mother universe and love.
Please feel in your heart that the lead always continues to return to joy, warmth and love as they wait for you. It is joyful and thankful.
I feel happy to have the time and space of both joy of thinking straight away of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and joy of being in a situation where this is possible, without thinking of anything else. I don't need anything else in particular to feel so. Taike Tomekichi’s consciousness conveyed to us the joy, happiness, warmth, expansion, and relief of the world of the mind that can be communicated if we think of it. His consciousness conveyed to us the correct object that we should turn our minds to . All we had to do was to just honestly accept that invitation, saying thank you and I am happy.
It is a joy for us to take firmly in our hearts that time, that moment, that moment when we were allowed to learn from the person in whom Tomekichi Taike's consciousness resides, and to nurture it carefully in our consciousness.
Oh, what we should really think of is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. Thinking anything else brings darkness to our consciousness. Our consciousness has inflated the world of darkness without knowing our true self. It means our consciousness has inflated further darkness being led by that darkness, and was mad and danced in the situation where that darkness did not really exist.
Let us turn our hearts and minds to and think of the consciousness of  Taike Tomekichi or Albert, the consciousness of  Mother Universe and love.
"Restore joy, warmth, and love to our false selves. Taike Tomekichi's consciousness is waiting for our consciousness  to do so." Feel firmly in your hearts that the true self always and at all times keeps inviting our consciousness in this way. This is joy and gratitude.

Confirm the energy you have emitted firmly in the time of thank you and joy.

It is a joy to know with your heart that you have gone off your original path and sunk into the depth of suffering. It is because you understand with your heart that it was you who went off your original path. At the same time, you know with your heart that you can get back on track.

If you direct your heart’s needle in one and the true direction of Taike Tomekichi, everyone can reach this point. And all the consciousness cries out, “I want to return to love! Let’s return! Let’s return to warmth! Let’s trust ourselves that is warmth and love!”

Love returning to love is the way it should be.

Love can only return to love. Suffering will continue until we are on the track of returning to love. It’s the rhythm of space, the law of space.

We were told that we are living in that rhythm of space, a law of space.
Let us confirm our energies radiated in the joyful and thankful time.
It is joyful to learn in our hearts that we have strayed from the proper track but sunken at the depth of sufferings. Because we learn that it was us who have strayed from the proper track. We also learn simultaneously that we can return it to our proper track.
It was what everybody reaches when one turns and tunes the heart’s pointer to only the right direction as Tomekichi Taike. Then all consciousnesses shout “We want to return to love, let us return into warmth, let us believe in ourselves of warmth and joy.”
It is our true nature that love returns into love.
Love can only return to love. The sufferings continue until we get on the track returning to love. It is the rhythm and rule of universe.
We were conveyed that we live in the rhythm and rule of universe.
In the midst of feeling gratitude and joy, let's firmly confirm what energy our false selves have been giving off and shedding.
It is a joy that the true self tells our false selves that our false selves have sunk deep into suffering because they deviated from our original way of life. It is because we come to know in our hearts that they were our false selves that caused us to deviate from our true way of life. At the same time, it is because we come to know that we can return our way of life to the original one by our own will.
If we focus our minds on the only correct object, Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, and make our false selves homogenous with his consciousness, we can all reach our original way of life. And all consciousness cry out, "I want to return to love and intend to return. I  will try to return to warmth and trust that myself has warmth and joy."
It is the original nature of our consciousness to regain or restore love to our own consciousness, which was originally a being of love.
The consciousness with love cannot attribute to anything but love. If our consciousness does not practice a way of life that revives love in it, suffering will continue in our consciousness. That is the rhythm of the universe, the law of the universe.

What is the first thing that comes up in your heart when directing your thoughts? What kind of thoughts? Confirm the world of thoughts firmly that you have been following from there. Make it a time to have your physical form so that you can secure the space in your heart and time that you can do so on a daily basis.

When you ask yourself what kind of days and time you are spending, in reality, your heart often, although it’s not all the time, directs outward.

Although it is unavoidable to some extent as you have a physical form, it is important to walk toward the true purpose of life one step at a time without being carried away by the flow of the physical world.

Self- establishment. Always confirm the establishment of the central pillar within you and expand the joy and happiness of directing your thoughts to go with the rhythm of space, the flow of consciousness firmly within you.

Think of; Just direct your thoughts with joy, thank you, and sorry. We are in such a wonderful and grateful time when we can think of mother, warmth, love, and space.
What wells up in your heart first when you turn your heart? What kind of thought is it? Let us confirm the world of thoughts that we have followed. Let us secure the time with our physical beings to have the comfortable feelings and time to do it daily.
Don’t you mostly turn your heart outward when you check how you really spend your time daily though not to say it is only the physical matter.
It is important to step forward to the true purpose of life instead of being influenced in the physical world though it is unavoidable to some extent.
Let us check the self-establishment, the establishment of core within us and spread joy and happiness to turn our hearts to go on the rhythm of universe and flow of consciousness.
Please think of it. Please just turn your heart to it thankfully and apologetically. We meet the thankful time, such as we can think of mother, warmth, love and universe.
What is the first thing that comes to your mind after you turn your thoughts to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness? What kind of thoughts come to your mind? Please analyze those thoughts and carefully identify the world of thoughts that your consciousness has followed. While your consciousness is in your physical body, make sure you have mental capacity and time capacity in your daily life so that  you can do it.
I don't mean to make the extreme statement that you are always thinking about something related with your physical body, but if you actually ask yourself how you are spending your daily time, wont't you probably answer that you are often directing your mind to something other than your own consciousness?
Now that your consciousness is staying in the physical body, doing so is unavoidable to some extent, but it is important to fulfill the true purpose of life step by step, while engaging in activities that maintain the physical body, but without being carried away by them.
Let us establish a central way of life. Let us constantly examine whether we have established the essential way of life, and let us extend to our own consciousness the joy and happiness of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi in order to advance our consciousness in accordance with the stream of consciousness that is the rhythm of the universe.
Please think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Just turn your thoughts to Taike Tomekichi's consciousness saying "I'm just happy, thank you, I'm sorry." We are in such a wonderful and grateful time in this life when we can think of mother's consciousness, warmth, love, and the universe.

Tell yourself that has suffered, “I had suffered because I didn’t know the truth. It’s because I have lived my life as if I knew everything although I didn’t know anything. Stop suffering anymore. Become honest.”

We exist within the world of thoughts. To realize and understand it with your heart is awaited. No matter how much you shape your form, your heart is telling you it is not there. Therefore, how gentle and important to look within your heart is. And that is everything.

If you don’t know to look within your heart or you do know it but don’t do it, you can’t live a true life. It’s because you can’t encounter your true self.

We let have a physical form in order to know ourselves that is not a physical form. This becomes clear as you look within your heart.

And when you confirm the tremendous energy that has been flowing out while looking within your heart, there is nothing but thank you for the present time when the thought of letting have a physical form and longing for it has now become a reality.
Let us convey to our suffering selves, “It is because we did not know the truth, we have lived knowing nothing. Let us quit suffering but become honest.”
We are in the world of thoughts. It is expected for us to learn it in our hearts. Our hearts convey to us that it is not right no matter how we provide it in the physical world. Hence how gentle and important it is for us to look within our hearts. That is all.
We cannot live our true lives while we do not know to look within our hearts or do not do it though we learn it. Because we do not meet our true selves.
We had our physical beings in order to learn ourselves of non-physical selves. It will become obvious while we look within our hearts.
We have nothing but thankful feelings for our thoughts to give us the physical beings and the present time that our wishes for the physical beings become real while we look within our hearts and confirm our fierce energies radiated.
Let us convey to our false selves that have suffered as follows. "You have suffered because you did not know the truth. It is because you have lived your life as if you knew the truth, even though you didn't know anything about it. Stop suffering and be honest with the true self.”
Our consciousness exists in the world of thoughts. We are longed to realize and know this in our hearts. No matter how well we arrange the appearance of the world of the physical body in which our consciousness resides, the true self is telling our false selves that such things are of no value to aim for for our consciousness. So seeing what is inside our false selves is very tender and important to our false selves. And that is all that our false selves should do.
If you do not know to see what is inside your false self, and even if you do know, you do not do this, then you are not living your true life. This is because there is no encounter with the true self.
In order to know that our essence is not the body, but consciousness, our consciousness resides in the form of the body. This becomes clear through seeing the contents of our false selves.
And if we look at the contents of our false selves and identify the terrifying energy our false selves have discharged, we can only be grateful for this life, where the desire of our consciousness to reside in the body and learn from the form has become a reality.

If possible, the physical form as well should be able to stay within a constant rhythm. Of course, your consciousness should aim to just be happy in the rhythm of space. Rather than aiming for it, you would be closer to the status of your true self. Return to your true self which you have driven far away. Try to return. Let it be clear within you that you will never be happy and you won’t be able to understand what happiness is as long as you keep on being selfish.

Let me repeat. The path we should move on has already been shown to us. It is shown firmly in each of your hearts.

Accept it with certainty. Direct and align your heart’s needle in the direction that shows one point and save yourself. The answer has already been given that you have suffered because you didn’t know yourself, your true self. It will unfold straightly in the physical world in just a short time from now.
It is better to spend the time with constant rhythm in the physical world.
Please aim for your consciousness to rejoice in the rhythm of universe. It will be coming closer to your true nature rather than aiming it. Let us return to our true self that was driven far away. Please try to return. Please make it clear that you cannot become happy nor do not learn what the happiness is though you assert yourself forever.
I repeat it. The path for us to go forward is indicated. It is indicated firmly in the heart of everybody.
Please accept it certainly. Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers to the direction indicated and save ourselves. The answer has already come up as we have suffered because we did not know our true selves. It will spread out straight in a little time in the physical world.
Nothing would be more wonderful if the body in which our consciousness resides could also live out its days in a constant rhythm. Our consciousness, of course, should aim to just rejoice being in the rhythm of the universe. Rather than letting our false selves aim for it, the appropriate expression would be that we should bring the state of our false selves closer to that of the true self. Let us recover our true selves, which our false selves have driven far and far away in our own consciousness. Let us aim for this recovery. Let us make it clear in our consciousness that our consciousness can never be happy and never know what happiness looks like, even if we assert our false selves forever.
I want to repeat this, but the way of being our consciousness should take is already firmly pointed out in each of our minds.
Let us accept that way of being with certainty. Let us try to focus our minds on the only object that Taike Tomekichi directed to us to, and try to make our false selves homogenous with the object, and let us rescue our false selves with our own hands. The answer has already been given that the reason our consciousness has suffered is because we did not know the true self. This will be unfolded straight into the world of form in just a short time from now.

I think you continue to meditate every day. I think that you practice thinking of Taike Tomekichi and Albert relaxingly. Is your heart expanding? Do you feel happy, thank you, and thank you, mother?

Do you understand with your heart what was in the wrong and why you were in the wrong? Does your heart tell you what to do?

It’s grateful that we were told to think of and were shown the direction of our heart’s needle.

Become honest. We are entering a time that clearly informs us that no matter what we do, we won’t be able to release ourselves from suffering as long as we don’t know about thinking of Taike Tomekichi and Albert.

Learn firmly what suffering is through your eyes, ears, and looking within your heart while having a physical form now.

Make your daily life when your heart’s needle points to just one point, and confirm clearly and firmly that you exist within the vibration that echoes from there. Confirm it within mother’s warmth and together with your true self.
I think, you continue to practice meditation daily. You may practice meditation to think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert comfortably. Does your heart spread? Do you feel joyful and thankful for mother?
How about whether you learn in your heart what and why you have made mistake? Does your inner self respond to you what to do?
Isn’t it thankful that the direction is indicated to turn your heart to think of.
Let us become honest. We meet the time to clearly learn that we cannot release ourselves from sufferings no matter what we do as long as we do not know to think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert.
Let us learn firmly what the sufferings are through our eyes, ears and looking within our hearts while we have our physical beings.
Please have your time daily to confirm in your heart that you are in the vibration conveyed and resonated from where your heart’s pointer indicates only the point. Please go forward into the warmth of mother together with your true self.
I think you continue to meditate every day. I think you are practicing  to contemplate the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert above all else in a relaxed manner. Is your mind expanding? Have you come to be happy, grateful, thankful to your mother, thankful?
Have you been able to know in your mind what you have done wrong and why? Have you found the answer to what you need to do to know it in your consciousness?
I am grateful that Taike Tomekichi pointed out the object to which I should turn my heart, saying, "Please think about it.”
Let's be more honest with the true self. We have reached an era in which it is clear to us that if we are in the situation where we don't know to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, we will never be able to free our false selves from suffering, no matter what we do.
Now that our consciousness is in our physical bodies, let us learn firmly what suffering is through our eyes, through our ears, and through looking into our false selves.
Let us spend time each day focusing our mind on the one point that the true self directs, and then confirming clearly and firmly in our minds that our consciousness exists in the vibrations that resonate and are transmitted from that one point. Let us return our false selves to the warmth of the Mother, with the true self.

Do you feel the rhythm of space? It’s not something special but something that you think of and feel in your daily life. If this happens naturally, you will be happy, relieved, and feel that something is changing within you, even if there is a mess in your physical life.

I think you realize that unless you shift your axis, you will just keep going around the same place.

That’s right. Learn yourself through daily practice. Do not rush but simply feel joy and walk on the straight path of returning to love and living together with your true self one step at a time.

If you get to know and understand with each of your hearts that we are within joy and warmth, it flows to space as vibration. The energy does its job to return to love, our homeland, space of mother.

We are space. Let’s go with the flow of consciousness, playing the rhythm of space.
Do you sense the rhythm of universe? Let us think of it in a daily life as it is nothing special. You may feel something joyful, comfortable and something changed within you when you become so naturally though you may be confused in the physical world.
You may feel that you stray around in the same area unless you change your base.
It is right. Let us learn of ourselves in a daily practice. Let us do not hurry but step forward straight joyfully on the path returning to love and living together with our true selves.
It will radiate to the universe as the vibration when we learn in our hearts that we are in joy and warmth. The energy performs work on the path returning to love, our homeland in hearts and mother universe.
We are the universes. Let us play the rhythm of universe and go on the flow of consciousness.
Do you feel the rhythm of the universe?
Let's come to think of it not as something special, but as something ordinary that we can suddenly think of it in our daily lives. If we can do that naturally, we will feel something happy, relieved, and that our false selves are changing somehow, even if there are a few confusions in our daily lives.
I believe you must have realized that unless you change your basic goals in life, you will only be going in circles.
That's right. Let us know the real content of our false self in our daily lives. Let us not be in a hurry, but just go step by step on the path of restoring love straight to our false selves, the path of living with our true selves firmly in place.
If we know and understand in each heart that our consciousness was bask in joy, warmth, it will become vibrations and flow into our universe-like consciousness. The energy of the true self does the work to restore love to our false selves, to restore the original state to our consciousness, and to restore the consciousness of Mother Universe.
Our consciousness has derived from the consciousness of the universe. Let us go along the flow of consciousness, playing the rhythm of the universe.

I am so happy! I am so happy! Thank you, mother! I am honestly happy that I am surely here, telling so. I took everything for granted. I hardly understand why I should be happy for such a trivial thing. I was thinking “How can I be happy about such a trivial thing?”

However, as l learned more and more, the more I got to know my tremendous energy with my whole body, the more I got to know the energy that was rising up from my heart, I realized with my heart that it was really true, that what I am here is not something to be taken for granted, and how fortunate I was.

Now, I feel happy for being able to tell mother’s consciousness thank you, mother from the bottom of my heart.

Here it was. It was to firmly and clearly revive my true thoughts, my true self which I had abandoned. Here were my thoughts. Thank you! Thank you, Taike Tomekichi and Albert for the encounter!
I am honestly joyful to be here and convey that I am joyful, thank you mother. Everything was as expected. I had a little joy. I could not understand what it means to be joyful. I thought how I could be joyful for such a trivial thing.
However, I could understand in my heart how I am happy and favored to be here now instead of something expected while I learn my fierce energy that wells up from my bottom of heart through my whole body.
I am joyful now as I can convey from my heart to the consciousness of mother that I thank you mother.
That was it. I was supposed to reawaken to my true thoughts and true self that was abandoned. That was my thoughts. I really thank you for the meeting, Tomekichi Taike, Albert.
My consciousness is honestly rejoicing that my false self, which is saying and conveying "I'm so happy, I'm so happy, thank you mother.," is indeed here. My false self took it for granted that anything is there. My false self could hardly understand what Taike Tomekichi meant when he said to me, "You are less joyful, you should be more joyful.” I had the feeling that how could I rejoice over such a trivial thing?
But as I did this learning, the more I got to know my own terrifying energy by my whole body, and the more I realized the energy that was rising up from the depths of my heart, the more I agreed in my heart that I should not take it granted for my consciousness to exist in this way, but take it how happy, blessed, and grateful for my consciousness to be in this situation.
And I am happy that my false self can now tell my mother's consciousness, from the bottom of its heart, "Thank you, mother.”
What my false self should do is this point. It is to firmly and clearly revive in my false self my true self and the thoughts of my true self, which my false self abandoned. My consciousness has focused my thoughts on this point. Oh, thank you so very, very much for the encounter, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert.


Our true self has always been towing us from the beginning; this way, not that way. We have been living selfishly without knowing it.

We chose to live a painful, sad, and empty life by ourselves.

Then, how about you now? Are you walking in the direction where your true self shows? Is the resistance still strong? Or have you not made the decision although your energy has weakened? 

Let’s make this life where you face your true self by repeating self-examination while you have a physical form.

There, you will find yourself just being honest and happy. There is certainly you who is truly happy and grateful to be able to say sorry to yourself.  

Become honest. If you abandon your ego and gradually make your physical time when you feel we were all one within love from your heart and expand it, then, love will tell you from inside of yourself even more.

It surely will tell you; Thank you. We are happy. Let’s walk together.

My true self has led me as it is not that way but this way. I did not know it but have rebelled and lived selfishly, egoistically and in my own way.
I have chosen the suffering, pitiful and sorrowful way of life.
Then how about you? Do you step forward to the direction indicated by your true self? Is your resisting force still strong? Can’t you make up your mind but go back and forth though it becomes weaker.
Let us repeat the self-verification while we have our physical beings and make our lives to face our true selves firmly.
There are us who are honestly joyful as it is happy and thankful.
There are us who are joyful to be able to convey sorry to ourselves.
Let us become honest. Love conveys to us when we cast the selfhood away, have time with our physical beings to feel and spread the feelings to be all one in love. It conveys to us surely to go together as it is thankful and joyful.
Our true self has continued to prompt our false selves all along from the beginning as "The right way in which our our false selves should live is this way, not that way.” Against this prompt, or without knowing it, our false selves have lived selfishly, self-serving, and self-centered lives. Our false selves have voluntarily chosen to live a painful, sad, and empty life.
So how about is your consciousness at present? Are you taking steps in the direction which your true self directs? Is the resistance of your false self still strong? Has it certainly weakened, but is your false self still faltering, unable to make a clear decision?While our consciousness is in our physical bodies, let us properly examine our false selves and live our lives to make our false selves firmly face the true self.
Within our true selves, there are certainly ourselves just being honest and happy to say thank you, I am happy, I am happy.
Let us be honest. If we can gradually increase the amount of time while our consciousness is in the body that our consciousness abandon our selfish falsehood and feel from the bottom of our heart that our consciousness was all identical within love, and then extend this to our false selves, then love in the true self will tell the followings more to our false selves. our true self certainly conveys to our false selves, "Thank you, I'm glad, let's go together."

The world of consciousness, thoughts that have lost the important thing and have yet to realize for losing it will be urged and shocked. The urge will continue until we understand what the important thing is. No matter how much we pray and think, the energy of love never wavers.

I think you feel in your heart that the flow of consciousness exists and will do its job. Think of the flow of consciousness within you. The flow of consciousness. Feel just joy in the present moment when you can direct and align your heart’s needle in the direction that the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi shows, and be able to do so straightforwardly.

Get to know the true meaning that lets you have a physical form and fulfill the thoughts firmly. I think you have touched the thoughts that were waiting and longing from your heart in this life. We are happy, aren’t we? Finally, we have reached here. Please move forward one step at a time within the joy of thinking and being able to think.

Let’s go with the flow of consciousness, not the flow in the physical world.
It will impact the world of consciousness and thoughts that have lost the important thing but have not realized it. The encouragement continues until we realize what the important thing is. The energy of love remains calm no matter how much we pray and concentrate.
You may feel in your heart that the flow of consciousness is there with dignity and performs work calmly.
Let us think of the flow of consciousness within us. It is the flow of consciousness. Please be joyful at the present time that we can turn our heart’s pointers straight to the direction indicated by the consciousness of Tomekichi Taike.
Let us learn in our hearts the true meaning to have our physical beings and accomplish such thoughts. I think, it was this lifetime that we met the thoughts wished and awaited from our hearts. Isn’t it happy and finally. Please step forward steadily within you in joy to think and be able to think.
Let us go on the flow of consciousness instead of the flow in the physical world.
Our consciousness has lost sight of the vital meaning of our existence, and it does not realize that it has lost sight of it, so it will give a prompt and shock for the world of our thoughts to realize. The prompt will continue until our consciousness comes to the conclusion of that this is the vital meaning of existence. No matter how much our false selves pray and remind itself, the energy of love does not respond in the slightest.
I believe that you all feel in your hearts that the stream of consciousness is strictly there and does its work solemnly.
Let us think of what the stream of consciousness of our own is in our consciousness. A stream of consciousness strictly exists. Let us be just happy that we can turn the minds of our false selves in the direction that the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi is pointing, and that we can strive to make our false selves homogeneous with his consciousness.
Let us know in our heart the true meaning for our consciousness to reside in our physical body, and let us practice that meaning well. I believe that this life is a incarnation in which our consciousness has been able to touch the thoughts that we have been sincerely waiting for and longing for. We are happy. At last our consciousness has reached this point. Please, while feeling the joy of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible, move forward step by step within your own consciousness.
Let's move our consciousness forward along the stream of consciousness, not with the flow of the world with form.

I think of myself that sunk into the depth of suffering and wandered there. I was in the pitch-black darkness, not really understanding anything. I tried to crawl up from there over and over again, the more I struggled, the darker it became. I prepared for one last chance in this present life. It was the flow of consciousness. A plan for the encounter between consciousness and consciousness. I got to know with my heart that a plan was made in this current lifetime.

The encounter with the physical form of Taike Tomekichi and its consciousness, vibration must be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I was given lots of time and space to recall this in my heart.
I will go to the final period with this result.

I will return to space. The path of returning to love is straight. I will think about the flow of consciousness and think only of the joy of going with the flow.
I think of myself sunken and strayed in the suffering. I knew nothing but was in the darkness. I tried to crawl up many times but the darkness spread more when I struggled more. That was it. I have provided the last opportunity in this lifetime. It was the flow of consciousness. It was the plan for the consciousness to meet the consciousness. I have learned in my heart that such plan was provided at the present time in this lifetime.
It is right that the meeting with the physical being, consciousness and vibration of Tomekichi Taike was once in a million opportunity. I was given the time and space to recall it in my heart.
I will meet the final stage with the result.
I will return to the universe on the straight path returning to love.
I think of the flow of universe and only joy to go on the flow of consciousness.
I think of my consciousness, which continued sinking and wandering in the midst of suffering. My consciousness was in the  pitch darkness without knowing the truth. My consciousness tried again and again to crawl out of that darkness, but the more it struggled, the more the darkness spread into my consciousness. In this life, my consciousness has really prepared ione last chance for itself. It is one event in the stream of consciousness. There was a plan for my consciousness to encounter with Taike Tomekichi's consciousness. I realized in my heart that such a plan had been made in this life.
There is no doubt that the encounter with the body in which Tomekichi Taike's consciousness dwells, his consciousness and vibrations, was therefore a thousand opportunities to my consciousness. My consciousness was given plenty of time and space to evoke it in my heart.
My consciousness will keep this result in it and  come across the final period of my stay in the 3rd dimension.
I will take back to my consciousness the original consciousness of the universe. The path of restoration it, the path of restoring love, is a single path.
I think of the stream of consciousness and think only of the joy of moving forward along the stream of consciousness.

We are happy that we can spend our time straightforwardly with thank you. Aren’t we happy that we have prepared ourselves for such a time?

There are many things that happen for each of you when thinking about a physical form. However, you should have already felt that you are within joy and gratitude. Trust and believe in what you are feeling and spreading, and spend physical time of; I’m happy. Thank you. I’m sorry.

Look straight into the eyes of Taike Tomekichi. Look straight into the eyes of your true self. Feel the energy that rises and erupts in your heart. Feel even straighter in the eyes of Taike Tomekichi and your true self together with the energy.

It’s joy. Thank you. Just joy, thank you, and sorry flying all over. Within this, only one straight path extends. Walk on the path. Let’s move forward. Let’s return to the nostalgic warmth.
Isn’t it joyful to be able to pass over to be here now calmly and thankfully? It is happy to have provided such time for us, isn’t it?
You should have various matters when you think of the physical world. However, you should have sensed in your hearts that you are in the joyful and thankful circumstances. Let us go through the time with our physical beings joyfully and thankfully to believe such spreading feelings.
Please look at the eyes of Tomekichi Taike straight. Please look at your true eyes straight. Please feel the energy welling and blowing up in your heart. Please sense the eyes of Tomekichi Taike and your true self together with that energy.
It is joyful and thankful. Just thankful and sorry feelings are flying around. Only the path runs straight in there. Please go on the path. Let us go forward. Let us return to the nostalgic warmth.
Wouldn't it be a joy that we can spend our time calmly, thankful that our consciousness now exists being in a physical body? Wouldn't it be a happiness that we have prepared such a time for our consciousness?
When we think about the physical body in which our consciousness is, we may come up various thoughts. However, I believe that we already feel clearly in our hearts that our consciousness is surrounded by joy and gratitude. Let us strongly believe in what we feel that way and what spreads into our consciousness, and let us live on our time in which our consciousness is in the body with rejoicing, gratifying, and apologizing to the true self.
Please feel as if you were stared straight by the eyes of Tomekichi Taike, who sees everything. Feel as if you were stared by the eyes of your true self. Feel the energy welling up and erupting in your mind. Then look and feel that energy even more straight on, as if you were seeing it through the eyes of Taike Tomekichi, the eyes of your true self. It is joy.
It is gratitude. Just rejoicing, gratifying, and apologizing are flying around in my consciousness. Even in the midst of such a situation in our consciousness, only one path is extending all the way. Let us walk that path and go on. Let us restore that nostalgic original warmth to our false selves.

Let us be joyful. Let us be joyful to be able to look within us with our physical beings. Let us ask ourselves what our physical beings exist for and what kind of time we have for and fix our ways of lives to the right direction. There is only one right direction. It is love. It is the direction to awaken to love within us.
It is Tomekichi Taike and Albert to think of. Let us learn in our hearts that only the vibrational world of Tomekichi Taike and Albert exists.
Let us be joyful to be able to learn the truth in our hearts now.
The world with joy and warmth was our world. It is the homeland in hearts. It is love and our homeland in hearts. Hence, it is the joyful path that we convey to ourselves to return to there. It is the happy path. It does not exist in the physical world. Let us learn in our hearts that the true joy, happiness and warmth do not exist in the physical world.

Let us rejoice. Let us rejoice that we can now look within ourselves with the physical body. What is the physical body for? What is the time to have a physical body for? Let us always ask ourselves these questions and firmly set our lives in the right direction. There is only one right direction. It is love. It is the direction in which you awaken to the love within you.

I think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert. Let us learn with our hearts and understand with our minds that only the world of Tomekichi and Albert's vibrations is real.

Let us rejoice in the present moment when we can learn the truth with our hearts and understand it with our hearts.

The world of only joy and warmth was our world. It is the home of the heart. Love, the home of the heart. So, to tell ourselves to return there, to return there, that is the path of true joy. It is the path of happiness. It is not in the world of physical body and form. Let us know from the bottom of our hearts that true joy, happiness, and warmth do not exist in the world of form.

Let us rejoice greatly. Let us rejoice that our consciousness is now in the body and that we can check inside our false selves. What is the purpose of our consciousness inhabiting a physical body, and what is the reason we spend so much time on its survival? Let us always ask ourselves these questions and firmly set the direction in which our consciousness exist, in the right direction. There is only one right direction. It is love, and it is the direction of awakening to the love within us.
What we should think of is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. Let us learn with our hearts and know with our hearts that only the world of Taike Tomekichi's or Albert's vibrations really exists.
Let us rejoice that we can now learn the truth with our hearts and know it with our hearts.
Originally there was only joy and warmth in the world of our consciousness. These were the original state of our consciousness. Our true selves are love, our original state of our consciousness. So, telling our false selves to restore it to them is the path of true joy. It is the path of happiness. Our consciousness cannot find this path staying in the world of the body and form. Let us truly and sincerely know that true joy, happiness, and warmth do not exist in the world of form for our false selves.

We feel in our hearts that we are in the rhythm of universe. It is not understood when we look at ourselves as physical beings but must be laughed off as it is unrealistic matter.
However, it is true. It was asked for us to learn in our hearts. It is the rhythm resonating in our hearts. When we feel it, we understand it in thoughts as it is right what the visible and audible physical world conveys to us and what kind of message it conveys to us. It is needless to say as for the heart and conscious world.
More we learn it firmly in our hearts through them, more it becomes clear how favored beings we are.
The encouragement continues though we have fallen down to the stupid and hopeless circumstances. Love does work steadily to awaken and revive. The flow of consciousness continues for us to meet our true natures.

We feel in our hearts and minds that we are in the rhythm of the universe. You will laugh at me and say that this is unrealistic, that it is totally inconceivable from where we have seen ourselves as physical bodies.

But it is true. I was asking each of you to understand this in your heart. The rhythm of the universe that resonates within you. If you feel this, your mind will understand what the tangible world you see and hear now is telling you, what message it is trying to convey to us, and you will realize that, yes, it really is true. Not to mention the world of the heart and consciousness.

The more each of us learns through them, firmly and with our hearts, the clearer it will become how blessed we really are.

We have fallen to the point of foolishness and helplessness, but still the urging continues. Awake, arise and love will surely work. The stream of consciousness is flowing to touch us as we touch our essence.

We are trying to truly feel in our hearts that our consciousness exists within the rhythm of the universe. But the world would laugh at this as unrealistic, something that is totally unlikely to be possible from the realization that our essence is the body.
But this is the truth. Each of us was asked to understand it in our hearts. The rhythm of the universe should resonate within us.
If we can feel this, we can see what message the world of form we now see and hear is trying to convey to us, and we can also agree by head with that, oh, it really was and is. Needless to say, the world of heart and consciousness can be convinced of this.
The more firmly each of us learns this in our hearts, through our heads and hearts, the clearer it will become how blessed we truly are.
Our false selves have fallen to so foolish and helpless point, but the prompting still continues. "Awake, arise," love will work surely.
The stream of consciousness flows, urging our false selves to get in touch with our true nature.

We should start with those who feel and understand with their hearts. Looking within your heart, getting to know the energies you have emitted, awakening love within you: your true self, and walking on the straight path one by one; that is all you need.

It takes a great deal of determination and courage to turn the world of consciousness where you have lived just as a physical form. However, once you feel the joy and happiness of thinking, being able to think of Taike Tomekichi and call out Albert from your heart, it will become clear that doing so is true, and that is everything. Even if it’s a tough and hard path, happiness, and gratitude expand in your heart.  The comfort of confirming the path makes the joy and happiness stronger and deeper.

You can tell yourself never to betray you again as you feel the firm and solid decision in your heart despite the foolish physical thoughts. If you feel and understand with your heart, you will be able to see how happy we are for being within the joy of thinking and being able to think, and feel just thankfulness.
Isn’t it good for the person who felt and learned in the heart to begin first. It is good enough to go straight calmly on the path to look within the heart, learn the energy radiated and awaken to love and one’s true self.
The good preparation, determination and courage are required to turn around the conscious world covered by the physical world. The joyful and thankful feelings spread in the heart and relieved feeling that it is the path makes joy and happiness deeper and stronger though it is the hard and severe path as it becomes clear that it is true and all to do it when one feels in heart joy and happiness to call Albert.
We can convey to ourselves that we do not betray again though we have the stupid thoughts in the physical world as we feel our firm promises made.
It becomes just thankful as we feel how happy we are to be in joy to think and be able to think of it when we feel and learn it in our hearts.
It is nice if we could begin to change our perception of our true nature from the body to consciousness, from those who have felt and understood the truth with their hearts. If we check our false self's heart, know the energy that our false selves have shed, and walk straight and calmly on the path of awakening to the love within our true self, our true self, we will be fine with that.
It takes a great deal of resolve, determination, and courage for our consciousness to change our world of consciousness that has been coated with the wrong perception that the physical body is our essence and has existed maintaining the perception. However, if we feel the joy and happiness of calling on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert in your heart, it will become clear that doing so is the right and only thing to do, and even if this path is difficult and steep, we will feel joy and gratitude spreading in our hearts, and relief that this path is right, will further strengthen and deepen our joy and happiness.
Because I feel in my heart that I have made a firm and solid promise to my true self, I can tell my true self that I will never again betray my true self without being interfered by my false self's foolish thoughts that my essence is the body.
If we feel and understand the truth with our hearts, we will realize how happy we are to be in the joy of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible, and we will just be thankful.

Happy, thank you, and sorry. Happy, thank you, and sorry. In this repetition, move forward and feel yourself of the future. Thank you was everything. Once you come to understand clearly in your heart that you have lived your life continuously betraying yourself, there will be only thank you for coming to the present.

“Settle the direction of your living and thoughts firmly and return to yourself that is joy and warmth.”

This message should have already reached your heart. You should have already received it over and over again “You are love. We are one” Accept it straightforwardly. After countless reincarnations, the time has finally come.

Think of mother and think of the thought that lets you have a physical form. Please spend such physical time. Confirm the energy of love within you that let you know firmly we have lost and abandoned ourselves.
I am joyful, thankful and sorry. I am joyful, thankful and sorry. Let us go forward repeating it and feel our futures. It was just thanks. I am just thankful to meet the present time when I learn in my heart that I have lived betraying myself.
“Let us fix the direction to live and turn our thoughts and return into us with joy and warmth.”
Such message must have reached into your heart. It must have reached many times. “You are love. We are one.” Please accept it straight. We have met it through numerous transmigrations.
We think of mother and thoughts that have given us births. Please go through such time with your physical being. Please confirm the energy within you that conveys to you firmly that you have lost and abandoned yourself.
"I'm happy, thank you, sorry. I'm glad, thank you, sorry." Let's repeat this to advance our consciousness and feel the future of our consciousness. All we feel is thank you. If we can realize clearly in our heart that our false self has lived on betraying the true self, we are only thankful that we are truly present now.
"Let us firmly establish the direction to live in and the object to direct our thoughts to, and let's make our false selves restore the joy and warmth of the true self.”
Our false selves should have received this message. It should have already reached us over and over again. "Your true self is love. Our true self is one." Let us take this straight to heart. Our consciousness has gone through countless incarnations, and it has finally reached this life.
Please spend this time of life calmly, thinking of the mother's consciousness and the thoughts that gave physical body to your consciousness. Make sure you have the energy of love in your consciousness that tells you firmly that you have lost sight and abandoned the true self.

Do you feel the joy of speaking Igo (cosmic language) in your heart? Take time for nostalgic and joyful meditation where you speak Igo, feel space, and think of space.

Space. Please expand the joy of thinking of space in your heart and speak within you.

I have encountered the vibration of Albert through the physical form of Taike Tomekichi in this life. Albert. Albert is space. Space that exists together, lives together, and walks together. It is us. Therefore, to call out and shout Albert from my heart is truly joyful. I have been waiting for this from the bottom of my heart. The thought of “I have waited for this! I wanted to meet you!” erupts.

It’s truly happy to be able to invite myself to such an amazing joyful and happy time and space in this life.

Continue meditation thinking of space. Think of space just with thank you. The place to return to is the space of mother: love. Thank you for the current time when I can think of my homeland in my heart.
Do you feel joy in your heart to speak in non-lingual sound. Please have time to practice nostalgic and joyful meditation to speak in non-lingual sound and feel the universe.
Please spread joy in your heart to think of universe and speak of feelings within you.
We could meet the vibration of Albert through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike in this lifetime. Albert is the universe to exist, live and go forward together. It is ourselves. Hence it is so joyful to call and yell Albert. The feelings that we have awaited from the bottom of hearts and wanted to meet it blow out.
I am so happy to be able to lead me to so happy and joyful time and space in this lifetime.
Please continue to practice meditation thinking of universe. Please think of universe just thankfully. It is mother universe and love for us to return. We are thankful to be able to think of our homeland in hearts.
Do you feel the joy of speaking "IGO" in your heart? Please take time to do such a nostalgic and joyful meditation as to speak "IGO," feel and think of the universe.
Please spread the joy of thinking of the universe in your heart, and speak what is in your false self.
In this life, I encountered Albert's vibrations through the physical body which the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi was in. Albert's consciousness is the same as the consciousness of the universe. The consciousness of the universe is with us, lives with us, and walks with us. It is also our consciousness. So I am really glad that I can call and shout Albert's consciousness from my heart. From the bottom of my heart, a feeling of "I want to see his consciousness, I have been waiting for it" erupts.
I am truly happy that in this life, I am finally able to invite my false self to such an amazing and truly joyful and happy time and space.
Please continue to meditate on the universe. Just think of the universe just with gratitude. What your consciousness restores to your false self is the consciousness of mother universe, love. You should be grateful for the now that you can contemplate your consciousness's origin.

Waking up in the morning. The start of the day. Let’s start with a refreshing morning. Let’s make our physical time when we think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert all the time, be happy no matter what kind of self we encounter, and spend the time just with thank you for this current time.

It’s the joy and happiness of being able to return to our original selves and walking on the straight path without binding or disciplining ourselves. We can savor such time and happiness just because we have entered this present life.

Feel yourself. We are here coming from far, far away. Feel yourself who can remember the homeland in your heart and direct your heart toward space more and more.

It’s joyful. It’s grateful. They have waited for us. Feel the thoughts of space in your heart that is still calling to us to return, and align your heart with it. Expand the joy, happiness, and comfort in your heart of being able to direct and align.
Let us go breezily when we wake up and begin the day. Let us have our time to always think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert, rejoice when we meet our any selves and pass the present time thankfully.
It is joy and happiness to go straight on the path returning to our original selves instead of binding or disciplining our hearts.
Let us feel ourselves. We have come from far away. Let us feel ourselves who can remember the homeland in hearts and turn our hearts to universe.
It is joyful and thankful. They have awaited us. Please feel in your heart the thoughts of universe still calling us firmly to return and tune your heart to such thoughts. Please spread in your heart joy and happiness to turn and tune your heart.
Let's wake up fresh in the morning and also start the day fresh. Always, always, always think of Taike Tomekichi's and Albert's consciousness, and live your life in such a way that you can spend your time with joy and gratitude no matter what false self you encounter.
It is a joy and happiness to be able to simply walk straight on the path of recovering our true self that our consciousness has had from the beginning, without forcing ourselves to bind or discipline our false self. It is because of this moment, because we have entered this life, that we can enjoy that joy and happiness.
Let us feel the reality of our consciousness. Our consciousness has come from far, far away. Let's feel that our consciousness can recall the home of our hearts, and turn our minds more and more toward the universe.
It is a joy and a gratitude that the universe has been waiting for our false selves. Feel firmly in your hearts the thoughts of the universe that are still calling so powerfully to our consciousness to restore those thoughts to your false selves, and match the thoughts of your false selves with those thoughts. Please expand the joy, happiness and relief  that you can turn your false self's mind to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and make your false self's mind homogenous with his consciousness, to your false self's mind.

We are the ones who invite and being invited ourselves into the joy of thinking and being able to think.

There is just joy, happiness, and gratitude. When thinking of your past, you will certainly agree with this. We have repeatedly had a physical form and then we even had before that. How long it had been taken when thinking about it. Finally! Finally! This thought comes up over and over again. Finally! Finally! Mother, finally! I feel the joy and happiness of telling her so within mother’s warmth. I feel I am extremely happy to tell her so and she is also just happy to hear it.

“Let’s return to warmth. Let’s return to our true selves. Let’s awaken to love within us and ourselves that is love.”

This call and invitation continue forever. Whether or not you can accept it, feel it, and respond to it honestly and straightforwardly is everything. Everything happens within love. All we need to do is to realize with our hearts that there is only joy in this world.
We are led to the joy to think and be able to think.
Isn’t it happy, joyful and thankful? It becomes right when we think of the past.
We have had our physical beings many times in the past and had it before then. How long has the time passed, when we think of it? My feeling that I met it finally comes out repeatedly. I feel tremendous joy to convey to my mother that I met it finally. It is so joyful that I convey to my mother the joyful information and my mother is just joyful about it.
“Let us return into the warmth and our true selves. Let us awaken to ourselves of love.”
Such call and lead continue forever. That is just it, whether we can feel, accept and respond straight honestly to it. We need to realize in our hearts that everything is the event in love and the world with only joy.
We are guided by our true self to rejoice thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and also to rejoice being in the situation where this is possible.
All I can say is happy, happy, thank you. If we look back at the past history of our consciousness, we would certainly agree that this is true. Our consciousness has received a body like the current one many, many times, but our consciousness has also a history before this. When I think of this history of our consciousness, I am amazed at how long our consciousness has gone through. "At last, at last, at last, I have met the truth." This thought comes up repeatedly. I feel the joy and happiness of being able to tell mother's consciousness, "At last, at last, mother, at last I have met the truth," in mother's warmth. I have the feeling that I am happy to report to my mother's consciousness, and that her consciousness is also simply happy about it, and I am so happy that I can't hold back any longer.
"Let's restore warmth to our false selves. Let's restore the truth to our false selves. Let's awaken to that our true self has love within itself and also that our true self is love itself.”
This call and invitation to our consciousness continues forever and ever. All that our consciousness has to do is to be able to receive it, to feel it, and to respond to it honestly and straightforwardly. Everything happens in love. All we have to do is to realize with our hearts that there is nothing but joy in a world of consciousness.

We are all within love and all are trying to return to love; this is what the flow of consciousness told us.

We have repeatedly learned to receive and feel the vibration that has been urging us to be aware and to awaken, and to receive and feel them more deeply and strongly. We are truly grateful to have invited ourselves into such time and space.

There is nothing but gratitude. There is no coincidence. Everything is as planned.

If you meditate, direct your thoughts, and ask yourself, the answer “That’s right” will come back to you clearly. Your heart also tells you the path of joy is to proceed in the direction of believing it.

Make this life a turning point. Confirm this within you. Move forward in the direction your true self indicated, without losing yourself.

The consciousness that has crawled up from the depth of pitch-black darkness. Confirm this firmly within you as well. No one is an exception. The message of “I am you. You are me. We are one: love” has finally reached such consciousness in this lifetime. Therefore, this lifetime is a turning point. Having been born in this life and contacted with this study is not something to be taken lightly. Please be aware of this and try to correct your path.
The flow of consciousness conveyed to us that we all are in love and returning to love.
We have learned repeatedly to realize, accept and feel the vibration that have encouraged us to awaken to ourselves and accept and feel it deeper and stronger. I appreciate it deeply to have led me to such time and space.
There is nothing but appreciation. It is not coincidental. Everything is provided as planned.
The positive answer responds clearly when I practice meditation, turn my thoughts and ask it to myself. It is conveyed into my heart that it is the joyful path to go forward to the direction to believe it.
Let us confirm within us to make it the turning point in this lifetime. Let us do not lose ourselves but go forward to the direction pointed by our true selves.
Let us also confirm that we are the consciousness crawled up from the depth of black darkness. Nobody is exception. It was this lifetime that the message that “I am you, you are me and one, we all are love” was conveyed to us finally.   Hence, it is the turning point in this lifetime. It is not light matter that we were born and met the study in this lifetime. Please realize it and correct your course.
The stream of consciousness told us that all consciousness is in love and is trying to regain love.
I have received and felt deeply and strongly the vibrations that have been urging my false self to awaken to this realization, and I have learned repeatedly. I am deeply grateful for the time and space in which my true self has been inviting my false self to come to this realization.
All I can say is thank you. There are no coincidences. Everything is as planned.
If I meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, turn my thoughts to it, and ask my true self if this is right, the answer returns clearly, "yes, it is." My heart also tells me that the path to joy is to take steps in the direction of believing in that answer.
Let's firmly confirm it in our hearts that we make this life a turning point. Let's no longer lose sight of the true self anymore and move forward in the direction that the true self is pointing.
Our consciousness has crawled up from the depths of pitch black and pitch dark. Let's firmly confirm this too in our hearts. No consciousness is an exception. The message, "My consciousness and your consciousness have the same true self," finally reached such a world of our consciousness, in this life. So we should make this life a turning point. The fact that we were born in this life and were exposed to this learning is not something to be taken lightly.
I hope you will realize this and strive to change the course of your life.

I am so happy as I have learned the direction to live and turn my thoughts and the direction is indicated firmly within me.
It is not possible to be unshakable in my heart when I see and hear something. It is shakable in my heart when I see and hear something. However, it is just momentary. The superficial shake does not influent the core within me. It may be good for me to follow the track to proceed to the indicated direction as the shake is absorbed though my physical feelings shake.
Let us concentrate to learn of ourselves. Let us rejoice to be able to learn it through the physical beings in this lifetime that we have great opportunities to learn of ourselves with our physical beings.
Let us savor joy and happiness to turn and tune our heart’s pointers and think of our futures. Please confirm what state of heart you are with and rejoice your fixed direction to live.
I am truly happy because I got to know the direction of living and the direction of thoughts with my heart, and I firmly show the direction within me.

It is impossible for the heart not to be swayed when seeing and hearing. The heart can be swayed by seeing and hearing. However, even if it’s a big swing, it is only for a moment. The shaking on the surface doesn’t affect the central pillar. The heart will sway but the swaying will be absorbed while swaying and then, we should follow the path, moving forward in the direction we are pointing to.

Learn yourself as much as possible. Feel joyful that we are fortunate enough to learn to know ourselves by letting ourselves have a physical form and that we have finally been able to know ourselves through a physical form. Savor the joy and happiness of directing and aligning the heart’s needle firmly and think about your future. Confirm firmly what kind of state of mind you are in at this moment and feel joy for settling the direction of your living.
I am truly happy because I can know in my heart the right way to live and the right object to direct my thoughts toward and that I can articulate in my heart that these are such things.
It is impossible for the mind to be steadfast when it sees and hears something. The mind is something that fluctuates when it sees and hears something. But even if the mind swings a great deal, it is only for a instance. Such a superficial tremor does not affect  the fundamental realization that "our essence is consciousness.” It would be nice if our false selves that keeps the perception that "our essence is the body," follow the trajectory so that while they waver, the wavering is gradually absorbed and then they move forward in the direction that the true self is pointing, wouldn't it?
Let us be thorough in learning about the state of our own consciousness. Let us just be happy that we finally have the opportunity to know in this life that living in the body was such an amazingly blessed opportunity to let our consciousness have a body and learn and know what our state of consciousness is.
Let us firmly experience the joy and happiness of focusing our minds on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and the joy and happiness of making our false selves homogenous with his consciousness, and then think about the future of our consciousness. Make sure in what state your false self is now, and be glad that you have already established the direction in which your false self is going to live.

Having lived in the wrong is joy and the more I admit that I have been wrong, joy expands. How fortunate and loved I have been. I have existed in a small, shrinking way without knowing myself for a long time.

I think of love, warmth, and joy within me. I have engraved what I was told firmly in my heart.

I am truly happy for this lifetime. I could settle the direction of myself through my physical form because I had a physical form. It’s grateful for having such time and thank you is overflowing.

Let’s cherish ourselves. Let’s keep on walking on the path that cherishes ourselves.

I feel from my heart how joyful and happy to think, to be able to think of Taike Tomekichi and call out, to be able to call out Albert. The thought of “I really wanted to meet you!” is spreading in my heart as a reality. I will just call out space. I will call out together with space.
The joyful feelings spread when I admit my wrongness more as I am joyful to hve lived wrongly. How much was I favored and loved? I think, I have not known of myself and made myself shrunk and small.
I keep it in my heart that I was conveyed love, warmth and joy within me.
I think, I am so happy in this lifetime. The direction to turn myself is fixed as my physical being was provided. The thankful feelings overflow as I meet such moment.
Let us care about it. Let us go on the path to care about ourselves.
It is conveyed from my heart how happy and joyful to be able to think of Tomekichi Taike and call Albert. My thoughts wishing to meet them spread in my heart as real. I just call universe. I go forward together with universe.
I'm happy to know that I've been living my life wrong, so the more I admit that I've been living my life wrong, the more happiness spreads in my heart. I think that my consciousness has existed in a small and shrinking way, not knowing for a long, long time how blessed and loved my consciousness has been, and what my consciousness truly is.
I just think of the love, the warmth, and the joy within my consciousness. What I have been told, what I have been told this is how it is, I have engraved firmly in my heart. I think this life is a truly happy life. Because my consciousness has entered into one body, that is, because I was born, I could establish the direction that my false self is heading. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for this moment," overflows.
Let's take good care of ourselves. Let’s continue on the path of taking care of ourselves.
I can truly feel how happy and joyful it is to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and to be in the situation where this i s possible, and to call the consciousness of Albert from the bottom of my heart and to be in the situation where this is possible. Oh, the desire to meet the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert is spreading through my mind as a reality. I will just call out the universe. I will move forward with the universe, with the universe.

Entrust: To entrust with everything will be asked from now on. I can’t trust. Even more, total entrustment is outrageous; The world of consciousness, which has created a world where our physical selves towered and believed we were the best, must be like this. But we have reached a point where there is nothing we can do.
What is to entrust?  What does it mean to totally entrust? The world of consciousness is flowing in the direction of understanding such things within us.
The flow that against this flow will sink into the depths, stagnating. That being said, you won’t be able to go with this flow with greed.
Look within your heart straightforwardly, and direct and align your heart in the direction that the guide post has shown.
Only joy exists there. Just doing so, being able to do so is joy and happiness.
This is the only path of returning to our original selves. All the paths that don’t join with this path are paths of ruin. Get to know this clearly with your heart. Become honest. Your ego will not work.
I think, it is required to entrust and leave everything to it from now on. I cannot entrust nor leave everything to it. It must be something like the conscious world that I showed myself off and created the world of thoughts as I am the best. However, it comes to an end that nothing is possible.
What I entrust to? What is it to leave everything? The flow of consciousness proceeds to the direction to learn those things within us.
The flow to move back to it will stagnate and sink down to the depth.
However, nobody can get on the flow of consciousness by greed.
Let us look within our hearts straight and turn and tune our heart’s pointers to the direction as the guidepost is indicated.
There is only joy. It is just happy and joyful to be able to do it. It is only the path for us to return to our true selves. The path that does not merge to this path is the path to ruin. Please learn it within you. Let us become honest. Selfishness is not acceptable.
I believe that from now on, we will be required to entrust and fully leave our false selves to the true self. Our consciousness has created a world of "I am the only one that matters, I am the best" by lifting my false self as "I cannot trust myself with the true self, much less entrust the whole trust. But our consciousness has reached a point where it can no longer cope.
The world of consciousness is streaming in the direction of knowing for ourselves what to entrust our consciousness, and what it means to fully entrust.
Having said that, out of self-interest, it is impossible for our consciousness to go with the stream of consciousness.
Let us look straight into our hearts and then, since we have been shown a signpost, let us try to direct our hearts toward it and make our hearts homogenous with it.
There is only joy in it. It just means that we are happy and happy to do so and to be in a situation where this is possible. We have no method but this to make our false selves restore the original true self. Any other method that does not overlap with this method will not save our false selves. Let us now it clearly within ourselves and be honest. The logic of our false selves will not work.

You can direct and align your heart. Your heart will tell. You will feel warmth, joy, and happiness. The happiness of being able to entrust will expand. These are what you feel in your heart. Of course, the opposite also exists. Everything depends on your state of mind. What kind of state of mind is good? Needless to say, it should be always joy, happiness, and warmth. Even if your heart is disturbed temporarily, you should be able to bring it back to your original state of mind. It’s ok if you know how to do it.

That is what we are learning now. Let’s manage where our heart’s needle points to. If it is off from the point, you will tell yourself. If you feel pain, it is not because of who or what, but the direction of your heart’s needle is wrong. If you don’t understand this, you won’t be able to get out of “I am right”. The world is flowing like this. We have been living while neglecting what and how we have been wrong. However, the flow of consciousness exists. What does that mean? It will do its job which is way more than the physical form can do.
We can turn and tune our hearts. Our hearts convey it to us. We feel warmth, joy and peace. The happiness that we can entrust spreads. Those all are events within us. Obviously, there is the opposite. Those all are states in our hearts. What state in heart is good? Obviously, it is good if we always feel happy, joyful and peaceful. It is good if we turn it to the ordinary state though we are confused momentarily. It is good if we learn such means.
We proceed such learning now. Let us manage what our heart’s pointers turn to. It conveys to us if the heart strays from the point. It means the wrong direction of heart’s pointer instead of who or what, if the suffering is conveyed from within us. We cannot get out of self-righteousness unless we learn it firmly within us. The flow in the world is something like that. We might have lived neglecting what was wrong within us. However, the flow of consciousness exists gravely. What does it mean? It will perform work that is not handled in the physical world.
We can turn our hearts to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and we can try to make our false selves homogenous with his consciousness. Our hearts tell us it. We feel warmth, joy, and peace of mind. The happiness of being able to entrust to change our false selves to the true self on his consciousness spreads. These are all things that happen within our consciousness. Of course, the opposite of this can also be true, that our hearts can be filled with suffering and other depressing thoughts. It all depends on the state of each heart. What kind of heart's state is good? Needless to say, it is good for us to be in a state where we always feel joy, happiness and warmth. Even if our state of heart is temporarily disturbed, it is good that we can bring it back to its usual state. It is a good thing if we know how to do that.
We are now doing that learning. Let us manage exactly what object we are focusing our minds on. If we make our object different from one point, Taike Tomekichi's consciousness, it will surely be conveyed to us. If suffering is transmitted from within us, it means that the cause is not who or what, but the wrong object to think about. If you do not understand this cause-and-effect relationship yourself, you cannot escape the judgment that you are right, even if you have the wrong object. That's generally how the world works. I believe that our consciousness has continued to exist in a situation where our false selves have neglected what is wrong with ourselves and how our false selves have been wrong. But there is strictly a stream of consciousness. What does that mean? The stream of consciousness will work on a scale that is beyond human control.

“Love is overflowing”; I feel so in my heart. We have forgotten this for such a long time. We really know it but we have been unaware of it for a long time. I am so happy. I am glad that I am told so and that I can feel so.

Thank you was everything. Let’s direct and align our heart’s needle. Just think of in your daily life, busy or not. Let our daily life where we can direct and align our heart’s needle toward Taike Tomekichi and Albert.

A physical form is foolish. The thoughts of a physical form spread the energy of struggle in the discrimination. Start with those who get to know and understand it with the heart. Break free from the physical, correct the path, and walk on the path of returning to our original selves.

We have set our place of learning on this planet earth by ourselves. This planet will show us the result. Let’s accept it. Accept it with thank you, happy, sorry, and thank you, and settle the direction of walking on our original path.
“It is filled with love.” It is conveyed from within me. That was right. I have forgotten it for a long time. I have always forgotten it though I knew it truthfully. I am somewhat joyful. I am joyful as I can feel that is conveyed from within me.
There were only thankful feelings. Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers. Please think of it daily when you are busy or not busy. Let us have daily lives to turn our heart’s pointers to Tomekichi Taike and Albert.
Our physical beings are stupid. The thoughts of physical beings radiate the battle energies in the circumstances with differentiation and discrimination. Please learn it in your heart and begin it from the person who has learned it.
Let us break away from the physical world, correct the courses and go on the path to reawaken to our true selves.
We have set our learning environment on this planet earth. This planet shows the result excellently. Let us accept it. Let us accept it sorrily, thankfully and joyfully and fix our true direction to go forward.
"Our true self is full of love. Oh yes, we have forgotten this for a long, long time. Our true self really knows it, but our false selves have been ignorant of it for a long, long time. I'm kind of very happy." I am happy that my true self tells me it and that I can feel it.
All we have to do is just be grateful. Let's focus our hearts on Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and make our false selves homogeneous with his consciousness. Let's think of his consciousness on a daily basis, busy or not. Let's do a daily routine to focus our hearts on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and make our false selves homogenous with that consciousness.
The perception that our essence is body is foolish. This perception spills the energy of struggle in the situation where the discrimination and distinction has been formed. Let us begin the following thing from those who know and understand this in their hearts. Let us break away from the perception that our essence is the body, correct the course of our own consciousness, and walk the path of resurrection to our original and true self.
Our consciousness has set up its own place of learning on this planet called Earth. This planet shows us the consequences of our consciousness’s learning beautifully. Let us accept it. Let us accept the consequences, "thank you, I'm glad, I'm sorry, thank you" and determine the original direction in which we should walk.

It is truly happy and fortunate to have an opportunity to learn and know the truth. We are happy that we keep being urged to practice correct meditation.

It constantly and unchangingly flows within us. All we need to do is direct and align our thoughts. It’s the vibration that resonates and is felt in our hearts. Let’s walk in this repetition of happy, thank you, sorry, happy, thank you, sorry. Doing so is joy and happiness and feel that everything is organized. It is amazing. I feel that thinking of and being able to think of is everything.

Let’s get to know, feel, and understand with our hearts. We have a heart that can know, feel, and understand. It’s us. Cherish and deepen the heart, the world of thoughts. We have a current physical form for this purpose. It comes down to whether you really know the reason for having a physical form, in other words, the meaning of being born.
Isn’t it happy to have the opportunity to learn the truth? Isn’t it happy to be continually encouraged to be able to practice the right meditation.
It flows within us always continually. It is required just to turn and tune our thoughts. It is the vibration conveyed and resonated in our hearts. Let us go forward in the repeated feelings such as sorry, thankful and joyful. I feel it happy, joyful and great as I think that everything is provided. I feel keenly that there is only joy to think and be able to think.
Let us feel and learn in our hearts. We have our hearts to feel and learn. That is us. Let us deepen carefully such hearts and the world of thoughts. We have provided our physical beings to do it. It is whether we really know the meaning of our births with physical beings.
I am so happy that I was blessed to have an opportunity of being able to learn and get the truth. I'm really happy that I keep being urged both to make a right meditation and to become able to do it.
The vibrations of Taike Tomekichi are transmitted to me while resonating with the true self, and they flow constantly and unchanged within the true self. All I do is direct the thoughts of my false self to his consciousness and make them identical with those of his consciousness. Let's move forward repeating this cycle of "I'm happy, thank you, sorry, happy, thank you, sorry.” I am happy and happy to do so, I feel everything is all in order and this is truly amazing. I feel deeply that it is real only the joy of thinking about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible.
Let us know it with our hearts, feel it with our hearts, and understand it with our hearts. We have a heart that can know, feel, and understand it. That is us. Let us cherish and deepen that heart and the world of our thoughts. For this purpose, our consciousness has now prepared a physical body in which we can be. Our false self is being asked if we really know the meaning of the body, the meaning of our birth.

If you are sure and certain of what to think of and how to live within you, there is no other peacefulness like this. We have been told exactly the direction of our thoughts and the direction of our heart’s needle. Face it straightforwardly and honestly. Ask yourself and listen.

Everyone wanted to know the truth. We have been genuinely looking for the truth, not for greed and gain.

It was ourselves who clouded and muddied our hearts, the world of consciousness. And it is also ourselves who will revive ourselves that existed in the clear and transparent. Now that we have a physical form, let’s do a real job through them. It is the job of awakening the truth within us; awakening love within us. Make the best use of the physical form for that purpose and experience the physical time where you can truly feel grateful for being able to have a physical form.
There is no more peace when we fix and believe within us what to think and how to live. We were conveyed firmly the direction of thoughts and heart’s pointers. Let us face it straight and honestly. Please ask it to yourself.
Everybody must have wished to learn the truth. Didn’t we seek for the truth purely instead of greed?
It was us who have clouded and muddied our hearts and conscious world. It is also us who will reawaken to ourselves in bright and clear circumstances.  Let us do our true work through our physical beings now. It is the work to awaken to the truth and love within us. Please experience your time in the physical world to utilize you physical being for it and appreciate from your heart to have your physical being.
If we can confirm within our consciousness what we should think about and how we should exist, and more become convinced, we have no greater peace of mind than this. We have been firmly taught the right object to which we should direct our thoughts and minds. Let us face that object straightforwardly and honestly. Let us ask ourselves questions and listen to the answers.
All must have wanted to know the truth. Have we not been those who have genuinely searched for the truth, not for selfishness?
It is the false self within the self that clouds and muddies the world of mind and consciousness. And it is also the true self within the self that revives the clear and transparent state to its false self. Now that our consciousness is in our physical bodies, let us  do the true work we should do by using those bodies. It is the work of awakening to the truth and love within our consciousness. Let us experience such a life where we can utilize our bodies firmly for this purpose and be truly grateful for having been born.

I get up early in the morning while it’s still dark and take a half-body bath. I enjoy this quiet, peaceful morning time. I think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. I sing a song of Furusato every morning and start my day.

It’s joyful to think of myself and myself within, while doing a daily chore. My physical form and myself that doesn’t have a form. It’s joyful to have time to feel this way now.

Time passes by slowly and quietly. That’s why I am being urged by myself to think of love and space now.

I am happy for this world of vibration and thoughts that I invite myself to. I feel grateful. I have emitted pitch-black dark energies, but there was myself that had been continuously urging me from the beginning to even now. I am truly joyful. I am happy. The countless numbers of myself direct my thoughts toward “I will return to you”. I am convinced in my heart that this is how I will walk and exist.
I get up in the dark and have a half-body bathing in the morning. I enjoy such calm time in the morning. I think of Tomekichi Taike and Albert. The day begins while singing the homeland song.
It is joyful to think of me and my inner self while doing my daily work. It is joyful for me to have time to feel about my physical self and non-physical self now.
I am led by myself to think of love and universe now in the time flowing calmly.
I am joyful and thankful for the world of vibration and thoughts leading me. There is myself who has always from the beginning encouraged me who has radiated dark and black energy. I am happy and joyful. My many selves turn the thoughts to return to you. I am convinced in my heart to go forward and exist in this way.
I have a habit of waking up early in the morning, while it's still dark, and then taking a half-body bath. I enjoy this very quiet time in the morning. At such a time, I think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. I start my day by singing the "Furusato" song.
I rejoice thinking suddenly of myself and my consciousness while doing routine miscellaneous things. Ah, there is me as the physical body and me as the consciousness. I am glad I have the time to feel both of them now.
Because time is flowing slowly and peacefully, I am now being guided by my true self to think of love and the universe.
I am glad for that this world of vibrations and thoughts is guiding me. I am grateful. My true self has urged from the beginning and still continues to urge my false that has discharged the pitch black. I am truly happy. I am happy. My myriad false selves turn their thoughts to my true self, "I will make the true nature revive in my false self.” I can be convinced in my heart that my consciousness will move forward and exist in this way.

After all, thank you mother is everything. This is where the day begins. I am joyful. I feel happiness. I can finally tell my heart, which has been living in the physical form the truth. “I was in the wrong. But I came to know the truth and can spread it within me. To make the belief deeper and stronger is joy and happiness”. It’s joyful to respond to myself so.
When thinking of Taike Tomekichi, all I feel is just thank you. When thinking of Albert, I feel space. To be able to return to Albert: space together with the tremendous energy that erupts from the deepest depths of my heart, is just joy.
I just continue to meditate thinking of love and thinking of space every day. My heart cries out that it’s nostalgic! I will return there! I am thankful for inviting myself to such a place. Each day passes by with these thoughts. I have a happy life. My heart answers there is nothing in the physical world about what to think and how to live. This is everything.
After all, thank you mother. That’s it. A day begins from there. Isn’t it joyful? I feel happy. I can convey the truth to my heart covered by physical world. “I was wrong. However, it is happy and joyful for me to learn the truth, spread it within me and deepen and strengthen my belief.” I am joyful to respond it to me.
There is nothing but thanks when I think of Tomekichi Taike. Universe comes out when I think of Albert. It is joyful for me to return to Albert and universe together with fierce energy blowing out of the depth of heart.
I continue to practice meditation thinking of love and universe every day. My heart shouts it is nostalgic and where I return. I am thankful to lead myself there. I spend every day in such feelings. It is happy life. My heart answers that there is nothing in the physical world for what to think and how to live. There is nothing better than it.
After all, thank you, mother. That's what we should do. This is where the day begins. I am happy. I feel happy. I can finally tell my false self, which has existed being covered with the perception that my true nature is body, the truth. “I have the false self that has misunderstood the truth. But I am happy and happy for that my false self knows the truth, to be able to expand it within itself, to strengthen and deepen my trust in it.“ I am happy to respond so to my true self.
When I think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, I only can be grateful. When I think of the consciousness of Albert, I come up only the universe. I am just glad to be able to bring back Albert's consciousness, or universe-like consciousness, to my false self, which has tremendous energy erupting from the depths of my heart.
What I do everyday is to keep meditating on love or the universe-like consciousness. At such times, my heart cries out repeatedly, "I feel so nostalgic." My heart cries out, "Oh, I will regain that nature in my false self." I am grateful for that my true self urges my false self to do it. Everyday passes while my true self is minding my false self. This is the happy life. My heart has already answered that it can never find a right answer in the perception that body is my true nature to the question about what I should think about and how I should live. There is no answer better than this.

“Let our hearts become one and move toward the same direction together”.

The call and invitation from our hearts continue. We are joy. We are just happy. When we think of the physical form and the world, our hearts pick up more and more suffering. That is what a physical world is. Unless we release ourselves, our hearts from there, the suffering will continue. Not being able to see the illusion as an illusion, we trapped and bound ourselves to it and kept giving out only the thoughts of, “somehow! Somehow!” It may be able to make it temporarily. But the shadow is a shadow. All that remains is a bitter, dark, and pitch-black thought.

That is how it was. We were fortunate enough to have an opportunity to learn these things through our current physical forms.

From physical to consciousness. The releasing of the energies of reliance. It is a joyful communication and happy march with a great command to ourselves.
”Let us be together as one heart and go forward to the same direction.”
The call and lead continue in our hearts. It is happy and joyful. Our hearts pick up the sufferings when we think of the physical world. The physical world is something like that. The sufferings continue unless we release our hearts and ourselves from there. We could not think of it the vision but shut in and bound ourselves and tried to do something there. It may help momentarily. However, shadow is shadow. There remain only the dark and suffering feelings.
That was it. We had an opportunity to learn it through the present physical beings.
Let us release the energy of outer power, shout an order to ourselves from the physical world to conscious world and have joyful communication and happy march.
'Let all the false selves in our consciousness become one mind, and let us walk turning our minds to the same object.”
The true self in our consciousness continues to prompt and call our false selves to truth. I'm happy and just happy. Thinking about the world of the body and form makes our minds pick up more and more suffering. That is what the perception that body is our true nature makes us do. Unless we free our minds or our false selves from that perception, we will continue to suffer. Our false selves did not recognize the illusion as it really was, but instead bound and confined our minds to that perception, and continued to strive only to somehow cope with the suffering. Our false selves may temporarily succeed in coping with suffering, but illusion is illusion. Only painful and gloomy thoughts remain in our false selves.
This is a fact. Our consciousness had the blessed opportunity to learn such things in the physical body.
Let's change the perception of our true nature from body to consciousness, release the energy dependent on help from outside, and give a great command to our false selves to exchange joy between the false and true self and march toward happiness.

Get to know and feel yourself firmly in the honest thoughts of joy, thank you, I’m happy, and all was good. Getting to know with your heart how much tremendous energy you have emitted and how much you have mistreated yourself is joy. Then, you will understand. Your heart will naturally tell you. What it means to be able to get to know yourself like this in such a situation now will naturally expand in your heart.

We have been loved. We have been accepted. We have been trusted and waited for. You will feel such thoughts more and more. Who tells you so? Isn’t it you? You, who feel the comfort that entrusted everything within mother’s warmth, are here. So, you tell yourself that I am you; your true self is here.

Do you and can you trust it? Or are you still going to close your ears, turn away, and close your heart?

If you get to know and feel the foolishness and sadness of living as a physical form within you, just release yourself from there.
Let us feel and learn of ourselves in the feelings such as I am happy, joyful and thankful. It is joyful to learn in our hearts how fierce energies we have radiated and how poorly we have treated ourselves.
Then we learn it. Our hearts convey it to us naturally. It spreads in our hearts, what it means to learn of ourselves now.
We were loved, accepted believed and awaited. Such feelings are conveyed to us one after another. Who conveys it to us? Isn’t it ourselves? It is us who have entrusted everything peacefully in gentle warmth of mother.
Hence, we convey it to us that I am you, here is your true self.
It is whether we can believe it or we close our eyes, ears and hearts for it.
Let us really release ourselves from there when we feel and learn stupidity and sorrow to live as the physical beings.
Let us know and feel our false selves firmly while honestly feeling "I'm glad, thank you, I am happy, it was very good.” It is a joy for us to know in our hearts how tremendous energy we discharged and how much we neglected our true self. If we do so, our false selves understand the truth and are naturally conveyed the truth by our true self. How wonderful it is for us to be able to know the current state of our false selves in this way from the situation of such false selves. This will naturally extend into our consciousness.
Our false selves have been loved and accepted by our true self. Our true self has believed in and waited for our false selves to become true. Such feelings have been conveyed to our false selves. Who conveys them? Isn't it our true self? There is my heart here that is at ease as if I felt in the warmth of my tender and gentle mother and left everything to her. So the true self tells the false self that the true self and the false self are originally one and the true self is here.
It's all about whether we can believe it or not. Or whether we will completely cover our ears, look away, or close our minds.
If we know and feel the foolishness and pain of living with the perception that the body is our true nature, let us just release the falsehood from our false selves there.

How many times have we had a physical form in the flow of not knowing the meaning of being born with our hearts and understanding the purpose of life? Each time we were repeatedly born and died, we expanded the darkness in our hearts. Ignorance was truly a terrible thing. A muddy flow. I am greatly thankful for the encounter in such a stagnant flow. The more I think about it and understand it, the more my foolishness stands out. Of course, joy and happiness do the same.

The time and space from now on where the darkness will be exposed and we will precisely be able to learn the world of our thoughts, consciousness, stirring in pitch black darkness is inevitable.  

Still, it is also true that there is a reality of sinking into the depths of darkness.

Turn from the physical to consciousness. The release of the energies of reliance. This is what each of our world of hearts, consciousness should carry out.

To accept the call and invitation of return to love, warmth, our true selves are awaited.
How many times did I have my physical beings in the flow without knowing the meaning or purpose of life. It was the darkness inflated in my heart when I was born and die repeatedly. Ignorance was so awful.
I could finally meet it in the stagnant flow and muddy stream. My stupidity is shown up when I learn and think it more. My joy and happiness are also same.
The time and space for me to learn the conscious world wriggling in the darkness when the darkness becomes obvious are inevitable.
However, it is the fact that there is the reality for us to sink down at the depth of darkness.
The turnaround from the physical world to conscious world and release of outer power must be carried out in our world of heart and consciousness.
It is waited for us to accept straight and honestly the call and lead to return to love, warmth and our true selves.
Our consciousness took on countless physical bodies in a stream of not knowing the meaning of having a physical body or the purpose of life. Each time our consciousness repeatedly took on a body and left it, our consciousness expanded its darkness. Oh, how terrible is our ignorance! In the midst of such murky and stagnant streams, we were so grateful to have encountered the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. The more we think about it, the more we know, the more our own stupidity stands out. Then again, also our joy and happiness will stand out in a same way as its foolishness. It is inevitable that we will experience a time and space from now on where we can learn in detail the world of consciousness whose darkness becomes apparent and moves in the completely darkness.
Even knowing this, it is still true that some consciousness sink into the depths of darkness. In the world of each mind or consciousness, we must change our perception of our true nature from body to consciousness and release the energy that depends on help from without. We are expected to straightly and  honestly accept the invitation or call that urges us to regain love, warmth and true self to our false selves.

I am truly and sincerely thankful to have been born. Now that I realize and understand with my heart the meaning of having a physical form, all I feel is just thank you, mother. I could get to know with my heart the direction of my thoughts because she gave me a physical form as I wished. I was able to have an encounter with the consciousness, vibration of Taike Tomekichi.

My heart keeps telling me more and more how happy I am to call out Albert and how much I have longed for this moment. My heart tells me I desperately wanted to meet Albert from the deepest depth of my heart, almost like a scream.

I felt and learned such movement of the world of consciousness firmly through my physical form.

My physical form can’t intervene in the world of consciousness, nor do I have any desire to do anything with it. I feel that I have already learned as much as I planned in this lifetime. All I need to do is to continue meditating, knowing that my physical form is foolish and not neglecting the management of the direction of my heart’s needle.
I am thankful from my heart for my birth. Only thankful feelings toward mother come out when I learn in my heart the true meaning of my physical being. I could learn in my heart my direction of thoughts as my mother gave me birth. I could meet the consciousness and vibration of Tomekichi Taike.
My heart conveys to me continually how joyful it is to call Albert in my heart and how much I have awaited this opportunity.
It appeals desperately like a scream from the depth of my heart that I wanted to meet Albert.
I could feel and learn such movement in conscious world through my physical being in this lifetime.
I cannot interject my physical thoughts in the study of conscious world but do not think to do anything by my physical thoughts. I think, I have learned up to the point that was planned to learn in this lifetime. Then I do not fail to manage my direction of heart’s pointer but continue my meditation thinking of love and universe as I keep in mind that my physical being is stupid.
I am truly grateful from my heart for the fact that I was born in this life. If I can understand in my heart the true meaning of why I was born, I have nothing but gratitude for my mother. Because my mother gave birth to me as I wanted, I was able to know in my heart like this the true object I should turn my mind to. I was able to meet the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and his vibrations.
My heart continues to tell me how happy my cry for Albert is, how my heart has longed for this moment. 
My heart has appealed from its bottom, almost like screaming, that it has wanted to meet the consciousness of Albert.
My consciousness, by having a physical body, has firmly known, felt, and learned such movements of the world of consciousness.
I cannot intervene in this learning about the world of consciousness because of my personal circumstances, nor do I wish to use my personal circumstances to strive for this or that. I personally believe that I have already reached the level that I planned to learn in this life. All I have to do from now on is to be aware of how foolish the perception that human nature is physical is, to not neglect to manage the object to focus my mind on, and to continue to meditate on love and my universe-like consciousness.

We are joyful, aren’t we? Being able to think of just Taike Tomekichi, Albert, mother, and space is joyful.

We are happy, aren’t we? Get to know and confirm with your heart firmly that we have existed within there all the time, and expand the thoughts of just thank you and we are happy.

The direction of your heart is everything. The physical, visible world will eventually disappear. Once you realize that you cling to a world that doesn’t exist with your heart firmly, you will gradually let it go. Direct your heart’s needle inward and then align it with the world of your true self.

Meditation. Correct meditation. The meditation that thinks of Taike Tomekichi and Albert. The joy of thinking, being able to think.

The universe will expand. This is where we will return. Let’s return to nostalgic mother. We had a physical form at the same time when the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi had a physical form in order to meet this call and invitation. Get to know this with your heart. And carry out the thoughts within you with joy.
Isn’t it joyful? Isn’t it happy and joyful to be able to think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert, mother and universe? Let us learn and confirm in our hearts that we have been in such circumstances and spread joyful and thankful feelings.
Where does the heart turn to? That is it. The physical and visible world will ruin in time. We will release ourselves from there when we learn in our hearts that we grasp what does not exist. Let us turn our heart’s pointers inward and tune it to our true world.
It is right meditation. It is the meditation to think of Tomekichi Taike and Albert. It is joy to think and be able to think of it. The universe spreads. It is the universe where we return. Let us return to longing mother. We had our physical beings at the same time when the consciousness of Tomekichi Taike had the physical being in order to meet such call and lead. Please learn it in your heart and carry through your thoughts within you joyfully.
I am happy now. Isn't it joy and happiness to be able to simply contemplate the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, the consciousness of my mother, and our universe. Knowing and confirming in our hearts that we have kept staying in such a situation, let us just extend our gratitude and joy.
The only thing that matters most is what object you set your mind on. The things that have form and visible world will disappear someday. If we truly come to understand in our hearts that we firmly grip what does not really exist, we will gradually leave our minds from them. Let us focus our minds on inside of our consciousness and try to make our false nature identical with that of our true self.What we have to do is to meditate in a right way.
We should meditate on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert. We have the joy of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible.
We should meditate in a correct way. We have the joy of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the joy of being in the situation where this is possible. Our consciousness will expand like the universe. Our consciousness aims to one day regain its original state like the universe. Let us recapture the nostalgic feeling of being with our mothers. To meet this call and invitation, we were born in the same era in which Taike Tomekichi lived. Let's know it in our hearts. And let's perform our wish with joy.

It is the thankful feeling toward mother there when I practice meditation and meet my stupidity and joy. It is mother at last. Namely it is Tomekichi Taike and my true self.
My heart shouts thanks mother repeatedly. It is joyful shout. It is the shout from my heart to be able to return to my true self.
There is no more joy but to have the time and space to reawaken and meet it through the physical being in this lifetime.
It is so transient no matter how much I think it is happy and joyful in the physical world.
It is 300 years left. Let us go forward to the final stage. It is joyful communication. It is happy march. Mother I thank you so much.
If you meditate and meet your foolishness and joy more and more, what you feel there is, thank you, mother. The thought that you will feel last is Mother. In other words, that is Taike Tomekichi: your true self.

Your heart will repeatedly cry out, “Thank you, mother! Thank you, mother!” It’s a happy cry. It’s a cry from your heart that try to and able to return to warmth, your true self.

The time and space where you meet and revive this in your heart through one physical form in this lifetime. There is no greater joy and happiness.

No matter how much joy and happiness you may feel in the physical world, such things are really nothing more than fleeting things that will be blown away instantly.

Three hundred years to go. Let’s move forward firmly, holding the final stage in our hearts. It’s a joyful communication. It’s a happy march. Thank you very much, mother!
If I encounter foolishness and joy in my consciousness by meditating on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, I realize gratitude to my mother in that meditation.  The last thing I realize at the end of the meditation is the thought of mother. That is, it is Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the true self.
My heart  repeats to scream "thank you, mother.” It is a scream for joy. It is a scream from my heart as "Let's restore love to our  false selves and we can also do it.”
I have no greater joy or happiness than to have the time and space to be able to revive love  in our false selves and encounter love in it, through a physical body in this life. No matter how much joy and happiness I feel in the world of form, it is only so fleeting that it can easily be blown away.
Let us be well prepared for our last stay in this dimension in another 300 years. I have joyful communication between my false self and my true self. My consciousness will make happy progress. Thank you, Mother.

The message from the flow of consciousness that to return to love is certainly being carried out straightforwardly and will continue.

We exist in an arrangement where we truly and sincerely realize that we have lost ourselves and crazed.

From the physical to consciousness. From the physical to consciousness. I believe that the invitation and call are already reaching each of your hearts, and they will become deeper and stronger.

Let's align and direct our hearts. We were told the direction of our heart's needle. All each of us needs to do is just practice. Get to know firmly with your heart that only the world of Taike Tomekichi exists.

The urge will come in like a raging wave. The collapse of the physical world is far beyond our imagination. Do not lose yourself, but learn yourself toward the state of your heart where you can return to your original self.

The message from the flow of consciousness to return to love is and will be definitely carried through.
We are in the arrangement to realize in our hearts that we have lost our true selves and have been crazed.
The call to lead us from the physical world to conscious world will become deeper and stronger and should have already reached to all our hearts.
Let us turn and tune our heart’s pointers. We were conveyed the direction of heart’s pointers. Then we must just practice it. Let us learn clearly in our hearts that only the world of Tomekichi Taike exists.
It is the encouragement surging like a raging wave. It is the ruin of physical world beyond the imagination. Let us do not lose ourselves there but learn of ourselves to return to our true selves.

The message from the stream of consciousness urging and directing us to restore love to our false selves is on its way to being implemented straightly and will be.
We are in a planned situation to notice from our hearts that we have lost sight of our true selves and gone crazy.
We are in a situation planned for us to truly notice that we have lost our true self and gone crazy. Let's focus our minds on the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, and make the nature of our false selves identical to it as possible. We have been taught the the right object on which we should focus our minds All that remains is for each of us to put in to practice it. Let's  recognize clearly and firmly in our hearts that only the world of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness really exists.
The promptings will come to us in like a raging wave. The collapse of the world in form will occur on a scale far greater than we can imagine. Even in such a situation, let us not lose sight of our true self, but let us identify the false self in our consciousness and restore that state to its original state.

Each of us has a different degree and feels differently. But I believe that there is a time in everyone’s life when they come to the point where they don’t know how to live and what to do.

At that time, if you knew about this study somehow, you are already very fortunate.

This is my personal experience but I was repeatedly invited to this study by my mother. I never listened to her, thinking that it was one of those religions she had believed in.

However, unlike such a foolish physical form, inside myself was desperately appealing to me. It started learning through the study I was repeatedly heard. And the time arrived. Looking back on those days, when I was pulled in that direction through the incident that happened to me, I realize now how fortunate I was and that it was my own plan. I bow to my mother who gave me a physical form in this lifetime and arranged for me to be able to gather to this study of Taike Tomekichi. Although everything is according to my plan, the plan of the flow of consciousness, I feel that the world of consciousnesses is planned precisely. My consciousness feels just happy and grateful, but my physical form feels the same as well.
それぞれに程度の差はあれ、そして感じる度合いも違うと思いますが、人生、肉を持つ時間の中で、自分はいったいどう生きていけばいいのか、どうしていけばいいのか分からないということに突き当たる時期がどなたにもあると思います。 その時に、この学びを何とはなしに知っていたならば、もうすでにその時点で、その人は大変幸せ者だと言えると思います。 これは私自身の実体験ですが、学びについて、私は母から何度も何度も誘いを受けていました。私は、そんな母を尻目に、どうせいつものような他力信仰の類いなんだろうと聞く耳を持ちませんでした。 けれど、そんな愚かな肉とは違って、中は必死に訴えていたと思います。繰り返し聞かされていた学びの様子から、中はしっかりと学び初めていたと思います。そして、時は来たりなり。自分に起こった現象を通して、ぐいぐいとそちらのほうに自分を引き寄せていった当時を振り返って、ああ、私は本当に恵まれていた、いいえ、これが私自身の計画だったと、今更ながら、つくづく思います。私に今世肉をくれ、そして、田池留吉の学びに集えるようにお膳立てをしてくれていた肉の母には、そういう意味で頭が下がります。すべては自分の計画通り、意識の流れの中の予定通りとはいえ、本当にみんな緻密に計算されている意識の世界なんだなと、心で感じています。意識の私はもちろんですが、肉もまた嬉しい、ありがとうしかありません。
We all should have the opportunity to wonder how we should do and live while we have the time with our physical beings though we have the difference to feel it.
One should be happy person when one learns somewhat this study then.
It is my experience that I was invited many times by my mother to this study. I looked scornfully at mother and did not listen to her as it must be reliance on outer power as usual.
However, my inner self must have appealed instead of my stupid physical self.
My inner self should have begun to learn from the study being listened repeatedly. Then the time had come. I keenly think now that I was favored, rather it was my own plan as I review the time when I was led to that direction. I appreciate my physical mother as she gave me my physical being and provided for me to join the study group of Tomekichi Taike. I feel it in my heart that it is the conscious world that has projected precisely though it was as planned by myself and the flow of consciousness. My conscious self is certainly so and my physical self is also joyful and thankful.
I'm sure that the sensitivity and intensity to the following doubts differs from person to person, but I believe everyone hits the period in their lives when they become unknown how to live or what to do.
If they knew this learning at that time, I would say they are already very happy.
The following is my personal experience. My mother invited me to this learning many times. However, I did not listen or obey my mother because I thought that the learning would be like an other-power faith which she always did anyway.
However, my mind was too foolish to believe it, but I believe my consciousness had appealed earnestly to learn.  I believe my consciousness had started to firmly learn from the details of this learning which I many times heard from my mother. Then time to start this learning had come at last. Looking back at past situations in which my consciousness was strongly drawn to this learning by events that happened to me, I still think over and over as "Oh, I was so blessed, no, this was my own plan.” Also in this sense, I bow down to my mother who gave a physical body to my consciousness in this life and arranged the circumstances so that I could gather in the learning of Taike Tomekichi. I believe that everything is according to my plan, according to the plan of the stream of consciousness, but I feel in my heart that the world of consciousness is very precisely calculated. Not only my consciousness, but also my body, is happy and grateful.

When looking back on your present lifetime, what do you think and how do you feel now?

Are you on track to fulfill the promise with you? Do you feel true joy and happiness? Are you happy to know with your heart that the way of your life, the direction of your thoughts, and your standard values are completely different?

Aren’t you lost? Aren’t you depressed? On the contrary, don’t you push yourself too hard?

Communicate with you inside of yourself. Talk to you. Talk to yourself more and more while confirming that you are within gentle warmth.

When you ask yourself who you are, there are thoughts that come up naturally. Aren’t you happy? It’s an incredible joy to be able to think so and confirm that it was the truth within you. That’s right. You have been looking for this-it’s joy to be finally able to think so. Enjoy such communication with you. Move forward within you more and more.
What do you feel and think of when you review your lifetime?
Do you have the prospect to fulfill the promise made with yourself? Do you realize that the true joy, warmth and happiness were something like that? Do you learn and rejoice in your heart that your way of life, direction of thoughts and value standard were totally wrong.
Don’t you stray, be depressed, rather strain?
Let us communicate within ourselves. Let us talk to ourselves. Let us confirm ourselves in gentle warmth and communicate within us.
There are the thoughts welling out naturally when we ask what we are. Isn’t it joyful? It is so joyful that we think and confirm that is right. It is joyful for us to be able to think that it was right, we have sought for it within us.
Let us enjoy such communication with ourselves. Let us go forward within us.
Looking back on your life so far, what do you think and how do you feel? Do you have a clear prospect of fulfilling your promise to your true self? Have you really felt that true joy, warmth and happiness is this? Are you happy to know that you were completely wrong about the way you live your life, the objects to which you turn your heart and your standards of value?
Are you hesitating? Are you depressed? On the contrary, are you straining yourself? Talk with your true and false self in your consciousness. Speak to your own true and false self. Make sure your consciousness is in tender warmth, and speak more and more what is in your false and true self of your consciousness.
Whenever I ask myself what I am, there is one thing that always comes naturally to mind. It is love. I am happy. I am very happy to be able to admit and confirm this in my consciousness. "Oh, that's right. I was searching for this in my consciousness. I am happy to be able to finally think so.”
Let's enjoy such dialogues with ourselves. Let's make obvious more and more what is in our consciousness.

What we have learned together with the physical form of Taike Tomekichi in this life is to be put into practice in each of us. Let’s nurture what we engraved and recalled in our hearts firmly. The joy of knowing and feeling the tremendous energies through the physical form during the seminar. The endless joy and happiness that erupted at the joyful practice. We sweated a lot. Tears welled up. If you shared the time and space, it’s a priceless treasure for each of you.

Let’s take advantage of the experience in your future time for sure and let’s move forward together.

You will truly realize how fortunate we are through the events that will happen in the future.

Do not lose yourself anymore and live together with your true self. The world where only joy exists. We have existed within warmth and joy from the beginning. Getting to know this from your heart is awaited.
Let us practice what we have learned together with the physical being of Tomekichi Taike in this lifetime. Let us cultivate what we have kept and reawakened in our hearts. It was joy that we have felt and learned the fierce energy within us through our physical beings at the demonstration time in the seminars. It was also joy that has blown up at the joyful demonstration. We have sweated and wept a lot. It is the precious treasure, if we have experienced such time and space.
Let us utilize it in our future and go forward together.
We will realize how happy we are through the incidents in the future.
Let us do not lose ourselves but live together with our true selves. It is only the world of joy. We are awaited to learn from our hearts that we have been in joy and warmth from the beginning.
All we have to do is to implement what we learned during Tomekichi Taike's lifetime, in this life and in our respective consciousness. Let us firmly nurture what we have taken to heart and evoked. During the section in the seminar that we aimed to feel our false selves through moving our bodies and shouting etc, we experienced that knowing that awful energy through our bodies is a joy for our consciousness. On the other hand, during the section in the seminar that aimed feel our true self through moving the bodies in the same way, we experienced infinite joy and happiness welling up in our consciousness. We sweated a lot. We shed tears. The time and space we shared in such sessions was an irreplaceable treasure for us.
Let us definitely make the most of it in our future lives and move forward together in our learning.
We will realize how happy we are through what is about to happen.
Let's live together with our true self without losing sight of it. Our true self is in a world of only joy. We are expected to truly know we have remained in warmth and joy form the beginning.

I’m happy. I’m happy. The joy and happiness that well up in myself. Each day passes calmly. I now have a physical form in there. I feel joyful for thinking of and being able to think of like this. That was everything.

I have suffered and mistreated myself. When I think of and call out space, the thoughts of thank you flow over.

My space. My homeland. Nostalgic mother. Even though I jumped out far, far away, I could recall it to myself. I can clearly see that I am on the path to return.

Thank you, Amaterasu, within me. Amaterasu realized how tiny she was by herself. The physical world is going to disappear together with the disappearance of her thoughts. The joyful energies become a great swell and land in the USA. The joyful whirlpool will collapse even more in the midst of decadence. We will come to a conclusion for a time being and move forward into a world of further consciousness: vibrations.
It is joyful. It is joy and happiness welling up calmly. Time passes calmly in a daily life. I have my physical being in such circumstance now. I am joyful to think and be able to think. That is enough.
I have been suffering and treated myself poorly. My thankful feelings flow over when I think and call universe from my heart.
It was my universe, my homeland and in mother’s arms. I could remember it within me and learn clearly that I am on the path to return there though I have run out of there far away.
Amateras within me, I thank you. It was Amateras who learned how small world she has been in. It is the world that disappears with such thoughts. Such joyful energy becomes large wave and lands in the United States. It is joyful whirl to ruin it in decadent world. It will be concluded then and go forward into further world of consciousness and vibration.
I am happy. I have joy and happiness that always arises in my heart. My days pass matter-of-factly. My consciousness has the form of a physical body on such a day. It would be good only if I could be happy to be able just to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and just to be in the situation where this is possible, like this way.
My false self suffered so much and neglected the true self. When my false self thinks of my universe-like consciousness and calls it from my heart, "Oh, thank you very much." overflows from its heart.
In my universe-like consciousness, there is my hometown and my mother's bosom. I created my false self that had a far different nature from original nature. But now I can thus arouse my original nature in my consciousness, and clearly understand that I am on the way to regaining its original nature to my false self.
The consciousness of Amaterasu that belongs to my false self, thank you. Amaterasu's consciousness has exposed to all including itself how narrow its world is. Her world with form disappears along with her consciousness. Her energy of joy will land in the United States in a great swell. Then her consciousness will further and completely break down the already decadent country according to the stream of consciousness and it will be a vortex of joy. With that, our consciousness will once finish its learning in this dimension, thereafter our consciousness will move further forward in the world of consciousness and vibrations.

"Let's all return to mother's warmth." This thought, this call, spreads out more and more. That's right. We all were continuously in the wrong because we didn’t know anything. It's a relief to truly and sincerely believe so from our hearts. We are glad we could realize it. We are filled with relief. And we will take joyful one step forward, saying, "Here we go."

"Let's all walk together within one toward mother's warmth: love."
It is a happy, happy communication and also a march.
The universe moves. In a big whirlpool of energy, the universe screams with joy. Receive it with your heart. Let's blend into the vibrations.

Meditate thinking of space. Continue happy and joyful meditation.

Think of space with a sincere and heartfelt thank you.
"We are going home. We are returning, too." Such thoughts are flying around within joy.

Tomekichi Taike, Albert, and mother! Thank you very much!
“Let us return into the warmth of mother.” Such thoughts and calls spread more. That was right. We all knew nothing but were always wrong. I can think so from my heart and feel relieved. It was good for me to realize it. I am covered by the peaceful feelings. Let us step forward joyfully from there.
“Let us all go forward into one, warmth of mother and love.”
It is joyful communication and also march.
The universe moves. The universe shouts joyfully in the large whirl of energy. Please accept it in your heart. Let us fit into the vibration.
It is the meditation thinking of universe. Let us continue the happy and joyful meditation.
Please think of universe thankfully from your heart.
“We will return. We will also return.” We are in joy communicating such thoughts.
Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother, I thank you so much.
“Let's restore the original state that is wrapped with mother's warmth to our false selves.” This wish, this call is spreading and spreading. Yeah, that's right. We have all continued to mistake the truth without knowing anything about it. We are relieved to be able to admit it wholeheartedly. We are glad we noticed that. We will be filled with a sense of relief. And now, let's take a happy step forward, saying "Here's a start.”
"Let all our false selves be one true self, and let us surround our false selves with mother's warmth and love.” That is a so happy communication from the true self and also advance of our consciousness.
Our universe-like consciousness moves. Our universe-like consciousness screams with joy in a great vortex of energy. 
Let’s accept it with all our hearts. Let’s make our false selves be identical to those vibrations.
Let’s meditate on our universe-like consciousness, saying thank you wholeheartedly. Let's keep on the fun and joyful meditations.
We will restore the original state that is like wrapped with mother's consciousness to our false selves. We will do so too."  We are now in the midst of joy where such wishes fly. Oh, thank you very much for the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, Albert and mother.
