1. この学びについて / This study

ここでは学びを進めていく、もしくは学びをはじめるにあたっての疑問点を、 Q&A方式で、塩川香世さんにご協力いただき、

In this section organized in a Q&A fashion, Ms. Kayo Shiokawa will offer some messages from the world of consciousness as answers to some questions that people studying or starting to study may have.

Q. なぜ、セミナーを開催する必要があるのですか?

A. 世の中には情報が溢れています。しかし、その溢れる情報の中でどれだけあなたに真実を届けてくれるものがあるのでしょうか。私は皆無だと思っています。そうです、皆無です。ゼロです。本当に色々な情報が飛び交っています。今はインターネットの時代です。何か知りたいこと、探したいことがあれば、ネットの中で色々なことを知り得ます。その手に入れた情報を元に、私達は日常生活を送っています。そういうことは、生活をしていくというところでは有効であり便利でしょう。しかし、本当のこと、真実の世界からすれば、どうでもいいことばかりなんです。そのことをまずは、あなたの頭で知っていただきたいんです。知っていただくために、皆さんがある一定の場所に集まって、ある一定の時間は日常から離れて、本当のことはこうなんですよと、まず頭で理解しましょうということです。そのための時間と空間が必要であって、それが例えば、二泊三日のセミナー開催という形になりました。それでは、宿泊をせずに、一日、どこかに集まって学び、ある程度の時間が経てば各自家路につき、日々の生活に戻るというのではだめなんでしょうか。残念ながら、それではなかなかスムーズに頭の切り替えができないでしょう。まずは頭の切り替えです。日常生活から、少なくとも二、三日離れて、そして本当の世界はこうなんですよと、まずあなたの頭を切り替えていただき、それから、あなたの目を通し、耳を通し、そして身体全体で、色々なことをセミナーの場で感じ学んでいくのです。そういう時間と空間の必要性から、セミナーが開催されてきたということです。

Q. Why do seminars need to be held?

A. The world is full of information. However, of all such information, how much leads you to the truth? I believe there is none. That’s right, none. None at all. There is a considerable variety of information in this world. The present can be described as an internet era. If we want to know more about or search for something, the internet can provide us with various information. We obtain and base our everyday life on such information. Such information must be useful and convenient for life.

However, all such information is useless and meaningless when seen from the perspective of the true world. First, everyone needs to understand that with their head. To help everyone understand that by having them study the truth first with their head, there needs to be a place where everyone can gather, secluded from everyday life for a while. In this way, the need for reserving some time and place led to the current seminars, which for instance are held over two nights and three days.

One may ask, “Then, instead of staying over for a few nights, can’t we gather in some place, spend a certain amount of time on studying, and then return home to everyday life?” Unfortunately, that would not allow us to smoothly switch our head from everyday life to seminar mode. The first step is to switch our head. We need to seclude ourselves from everyday life at least for two to three days, to switch our head and focus on the true world so that we can sense various things with our eyes, ears, and entire body. This need for time and space is the reason seminars are held.

Q. なぜ、今世、日本の国でセミナーが開催されたのですか?

A. それは真実の世界が、肉という形を持って日本の国に生まれてきたからです。では、なぜ真実の世界が、この小さな島国、日本に肉という形を持ってきたのでしょうか。それは、今、セミナーではっきりと申しています通り、アマテラスの供養にあります。アマテラスとは闇黒の宇宙を指しますが、それぞれの心に広げてきた闇黒の宇宙アマテラスを、温かな安らぎに、愛の方向にいざなっていけるように成長していくために、この日本の国に、田池留吉という意識の世界が肉という形を持ってきたんです。もともと、田池留吉の意識の世界というのは、真実の世界ですから、三次元で肉という形を持つ必要はありませんでした。その一方で、私達は形の世界を本物として長い間転生を繰り返してきました。その私達に真実を伝えるためには、まず、私達と同じ肉という形を持って、私達の目の前に現れてということが必要でした。結果、私達は自分の目を通し耳を通し学ばせていただきました。その肉から色々なことを伝えていただきました。まさにそれは、真実の世界に、私達がなるべくすうっと入っていけるような環境づくりです。私達と同じ次元で形を持つということが大きな役目を果たしました。

Q. Why were seminars held in Japan this lifetime?

A. That is because the true world was born into a physical body as Tomekichi Taike in Japan.
You may also want to know why the true world chose a small island country, i.e. Japan, for itself to be born in.

As I clearly stated in past seminars, that is for the need to let Amaterasu repose. Amaterasu is a dark universe. Tomekichi Taike, the world of consciousness, was born into a physical body in Japan so that everyone can study and be able to lead their dark universe of Amaterasu filling their heart toward warmth, peace, and love.

Since Tomekichi Taike’s world of consciousness is the true world, it originally did not need to be born into a third-dimensional physical body. On the other hand, we have been transmigrating (reincarnating and repeatedly having lives) for an extremely long time with the belief that the material world is the true world. Since his aim was to pass on the truth to us, i.e. believers of the material world, Tomekichi Taike needed a physical body so that he could appear in front of us. Thanks to Tomekichi Taike, we were able to learn from him with our eyes and ears. The world of consciousness taught us many things through Tomekichi Taike’s physical body. Tomekichi Taike prepared a favorable environment for us to switch our head smoothly and focus on the true world. Existing at the same level as us by being born into a physical body served a significant role.

The world of true consciousness chose Japan from all the countries on this planet. On a second thought, it did not only choose Japan but that was the flow of consciousness. The flow of consciousness sends us a message about dimensional migration. The message says, “Let’s migrate beyond this dimension.” To do so, we must turn our world of vibrations from the dark universe to mother universe.
Please start with Amaterasu. Amaterasu is one of the dark universes. Taking Amaterasu down is extremely important. That is why the true world was born into a physical body in this island country Japan, the country of Amaterasu, the country of God, and held seminars for more than 30 years.

Q. かつては全国各地でセミナーが開かれていたと聞きました。

A. かつては全国各地でセミナーが開かれていました。日本だけではなくて、アメリカでもセミナーがありました、そして今は、一部の地域、関西でしかセミナーはありません。大阪を中心として、滋賀県、三重県、奈良県の各県でセミナーが行われています。その他に地域の人達が学ぶ場は、それぞれ各地に小規模でありますが、セミナーが開催されているのは、UTAホール大宝、UTAホール志摩があります。いずれも大阪と三重です。関西に偏っています。それはなぜなのでしょうか。全国各地で開催されてきたセミナーがなぜ関西に集約されているのでしょうか。

Q. I’ve heard that seminars used to be held all around Japan. Why are they only be held in certain parts of Japan now?

A. Seminars used to be held all around Japan. They were held not only in Japan but also in the United States. Now seminars are only held in some areas of the Kansai region; mainly in Osaka and also in Shiga, Mie, and Nara. There are also small seminars held by communities in UTA Hall in Daiho,Osaka and UTA Hall in Shima,Mie. The former locations are in Osaka, the latter in Mie; both are in the Kansai region. Is this a coincidence? Why are seminars, which used to be held all around Japan, now only held in Kansai region.

That is because the study progressed to an advanced level. When the study initially began, though the purpose was not to spread it, seminars were held all around Japan so that people who wanted to know the truth, the reason they were born, and the cause behind their suffering could study. Over the years, seminars came to be held only in certain parts of the country and then only in the Kansai region.

The basic principle of this study is to welcome anyone who comes, but not chase after those who leave. We do not go around handing out invitations. The study is only for learning the truth. There is no need for recruiting people to make the study larger.

We followed the basic principle, and the study progressed to an advanced level. It is now at a level where only people serious about the study are studying. While the study is difficult, more and more people are beginning to feel it with their heart, and the study is progressing forward with such people. That is why there no longer is a need to recruit new people. The foundation for the study has formed. The study’s foundation for 250 years from now has formed. That is why there is no need to hold seminars all around Japan anymore.

Q. セミナーでは、どのようなことをしているのですか?

A. セミナーは、原則2泊3日の日程で開催されています。セミナーに参加されている人達の殆どは、すでに20年、30年と学んでおられるので、学びとはどういうものなのかという知識は十分にあります。ですから、今は、セミナーは、自分の心で感じる、自分の心で分かるという実践の場と考えています。頭で理解した学びが、どの程度、自分の心で分かっているかを、それぞれが確認して、自分の学びの歩みを前へ前へ進めていくことを目標にしています。具体的には、一回のセミナーで、5時間半または6時間、セミナー会場に集合して、ともに瞑想をしています。セミナー会場の広さによりますが、一グループに20名~30名ずつ前に出ていただいて、自分の心で感じていくという瞑想をします。その時間はそれぞれ3分~4分程度です。今はこの瞑想をワン・ツー・スリーの瞑想と言って、学びの友と取り組んでいます。ワン・ツー・スリーのスリーで思いを向けていくということですが、最初は、自分の心の底の底の奥底に向けて瞑想をしています。それが一巡すれば、次に、自分の中のアマテラスに向けて瞑想をしています。その他その時々によって、思いの向け先を変えて瞑想をするということもやっています。このように、セミナーの時間の大半は、ワン・ツー・スリーの瞑想に費やしますが、みんなとふるさとの歌(替え歌)を歌いながら、それぞれの中の喜びのエネルギーを知っていくという時間も用意しています。

Q. What does everyone do at a seminar?

A. In principle, seminars are held over two nights and three days. Most of the seminar participants have already been studying for 20 to 30 years, so they have enough knowledge on the study.

Therefore, now, seminars are held for participants to feel the study with their heart and to understand it through practice. The aim is to have everyone advance their learning further by having them check how much their heart understands what they understood with their head.

In one seminar, participants gather in a hall to meditate together for a total of five-and-a-half to six hours. Though depending on the size of the hall, a group of about 20 to 30 people are called to the middle of the room and asked to feel the study with their heart through meditation. Each group is given about three to four minutes.

We call this sort of meditation “meditation 1, 2, and 3” and practice it together. In meditation 1, 2, and 3, I ask participants to first turn their thoughts toward the very bottom of their heart. After all groups go through their first turn of meditation 1, 2, and 3, I next ask participants to turn their thoughts toward their inner-heart Amaterasu. In addition, I sometimes ask participants to turn their thoughts toward some other subjects.

In this way, we spend most of our seminar time on meditation 1, 2, and 3; however, we also spend some time on familiarizing ourselves with the energy of joy while singing (a self-written version of) Furusato.

Q. 宗教ではないのですか? 宗教とはどう違うのですか?

A. 学びは宗教ではありません。全く違います。宗教には拝む対象物があります。いわゆる宗教団体の組織図はピラミッド形式です。頂点に教祖、あるいは指導者と呼ばれる人がいます。頂点に立っているのだから、その人は偉い人なんです。ここでぴしっと区別をつけて仰ぎ見るように仕向けます。様々な名目で多額のお金が吸い上げられていきます。勧誘もしなければなりません。以上、いくつか例を挙げましたが、この学びには、それらは一切ありません。このように、形の上からも学びは、宗教ではないことは明白です。そして、学びと宗教の世界の最も重要な唯一の違いは、基盤が違うという点です。では、基盤とは何か、基盤が違うとはどういうことなのかについては、あなた自身が自分の心で学んでいくべきことです。

Q. Isn’t the study a type of religion? How is it not a religion?

A. This study is not a religion. It is not religion in any way.

Religions have something or some person to worship. Religious groups are structured pyramidically. At the top is the founder or leader. Positioned at the top, the founder/leader is superior to all others. This distinction is clearly drawn so that all others look up to the founder/leader. Under the pretext of one thing or another, religions collect large amounts of money. Followers are required to recruit new members.

These are a few examples typical of religions, which do not exist in this study. In this way, the basic structure of this study completely differs from that of religions.

In addition, the greatest difference between this study and religions is the foundation on which they each lie. What the foundation of this study is, and what it means that the foundation of this study differs from that of any religion are things you need to learn with your heart.

Q. 田池留吉氏が伝えてきたことが、本当のことだと、どうしてわかるのですか? 

A. まず初めにお伝えします。科学は万能ではありません。科学ですべてのことを解き明かすことができるとあなたが思っておられるならば、それは大きな間違いです。科学では解き明かせないことがあるんです。科学はある一定のところまでしか解き明かせません。そして、そのある一定のところを超えた世界、その世界が真実の世界なのです。その真実の世界を科学で解き明かすことは不可能です。

Q. How can you tell that what Tomechiki Taike has been passing on is the truth? How can you be sure of something that cannot be proved scientifically?

A. First of all, science cannot prove everything. If you think that science can prove everything, please know that you are wrong. There are things that science cannot prove. There is a limit to the world that science is capable of proving; the world that lies just beyond that limit is the true world. It is impossible to prove anything about the true world with science.

Now, as for the answer to the question “How can you tell that what Tomechiki Taike has been passing on is the truth?”, that is something that you can tell with your heart.

Please allow your heart to become sensitive; allow it to truly become sensitive. If your heart points in the exact same direction as the true world, i.e. Tomekichi Taike, your heart will know that Tomekichi Taike has been passing on the truth. Your heart will know that only what Tomekichi Taike has been passing on was true, that the truth was what he was saying.

Nothing is more certain than this, because this is something you can tell with your own heart. Please first allow your heart to become sensitive enough; if you do, you will be convinced of what the truth is. Nothing is more important than knowing the truth with your own heart. Please first allow your heart to become truly sensitive.

Q. 今世において、この学びの内容を知る必要があるのでしょうか。

A. 必要があるのか否かと言えば、必要があります。しかし、これはそれぞれの計画なんです。今世この学びに出会うか出会わないか、それはそれぞれに計画を立てています。そして、これから250年に至る時間の中で、真実の波動の世界と出会えるか出会えないか、それはそれぞれの計画です。出会えるか出会えないかというのは、単なる出会いではなくて、出会っていても、素直に反応しなければ出会えないということになります。

Q. Do we need to know about this study in this lifetime?

A. Yes. But, each and every one of us has our own plan. Whether one will come across this study or not has been planned by oneself. Whether one will come to know the true world of vibration during the next 250 years also depends on one’s plan. However, even if one comes across this study, unless one feels the true world of vibration, one will not come to know it.

Since all consciousnesses exist within the flow of consciousness, all consciousnesses are given equal chances at everything. How much of one’s chance one uses for turning his/her thoughts toward the truth completely depends on him/herself. In the sense that one’s choice is one’s responsibility, we are all given equal chances at everything.

It is not a matter of whether one needs to know about this study or not; rather, if one comes to know about this study, he/she will feel truly thankful with his/her heart to his/her mother. Those who came across this study and are practicing it, i.e. those who have repeatedly had experiences that can only be enjoyed by heart, are living extremely happily.

The hearts of all others, no matter how wealthy they are in the material world, are poor inside. They suffer inside, feeling an emptiness, because their world of consciousness has not come to know their true selves. All consciousnesses have their own plan for coming to know their world of consciousness. We all exist within the flow of consciousness.

Please pursue your study in the right direction so that you too can come to know the flow of consciousness with your heart. Knowing about the study only with your head does not do any good; you must come to know the truth with your heart.