3. 他力の反省について / Reflection on one’s thoughts toward outer sources of powers


  As is reflection on one’s thoughts toward one’s mother, reflection on one’s thoughts toward outer sources of powers is also one of the most basic practices of this study.
  To reflect on outer sources of powers is not a matter of thinking “what I did was wrong.” What matters is the thoughts we had when we looked up to religious founders, enshrined deities, or put our hands together in prayer; we must look into our thoughts. Even if one practices this study of the heart, one will not improve in any way, unless one changes his/her thoughts.
  In this section, Ms. Kayo Shiokawa will offer some messages from the world of consciousness as answers to some questions that may arise while reflecting on one’s thoughts toward outer sources of powers.

Q. 他力信仰とは何を指すのですか?

A. 一般的には、どこかの教団に属して、そこで伝えられている教えを真剣に学ぶとか、その教団の教祖、指導者に教えを仰ぐとか、そういうことです。ですが、それだけではありません。他力信仰というのは、私達の生活に密接に関わり、深く浸透しています。たとえば、仏壇に手を合わせる、お墓参りをする、占ってもらう、太陽を見ればご来光として拝む、星に願いを込める、その他祈りを捧げる対象物を持つのもそうです。家族が平穏に暮らせますように、一年何事も起きませんようにと参拝する思い、無事安泰を願う思い、五穀豊穣を祈願する行事、そのような思い、行事は、生活の隅々にまで行き渡っています。

Q. What does it mean to believe in outer sources of powers?

A. Generally, it means to belong to some religious group and seriously learn its teachings or learn from its founder or leader. However, that is not all. Occasions to follow beliefs in outer sources of powers are deeply spread across our everyday life. Praying to a Buddhist altar, visiting someone’s grave, having your fortune told, worshipping sunrises, praying to the stars or having anything else to pray to are all examples of believing in outer sources of powers. Our everyday life is full of occasions for paying homage to pray for a peaceful year, the health of one’s family members, safety, and stability, and of events to wish for abundant harvest.
  There is a more serious form of belief, i.e. training. Running around the mountains, standing underneath a waterfall, and fasting are forms of physical abuse practiced under the pretext of training. There is no kindness in such forms of training. From training, I only feel cold-hearted thoughts solely interested in expressing one’s dominant powers.
  As described above, what beliefs in outer sources of powers have in common is that the thoughts of their practitioners are focused outward. Whether wishing for something or praying to someone, one is ultimately interested in becoming happy and is asking for happiness. However, in doing so, he/she is turning his/her thoughts outward by wishing or praying; that is what is wrong. Of course, the direction that people turn their thoughts toward when training is also completely wrong. People turn their thoughts outward without knowing what lies in that direction. Does God or Buddha really exist? Do you really believe that in some place way beyond where humans exist are God and/or Buddha?
  Believing in outer sources of powers is foolish. Having a deep religious devotion is not a good thing. It’s not admirable; it’s wrong. Our belief in outer sources of powers can lead us to destruction. Are you ready to pay the price?

Q. 今世は、他力信仰をしていませんが、

A. 他力信仰。狭い意味で今世なさっていないかもしれません。しかし、前の質問にもありましたように、他力信仰とは、私達の日常生活に密接に関わっています。あなたは、ご先祖様といって仏壇に手を合わせたり、お墓参りをしたりということが一度もないんですか。お正月に神社にお参りしたことはないんですか。おみくじを引いたことはないんですか。占いはどうですか。色々と、これまでを振り返ったとき、日頃何気なくやってきたことが、すべて他力信仰の思いと同じ根っこで繋がっているということを知ってください。色々なことをやってきたでしょう。なぜそういうことをしてきたのかということを、自分に聞いてください。それが広い意味での他力信仰の反省です。たとえば、なぜ、仏壇に手を合わせたのか、なぜお墓参りをしたのか、なぜお正月に神社にお参りをしたのか、そういうところを自分の心に聞いてみてください。あなたの中に、答えが出てくるはずです。無事安泰を祈る心、願う心、幸せになりたい心等々、あなたの中に山ほどあるでしょう。その心、その思いはいったいどこから来るのか、なぜ出てくるのでしょうか。

Q.I have not believed in any outer source of power in this lifetime.
 How should I reflect on my thoughts toward outer sources of powers?

A. In a narrow sense, you may have not followed a belief in outer sources of powers in this lifetime. However, as I said in my answer to the preceding question, occasions to follow beliefs in outer sources of powers are deeply spread across our everyday life. Have you never prayed to your ancestors in front of a Buddhist altar or visited someone’s grave? Have you never paid homage to a shrine on New Year’s Day? Have you never drawn an omikuji fortune paper? Have you never gone to a fortune teller? Please look back at your everyday life including things you may have done without much intent and notice how everything stems from the same root growing from the energy of believing in outer sources of powers. You must have done so many things. Please ask yourself why you have done them. That is reflecting on your thoughts turned toward believing in outer sources of powers in the broad sense. Please ask your heart why you prayed in front of a Buddhist altar, visited someone’s grave, paid homage to a shrine on News Year’s Day. Answers will come to you. There must be so many prayers for safety and stability, wishes for happiness, and more inside you. Why are you so full of prayers and wishes and where do they come from?

Q. 神は存在しないのですか?

A. 神は存在しません。ただし、神は存在しませんというところの神のとらえ方がずっと間違ってきたということを付け加えた上で、神は存在しませんということになります。そうです。私達は神のとらえ方を間違い続けてきました。神の世界を特別視してきたのです。そのような神の世界は存在しないということになります。それではどのような世界が神の世界というのでしょうか。それは、あなたの中の本当の優しさ、温もり、喜び、愛の世界、すなわち本当の自分の世界ということになります。それを強いて言うならば、神と表現していいかもいれません。しかし、神と言えば従来からの神と言葉が同じなので紛らわしいです。だから、私達、この学びに触れた者は、今は神という言葉は極力使わないようにしています。愛ですね。私達は愛、喜び、温もりと表現しましょう。

Q. Does God not exist? 
  Why is it wrong to worship or enshrine deities and pray to them?

A. God does not exist. However, please let me add that God does not exist in the sense that all of us have for long mistakenly believed in. That’s right, we mistakenly believed in God. We believed that God existed in a special world. I am saying that there is no special world where God exists. Then, what kind of world could be called the world of God? The world of God comprises your true kindness, warmth, joy, and world of love, i.e. your true world. If we need to call something God, I would say God is your true world. However, if we use the word “God,” since this word has been mistakenly used for long, it could become misleading. Therefore, in this study, we try not to use the word “God” as best as we can. Instead, we say love. Let’s express ourselves as love, joy, and warmth.
  The world of God referred to in general is a world that human beings created with pure greed. Its vibrations are dark. However, in general, its treated as sacred. Such a world of God does not exist anywhere. We had referred to such world as if it existed. We were foolish. That is why we say God is great and easily commit murder. However, that is understandable, since we did not know about the true world of vibrations.
  The more we worship, enshrine deities, and pray to the dark world, i.e. the world that we created out of pure greed, the darker energy we emit. Please be able to understand this fact with your heart.

Q. なぜ、お葬式やお墓、仏壇が必要ないのですか?

A. いわゆるお寺のお坊さんを呼んでというお葬式は必要ありません。しかし、私達は死ねばその肉体の処置が必要です。肉体を放置するわけにはいきません。きちんとした決まり事で肉体を処理しなければなりません。そういう手続きは必要です。それ以外は必要ありません。いわゆるお葬式やお墓、仏壇、戒名など全く必要ありません。

Q. Why do we not need funerals, graves, and Buddhist altars?

A. Funerals, the kinds where you request a Buddhist priest, are unnecessary. However, we do need to take care of our body when we die. We cannot just leave our body lying around after death. We must follow standard procedures and take care of our body. Such procedures are necessary. However, allothers are unnecessary; we do not need any funeral, grave, altar, and dharma name at all.
  We die but still exist. We simply lose our physical body when we die. To be alive means to have a physical body. However, we are not our physical body. We are invisible consciousnesses, vibrations, and energies. Whether we are alive or dead, our vibrations and energies exist; however, the same cannot be said about our physical body. Our physical body has a time limit; so, it will decay over time and require treatment after death. The current treatment is cremation. All we need to do is cremate our body. There is no need for a grave or altar. What do people put in a grave. Bones? But, bones are not us. The idea that we become bones after death is wrong. We exist even after death. We exist as consciousnesses, vibrations, and energies. It is ridiculous to spend large amounts of money on graves and altars. The same goes for dharma names. The world is full of so many wrong ideas. People’s thoughts that their physical bodies are their true selves, such thoughts lead them to the wrong ideas that something bad will happen, if they mistreat such things as graves and altars. Don’t you have such thoughts inside you? Please reflect on those thoughts.

Q. 日本で暮らす上で、初詣や七五三、結婚式、お葬式と、生まれてから死ぬまで、神道から仏教まで、様々な行事が生活と深く関わっています。他力がいけないとなると、生活そのものが難しくなると考えてしまいますが……。

A. そうですね。初詣等、様々な行事が私達の日常生活に深く関わっています。そういう行事が他力のエネルギーと繋がっているということを知ったあなたは、他力がいけないのなら、そのような行事に臨むことはいけないことだ、しかし、そうなれば生活そのものがぎくしゃくすると判断されているようです。学びをしていくについて、そういうものを止めていくべきなのか、それとも、いけないと知りつつ、世の中の流れの中で難なくやり過ごしていこうかと迷われているようです。

Q. Life to death in Japan has deep connections with such various Shinto
and Buddhism events as Hatsumode (first Shinto shrine visit following New Year’s Day), shichi-go-san (celebration of ages 3, 5, and 7), and weddings and funerals. Wouldn’t life in Japan become impossible, if believing in outer sources of powers becomes a taboo?

A. Yes, life in Japan has deep connections with such events as Hatsumode. Now that you know such events are related to believing in outer sources of powers, you seem to be thinking that since it’s wrong to believe in outer sources of powers, participating in such events is also wrong; however, that would make life in Japan difficult to live. You seem to be confused whether you should stop participating in such events since you began this study or play along with the general public though you know that is wrong.
Do you know with your heart that believing in outer sources of powers is wrong? Do you feel that’s wrong? Aren’t you saying, “No,” to such events only because you know this with your head? If you begin to feel with your heart the sheerness of energies related to believing in outer sources of powers, you will naturally begin to want to quit participating in all such events. Choosing to participate in such events while practicing this study is double-dealing. It is not only double-dealing; it is a state impossible to achieve. In other words, choosing to live in harmony with the general public’s common sense is choosing to live your life in the same way as you always have been. This study is life. This study is life itself. The most important thing in this study is to make a 180 degree turn in your thoughts and beliefs held on to while transmigrating, i.e. a turn from believing in the physical world to believing in the world of consciousness. However, this turn is something that each and every one of us must truly feel with our heart. It requires feeling your own energy, your energy that you have been emitting while pursuing outer sources of powers. Unless you feel such energies with your heart, you will continue to believe that you are your physical body, remain unhappy, and transmigrate once again uncapable of freeing oneself from the muddy stream of one’s own dark energy.