5. 日々の生活の中で… / In your everyday life


  In your everyday life, your heart moves between feelings. If you allow yourself to be caught up with your work, housework, or child care and do not look into your heart, you cannot say that you’re pursuing this study of looking into one’s heart.
  This is not to say that you don’t need to work, do housework, or bring up your child. If you make it a habit to look into your heart all the while it moves between feelings during your work and everyday life, you are reflecting on your everyday life.
  In this section, Ms. Kayo Shiokawa will offer some messages from the world of consciousness as answers to some questions that one may have regarding everyday life.

Q. 日々の生活の中で、嬉しい、楽しいと感じることもあるのに、

A. その嬉しさは、形の世界を中心とした嬉しさだからです。日々の中で、色々と感じる嬉しさ、楽しさは一過性のものだと考えてください。状況が変われば、それらの嬉しさ、楽しさは、たちまちのうちに悲しみ、苦しみに変わっていくのではないでしょうか。

Q. In my everyday life, I sometimes feel joy and happiness,
  but they don’t last forever. Why could that be?

A. That is because your joy and happiness are based on the physical world. Please know that all joy and happiness we feel in our everyday life are temporary. Just with a change in circumstances, such joy and happiness will most likely change to sadness and pain.

True happiness completely differs. Happiness that rings the heart when one expands his/her world of consciousness never disappears. This is because such happiness is real. Such happiness comes from being able to feel truly happy with one’s thoughts that he/she is living in this world. No one can ever feel such happiness as long as they base their life on the physical world.

Q. 心は常に動いているということですが、いつも心を見ていたら、

A. 日常の生活や仕事に影響するような心の見方とはどのようなものですか。心を見るとは、出した思いを分析することではないんです。よしあしを判断することではないんです。

Q. Since you say that our heart is always moving between feelings, if we look into our heart all the time, will that not adversely affect our veryday life or life at our workplace?

A. How can looking into your heart adversely affect your every life or life at your workplace; what kind of way of looking into your heart do you have in mind? To look into your heart does not mean to analyze your thoughts you emit. It does not mean to evaluate your thoughts. We can look into our heart the instant it moves between feelings while doing anything.

What is important is whether one plans to simply leave his/her thoughts as they are after looking into his/her heart, accumulate more dark thoughts on top of the thoughts looked into, or turn their thoughts around in the correct direction.

Q. 苦しいとはどういうことですか? 苦しいということがわかりません。

A. 人を責めたり裁いたり、人を見下したり馬鹿にしたり、その反対に人に媚びへつらったり、恨んだり怒ったり、愚痴、不満、文句を言ったり、その他にもまだまだたくさんあるでしょう。寂しいとか悲しいとか辛いという思いをあなたは経験したことがないですか。これらの思いはみんな苦しい思いです。このような思いを出しているにもかかわらず、あなたは自分が苦しいということが分からないと言っています。それはなぜなのでしょうか。あなたの心には暗い重い思いがどっしりと残っています。それが苦しいと感じないのはなぜなのでしょうか。あまりにも肉に埋もれてしまっているからです。そんなのは当たり前、生きていれば色々とあって、それが人間の感情だとやり過ごしてしまっているのです。当たり前ではないんです。異常なんです。喜び以外の思いは全部、ブラックの思いです。それをまずしっかりと認識してください。そして、ブラックの思いを無造作に出してきた自分でしたと知ってください。私は肉だという基盤の上にいる限り、ブラックの思いを垂れ流し状態です。それがいったい何を意味するのか、あなたは自分の心で知っていかなければならないでしょう。

Q. What is meant by suffering thoughts?
  I don’t understand what “suffering thoughts” mean.

A. Don’t you ever blame people, judge others, look down on people, make fun of others or, on the other hand, ingratiate yourself with people, hold grudge against others, become upset, or complain about things?

Haven’t you ever felt lonely, sad, or painful? All of these feelings are suffering thoughts. You must have these kinds of suffering thoughts and yet you don’t know that you’re having them. Why could that be?

Everyone has a lot of dark depressing thoughts. Why don’t such thoughts make us suffer? That is because we are too deeply immersed in our everyday physical life. We ignore such suffering thoughts as one of the many emotions that everyone normally feels in life. However, having suffering thoughts is not normal; its abnormal. All thoughts other than joy are dark. Please realize that.

In addition, please know that you have always been expressing such dark thoughts. As long as you base yourself on the physical world, you will continue to express dark thoughts. What that means is something you need to come to know with your heart.

Q. この世の中で、どのように生きていけばよいのですか?

A. あなたの思うように生きてください。何もかもあなたの思い通りにいかないのが人生だと分かります。色々な人との出会い、様々な出来事から、頭を打って、躓いて、悩んで、苦しんで、それでも生きてください。

Q. What kind of life should I live?

A. Live your life as you wish; then, you will know that everything does not turn out as you expect. Meet all kinds of people and experience all kinds of things only to cause yourself problems, stumble into trouble, give yourself a headache, and struggle through life. However, live your life.

Live your life positively, seriously asking yourself why you were born. If someday you begin to truly want to know why you were born, please begin this study. In addition, if you do choose to begin this study, please focus all your attention on it. Please face this study with determination.

Q. 自分を供養するとは一体どういうことでしょうか?

A. 私達は、今の自分のひとつの肉体を指して自分だというのではないことは、もうすでに知っておられると思います。自分の中にはたくさんの自分が蠢いていること、それらを全部ひっくるめて私なんだと、それぞれが自分の心で感じられるようになれば、その自分の中に蠢いている自分をどうすればいいのか、自ずと心で分かります。そうです。苦しんでいる自分に伝えることがあります。本当の優しさに触れてください。本当の温もりを心に広げてください。その中で、もう苦しまなくてもいいよ、帰れるところがあったんだよとはっきりと力強く、しかしどこまでも優しく優しく伝えていくことが、自分を受け入れていくということです。まず、自分を受け入れていくことが、自分を供養する第一歩です。苦しみから喜びへ自分を自分でいざなってください。

Q. What does it mean to let yourself repose?

A. I believe you already know that you’re not the only self in your physical body. Many other past selves live inside you and you are yourself including those many other past selves. If you are able to understand that with your heart, you will come to know what you need to do with your other past selves. That’s right, there is something you need to pass on to your other past suffering selves. Please come to know what true kindness is and fill your heart with true warmth; then, please pass on to your other past selves that they no longer need to suffer, that there was a home for them to return to. Let them know that firmly but also kindly, accepting yourself. The first step to allowing yourself to repose is accepting yourself. Please lead yourself from pain to joy.