



The central pillars of the work of looking into your heart are "Reflection on the Mother" and "Reflection on Reliance on External Faith." The same heart that sought salvation and power from external gods has been directed toward your mother in this lifetime.

The initials of the person who selected this phrase/(TU)


When you call out "Mother" in your heart, what feelings arise within you? Begin by honestly and sincerely writing those feelings down in a notebook, just as they are. It's important to express your thoughts without deceiving yourself, without embellishing them—simply as they come.



In other words, through your mother, through encounters with others, and through various events, you are actually encountering yourself. This is something you will come to understand with your heart through the process of looking into it.



As you repeatedly experience feelings of joy, pain, hardship, sadness, and loneliness over time, you will begin to see this: I am here, together with these many emotions. I am the one who feels and carries all these thoughts within me.



Within your heart, countless parts of yourself are calling out, saying, "Please listen to us, please help us, please save us." These voices manifest on the surface through illness and various life events.



It is important to look into your own heart, to recognize the thoughts and feelings you have released, to become aware of your mistakes, and then to accept yourself—just as you are—with your heart.



To look into your heart means to become aware of the many thoughts and feelings within you. The people around you and the events that occur in your life draw these feelings out from within you.

Those feelings are, in fact, you. They emerge because they already exist within your heart.

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Only humans have continued to release harsh, dark, and cold vibrations into this universe.



The warmth of the Mother Universe will never fade away. That warmth responds to you from within, speaking to the part of you that is earnestly striving to live.



Illness is not something to fight against but something to accept. When you face illness, turn your attention to the cells of your body. From your body's cells, no thoughts of causing you suffering are flowing. Instead, they are gently urging you to recognize your mistakes and to let kindness flow within you. Your body's cells are simply conveying this message to you.



If you continue the practice of looking into your own heart, the warmth of the Mother Universe will resurface within everyone's heart. The thick walls that have been built up will gradually—sometimes even in an instant—disappear.



The vibrations flowing from all living beings, except humans, are filled with kindness and warmth. This is because they all inherently know the truth.



Can you understand this framework? Everything that seems inconvenient to your physical self is actually good. Everything you perceive as negative is, in reality, positive.



Can you not consider that it is not the body that is truly alive, but the heart that is living?



Do not perceive an event merely as a physical form; instead, feel it as a vibration.


16) お母さんのお腹を通って生れて来たということは、その時にお母さんの思い、母の温もりに触れてきたということです。




