
Why were you born?
What is the purpose of this present time?
Do you know your true self?
What does your existence mean?
Do you know what state you will be in after you die?

Everyone, let’s gather. Let’s gather within the circle of UTA.
Those who have a physical form and those who don’t; our friends in space. Everyone, let’s return together to love, our true home inside our heart.

( Translated by Akiko Otsuki )



Do you practice meditation to turn your heart to the universe and think of the universe?
I am very happy when I only think of the universe. Thankful feelings resonate in my heart. I am really joyful as I have my thoughts trying to return to mother’s warmth and my joyful self from the darkness continuously wrong and crazed. The joyful invitation stirs up joy. Consequently the physical world will collapse. The voice and thoughts almost screaming, what the true lives are, swirl around in the total breakdown. It is the time from now to find our true natures.
The physical world collapses but it is the beginning. It is the beginning toward the truth. Let us learn to realize our true natures in the final stage of three dimensional world and take off together.
It is joyful departure. Let us go forward into joy and warmth.
It was the study planned to have physical beings for us who have no physical forms and realize our true natures in three dimensional world.
We have received the message through the physical being of Tomekichi Taike as it becomes a little more now. Let us respond to the call and invitation from the flow of consciousness and go through this lifetime and some more transmigrations and definitely meet in the final stage.

It is the country of Amateras, Japan. More Amateras awakens to the true world within, more the country collapses. It is joyful. It has begun from the awakening of Amateras. It is the revolution of universe. The dark universe explodes with joy.
Finally the exit of long dark tunnel comes in the sight. The battling universe will cease soon. The revolution of universe will proceed further with explosive joy as we meet our true thoughts that have awaited it from the hearts. Nobody can stop the flow. Our thoughts will fit into one and move forward in the conscious and vibrational world.
We had the meeting in this lifetime. We appreciate it from our hearts. We were conveyed straight the thoughts that was awaited. It was gentle mother’s warmth asking to come home. It has finally reached into our resistive hearts.

( Translated by Ichitaro Makimura )


*igo, non-lingual sounds
The igo, non-lingual sounds, is neither Japanese nor English, nor is it any other language; it is a cosmic language, so to speak. The igo is the language of vibrations that awaken feelings of nostalgia. I react to these vibrations, the rhythm of the igo. The more I react to the igo the more receptive I become. Try to make a sound with your mouth, just try it. Something like the igo will come out without you knowing it.
There is no exact language to the igo – however you react and receive it is acceptable.

( Kayo Shiokawa / Translated by Hideo Watanabe)



The thoughts that come up in my heart are already limited. Oh, this is how I should always check it in my heart and spend my daily time with thankfulness for the present time where I can do so. I am spending a day like this.

It was in this life that I finally, finally felt and knew in my heart the depth of the thought that made me have a physical form, had a physical form, and was given a physical form.

I tell myself over and over again that I am glad, thank you, I am happy.

Of course, this brings up dark thoughts from within. Oh, this is how I should open up myself more and more and move on, and now I am preparing for a relaxing and quiet time and space for that. I think of the final period. I am just grateful for the plan of the flow of consciousness.

3655) 心の中に出てくる思いはもう限られています。ああ、こうしていつもいつも自分の中で確認していればいいんだ、そうできる今にありがとうで日々の時間を通過していけばいいんだ、そんな一日、一日を過ごしています。

3655) The thoughts that arise within my heart are now limited. Ah, I should always confirm them within myself like this, and be grateful for being able to do so, passing through each day with appreciation. I am spending my days like that, day by day.

In this lifetime, I have finally, at long last, come to deeply feel and understand in my heart the profound meaning behind being given a physical body, bringing this body into existence, and receiving this physical form.

Again and again, I tell myself, "I am joyful, I am grateful, I am happy."

Of course, this also draws forth the deep, dark thoughts from within. But I see that it is through opening myself up ever more that I move forward. Now, I have created a space and time of peace and quiet within. I reflect on the final stage. All I can do is feel deep gratitude for the plan of the flow of consciousness.

It is limited to the thoughts coming up in heart. I pass everyday with thoughts that it is good to confirm it always within me in this way and pass the daily time thankfully for the present time to be able to do it.
It is this lifetime that I could finally learn in heart the depth of thoughts to have given birth, physical being and had the physical being.
I convey repeatedly to me that I am happy, joyful and thankful.
Obviously, it calls over dark thoughts from within me. I have provided calm time and space for me to move forward within me. I think of the final stage. I just appreciate the plan of flow of consciousness.
The emotions that come up in my present consciousness are already limited. Oh, I always should just check what is in my consciousness, I should just be grateful that I can do so now and spend my daily time in this way. That's how I spend my days.
My consciousness has finally felt and known in this life the depth of my desire to have the opportunity to dwell in the body and the desire to maintain the physical body. I repeat telling my own consciousness, "I am happy, thank you, I am happy."
Of course, this desire attracts darker feelings that are in my consciouness. My consciousness has now prepared a relaxed, quiet time and space as "Oh, I should just release my consciousness in this way and advance this work more and more." I imagine the events that will happen on Earth during the final period of this three-dimensional world. Then I just feel grateful for the plan that is in the stream of consciousness.

I deeply feel happiness and gratitude. And also feel “Finally! At last!” I am truly happy that I have prepared myself for this moment, that I have come to such a time, and that my thoughts are resonating in my heart as a reality.

I sincerely hope that I can really walk forward on the straight path cheerfully, happily with joy, feeling thank you and thank you. I just want to move my steps forward together with such friends. I am happy to be able to move forward.

Let’s make our hearts one with Taike Tomekichi and Albert, and get to know our foolishness with joy, and from there, let us truly live our lives just seeing the straight path return to joy, return to love. Understand clearly in our hearts the reason for our existence and just walk on this path. Let’s expand the world of such thoughts.
3654) 嬉しい、ありがとうをしみじみ感じています。そしてまた、ようやくようやく、やっとやっとという思いもそうです。今という時を自分に用意してきた、迎えられた、自分の思いが現実のものとして心に響いている、ああ本当に嬉しい、よかったと思っています。

3654) I deeply feel happiness and gratitude. Along with this, there’s also a sense of "finally" and "at long last." I realize that I have prepared this moment for myself and now I am embracing it. My feelings are resonating in my heart as reality, and I feel truly happy and relieved.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope to continue walking this single, clear path with gratitude and joy, moving forward with enthusiasm and delight. I simply want to walk forward with companions who share this same path. It brings me happiness to be able to move forward together.

With a united heart with Taike Tomekichi and Albert, let's live our lives with joy, recognizing our own foolishness and then returning to true joy. Let us focus on this one path—the path of returning to love. When we clearly understand the reason for our existence in our hearts, this is the path, the only path. Let us expand this world of thought.

固有名詞:「田池留吉」はTaike Tomekichi

I feel joyful and thankful keenly. I also feel it comes finally. I think it was good and joyful that I have provided and met the present time when my thoughts resonate as real.
I really hope from my heart to go forward on the straight path thankfully, joyfully and cheerfully. I hope to go forward with such colleagues. I am happy to be able to go forward.
Let us unite the hearts with Tomekichi Taike, Albert, learn our stupid selves joyfully and look at the straight path returning to joy and love and carry on living. It is only the path when we learn in our hearts the reason for existence. Let us spread the world of such thoughts.
I am deeply feeling joy and gratitude. And I also feel that I have finally, finally, finally reached this feeling. It is resonating now in my consciousness the fact that it has prepared to transform the state of my consciousness for itself and realized the transformation at last. This means that my desire has become a reality, and makes me really happy and glad. 
I am grateful for that there is the only measure to change the state of my consciousness and really hope that I can carry out the measure gratefully, gladly, vigorously and joyfully. I only want to move forward with my colleagues who have the same hope. I am happy to be able to move forward.
Let us transform our consciousness the same as the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, just realize the folly of our consciousness with joy, and then live, concentrating our consciousness only on the only measure that will truly bring joy and love back into our consciousness. Let us proceed with this measure, after clearly realizing the reason for the existence of our consciousness. Let us expand the world of our consciousness in such a way.

I feel just grateful for having such a present moment where I can get to know my true world firmly and powerfully with my heart. I am happy and grateful when I think of it. Thank you, thank you, mother!

Because she gave me a physical form, because she gave birth to me, I can feel and expand the world of true vibrations within me like this. Nothing is happier and more fortunate than this. I've sunk deep into pitch-black darkness. How painful it was. And how empty and sad I was. It was all mine. It’s because I had abandoned my true self, that was love and had lost myself.

I was told it. I have received it. I was told it straight and I have received it. Oh, it has reached me. I was able to accept it. I had an encounter with something I could believe in. It was Albert. It was the vibrations of Albert. The universe changed. The universe awakened.
3653) 本当の自分の世界をしっかりと力強く心で知っていける、そんな今を迎えさせていただいたことに感謝、ありがとうしかありません。思えば嬉しい、ありがたいです。ただただありがとう、お母さんありがとうです。

3653) I am filled with gratitude, with nothing but thanks, for being able to fully and powerfully know the world of my true self in my heart, and for having been given this present moment. When I think about it, I am overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness. Simply, thank you—thank you, Mother.

Because you gave me this physical body, because you gave birth to me, I am now able to feel the vibrations of truth within myself and to expand this awareness. There is no greater blessing, no greater happiness. I had sunk to the deepest, darkest depths. It was so painful. And so unbearably empty and sad. But all of that was me. It was because I had abandoned and lost sight of my true self, my loving self.

You conveyed the truth. You delivered it to me. Straightforwardly and unwaveringly, you conveyed and delivered it. And it reached me. I was able to receive it. I encountered something I could believe in. It was Albert. It was Albert’s vibrations. The universe has changed. The universe has awakened.

I am filled with profound gratitude for having been granted this moment in which I can, with strength and clarity, come to know the world of my true self within my heart. There is no word but "thank you" to express the depth of my appreciation. When I reflect upon this, I am overwhelmed with a sense of joy and deep thankfulness. Simply, thank you—thank you, Mother.

Because you bestowed upon me this physical form, because you gave me life, I am now able to feel the vibrations of truth within and allow them to expand throughout my being. There can be no greater blessing, no greater joy. I had once sunk into the furthest, darkest depths. The agony was immense, the emptiness and sorrow unbearable. Yet, all of it was a part of me. It was because I had forsaken my true self, my self of love, and lost sight of who I truly was.

But you conveyed it to me. You delivered it. Straight and true, unwavering, you brought this truth to me. And it reached me. I was able to receive it, to accept it. I encountered something I could truly believe in. It was Albert. It was the vibration of Albert. The universe has changed. The universe has awakened.

(ChatGPTからの補足 ※このバージョンは、よりフォーマルなフレージングとやや古典的な曲調を用い、情感を高めています。)

 I am just thankful to meet the present time to be able to learn my true world in heart. I am joyful and thankful when I think of it. I am just thankful for mother.
I can feel and spread the true world of vibration as I was given birth and my physical being. There is nothing but such happy favored thing. I have sunken at the depth of darkness. How painful it was. How sad and empty it was. They were all caused by me. It was caused as I have abandoned and lost my true self of love.
It was conveyed straight to me. It was conveyed to me. I could accept it. I met what I could believe. It was Albert, the vibration of Albert. The universe has changed. The universe has awakened.

I can only be thankful that my consciousness has reached this lifetime where it can know the world of my true self firmly and powerfully. I am happy and thankful for the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. To be able to do so is just thankful, thankful to my mother.
Because my mother gave my consciousness a physical body, because she gave birth to me, I can feel and expand the world of true vibrations within my consciousness in this way. No matter could be happier and more blessed for my consciousness. My consciousness sank into the depths of total darkness. How deeply my consciousness suffered. More, how empty and sad my consciousness was. It was all caused by my own consciousness. This was because my consciousness had abandoned and lost sight of my true self, myself of love.
My consciousness was conveyed the truth. My consciousness was delivered the truth. The truth was conveyed and delivered straight to my consciousness. Oh, the truth reached my consciousness. My consciousness was able to accept the truth. My consciousness had an encounter with a reliable thing. It was Albert's vibrations. The selves like universe in my consciousness have changed. The selves like universe in my consciousness have awakened to the true self.




I don't need anything. I really don't need anything. Now that what I have decided in my heart has become a reality, all I need to do is think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and space of mother.

I am grateful for this current time when I get to know my thoughts and to be able to live with them. I have put all my energy into this life. It was about how much thought I put into this life.

My mother gave me a physical form. She raised me with great care. She invited me to this study. It was more than enough love. I had arranged everything, and there was no way I could not get results from this.

Not much time is left until the final period. We are in the midst of a joyful plan. Let's face ourselves firmly and walk on the further steps within us.

We are the consciousness that has sunk into darkness, that’s why we hold tremendous energy. We're going to transform that energy into joy, and transcend dimensions all at once. The stage is already set.
3652) 何も要らない。本当に何も要らないです。心に決めてきたことが現実となっている今、ただ思うは田池留吉、アルバート、そして母なる宇宙です。

3652) I don’t need anything. Truly, I need nothing at all. What I held dear in my heart has now become reality. My thoughts are only of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and the warm embrace of the Mother Universe.

I’m so grateful to be living in this moment, where I can fully understand my own feelings and live alongside them. I’ve poured everything into this lifetime. The depth of the love and intention I’ve placed here is immense.

I received this body from my mother. She raised me with such love and care, and led me to this path of learning. Her love was more than enough, overflowing in abundance. Everything has been prepared for me, so there’s no way I won’t succeed.

There’s only a little time left until the final phase. I’m part of this wonderfully joyful plan. I’ll continue to face myself with sincerity and take even further steps within my own being.

Because I once existed in darkness, I carry a tremendous energy within me. I will turn that energy into joy, pure joy, and soar beyond the dimensions in one grand sweep. The stage has already been set.

I need nothing at all. It is just Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother universe at present when my determination in heart becomes real.
I am thankful for the present time when I learn and live with my such thoughts. I staked on this lifetime. It was the matter, how much thoughts I put into this lifetime.
I was given my physical being by my mother and was raised carefully. Then I was led to this study. It was overfull love. I should not fail to obtain the result as everything was provided.
It is just a little time until the final stage. We are in the joyful plan. Let us face ourselves firmly and step forward within us.
We have huge energies as we are the consciousnesses sunken in darkness. We turn such energies to joy and transcend the dimension at once. Such stage planning has already been completed.
We don't need any special thing or condition to fulfill the purpose. We really don't need anything. Now that what our consciousness has determined to do has become a reality, all we should think of is the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the consciousness of Mother Universe. 
We are grateful that we have firmly known such a desire of our consciousness, and that we have been able to maintain the body in which our consciousness dwells with these desires. We have put our hope in this lifetime. It means that we cannot measure how much hope our consciousness has put into this lifetime.
I was given a physical body by my mother. I was carefully nurtured. And I have been invited to this learning. These show I have been given more than enough love. I have been provided with everything, so how can I not get a good result from this?
There is only little time left until the final period of this three-dimensional world. Our consciousness is in the midst of a joyful plan. Let us look into our consciousness firmly and then move our consciousness further forward.
Our consciousness holds enormous energy because it has been submerged in darkness. We can cross dimensions at once by transforming that energy into joy. The setting of that stage has already been completed.

Open your heart more and more in the joy of thinking and being able to think. Calmly think of space with joy without being defensive or nervous. Think of yourself. There are many, many friends. Let’s walk together. It’s the joy and happiness of moving forward together to return to mother.

We had no choice but to struggle, suffer, and sink in the end. We crawled up from such a situation. Please remember how you have put all the energies into the present physical form, hoping “next time for sure!”.

The cry in the heart is a sorrowful cry. But please know more of its depths. This life is once in a million chance when we can do that. It is once in a million chance when we can see it as a cry of joy.

Make our hearts one and think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and space of mother straightforwardly. It is only one joy.
3651) 思う喜びと思える喜びの中で、どんどん心を開いていきましょう。構えることなく気張ることなく、淡々とそして喜びで宇宙を思う。自分自身を思っていきましょう。たくさんのたくさんの仲間がいます。ともに歩みを。母の許へ帰ろうとともに歩みを進めていく喜びと幸せです。

3651) Let’s continue to open our hearts in the joy of thinking and feeling. Without putting up barriers, without forcing ourselves, let’s calmly and joyfully reflect on the universe. Let us also reflect on ourselves. There are many, many companions on this journey. Together, we walk the path toward returning to the embrace of the Mother. It is a journey filled with joy and happiness.

We once struggled, suffered, and gasped for air, only to eventually sink. But we have crawled our way back up from those depths. Now, remember deeply the resolve you placed in your current physical form, thinking, "This time, for sure. This time, I will make it."

The cries from our hearts were cries of deep pain. But no, look even deeper than that. This lifetime has provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do so. It is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear those cries as cries of joy.

3651) Let us unite our hearts and focus directly on Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and the Mother Universe. This is our one and only true joy.

Let us open our hearts ever wider in the joy of contemplation and in the joy of being able to contemplate. Without pretense or strain, let us quietly and joyfully reflect upon the vastness of the universe. Turn your thoughts inward toward your true self. Know that we are not alone—countless companions walk alongside us. Together, we journey with joy and happiness, returning to the embrace of the Mother Universe.

We once struggled, suffered, and gasped for breath, only to be swallowed by despair. Yet, we have risen from those depths. Now, recall with clarity the fervent resolve you placed in this lifetime, pledging, "This time, without fail. This time, I shall succeed."

The cries of the heart were once cries of profound sorrow. But no—look deeper still. In this life, we have been granted a rare and precious opportunity. It is a moment in which those cries may be transformed into shouts of joy.

Let us unite our hearts and direct them unwaveringly toward Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and the Mother Universe. In this, we discover the singular joy that transcends all.

Let us open our hearts in joy to think and be able to think. Let us do not brace or exert ourselves but think of universes and ourselves calmly and joyfully. There are many colleagues. It is happy and joyful to go forward returning to mother together.
We have struggled, suffered, heaved and finally sunken. We crawled up from there. Please remember firmly your thoughts put on the present physical being.
Please learn your grievous cry and depth more. This lifetime was once in a million opportunity to do it. It was the once in a million opportunity to grab it as joyful cry.
It is only joy to unite the hearts and think of straight Tomekichi Taike, Albert and mother universe.
Let us open our consciousness more and more, while feeling the joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi's consciousness and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible. Let us think of the primordial consciousness of the Universe with joy, without being nervous or over-enthusiastic. Let us think of our true self in our consciousness. We have so many friends of consciousness. Let us move forward into the future together. It is a joy and happiness to find the Mother's consciousness in our consciousness and to carry our consciousness forward into the future.
If our consciousness would stay in the same state as before, it would have no choice to struggle, pant and finally sink into the darkness. Our consciousness has tried to crawl up from that situation. Let us firmly recall the determination that we have put everything into this life by dwelling in the present body with the determination that this time we will break through this situation.
Our consciousness is screaming out in grief. No, no, let's find out more about what lies behind that plaintive cry. This life is a once-in-a-thousand opportunity to do so. This life is a once-in-a-thousand opportunity for our consciousness to re-realize conversely our cries of grief as cries of joy.
Let us unite the myriad selves in our consciousness into one to think straight about the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, the consciousness of Mother Universe. That is our only joy.

Let’s think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and space of mother, and live a daily life calmly. We have been within joy, happiness, and warmth.
We should know our foolish selves who looked for and sought joy, happiness, and warmth outward, and sunk into the depths of suffering. That is why we have a physical form. Let’s encounter our foolish selves more and more, and realize with all our hearts that we actually were not.

I am glad. I am happy. Let’s look in the same direction together and walk together to really return to joy, happiness, warmth, and peace.

Thank you, mother. Thank you for giving me birth, giving me a physical form. Thank you for fulfilling my dream. Please savor the joy and happiness of being able to say and think that from the bottom of your heart. Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and space of mother. Direct and align the needle of our hearts to that world of vibrations and let’s walk together.
3650) 田池留吉、アルバート、母なる宇宙を思い、そして日々の生活を淡々としていこう。喜びの中に幸せ、温もりの中にあった、ある自分達でした。

3650) Let us quietly reflect on Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and the Mother Universe as we go about our daily lives. We have always been, and continue to be, beings who live in joy, happiness, and warmth.

We often seek joy, happiness, and warmth outside of ourselves, only to sink deeper into suffering. It is important to recognize our own foolishness in this regard. This is why we exist in physical form. By confronting our misguided selves, we can come to truly understand that we were never meant to live in this way.

It fills me with joy. It fills me with happiness. Together, let us look in the same direction and walk the path that brings us back to true joy, happiness, warmth, and peace.

Thank you, Mother. Thank you for giving me life, for giving me a physical form. Thank you for making my desires come true. Please savor the joy and happiness of being able to express these words from the heart—truly, from the heart.

Ah, Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and the Mother Universe. Let us align the compass of our hearts with this world of vibrations and walk together, always together.

固有名詞:田池留吉=Taike Tomekichi

Let's live everyday life indifferently, while thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and Albert, and the consciousness of Mother Universe. Our consciousness has originally continued to be in joy, happiness and warmth.
We should just know the foolish false self that searched and sought joy, happiness and warmth outside of its own consciousness, and as a result, sunk its own consciousness deep into the depths of suffering. This is why our consciousness has one form by dwelling in the physical body. Let's encounter more and more of our foolish false selves, and then let us come to realize with our consciousness that our true self was not originally like that.
We are glad and happy. Let us turn together our consciousness to the same object and then continue to take measures to revive in our consciousness its true nature: joy, happiness, warmth and relief.
Thank you, my mother. Thank you for giving birth and giving my consciousness a body. Thank you for fulfilling the wish of my consciousness. Let's enjoy the joy and happiness that we can really say and think of in this way with our consciousness. Oh, let us turn our consciousness to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the consciousness of Mother Universe. Let us turn our consciousness to the world of those vibrations and make the vibrations of our consciousness the same with those vibrations, and let us proceed our consciousness together to the future.
Let us think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert, mother universe and spend the daily lives calmly. It was us who were in joy, happiness and warmth.
It is good enough for us to learn our stupid selves that have sought joy, happiness and warmth outward and have sunken ourselves at the depth of suffering. We have our physical beings for it. Let us meet our stupid selves more and learn that it was not right.
We are happy and joyful. Let us face the same direction and return together into joy, happiness and warmth.
Thank you, mother for giving birth to me and my physical being and fulfilled my wish. Please savor joy and happiness to think and say it from your heart. It is Tomekichi Taike, Albert, mother universe. Let us turn and tune the heart’s pointers to the vibrational world together.

If we truly know that we continue to live in the world of consciousness, the world of vibrations, where there is great accuracy, there will be nothing but joy, happiness, and gratitude. It is the world of 1 + 2 = 3. It is the world of true consciousness, the world of vibrations. Let’s think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and mother, and return to the homeland in our hearts. It is our homeland. It is the only homeland. It is love. It is space of mother. Let’s confirm the path that we have jumped out and deeply suffered, and return to our original path. It is a firm, firm determination, a promise. No more betraying ourselves, let’s just walk straight on the path to return to joy, happiness, and warmth.

Thank you, Earth. Thank you for receiving our energy. We will surely confirm the energy we have emitted through our physical forms. The consciousness that had sunk into darkness, into pitch-black darkness, finally lit up with a bright sign. Thank you so much, Earth!
3649) 一分の狂いもない意識の世界、波動の世界に生き続けている私達だと、本当に心から知っていけば、それはもう喜びと幸せ、ありがとうしかないでしょう。1+2=3の世界でした。それが真なる意識の世界、波動の世界でした。田池留吉、アルバートを思い、母を思い、そして心のふるさとへ帰っていこう。ふるさとです。たったひとつのふるさとです。愛です。母なる宇宙です。そこから飛び出して苦しみ喘いできた自分の軌跡をしっかりと確認して、本来の軌道に乗っていきましょう。固い固い決意、約束です。自分をもう裏切ることなく、喜びと幸せ、温もりの中へ戻っていく道をただ真っ直ぐにです。

If we come to truly understand from the depths of our hearts that we are living in the world of consciousness and vibrations, a world without a single deviation, there will be nothing but joy, happiness, and gratitude. It is like the simple equation of 1+2=3. That is the true world of consciousness, the world of vibrations. Think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and Mother, and let us return to our true home. It is our home—the one and only home. It is love. It is Mother Universe.

As we clearly recognize the path we have taken, having suffered since we strayed from that home, let us return to our original course. This is our firm and unshakable resolve, a promise we have made to ourselves. Without betraying ourselves any longer, let us walk straight on the path back to joy, happiness, and warmth.

Earth, thank you. Thank you for receiving our energy. Through our physical forms, we will clearly confront the energy we have released. To the consciousness that sank into total darkness, a glimmer of light has finally appeared. Earth, we truly thank you.


If we truly and sincerely come to know that our consciousness continues to exist in the world of consciousness, a world of vibrations where there is not a single minute of error, then we will have nothing but joy, happiness and gratitude. The world of consciousness is a world with the law of 1 + 2 = 3. The existence of that law is the world of true consciousness, the world of vibrations. Let us revive in our consciousness the original nature of our consciousness, thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, Albert and mother. The original nature of our consciousness is a target to reclaim. It is the only target. It is love and the consciousness of the Mother Universe. Let us revive our original way of being by firmly identifying our way of being in past lives, in which our consciousness has suffered and panted by missing the original nature of our consciousness. Let us make a tremendously firm decision and promise our consciousness. Let us never betray our true self again and just take straight the measures that will restore joy, happiness and warmth to our consciousness.
Thank you, Earth, for accepting the energy of our consciousness. We are firmly confirming the energy that our consciousness exhales, through the physical body in which our consciousness dwells. A silver lining is finally lit up in our consciousness, which had been submerged in darkness or pitch darkness. Thank you so much, Earth.

Once we leave the seminar hall, each of us will begin our daily life. It would be wonderful if that rhythm matches the rhythm of space and you spend your daily life in that rhythm. Let’s think of space. Let’s have a time of having a physical form where we think of space to which we, as energy, are returning, and live a present time with gratitude.

Finally, at last, this present time has arrived. Always check your earnest desire within you. We who can have the time to meditate together and learn about the world of vibrations at the seminar are truly fortunate.

Please think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and space of mother. Have such a time as much as possible and make your present life where you can fulfill your solid promise to yourself. It was joy and happiness to learn together in the circle of UTA.
3648) セミナー会場を去れば、それぞれに日常の生活が始まります。そのリズムが宇宙のリズムに合ってくれば、その中で日常が始まっていけばいいのではないでしょうか。宇宙を思っていきましょう。エネルギーである私達が帰っていく宇宙を思い、肉を持っている今をありがとうで生きていく、そんな肉を持つ時間としていきましょう。

When you leave the seminar venue, your daily life resumes. But if your rhythm aligns with the rhythm of the universe, wouldn't it be wonderful for your daily life to begin within that flow? Let’s think about the universe. Let’s live this time with a physical body by remembering the universe to which we, as energy, are returning, and by feeling gratitude for the life we have now.

This moment, which we have finally, at long last, arrived at, is precious. Please constantly reaffirm the deep yearning within yourself. We are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to spend time meditating together at the seminar and to learn about the world of vibrations.

Think of Taike Tomekichi, Albert, and Mother Universe. Make time for this as much as possible, and live this lifetime fulfilling the firm promise you made to yourself. It is a joy and happiness to be able to learn together within the circle of UTA.


Each daily life begins when we leave the seminar hall. It may be good if the rhythm in life is tuned to the rhythm of universe and the daily life begins there. Let us think of the universe. Let us have the time with physical beings to think of the universe where we the energies return and live in the present time with physical beings thankfully.
It is the present time that we met finally. Please always confirm the earnest wish within you. We are so happy to have the time of meditation together at the seminar hall and study the world of vibration.
Please think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert and Mother universe. Please have this lifetime to have such time and fulfill the firm promise made with yourself. It was joy and happiness to learn together in UTA circle.
Once we leave the seminar hall, daily life begins for each of us. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start our daily life with a rhythm that matches the rhythm of the universe in our consciousness? Let us think of the universe in our consciousness. Let us work to spend our present time dwelling in the physical body with gratitude, hoping that our consciousness, which is energy, will revive the original consciousness of the universe within it.
At last, at long last, our consciousness has come to the moment of now. Let us constantly check the earnest hope in our own consciousness. Our consciousness is really happy, because it can have the time to meditate together and learn about the world of vibrations in the seminar hall, with dwelling in the body.
Let us think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, Albert and Mother Universe. Let's spend time in such a way as much as possible and fulfil our firm and solid promise to our true self in this life. It is a joy and happiness to learn together in the circle of UTA.

To think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert with straight and pure innocent thoughts. That’s right. To think with the thoughts when we are zero-year. To think with entrustment and peacefulness.

Nothing could be happier than this. Just to return to warmth, joy, and peacefulness, our original selves.

It is really depending on the direction of your heart’s needle. It only depends on this one point; what you think, can think, whether or not you can really direct your thoughts to Taike Tomekichi and Albert.

All the rest is darkness. Everything is darkness except for Taike Tomekichi and Albert.

Just keep this one point in our hearts, let’s simply exist with joy and thankfulness.

The path is clearly shown to us, asking us to let go of what is grasping, and holding in our hearts. We are glad. We are happy. It is full of joy, thankfulness, and true kindness and warmth.
3647) 真っ直ぐに純な無垢な思いで田池留吉、アルバートをただ思う。そうです、ゼロ歳の思いで思う。すべてを委ねて安らぎの中で思う。

 Think of Taike Tomekichi and Albert with pure, innocent, and straightforward thoughts. Yes, think with the heart of a newborn, entrusting everything and thinking in a state of peace.

Ah, there is no greater happiness than this. We are simply returning, going back to our original selves, into warmth, joy, and peace.

It all comes down to the one point—where do we direct the needle of our hearts? What do we think of? Can we truly turn our thoughts toward Taike Tomekichi and Albert? This is the only thing that matters.

Everything else is darkness. Everything outside of Taike Tomekichi and Albert is darkness.

Let us live with this single focus in our hearts, simply rejoicing, thanking, and existing.

The path has been clearly shown—release everything that you have been holding onto, grasping, or clinging to in your heart. I feel joy, I feel happiness. I am filled with joy, gratitude, and true kindness and warmth.

I think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert straight with pure and innocent thoughts. Yes, I think of it with thoughts of infant aged zero. I leave everything and think of it in peace.
There is nothing but such happiness. I just return into warmth, joy, peace and our true natures.
It is just the direction of heart’s pointer. It is just the point what I can think, whether I can really turn our thoughts to Tomekichi Taike, Albert.
Everything else is darkness except Tomekiochi Taike, Albert.
Let us exist having only the point in our hearts simply, joyfully and thankfully.
The path is indicated clearly to leave everything grabbed and held in heart.
It is happy and joyful, isn’t it? It is filled with joy, thanks, true joy and warmth.
I just think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert with straight, pure and innocent feelings. Yes, I think of that consciousness with the feeling I had when I was zero years old. I give everything over to that consciousness and think of that consciousness with peace of mind.
Oh, we could not be happier. We will only restore warmth, joy and peace of mind, that is, the original true self, into our consciousness.
It is really only the object we direct our consciousness towards that will determine the future of our consciousness. Only what we can think about, that is, whether we can really direct our consciousness towards the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, is vital.
Everything within our consciousness, except the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert, is darkness.
Let us hold this only one point in our consciousness and simply exist with joy and gratitude.
The measures to let our consciousness go of what we are grasping, capturing and holding onto in our consciousness are clearly pointed out. I am glad and happy. My consciousness is full of joy, gratitude and true kindness and warmth.

To think of Taike Tomekichi, this was the greatest and only love. Together with the physical form of Tomekichi, we were able to learn the world of his vibrations. We are the happiest beings. There is nothing happier than this. Please truly and sincerely savor the joy and happiness of having a physical form in this life and now.

The more we think of, the more we meditate on it, the more we will feel that we are truly happy.

With making our hearts one, let’s walk forward in the direction that Taike Tomekichi and Albert are showing us. Space is waiting for us. Let’s walk on a straight path return to our homeland in our hearts, space of mother straightforwardly.

I am happy. I am just happy to be able to tell myself that. Thank you so much, thank you so much is all I can say. My heart, which has crawled up from the pitch-dark world of consciousness where I have been crazed, is screaming so.
3646) 田池留吉を思いなさいということ、これは最大の唯一の愛でした。田池留吉の肉とともに、その波動の世界を学ばせていただいたんです。最高に最高に幸せな私達です。これ以上のものはありません。今世、今その肉を持っている喜びと幸せを本当に心から味わってください。

 To think of Taike Tomekichi—this was the greatest and only true expression of love. We had the privilege of learning about the world of vibrations together with the physical form of Taike Tomekichi. We are immensely fortunate—there is nothing greater than this. Please, from the depths of your heart, savor the joy and happiness of having a physical body in this lifetime, right now.

The more you think, the more you meditate, the more it resonates within you, revealing just how truly blessed we are.

Let us unite our hearts and move forward in the direction pointed out by Taike Tomekichi and Albert. The universe is waiting for us. Let us walk straight on the one path that leads us back to our true home, the home of our hearts—Mother Universe.

It brings such joy. To be able to convey this to myself fills me with pure happiness. All I can say is thank you—thank you so much. My heart, having risen from the depths of a world of distorted consciousness and complete darkness, cries out in gratitude.

It is only and largest love to think of Tomekichi Taike. We could learn its world of vibration together with physical being of Tomekichi Taike. We are happiest people. There is nothing more than it. Please savor joy and happiness in your heart to have your physical being in this lifetime.
It is conveyed and resonated that we are really happy people as much as we think of it and repeat the meditation.
Let us unite our hearts and go forward to the direction indicated by Tomekichi Taike, Albert. Universe awaits us. Let us go forward straight on the path returning to our homeland in hearts, mother universe.
It is joyful to convey to me that I am joyful. It only comes out that I really thank you. My heart that has crawled up from crazed darkness cries so.
It is greatest and only love for our consciousness to be directed to think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi. Our consciousness shared the time and space together with the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi by dwelling in the body, and learned about the world of his vibrations. Our consciousness is supremely, supremely happy. Nothing could be better than this. Let our consciousness really taste the joy and happiness to spend time in such a way while dwelling in a physical body in this life.
The more we think of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, the more we meditate on his consciousness, the more it echoes back to us that our consciousness is truly a happy being.
Let us continuously push forward our consciousness by prompting all selves inside our consciousness in such a way that the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert directed. The primordial consciousness of the universe within our consciousness awaits our consciousness to revive. Let us work straight into the only measure that will revive our primordial consciousness, the consciousness of Mother Universe, in our consciousness.
I am happy. I am just happy to be able to tell my consciousness that. All I have in my consciousness is really nothing but thankfulness and gratitude. My consciousness has crawled out of the dark world of consciousness where it had gone seriously crazy, and is screaming so.

There was no suffering, no sorrow, nothing. There was only joy, warmth, a world of happy, endlessly expanding vibrations. That is what we need to understand in each of our hearts. It was the deep feeling contained in the short message, “Look inside your heart”.

Let’s do what we can and should do who have created pitch-black darkness to revive our true selves and the true world in our hearts. Let’s center ourselves on the fact that we have reached the time of this life for this, and turn from physical to consciousness smoothly.

Let’s s see and feel the flow of consciousness within us, go with the flow, and accept our future with joy and thankfulness. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.

Keep the joy and happiness in your heart to deepen your belief in yourself, and make steady progress, one step at a time. The joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi and Albert will expand endlessly.
3645) 苦しみも哀しみも何もなかった。あるのは喜びだけ、温もりだけ、幸せなどこまでも広がっていく波動の世界だけでした。このことをそれぞれの心で分かってくださいということでした。心を見てくださいという短いメッセージに込められている思いの深さでした。

 There was no suffering, no sorrow—only joy, only warmth, and the endlessly expanding vibrations of happiness. We were asked to understand this in our hearts. It was a deep message conveyed through the simple phrase: "Look within your heart."

Let us firmly do what we can and should do now, as the ones who created the darkness. Let us revive our true selves and our original world within our hearts. Embrace this lifetime as the opportunity to shift from a physical-centered existence to a consciousness-centered one, moving forward without hesitation.

See and feel the flow of consciousness within yourself, and ride that flow with joy and gratitude as you accept the future that awaits you. From the depths of my heart, I thank you.

Hold the joy and happiness of deepening your trust in yourself, and take each step forward with steady determination. The joy of thinking of Taike Tomekichi and Albert expands endlessly.

There was no suffering, sorrow or nothing. There was only joy, warmth and happy vibration spreading infinitely. It was required to learn it in the heart of everybody. It was the deep meaning put in the short message to look within heart.
Let us do firmly what we can and must do now and awaken to our true natures and world. Let us focus on this lifetime that we have met for it and proceed the turnaround from physical world to conscious world without delay.
Let us look and sense the flow of consciousness within us, join the flow and accept our futures joyfully and thankfully. It is so thankful from our hearts.
Please have joy and happiness to deepen the belief for us and step forward steadily. Joy to think of Tomekichi Taike, Albert spreads infinitely.
There was originally nothing of suffering or sorrow in the world of consciousness. That world was an endlessly expanding world of vibrations where there was only joy, only warmth, only happiness. Taike Tomekichi's consciousness instructed us to know this in our own consciousness. His short message to tell us to look into our consciousness was filled with deep meaning like this.
We have created a pitch dark world in our consciousness, but let us firmly carry out what we can and should do now, and revive the original form or world into our consciousness. Let us put on the center of our livung purpose the fact that our consciousness has come to the time of this life to carry out that, and let us proceed without delay to turn the perception about our essence from the body to consciousness.
Let us feel and confirm the stream of consciousness in our consciousness, and then follow that stream to accept our future with joy and with gratitude. This brings us gratitude from the bottom of our consciousness.
Let us hold within our own consciousness the joy and happiness of deepening trust in our true self and move steadily forward, step by step. The joy of thinking of the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi or Albert and the joy of being in a situation where this is possible are infinitely expanding.

No matter how hard you work with your physical form, you will never know the truth. You will never encounter the truth within you. Then, of course, you cannot free yourself from suffering. In this life, you contacted this study as you wished. Not knowing that you are sinking into the depths of pitch-black darkness and spending the pitiful time of having a physical form should be resolved by all means. That is the minimum result line of learning.

To look inside the heart is to face the cries and appeals of your heart. That can only be done in mother’s warmth. Lead yourself from a life that is driven by darkness to a life that returns into bright warmth and peace with that darkness, and move forward into the world of thoughts that say, “I am truly glad to have been born,” “Thank you for letting me have a physical form,” “I am glad,” and “I am happy,” more and more.

The world of these thoughts will naturally call space. It will expand the joy and happiness of directing your heart to space with the thought of “together, together”.

3644)No matter how hard you try with your physical efforts, you cannot understand the truth. You will not encounter the truth within yourself, and naturally, you won’t be able to free yourself from suffering. In this lifetime, you have had the opportunity to engage with learning as you wished. Without realizing that you are sinking into the depths of darkness, you are simply spending time in the physical body. Please resolve within yourself the pitiful state of merely passing time in the flesh. This is the minimum result you should achieve from your learning.

To look into your heart means to face the cries and appeals of your heart head-on. This is something that can only be done within the warmth of the mother. Steer your life away from one driven by darkness, and with that darkness, guide yourself into a life filled with light, warmth, and peace. Let’s move forward into a world of thought where you can truly say from your heart, "I am glad I was born, thank you for giving me this body, I am happy, I am blessed.

Truth is not learned no matter how much you strive physically. You never meet the truth within you. Then you cannot release yourself from the sufferings. You have met the study as you wished in this lifetime. Please resolve the pitifulness to spend the time with physical being without knowing yourself sunken in the depth of darkness. It is the minimum outcome of study.
What to look within heart is to accept the scream and appeal from your heart straight. It is made only in the warmth of mother. Let us change the direction from the lives pushed by the darkness to the lives returning to cheerful warmth and peace together with darkness. Let us go forward into thankful, joyful and happy world of thoughts as we were given birth.
Such world of thoughts calls universe naturally. It spreads joy and happiness to turn the heart to universe with thoughts to be together.
No matter how hard we try if our consciousness has the perception that our essence is the physical body, we cannot know the truth. We cannot find the truth in our own consciousness. If our consciousness remains in such a state, it is natural that we cannot free our consciousness from suffering. 
In this lifetime, our consciousness has really touched this learning as we wish. Let us at all costs dissolve the pity of spending time when our consciousness is just dwelling in the physical body, not knowing that our consciousness has been sinking into the depths of total darkness. That is the minimum result to be reached in this study.
To observe what state our own consciousness is in, we need to accept our own cries and appeals head-on. It can only be done if we maintain the warmth of the Mother in our consciousness. Let us change our goal from a life in which our consciousness is driven by darkness to a life in which bright warmth and peacefulness are restored to our consciousness along with that darkness, and let us expand more and more into our consciousness a world of bright gratitude that say, "I am truly happy to have been born, thank you for letting me dwell in a body, I am so happy."
When we establish such a world of thoughts in our consciousness, we naturally recall the primordial consciousness of the universe. The joy and happiness of maintaining the primordial consciousness of the universe in our consciousness will spread.

Thank you is all we can say. Not a moral thank you, but a thought that came naturally from our hearts was thank you. We continue to be kept alive in the gentle mother’s warmth. The only way to truly know this in our hearts in the physical world is to settle the direction of the needle of our hearts. All we need to do is to align the needle of the heart in the right direction, the only right direction. Know this straight and firmly through the physical world.

How loved, cared for, and accepted we are, will echo more and more in our hearts. All we needed to do was to direct and align our hearts. Let's revive ourselves in our hearts who is in gratitude, joy, happiness, and warmth.

Warm and joyful space will expand. Space is happy to know that we can return to our homeland, space of mother. Let’s unite our hearts and take joyful steps forward. Respond straight to this call and invitation for further steps beyond dimensions.

3643)There is nothing but gratitude. Not a moralistic gratitude, but a feeling that naturally and genuinely arises from the heart—it was gratitude. I continue to live within the gentle, tender warmth of my mother. To truly understand this from the heart in a tangible form, there is no other way but to firmly decide where to direct the needle of the heart. We can only point the needle of the heart toward the one and only correct direction. Let us learn this truth clearly and steadily through the world of form.

Ah, the realization of how deeply we are loved, cherished, and accepted resonates more and more within my heart. All we had to do was align ourselves. Thank you, thank you—let us revive in our hearts the joy, happiness, and warmth in which we exist.

The universe of warmth and the universe of joy are expanding. Ah, knowing that we can return to our homeland, the mother universe, brings immeasurable joy to the universe. Let us unite our hearts and move forward on the path of joy. Please respond straight to this invitation and call to continue your journey beyond dimensions.


3643)There is nothing but "thank you." Not a moralistic "thank you," but a feeling that naturally and genuinely arises from the heart—it was simply "thank you." I continue to live within the gentle and tender warmth of my mother. To truly understand this in a tangible way from the heart, there is no other way but to firmly decide where to direct the needle of the heart. We can only point the needle of the heart toward the one and only correct direction. Let us learn this truth clearly and steadily through the world of form.

Ah, the realization of how deeply we are loved, cherished, and accepted resonates ever more strongly within my heart. All we had to do was align ourselves. "Thank you, thank you"—let us revive in our hearts the joy, happiness, and warmth in which we exist.

The universe of warmth and the universe of joy continue to expand. Ah, knowing that we can return to our homeland, the mother universe, brings immeasurable joy to the universe. Let us unite our hearts and move forward on the path of joy. Respond directly to this invitation and call to continue your journey beyond dimensions.

There is nothing but thanks. The thoughts welling up naturally from heart was thanks instead of moral appreciation. We are kept living in the warmth of gentle mother. We have to fix the direction of heart’s pointers in order to really learn it in our hearts while we live in the physical world. It is only to turn and tune our heart’s pointers just to the right direction. Let us learn it straight firmly through the physical world.
It resonates in my heart more how much I am loved, cared and accepted. I have to just turn and tune my heart. I thank you for it. Let us reawaken to ourselves in joy, happiness and warmth.
Warm and joyful universe spreads. How joyful the universes are when they have learned to be able to return to our homeland, mother universe. Let us unite our hearts and go forward on the joyful path. Please respond straight to the call and lead to transcend the dimension and step forward.
For our consciousness, the fact that it is now dwelling in a physical body and existing is only gratitude. The gratitude is not gratitude in the moral sense, but gratitude that comes spontaneously from the depths of our consciousness. Our consciousness is allowed to continue existing in the gentle, calm warmth of the Mother's consciousness. The only way to really know this for our consciousness, which exists in the world of form, is to make sure that the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi is present in our consciousness. All we have to do is to make sure that the right object that we direct our consciousness towards, the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi, is in our consciousness. Let us realize this straight and firmly through the world of form.
Oh, how much loved, cherished and accepted our consciousness is, it's resonating more and more in our consciousness. All we have to do was to turn our attention to the consciousness of Taike Tomekichi and to confirm that his consciousness is in our consciousness. Thank you, thank you. Let us revive the true self in our consciousness that is in joy, happiness and warmth.
Warm universe-like selves or joyful universe-like selves spread into our consciousness. Oh, how pleased the universe-like selves in our consciousness are to know that we can regain the consciousness of Mother Universe, our original consciousness! Let us put those selves all together as one in our consciousness and continue to exist joyfully. Let's respond straight away to the call to continue to exist beyond the dimensions.
