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あなたの心の中を覗いてみてください。あなたは会社で、自分の部下、同僚、上司と争っていないでしょうか? また、家庭ではどうでしょう? もしあなたが主婦なら、ご主人や舅・姑と、旦那さんの立場なら奥さんや家族と争っていませんか?





"Everyone knows that fighting is wrong.
Even though everyone knows this, war does not disappear from the world.
Why is that?"

Before we start thinking about the world or war, let's first consider our own surroundings. Look inside your heart. Are you not in conflict with your subordinates, colleagues, or superiors at work? And what about at home? If you are a housewife, are you in conflict with your husband, in-laws, or others? If you're a husband, are you in conflict with your wife or family?

Even if outwardly you seem to be living a happy life, how does your heart feel? Can you proudly say that you live every day with happiness and abundance? It seems that the seeds of war do not lie outside of us but within ourselves. Many people fail to realize this and instead seek external causes, believing that if the outside world changes, everything will improve. This is a classic example of the proverb "darkness lies just under the lamp," and it reflects the state of our hearts, which in turn mirrors the state of our society and the world today.

When there's something wrong with our bodies, doctors can diagnose it at a hospital. However, no one can find the flaws or distortions in our hearts unless we are willing to look at them ourselves. In fact, most people think, "I'm right, and the problem lies with others," never considering that the cause might be within themselves. This is how our minds operate.

The philosophy behind UTA Book's publishing is to encourage people to think, "All causes lie within myself," and instead of trying to change the outside world, to focus on looking within and changing themselves. Without this "shift in consciousness," nothing will truly change. We aim to share this simple truth with as many people as possible, so they can lead truly happy lives. This is the publishing philosophy of UTA Book, and it is the reason we continue our publishing activities.